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Chapter 345 Who is not a bad person?

"A Heng, do you really hate me so much? Don't you know that I asked you to leave Kunlun just for my own good?"

Ningshuang spoke to Yuheng with red eyes, affectionately.

Speaking of which, if Thunder Dragon didn't know who this girl was, he would probably be deceived by her. After all, she was pure, bright, and charming in her clothes. She was the kind of person who would lick a dog even if he stabbed it with a knife.

A goddess who always says, "She must like me, otherwise why would she only stab me and not others?"

At this moment, the goddess walked off the stage, put down her superior figure and stood in front of Yu Heng. She started to target a little virgin with a pear-shaped posture and a weak tone. Thunder Dragon felt that Yu Heng might not be able to handle it.

"A Heng, we grew up together. Have I lied to you?"

She took two steps forward again, raised her hand and gently caressed Yu Heng's face. There was a faint fragrance of flowers and trees on her body, just like the smell that had appeared in Yu Heng's dream when she was young.

Yu Heng's eyes looked upward, towards the direction of the main hall. In front of his eyes were the days when he was an ignorant child, when he and his senior sister were naughty, climbing up beams and pillars and throwing things down. He also thought about the days when he once thought he was handsome and sat on the roof.

The youthful feelings when looking up at the thousands of stars.

It seems like everything happened yesterday.

And just when Yu Heng was in a daze, a silver leaf suddenly appeared in Ning Shuang's palm. Her hand had slipped to Yu Heng's neck. Success or failure was decided at this moment.

But just when she was about to take action, Yu Heng's eyes came back, staring straight at Ning Shuang, and then suddenly showed a smile.

"Senior sister." Yu Heng whispered with a smile: "Do you know Liangyi Fist? It has a final killing move called Yuan Po."

Ningshuang instinctively felt bad, and the speed of her attack suddenly increased, but she did not expect that she suddenly felt that she had been hit by a move. This move did not make her feel pain immediately, but her body was not affected by it.

What is controlled becomes a plastic bag in the strong wind.

Yu Heng still maintained his original posture and did not move. He stretched his palm forward slightly, but it was only about less than ten centimeters. But the frost had penetrated the three walls and fell heavily in front of the statue in the main hall.


At this moment, she felt as if the meridians all over her body were broken into pieces. There was nothing flashy about it, but it knocked a practitioner with a decent level of cultivation directly from the sky to the earth. Although there was not much

The pain was felt, but Ningshuang desperately found that she could not bring up any breath at all. The sword energy on her body was also dispersed, and her meridians, sea of ​​​​qi, and Dantian had turned into a ball of paste.

She breathed heavily, and quickly took out the healing elixir she had on her body and put it into her mouth. However, the elixir that had worked no matter what in the past had no effect at all at this moment. Instead, she caused secondary damage to herself because of the forced exercise.

A mouthful of black blood spurted out, and then he fell unconscious.

At this moment, Yu Heng was just standing on the statue in front of the hall. He looked down at the crowd at his feet with a bit of pity in his eyes. After the disciples around him looked at me and me for a while, the first one among them

One person took the lead and knelt down, and then everyone else knelt down one after another.

"We sincerely welcome the sect master to return to Yuxu."

The voices below were getting louder and louder, but Yu Heng just raised his fingers lightly, and then the flying sword flew into the air. His feet suddenly exerted force, and then flew away. After holding the sword in both hands, it seemed to freeze time and stopped in the air.

, the flying sword condensed with scorching light, and the whole body was shrouded in firelight.

Then in the light and flames, he split Huashan Mountain like a bolt of lightning from top to bottom. At this moment, the sword energy was everywhere on Yuxu, and all the waste swords in Yuxu Sword Tomb rose into the air.

Then the swords of everyone present also joined the ranks.

The sword flow was rapid, making a rumbling sound, and then the sword formation closed up and rushed into the sky, exploding into a dazzling brilliance on the top of the high mountain foothills.

"The sword fell apart." The Jade Lion picked up a spicy stick and stuffed it into his mouth: "The last time it happened was thirteen hundred years ago."

Thunder Dragon pointed at Yu Heng and said, "How is this boy?"

"Hmph, the tricks I used are those of Old Monster Chen, but they are not as good as those of Old Monster Chen."

"Hey, boss, your requirements are too high. He's only a few years old and he's still growing up. If a man in his early twenties can do this, I'm asking you what kind of bike you want."

Thunder Dragon's words made Jade Lion stop saying anything. After all, it is indeed a bit difficult to ask a young man in his twenties to be the first person in the human race. Looking at it now, a former waste is in a short period of time.

To be able to reach such a level in such a short period of time is not an exaggeration to say that it is a miracle, not to mention that he can at least perform the unique skill of Sanjian, which is the best in the world.

After Yu Heng scattered his sword, the Yuxu Hall that he had just slashed through Huashan Mountain began to collapse from the middle, bit by bit. In the end, only a ruins, an abrupt statue of the founder, and the fainting figure were left.

Frost beneath the icon.

Yuheng turned back to look at those Yuxu disciples: "From now on, there will be no more Yuxu in the world. I will give you ten minutes to leave this place quickly."

Those disciples panicked, but then they saw Yu Heng lighting up the fire and lighting the Yuxu Sect directly. The fire was so fierce that it was like fire coming from heaven, making everyone panic.

Everyone present began to panic, and they began to think of ways to leave. The Yuxu Formation kept flashing, which showed that someone had begun to escape across the formation. Yu Heng did not stop them from leaving, but just watched quietly.

The raging fire in front of him burned the entire Yuxu Sect to the ground.

At this moment Ningshuang woke up and saw the scene around her. The chaotic scene made her furious and spurted out another mouthful of blood. She struggled to stand up with a wooden stick to support her, glared at Yu Heng, and then took a step

Take a step towards him.

Yu Heng, on the other hand, looked at Ning Shuang with a smile on his face, waiting quietly for her to come forward.

At this time, the Jade Lion also turned around and walked away slowly, because by now Kunlun's leader Yuxu had been completely destroyed, and the person who destroyed it was its legitimate master, so the Jade Lion had nothing to say.

And when Ningshuang stepped forward, she slapped Yu Heng with all her strength: "How dare you! You ruined Yuxu!"

"You ruined it."

Yu Heng did not dodge the slap but said with a smile: "Shengxu Bai Yujing, the sect named after Li Bai's poem, should have been pure and flawless. But now, this is the only way to make it clean."

The fire has now spread to the peach forest outside. The peach forest that once had flower petals floating all year round is now burning, the flames are devouring everything here crazily, and the once beautiful scenery is now only blazing and heroic.

At this time, a girl about three years old rushed out from the corner and hugged Ningshuang: "Mom... I'm afraid."

Yu Heng glanced down at her, squatted down and opened his hands to her: "Let's go, follow me."

Ningshuang looked down at her daughter while leaning on her staff, then seemed to have made up her mind and nodded towards her. The little girl then cautiously walked towards Yu Heng, and after Yu Heng picked her up, he raised his feet

He stamped his feet on the ground: "Mountains and rivers, the country map, return to your place!"

In an instant, the surrounding mountain protective formation disappeared instantly, and the extremely cold wind from Kunlun Mountain blew in. Yu Heng covered the girl with his anger, then raised his head and looked at Ningshuang: "Are you leaving? Actually, I don't hate you."

"But I hate you." Ningshuang looked up to the sky and smiled, then turned around and walked step by step into the sea of ​​fire.

Yu Heng watched her body being swallowed up by the flames. He covered the eyes of the girl in his arms with one hand, but he didn't say anything. He just watched his home and everything in his past being burned to ashes.

, gradually disappeared on the top of the vast Kunlun Mountains.

At this time, a scroll fell at Yu Heng's feet. He picked it up and put it in the girl's hand. Then he turned to look at Thunder Dragon, who spread his hands and said, "I think you should get rid of the root cause.


"I'm a human." Yu Heng glanced at Thunder Dragon with a smile.

"You mean I'm not a human being." Thunder Dragon snapped his fingers and opened the spiritual illusion: "Speak clearly to me."

Yu Heng followed him into it, and then handed him the sword: "Here you go."

"Damn it." Thunder Dragon glanced at the pretty kid and said, "If I really do it, my boss will have to peel off my skin and dry it to use as a bathroom mat."

"Then you let me do it?"

"Isn't this just a casual statement? She is a wild person anyway..."

Brontosaurus, who originally wanted to call him a bastard, saw the child's shining eyes, but couldn't say the last part of the sentence. He just sighed and said, "Whatever you do, it's all your business anyway."

Yu Heng always kept a smile on his face, but never said another word.

Coming out of the spiritual illusion, everyone saw Yu Heng coming out with a cute and pretty little girl in his arms. The girls immediately surrounded him, and the Thunder Dragon sat down in front of Brother Zhang and wiped out the little girl.

Things have been said once.

Brother Zhang lowered his head and silently made a grilled cheese bacon toast roll and put it on a plate for the brontosaurus to take to the children. The child was still very nervous now. She didn't know where she had come.

But she was obviously not afraid of strangers. Even though she was being hugged by many strange people, she always opened her eyes and curiously observed everything around her.

"His senior sister planned to wipe his neck directly, but you also know that he, Lao Chentou's disciple, was not sensitive to anything but very sensitive to murderous intent. At that time, he slapped the senior sister to pieces. Then he started from there.

Such a little thing ran out next to me. I bet she didn't know who her father was. Then Xiao Hengzi told her to come to her uncle. I suspected that he was a lolicon who wanted to release his desire for her sister into her sister's body.

On my daughter.”

Because of his nonsense, Thunder Dragon had a chopstick on his head, but he didn't care too much. He just sat there with his legs crossed and said: "He even told people to let her go with him, why didn't he hate her?

, but senior sister Ren didn’t agree, and then his senior sister jumped into the fire and was burned up all at once.”

Brother Zhang pointed to the scroll that was casually placed on the table: "What is this?"

"It's a map of mountains, rivers, and the country. Just unfold it."

Brother Zhang reached out and took it, and unfolded it with a slurp. It depicts thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and the scenery above is even constantly changing. There are homes and towns above, there are four distinct seasons, there are surging rivers, and there are people fishing alone in the cold.

Jiangxue also has the solitary smoke of the desert. Sometimes it is a bunch of simple lines, but sometimes it is a forest of red leaves dyed in the frosty sky.

Even if you watch it for a whole day, there is no trace of boredom or dullness. The endless changes are like depicting another world.

No wonder the Kunlun Formation is known as the best formation in the world. This is using another world as the center of the formation.

Brother Zhang raised his head and glanced at Yu Heng, then asked: "Do you want this?"

"No more." Yu Heng, who was eating, shook his head and said, "You can deal with it as you like."

Brother Zhang nodded, then walked around the store with the map of mountains and rivers, and then found a wall that looked empty and hung it up. Strangely enough, it was hung as a map of mountains and rivers.

In an instant, it was able to adapt to itself, and the entire wall was immediately covered. The scenery above was still changing all the time, but it had a different feeling than when looking at it in hand.

When it changes to midsummer, the humid and sultry wind can blow out, and there are bursts of cicada chirping. When it is in the coldest month of winter, the howling north wind seems to be right in front of you, and it will even feel as cold as white snow.

Brother Zhang stood in front of the map of mountains and rivers and watched it for a long time. He felt that this thing was indeed the best treasure in the world. If it were really thrown into the world, it would probably cause a bloody storm.

"Tell me when you want it."

"Okay." Yu Heng nodded and said, "It's best here. I can't protect it outside."

Yu Heng is a very down-to-earth person. He doesn't like to brag. He really doesn't have the confidence to protect such a treasure. With Xiao Zhang, even the Shanhe Shejitu itself will probably be very happy. After all, it will start from today.

It can become a real picture, rather than the formation eye of a certain formation.

"What are you going to do next?" Brother Zhang pointed to the child not far away who was raising his head and waiting for Xu Wei to feed him: "There is an extra child next to me."

"Actually, I didn't plan it, I just think that no matter what, the child is innocent." Yu Heng also smiled and glanced at the child: "Between her eyebrows, she looks like a senior sister. And now she is also me in this world.

My only relative. I take one step at a time, and I haven’t had time to think about it.”

"Do you regret it?"

Brother Zhang handed him a glass of lemonade: "If you had not been impulsive at that time, you would have become the leader of the clan now."

"The snow in Kunlun Mountain has long since given me less peace than the wind under the big sycamore trees." Yu Heng raised his head and drank the lemonade in one gulp: "Brother Zhang, I want to drink some wine."

Brother Zhang turned around and took out a bottle and handed it to him: "It takes more courage to take on a responsibility than to destroy a life."

This chapter has been completed!
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