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Chapter 348 Dark Night Tyrant

"Can we go out now?"

The Brontosaurus squatted there boredly playing with a weed next to it. They were now waiting for the agents to arrest the residents who had undergone certain deformations. About a hundred people had been arrested so far. It was hard to believe that they actually

What's interesting is that they have lived in the other world for nearly thirty years, which is a long time, and they were able to survive.

"Not in a hurry."

The mouse stood on the water tower and looked into the distance: "This place is very evil. Let's stay here for a while."

Yu Heng is a newbie. Everything he sees now is new, but Thunder Dragon is not. He was dragged here inexplicably in the first place, and now he is being detained and cannot leave. He must be very anxious, because he has to rush back to see today.

There is a variety show at 8:30 in the evening. If you arrive late, you can sign up for a membership and watch it on the video APP.

During the boring and long wait, Thunder Dragon picked up a stone and drew a diagram of martial arts disassembly on the iron sheet. Yu Heng next to him put it there to play with him, and the two of them fought back and forth on the iron sheet, which was very lively.

, but suddenly they seemed to feel it raining.

Thunder Dragon frowned: "Why are you so unlucky? It's already cold."

"No, why is this rain salty?" Yu Heng looked up, but only saw gray clouds and mist.

Just when they were surprised, many fish suddenly fell from the sky. These fish jumped on the ground for a few times and then stopped making any movement. The Thunder Dragon happily jumped off the tower: "Hold the grass, fish are falling from the sky.

Hurry up, make it fresh!”

The mouse frowned and looked at the sky, and then the clouds and mist in the sky gradually dispersed, and they saw that there were thick waves above the vast sky, and those fish fell from this layer of sea water, because

There is no sunlight, so the entire sea surface appears ink-like black, and the upside-down sea level is still sinking.

At this time, Brontosaurus also realized something was wrong. He stepped onto the water tower and looked up, but he could only see endless waves. Those waves were surging violently, as if there was a storm.

At this time, the waves were less than fifty meters above their heads. The tops of many tall towers had already entered the water. The pressure in the air was increasing, and everything around them was covered with spray.

Mouse came back to his senses at this time, and was about to jump down and call the agents to leave quickly, but at this moment, the gloomy sea was sinking at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye it was already more than thirty meters above their heads.


"The illusory head is not around the mountain!"

Mouse pressed his palm on the ground, and his turtle shell jumped out, automatically forming a magic circle within a radius of hundreds of meters around his body, and then a high mountain rose into the sky with a buzzing sound from the magic circle.

The mountains met the sea, creating a violent impact. Mouse struggled to support the formation, and then turned his head with bulging veins and shouted to Thunder Dragon and Yu Heng: "Get them out!"

Yu Heng and Lei Long began to dispatch together. The two of them continued to transfer the agents out with the spirit illusion. At this moment, the sea level was sinking slowly because it was trapped on the top of Buzhou Mountain. However, no matter how slow it was, it was still sinking.

Sinking, even though Mouse had worked hard enough, he still couldn't resist such terrifying pressure.

As the ocean in the sky became lower and lower, they raised their hands and could even touch the cold water. At this time, the mouse saw a vague black shadow inside. This black shadow was very huge, and they saw

It's just a part of it, and in this part, it can be vaguely seen as a cluster of waterweed-like things swaying with the waves, but this thing is too big to be able to see the whole thing.

When the mouse turned around and found that everyone had been transported out, he jumped back and fell backwards, falling to the ground with the rushing water. When the wall of water hit the ground, his figure disappeared.


Returning to the Lingxu Illusion, Mouse felt a sense of security. He lay in the bright sunshine by the lake and panted heavily, but he did not expect that a cloud of mist had penetrated into the Lingxu Illusion.

But the mouse didn't notice any problem at all at this moment. Instead, it was the group of cranes who bullied good and feared evil who discovered it first. They quickly flew in front of the mouse and started dancing. When the mouse turned around, he found that the place where he came from had been corroded.

When he saw this scene, Mouse was furious: "How brave!"

After saying that, he directly poked the passage of Lingxu Illusion into Brother Zhang's backyard...

At this moment, Brother Zhang is humming a song and drying Hericium mushrooms in the backyard. The quality of this batch of Hericium mushrooms is particularly good. Each one is picked from the large forests in the Northeast. If these Hericium mushrooms are combined with red dates and lean meat,

Stew the soup with wolfberry, ginger, and barley, and add a little pepper. It is a top-notch soup in this cold winter. It will warm the heart and stomach. If you can add some Jinhua ham to taste, the taste will be even better.

"Didn't Teacher Lin say when school will start?" Brother Zhang curiously asked Nian Nian, who was holding the basin for him, "You've been playing at home for half a year."

Nian Nian shook his head: "I don't know, I have online classes every day now."

While they were talking, Nian Nian and Xiao Zhang suddenly looked back at the exit of the Lingxu Illusion Realm, and then they saw several purple tentacles covered with tumors stretching out from inside. Nian Nian's expression became ferocious.

The Nian Beast pattern on his body and face gradually became clearer.

Brother Zhang waved his hand towards her, then wiped his hands on his apron and walked towards the tentacles. The tentacles seemed to be afraid of him. The moment he came over, these tentacles seemed to see the sun.

The instinct to retreat.

"What is this?" Brother Zhang glanced down, then grabbed one of the tentacles and began to pull it back.

At the same time, Mouse saw a scene that he would never forget. A huge, indescribable meat ball with a diameter of one or two hundred meters was struggling and escaping backwards, leaving a particularly helpless braking line under his body. However,

Even so, he couldn't resist the force on the other end, and he was dragged towards the exit bit by bit.

When it passed by the mouse, the mouse didn't know if it was an illusion before his eyes, because it saw two words in the eyes on the round head of the indescribable meat ball -


You must know that this is the evil god. Its appearance has always brought fear and despair to others, but this time the same emotions appeared in its own body. This sense of disobedience and distortion made the mouse find it funny.

But Mouse, with more than 180 scheming minds, he can't go back and watch Brother Zhang handle this thing now, otherwise he will be punished. He needs to do whatever he needs to do now, go and finish the work on the other end, and then

When he went back to mention this matter again, he said that he had never thought that this thing would be found along the spiritual illusion...

Presumably Brother Zhang won't blame him, right?

As for Brother Zhang, he has already dragged the thing into the yard. Because the thing was too big, Brother Zhang tried to stuff it into the pickle jar, and then squatted with Nian Nian and the others.

Looking at both sides of the pickle jar, things were squirming back and forth like a nest of snakes inside.

"You want to eat it?" Brother Zhang smelled his hand: "It doesn't have any special taste."

After saying that, he reached into the jar, took out a tentacle and cut it off with his knife. Then he put the lid of the jar up, and carried the tentacle, which was about the thickness of his arm, and went forward.


Nian Nian followed him, jumping up on the chair and watching Brother Zhang handle this thing.

Brother Zhang first blanched the tentacle in boiling water. However, the vitality of this thing is really tenacious. It has obviously broken off, but it can still twist back and forth in the boiling water, and it looks like it has unlimited vitality.

Finding that blanching was useless, Brother Zhang didn't waste any time. He just picked it up and put it on the chopping board. Using a kitchen knife, he began to remove the purple skin on it, revealing the milky white meat inside. Then he cut it into strips, and this tentacle

Even at this level, he was still able to twist back and forth. Brother Zhang looked at these twisting strips of meat in silence for a moment, and then took out a plate of mustard and soy sauce.

He picked up a piece, dipped it in soy sauce, and then put it in his mouth.


When he started chewing the tentacle slowly, he found that the taste was quite fresh, and because it always maintained vitality, it tasted very lively, crispy and delicious, and could return a little freshness when chewed carefully.

It tasted sweet, but there was no special feeling after swallowing it, so he picked up another chopstick.

After eating it several times, he finally thought of how to describe this thing. Its texture... is similar to the texture of fresh octopus and crispy goose intestines. It is soft, tender and elastic, but still crispy when chewed.

The feeling is like that of fresh abalone, sweet shrimps and snail meat. If it is not dipped in soy sauce, there will be a bit of bitterness, but after covering it up with mustard and soy sauce, the bitterness can be transformed into a fresh and sweet taste.


Not bad, not bad, really good.

Brother Zhang looked at the tentacles still twitching on the plate, then picked one up, dipped it in mustard and soy sauce and fed it to Nian Nian.


"Yeah, it's really delicious."

After Brother Zhang said that, he started to try other cooking methods. Boiling water, iron plate, and oil frying could not make it lose its vitality, but if it was charcoal grilled, it could quickly lose its vitality and start to shrink. And if it is a large piece

After this is roasted over fire, coupled with the magic of cumin, chili pepper and oil, its meat quality will undergo earth-shaking changes. It will feel like eating deep-sea cod, smooth, tender and fragrant, and it will no longer be as elastic as before.

The taste has become relatively loose, and you can even taste the texture of garlic clove meat.

Nian Nian especially likes to eat. She ate a whole tentacle by herself, and she didn't even think it was enough. So Brother Zhang went to the backyard and pulled out a tentacle directly from the pickle jar. He raised the knife and dropped it...

This time he decided to use the raw pickling method. Not to mention that in addition to sashimi and barbecue, the properties of this thing are also very suitable for raw pickling. It tastes very full. You know how full it is, that kind of fish, shrimp and crab are very delicious.

It's a level that's hard to reach. You'll get a particularly rich juice in one bite, and a particularly wild taste. And because it's always active, the taste is extremely fresh.

He and Nian Nian had just finished eating the second tentacle. At this time, Coral, Xiao Hei and Little Red Dragon, who had gone shopping, came back. Nian Nian, a guy who couldn't hide his words, immediately asked Brother Zhang to develop new food.

The matter was told.

Now that it's fine, Brother Zhang can only go over and cut one back.

The food cooked with three techniques has been unanimously affirmed by these three guys. Xiao Honglong's favorite food is barbecue. She has a very strong taste. Raw pickled food is simply bland to her, but it is full of chili peppers.

The roasted cumin and garlic powder is her favorite.

Xiao Hei loves raw pickling. Maybe it has something in common with the eating habits in the Mediterranean area. The taste of raw pickling appeals to her and she can’t stop eating it. However, raw pickling cannot be made right away, so Xiao Zhang directly

Control the time of the raw pickling box and let it reach ten hours, then everyone can taste the taste of raw pickling.

Coral is pretty average. She has a foxy taste and likes raw food, but she also doesn’t like so many seasonings in raw pickling, so sashimi is her favorite. She eats a plate of twisted shredded pork all by herself.


Just as they were saying how delicious they were, Xu Wei also came back from the vegetable market. She took off her mask and put the fresh vegetables in the refrigerator while asking: "What are you eating?"

"Brother Zhang has developed a new food." Coral said happily: "It's very delicious."

"What is it? Let me try it."

However, in the face of Xu Wei's request, Brother Zhang remained silent, because after all, this thing is... let's call it an evil god. It is a very scary thing anyway. Although Xu Wei inherited the name of Thunder Dragon, in essence, she

He's still an ordinary person, so he won't eat too much...

"Try it, it'll be fine. If it doesn't work, just treat me. Anyway, I won't die on the spot."

"Probably not." Brother Zhang looked at the others: "Is there anything wrong with you?"

Everyone around them shook their heads and said that they had no problem. Since they had no problem, Xu Wei wouldn't die after eating it, so Brother Zhang gave her some of each variety.

She tasted it for a long time while eating, as if she was carefully appreciating the surprises brought by the new ingredients, and finally nodded and said: "It tastes really good. I thought it tasted like squid at first, but actually there was no squid taste at all.

It feels a bit... like snail meat. But let me say, the taste and texture of barbecue are the most amazing, and it is worth eating."

Brother Zhang didn't answer but just looked at her quietly. After waiting for about half an hour, Xu Wei still didn't feel uncomfortable at all. He felt relieved and took the people in the room to go.

The backyard looked at the source of their food.

When Brother Zhang opened the jar of pickles, the contents tried to rush out, but Brother Zhang pushed him back with a palm, and then said: "This is it, you won't have any objections, right?"

Xiao Hei vomited, but everyone else was fine. They were curious about what it was, after all, a pickle jar was not as long as the tentacle they just ate.

In order to prove that it was this thing, Brother Zhang reached into the jar, pulled out a tentacle and waved it for a while before stuffing it in again.

"You mean, we just ate an ancient god?" Xu Wei squinted her eyes and looked at the jar: "Does that mean that other ancient gods can also be eaten?"

Brother Zhang pinched his chin and fell into deep thought. After a long time, he came back to his senses: "No one seems to have tried it before. I'll do it as soon as I go."

After saying that, he disappeared. About five minutes later, he appeared again, holding a lot of things in his hands, including giant spider legs covered with fluff, a slippery tongue-like thing, and a ball that was still bulging.

There are pieces of meat, some of which are unknown on the surface but look like kiwi fruit on the inside... Anyway, there are many types.

Then Brother Zhang started trial production. Anyway, nothing has happened recently. The ban has not been lifted yet. The Rose Empire is about to crown a new emperor and the Canal Zone is blocked again, so he has plenty of time to try out various new things.


After an afternoon of tossing, Brother Zhang tried all the body tissues of ancient gods and Cthulhu monsters that he could see. Some tasted like crabs, and some tasted okay, like fresh and tender ones.

Veal steak, but it looks a bit miserable. No one will eat the blue-green meat. There are also some that are impossible to eat, such as Azathoth, the god of blindness and ignorance. Its clone meat tastes difficult to eat.

The smell was such that Brother Zhang took one bite and brushed his teeth for half an hour, and it couldn't be cooked by any means, so Brother Zhang gave up directly.

After comparison, we can know that all aquatic species taste good. They all have their own unique tastes, but the commonality is that they are not unpalatable...

But generally speaking, the one with the most average and acceptable taste is probably the one in the jar in the backyard. After all, it is the earth’s native evil god. Although the taste is not shocking, it is generally not unpleasant and there is nothing particularly strange about it.


What's more important is that the local evil gods don't have any toxic side effects. Those extraterrestrial demons are really strange and have all kinds of strange tastes. What's more important is that they are accompanied by many unexpected side effects, some of which are outrageous and shocking.

"It's better to eat familiar ones." Xu Wei looked at the pile of strange and outrageous ingredients that were even crawling around: "Those...throw them away, throw them away."

Brother Zhang hummed, then threw all those strange things into the incinerator, and then went to the backyard to make a normal tentacle: "I'll bake one with cheese for you to see."

I am afraid that not only Mouse, but even a random person cannot imagine how the evil god who is enough to make two twelve spirits and a sword fairy flee is treated in this place. It is even more difficult for them to imagine that one day they will be able to eat a bite of curry.

Evil God.

I don’t know if these evil gods have wisdom. If they do... how will they view the world?

This chapter has been completed!
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