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Chapter 361 What do people do when they are bored.

 The weather is not very good today, and there are still no customers in the store. Brother Zhang is lying on a lounge chair in front of the store. Several small wild cats are playing around under his lounge chair, and the old cat is squatting next to him and watching.

He chased his children there.

It's raining outside, looking gloomy, windy and a bit cold, which makes people think of one word - cold spring.

The girls in the room are sitting around the TV watching movies, and Nian Nian is taking online classes. Only the little Red Dragon Queen is left sticking her butt out and burying the bones she didn't finish last night in the flower bed next to Brother Zhang.

, saying that he would dig it out and eat it later when there was nothing left to eat.

At this time, there were several noises suddenly coming from the backyard, and then the loud voice of the Brontosaurus came over: "If you want me to tell you, how should this matter be settled? There are so many troubles, you have the privilege. What? They

Doubt? Doubt, let them catch zombies with their bare hands and fight Cthulhu.”

While he was talking, Thunder Dragon and Mouse walked out. The two of them walked through the small restaurant and came to the door. When they saw Brother Zhang lying there, they simply squatted down next to him and started chatting.

"Boss, you come to judge." Lei Long pointed at the mouse and said to Brother Zhang: "I told him to set up a magic training school and recruit a group of people to strengthen the team. His kid told me that the superiors would question it, so just say it.

According to the current recruitment speed, the recruitment cannot keep up with the reduction of staff. If we recruit three people a year, we will kill five. In the end, there will still be a crappy person."

"Actually, it's not that exaggerated. Only two have been sacrificed in the past two years."

"You only hired one person last year and this year, okay, and it was Spirit Snake. What? You signed a supply agreement with the King of Hell, right?"

Mouse sighed and said: "What you said is simple, it is very complicated here, and it also requires many aspects to be considered. It is not what you think, and why would you start a new stove in CD? There is also a little struggle here.


"I don't care whether there is a struggle or not. Struggle is what officials do. Why did I go to you? Have you forgotten? One is to spread the branches and make full use of one's abilities. The other is to punish evil and promote good, and guard

You are safe. You promised me well before, but now you are telling me these nonsense? Get your boss’s phone number, and I want to ask him if he is responsible."

The two argued for a long time, and finally brought the argument to Brother Zhang. Brother Zhang happened to be in a very boring period right now, so he curiously asked: "Then if it really starts, I will go to class too."


His words made the thunder dragon and the mouse speechless. When he went to class, who would teach him? Who dared to teach? What to teach him? Teach him how to split thunder in the palm of his hand or teach him how to scatter beans into soldiers? He went to class as a person who created the world in an instant.

This kind of class is equivalent to asking Mr. Yang Zhenning and Yang to go to the first grade class to learn Newton's first law. The teacher will probably tremble in his calves.

"Don't make trouble. If you are really bored, go to Southeast Asia to eat, drink, gamble, and travel. This kind of class is really not suitable for you."

Thunder Dragon said seriously: "This is a basic class. You will learn the introductory content of each sect. Basically, there will be disciples from each sect coming to give lectures. Those are the little Karami, let them teach the Holy Lord. Just ask

Do their leaders dare?"

After listening to this, Brother Zhang explained: "But I really don't have any basic knowledge at all. It doesn't matter if I learn from the basics. There is not much business in the store now anyway."

Mouse still wanted to speak, but Thunder Dragon pinched his butt, and then nodded: "Yes, yes, but the study class hasn't been completed yet. Let's wait until it is completed. If it doesn't work, we can do it ourselves."

At this point, Mouse actually has no position to refuse or excuse. As long as Brother Zhang nods, he has to report it. It doesn't matter whether the superiors approve it or not. If it is approved, it is best not to approve it, and there will be Holy Lord Fund.

Provide money to build this project.

Because Brother Zhang's words are equivalent to an imperial edict for them. There is nothing to say, just implement it and that's it. As for whether it is illegal, there is no such article in the law anyway, and the only ones who have to deal with it are rats or CD's brother departments.

Come and take care of it.

But the problem is that as long as those who know this matter don't understand the Holy Lord, let them raid the Holy Lord's house. They can hang a row on the archway outside Chang'an Lane that night, living up to the Tathagata and your Majesty.

So at this time, both Thunder Dragon and Mouse looked at Brother Zhang, waiting for his final instructions.

"Just get one."

The mouse sighed, but the Thunder Dragon clenched his fists: "Beautiful!"

In this case, let's not talk nonsense. The rat went directly to the top to report. First, he reported it to Chen Ding. Chen Ding was confused when he saw the report. Then he couldn't make the decision, so he reported to the top again.

, looking at it this way, I originally wanted to reject it, but there are some knowledgeable people among them. I saw that the report was reported in the name of the Holy Lord. There is no point in fighting between factions. Originally,

The procedure, which took three to five days, was approved in less than two hours.

However, although it has been approved, there are still some restrictions. For example, content involving religion and values ​​is not allowed, foreigners are not allowed, people with unclean political background are not allowed, and commercial industries are not allowed to appear.

To put it simply, the explanation here is not to cause trouble, not to spread feudal superstitions, foreigners and people with foreigners in their families are not allowed to enter, people with criminal records or third-generation relatives with criminal records are not allowed to enter, and they are not allowed to enter

Use this thing to make money.

Although there are many terms, Thunder Dragon and Mouse can still understand them after reading them. After all, this is considered educational content. There is nothing wrong with being more standardized. The last few items are easy to say. If it is not profitable, it is not profitable.

With such a small tuition fee, it is even more impossible for foreigners. This thing itself requires a person with a good foundation. In the past, let alone foreign countries, some schools did not even allow students with foreign surnames.

But this is a bit troublesome, because many of these things are derived from doctrines. For example, if you want to learn Taoism, you don’t know "Lianshan", "Guizang", "Zhouyi", or "Tao Te Ching".

Understanding "inaction" is equivalent to learning in vain. These are classic philosophical guiding thoughts, which themselves have values. In the words of today's dasabi, they are full of private goods. This will inevitably appear with other classics and schools.

Conflicts. There will even be conflicts and differences between different schools. This thing is really difficult to deal with.

Therefore, if you really want to open this kind of school, you must only choose one of the ideas as the dominant one, and then explore the surrounding branches and schools around this idea.

What should I do? There is such a conflict in the mental methods. When practicing, you can’t get angry at the Golden Crow or burst into blood and die?

“Wouldn’t it be true that the Great Lama of Wudang Mountain who is stationed in Shaolin Temple will come true?”

When Thunder Dragon was compiling the list at night, he suddenly thought of a problem, then turned to the mouse and said, "How do you solve this?"

"I don't care about that. My father wears Taoist uniforms. I also use King Wen Tiangang. You are also the deity of the lower realm of Lei. Why do you care about the monk lama?"

"With its light, with its dust, treasure." Thunder Dragon held his chin: "This problem needs to be solved."

Mouse raised his eyes and glanced at Thunder Dragon: "That's actually very simple. Let's relax the restrictions and let each sect recruit students independently. We will be responsible for specially training the court eagle dogs."

"You're a fucking hawk yourself."

"Then what do you say? Imperial pigs and dogs? Imperial oxen and horses? They are the ones who look after the house and maintain the orthodoxy. Eagles and dogs are already the best."

The Thunder Dragon thought for a moment and clicked his tongue: "Then it's still the eagle dog."

However, it is impossible to issue a completely liberal paper order, but the rat is indeed a rat, and his ability to exploit loopholes is really unique. He sent a message to people from various sects, asking them to come to Chang'an Lane for a meeting within three days.

, saying that there is very important news to be announced that may affect their life and death.

In the next three days, the scene in Chang'an Lane was very impactful. At first glance, it looked like the six major sects besieging Guangmingding. If they hadn't strictly followed epidemic prevention procedures, the local health committee would have gone crazy.

Anyway, there were four to five hundred people arriving one after another, because they belonged to different sects. They were all wearing their own uniforms, including those in blue robes and caps, those in yellow robes, and those in splendid cassocks.

Yes, there are even some local groups with strange clothes, such as the girls from the Miao Village in western Hunan who walk like strings of wind chimes wearing silver ornaments all over their hair, and there are ascetic monks who only wear a short-sleeved shirt on cold days.

, anyway, everything is here.

"It's either the six major sects besieging Guangmingding, or it's the open qualifiers for the King of Fighters Tournament. I never expected that so many people would come." Thunder Dragon was sitting at the door recording his name, next to him who had just completed the entry formalities.

The young swordsman Yuheng is standing next to him, and next to him are several Dabai volunteers taking nucleic acid tests.

"Can you stop talking nonsense?" One of them, Dabai, turned around and said, "You never talked about so many people before."

This Dabai is obviously the pony who was captured to help, and the person next to him who is responsible for stabbing people in the throat is Shan Dawang. The two of them have been called over to be volunteers for two days, and they have to work until midnight every day, and then they are done.

A group of people will be sent to Shan Da Wang’s bathing center for isolation. Anyway, he has complete facilities and a one-stop service for food, drink and entertainment. It is not a big problem to serve as an isolation center, and more importantly, he has a super big one there.

The conference room was originally specially used for the Holy Lord to hold meetings. Later, the meetings were not held a few times, and everyone was used to forming a group to discuss things...

But this time it happened to be used. Otherwise, opportunities are given to those who are prepared. Shan Dawang, who had no business at all, now made a lot of money on this trip. Not only did he get subsidies from the local government,

There are also subsidies from the Holy Lord Fund. Every time I come back, I make more money than before.

As for the various sects, they were not happy to be quarantined when they came here, but who knew they would be happy when they saw the quarantine place? Based on their ability, the quarantine was just a response to the policy, and this time the quarantine location was luxurious.

It’s also interesting. There is a large indoor swimming pool, a KTV, a steam room, and professional technicians who can wash your feet, pick your ears, and massage your arms.

Except for a few ascetic monks who meditate and practice Qi in the house every day, everyone else is immersed in the ocean of happiness and cannot extricate themselves. There are people floating in the 28-degree constant temperature swimming pool every day, regardless of whether they are monks or not.

A girl wearing a swimsuit still looks fair and beautiful.

After the last person arrived, Mouzi told them about the conference that would be held in three days, and the six sects in Chang'an Lane besieged Guangmingding had come to an end.

"I deeply understand what it means to open your mouth at the top and break your legs at the bottom."

The Brontosaurus lying on the massage bed was enjoying the massage and said to Mouse and Mountain King: "I'm almost exhausted."

"what is it now."

"What can we do? Just do it." Xiao Ma said on the massage table next to him: "Who told you to talk more?"

Thunder Dragon sighed: "Little brother, you are still very young. My uncle tells you that you can't escape this time. The boss only needs results when doing things, but we have to do things layer by layer like building a house.

On the top cover, if any layer is missing, the result will not be achieved in the end. If you do it now, you won’t have to do it later. The better you lay the foundation now, the more fruitful the results will be in the future, and the more satisfied you will be with your boss. The more satisfied you will be with your boss, let’s give

The more power you have, the more things you can do. The more things you can do, the more solid your foundation will be. Do you understand, in the end, after you have the power to act first and then act later, many things will happen

You can make your own decisions."

"What's the matter? Why do you have to make the decision yourself? You don't have to agree with it from above?"

"Because the boss only needs results when doing things. You have so many foundations, you can give any results you want. The word "sit back and relax" still has many meanings." A technician jumped on the back of the Brontosaurus, causing him to groan.

Jiji: "Why did you get punished last time? Isn't it because you clearly didn't have that authority, but you still did the thing of beheading first and then punishing him. You see the same thing as the mountain king, you see the eldest sister, you see the mouse, they do it."

Then you will be informed and it will be over. Just because you have no foundation, you gave the result directly. Then who can bear it? The eldest sister checks you, and the boss still questions you. It’s not that he feels sorry for the money, but he thinks that you have the ability to force him to support you.


Xiao Ma would definitely fight back, but what happened last time really hurt him, and he even began to doubt his ability. After all, looking back in hindsight, he could obviously have a better and more reasonable way, but

In the end, I still used that stupid method.

Should I say it or not? Thunder Dragon, the Ouchi guard, really knows how to understand the Holy Will. It is definitely suspected of bragging when people say that he is some kind of Golden Dragon King. Xiao Ma suspects that he is not the reincarnation of Thunder Dragon at all but someone.

The great eunuch came to the world through his soul. Otherwise, no serious person would figure out another person's thoughts to this extent. He can't even be described as flattering. Such a person in any dynasty would be a chief eunuch at the very least.

If you go a little higher, you might be able to go directly to the eunuch level.

The meeting afterwards went very smoothly. The method given by Mouse was actually very simple, which was to take advantage of a loophole in the system, that is, collective enrollment and decentralized learning. Each sect will have a certain number of places, and then they will be responsible for selecting, and then they will be selected.

People enter the process at Mouse and sign up. After signing up, they nominally belong to their school, but they are assigned to different sects for training.

As for some places that are too far or too remote, just set up offices or school points nearby. Everything should be based on students as the premise of thinking. Let go of your arrogance and abandon the past. Make the survival of the sect a top priority, implement policies in practice, and

Put the problem out there and hold the future in your hands.

And this independent teaching model is not universal for all sects. Some sects with similar classics, similar mental methods, and similar thinking must conduct unified teaching to save manpower and material resources. However, each sect can choose to select a few students with outstanding abilities and cheerful personalities.

Disciples train students. In order to distinguish the disciples of different sects, the school will also assign different students to different branches to study. In addition to taking public classes together, the details of each sect still need to be mastered by themselves.

"This teaching is a pilot. I hope you can make good use of this opportunity. You must clearly understand a problem, that is, times have changed, and practice has no advantages. The inheritance of culture and the rise and fall of sects may

In this experimental education project, sects that are not well controlled are likely to disappear and disappear completely."

Mouse's words are extremely scary. You must know that what all sects have in common is that they are worried that their sect's inheritance will be interrupted. In the past few hundred years of the Dharma-ending era, they have seen too many sects and sects drifting away in the wind. So for them,

It is said to be the tears of the times, so this time they can't wait to have an iron chain tied directly to their waists. Every sect is thinking about how to get a few more successors to come back.

As for the previous model, it definitely cannot be used anymore. Now there is a successor who is afraid of melting in his mouth. Some sects have even planned to advertise, "Choose XX sect and get a beautiful senior sister as a gift."


However, Mouse is too lazy to care about what they do. Anyway, if this thing is finally done, he will probably be included in the history books of the esoteric world. The identity of the twelve spirits is not as glorious as this stroke of history. How can a person refuse money?

There are many people who are tempted, but there are really only a few who can refuse to leave their name in history.

"Finally, I want to tell you that the Holy Lord Foundation will give your sects a sum of money based on the number of students enrolled to solve your worries. But after that, I predict that there will be a sect competition every year, and the sects with the lowest results will be reduced or even cancelled.

Enrollment quota and subsidy funds for the coming year. Come on." Mouse smiled and picked up the manuscript in his hand: "I'm going to read out the distribution standards of the annual subsidy. You'd better take notes. This is real money. Annual subsidy.

The standard subsidy is 800,000 yuan per person per year, which includes material consumption, magic weapon production, daily meals, etc. However, if the sect with the lowest score in the second year is 30%, the subsidy will be reduced to 100% of the standard amount.

If the sect ranks at the bottom 30% for three consecutive years, the subsidy will be reduced to 40%. The bottom one, second, and third sect each year will cancel the enrollment quota for the second year until the ranking

Rise up again. If you rank first, second or third from the bottom for three consecutive years, all subsidies and enrollment qualifications will be directly cancelled. If cheating is found, all benefits of the sect will be canceled directly, and the sect will be illegal and banned."

After Mouse finished reading, he said with a smile: "It means that you still have a chance if you do poorly in the exam, but don't blame me for not reminding you of cheating. The Holy Lord will never condone this kind of behavior. When the time comes, the sect will be gone, so don't cry."

This chapter has been completed!
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