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Chapter 365

 Zhou Chen, a boy who has been identified as a superpower, has a superpower rating of D-level three. He is basically a rookie who has just awakened his abilities. He is usually very powerful in a fight at school, but it is difficult to log into the elegant hall.

He is a person with high-temperature abilities, but he cannot breathe fire. His skin can generate a temperature of about 120 degrees Celsius, which is very useful for scalding a person or heating corn. He is almost invincible in a duel with ordinary people without protection.

A native of Hunan, I was in the third year of high school at my original school. Because I was pursuing a female classmate, I got into an argument with a classmate in the next class, which led to a fight. The other person suffered 17% burns on his body and was expelled from the school. I dropped out of school and received the admission notice here when I was at home.

, so I came to this place.

Zhou Chen is basically a professional prick. Brother Zhang discovered from his past behavior files that he has been disobedient to discipline since he was a child. It may be because his parents divorced and started new families.

He stayed at his aunt's house for three days and his grandma's house for three days, and no one took care of him. As a result, his personality became very perverse and violent. He often fought with his classmates in elementary school, and was rejected by four schools in junior high school. Later,

I finally finished junior high school in a private school. I was depressed for a while in high school because of the death of my grandma, but in the end I couldn't survive my senior year.

"Teacher, I know why you asked me to come here. Don't you just want me to be more honest? Don't worry, I just have to be obedient. I don't want to get beaten." Zhou Chen pointed to the red envelope on his forehead and said, "Look at this

, I was beaten by Teacher Jin this morning, I can’t beat her, I just need to be honest and it will be over.”

He was obviously unconvinced when he spoke, but he really couldn't beat Jin Mei, so he could only suppress all his grievances in his heart. However, for this kind of adolescent boy, everyone knows that he really can't suppress it when the time comes.

You will still feel warm while staying there.

Brother Zhang always had the unhurried temperament. He opened the drawer and took out a bottle of drink and handed it to Zhou Chen. Then he sat there playing FreeCell on the computer and asked seemingly casually: "How do you usually do this?"

You live on campus, right?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Brother Zhang smiled and said, "It's fine if you live on campus. I plan to give you a task."

"Ah? Me?" Zhou Chen was also confused: "I can't do it."

He was used to being a poor student, and used to being treated as a thorn in the side by his teachers. Suddenly Brother Zhang asked him to give him a task. He was a little flustered for a moment, and instinctively refused, but his tone softened somewhat.


"You don't know the content of the mission yet." Brother Zhang took out another pack of cigarettes, raised his head and looked around. After finding no one around, he asked, "Do you want to smoke?"


"No, you are underage and can't smoke." Brother Zhang smiled and took Huazi back.

"Teacher, are you kidding me?"

"No, you can't smoke under age." Brother Zhang said and took out a pack of chewing gum: "Chew gum, Constantine is also very handsome chewing gum."

Zhou Chen reluctantly took the chewing gum, and then leaned on the shelf next to him: "Teacher, tell me, why are you looking for me? We have made it clear."

"Actually, I just give you a task, which is quite important." Brother Zhang opened the notebook and said, "You are the oldest in the class. There are forty-two people in the class, thirty-nine of them are residents.

From school. I hope you can be the monitor, firstly, to maintain order in the class, and secondly, to take care of the lives of your classmates after class. Being a monitor is not for nothing, the school has regulations, and every monitor

The assessment will be held once a month, and if the assessment scores meet the standards, you will be awarded a scholarship."

Zhou Chen was stunned for a moment, and then asked with a puzzled face: "But teacher...me? Can I do it?"

At this moment, he showed serious lack of confidence, and to be honest, he really needed this money. Although the monthly scholarship was only 800 yuan, the school provided food and accommodation. With this 800 yuan, he

You can do a lot of things.

"You are the oldest. The youngest of the other classmates is fifteen. You will have your eighteenth birthday in two months." Brother Zhang looked at the form and asked doubtfully: "Aren't you willing?


"I'm willing, I'm so willing!" Zhou Chen immediately nodded happily and said, "You have eight hundred yuan every month, right?"

"Well, when the scores come out, if you meet the standards, you will get it." Brother Zhang said sincerely: "The whole class will vote anonymously. If your score is low, it will be gone."

"Yes, I understand."

Zhou Chen happily patted his chest and said, "Teacher, if you have anything to do in the future, please speak to me."

"Okay, you go and prepare for the afternoon class first."

When Zhou Chen returned to the classroom, he didn't even return to his seat. He moved a chair and sat at the door. He stayed there with a look of human-like virtue and did nothing but look at the watch. When two o'clock arrived, outside

The bell rang, but at this time the class was still sparse, not even half of the people in the classroom were there.

At this time, the math teacher who had class in the afternoon came. Seeing the state of the class, he could only shake his head silently and prepare to go to class. At this time, it was time for Zhou Chen to perform. He walked up and shouted at the math teacher.

Said: "Teacher, don't be sad. I will take care of them later. You can sit aside and rest."

The math teacher was still confused, but at this time Zhou Chen had already started to block people at the door. After blocking each other, he would stand at the door with his hands. After a while, they stood in a row. Those students didn't know what was going on.

I heard Zhou Chen's loud voice shouting outside: "From today on, I will be your squad leader. Once again, I have to take care of things in class, and I have to take care of things after school. If you want to be here?"

Damn it, then you have to listen to me, don't do your tricks to me, all you play is the leftovers from my play, if anyone is not convinced, let's go to the back of the class to meet each other, don't go there

When you get beaten with a bruised nose and face, you can just come back and cry to the teacher."

There are a lot of thorns here, and of course there are some who are not convinced, but Zhou Chen is no joke, he is very brave and fierce, and he has a tough back and a muscular body, plus his ability makes him even more confident, who can

Unconvinced, he walked up and threw him on his back, then pressed his knee on the classmate's back: "I fucking said, don't do this to me. When I was messing around in school, you guys didn't

You know where to call mom."

Not to mention, sometimes this kind of incorrect violent behavior can really effectively curb the arrogance of these tough guys. His move directly shocked the loose guys outside, and all the obedient ones were there.

There was a row of people standing there, and no one dared to say more than half a sentence.

"I say it again, in this place, if it is a dragon, you have to be coiled for me, and if it is a tiger, you have to lie down for me. If you don't learn, some people have to learn. If you really don't want to study, get out of here tomorrow. This time I will

I've bypassed you first, but if I see you being so free and loose next time, don't blame you Brother Zhou, I won't be polite."

He was definitely enforcing the law violently, and all his actions were seen by Principal Yan who was in the teaching building diagonally across the street. She watched the farce at the door of Class 2 and Class 4 with interest, and turned her head and said to the assistant next to her.

: "Who is the head teacher of this class? It's interesting."

"Class 4 is Teacher Zhang, Zhang Lei, and Teacher Zhang."

"Oh, it's that young man, right? It's interesting." Principal Yan smiled and said, "He is good at choosing people."

Not to mention that this compliment was really given to the right person. Although Brother Zhang apparently made Zhou Chen the class monitor because he was the oldest, in fact he had already read through the resumes of everyone in the class.

Circle, after a comprehensive evaluation, Zhou Chen is the most suitable. First, he has the strongest combat effectiveness. Compared with other students, Zhou Chen’s physical fitness and comprehensive ability are both first-rate. The second is his

Compared with other students, his family situation is difficult. The family cannot give him a lot of pocket money, so this 800 yuan a month may not be a big deal to others, but to him it is really a lot of money.

Quite a bit of extra money.

Finally, and most importantly, Brother Zhang did not directly define him as a classic bad boy based on his resume. Instead, he delved into the reasons for his repeated fights, except for the last fight with his love rival.

, almost all the other fights were because of defending others, sometimes with the bullied classmates in the next class, and sometimes with the junior students in the lower grades who were blackmailed by the school bullies.

In short, although this child is defined as a bad boy, judging from his performance, except for rebelliousness and vulgarity, the rest are all excellent qualities. He is like a Gulong-style hero.

Beneath the bohemian appearance there is a fiery soul.

So this is the fundamental reason why Brother Zhang chose him as the class monitor. Of course, this is also a reflection of Brother Zhang's awesome ability. After all, if it were anyone else, it would be impossible to decipher why a young boy fought with others many years ago.

From this day on, the discipline in the class has indeed improved a lot, and after class, this eldest brother is also very like a big brother. No matter who has something in trouble, if you say hello to him, he will rush over to help as soon as possible.

Although he was trained by him in class like the third grandson, almost no one in the class dissatisfied with this big brother soon.

As the course entered the second week, new classes and new students joined the school one after another. The first exam was also ushered in, but this was said to be an exam but more like a psychological test. There were five exams in total.

There are hundreds of questions with no standard answers. The students will just be classified according to their thoughts, and then they will be arranged to practice under different sects according to different categories.

For example, those from the King Wen family, that is, those from the Mouse family, need to be thoughtful, calm-headed, observant, and righteous. Another example is the Guigu family, which requires resourcefulness, understanding, flexibility, and ruthlessness. Also,

The Oriental style should be strong and decisive, advance bravely in rapid currents, cut through iron and steel, and move vigorously and resolutely. Finally, there is the Lao-Zhuang style with elegant thinking, free and unrestrained ideas, open-mindedness, fairness, and peace.

After these four systems are separated, although they will still have cultural classes together, their subsequent major classes will be assigned to different training grounds. In short, they will be very busy.

This is actually a good thing for ordinary teachers, because the original one-day course is now divided into three days, and the salary remains the same. You can imagine how stable this job is.

But Brother Zhang doesn't have such leisurely thoughts. He came here to steal his master, so after the disciples from various sects moved in here, he would always go to their houses for a walk. People who didn't know thought he was just watching.

Which practitioner girl did he fall in love with?

"The word "Kun" represents the earth. It is as strong as the earth shaking and the mountains are shaking, and as light as turning the earth into gold. It is all in this formula of the word "Kun".

A Taoist brother dressed in Tsing Yi is demonstrating his magic skills to his colleagues from other sects. Except for his poor Mandarin, he has the standard appearance of a noble man. He is good-looking, has a slender body, and his skin is particularly white, even his hair.

The bun on top looks very pleasing to the eye.

And he is the chief disciple of the inner sect of Wudang Mountain, the teacher who comes down from the mountain to teach the secrets of the Lao-Zhuang style here. Moreover, he seems to be a talented player. Although he became a monk halfway, he is definitely a very famous person among the younger generation.

"Alas, why do you always use the characters Kun and Gen? Why don't you use the characters Gan?"

Some of his colleagues nearby were making noises, but the young Taoist priest just smiled and said, "Then why don't you use the Jiuding Formation?"

Everyone on the field burst into laughter. The Nine Cauldrons Formation... it is an innate formation after all. No one can use it if they want. Even if the purple-robed Heavenly Master wants to use it, he has to fast and bathe to take advantage of the situation.

Because we were all young people and most of them knew each other, there was no grudge and it was okay for everyone to be joking around, so there was no smell of anger in the scene.

Moreover, the Wenwang system mainly focuses on formations, the Lao-Zhuang system mainly focuses on natural spells, the Guigu system mainly focuses on driving techniques, and the Eastern system mainly focuses on one-body fighting skills. Although we all have something in common with each other, in the end

Everyone still has their own strengths, so there are relatively few fights.

Besides, they can actually be regarded as derivatives of the Fuxi faction. We are all one family, and there is no point in fighting. If we really want to cause trouble, we will definitely have to wait until the actual college competition with other factions.

Brother Zhang just watched them making trouble until someone noticed him. And the person who noticed him was the young Taoist priest who was performing the magic just now.

"Hey, which sect do you belong to, brother? My name is Chen Zhi, from Zhishui. May I ask?"

Brother Zhang raised his head, glanced at him, and smiled: "I'm just an ordinary subject teacher. I like your stuff better, so I came here to take a look."

"Oh, that's it. Let's take a look." Chen Zhi looked Xiao Zhang up and down: "That's not right, brother. I see that your light is restrained and there is no trace of evil. You are either a saint or a demented person.

My child, but you are obviously not demented. Are you afraid that you are not a saint?"

This chapter has been completed!
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