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374, the first extra money in summer

 There is no summer vacation in special schools because there will be summer training and special skills training classes. After all, this school mainly trains members of the superpower prevention and control network. It takes about three to five years for them to get started and take shape, and five years

Later, a large number of these first batch of trainees will become professional superpower crime busters.

This plan is very expensive. Although the Holy Lord Fund is responsible for part of it, the entire investment is still tens of billions, which is enough to build one or two aircraft carrier battle groups. Therefore, it is reasonable for Mouse to accept the review and questioning of superior departments.


On this day, as soon as Mouse arrived at the work, he was invited out by several people in white shirts. They drove to a red house, where a few decent-looking people were sitting there waiting for Mouse.

"I invite you to accept questioning this time. Part of it is routine business and part of it is that the superiors want to have a clear understanding of the entire construction layout of the super ecological prevention and control network. After all, this is a very large project, and now it seems

It’s still a bottomless pit.”

Facing the interrogator's questions, Mouse seemed confident. He sorted out the content he had prepared over the past few days, moved his chair and sat down.

"I am honored to accept this inquiry from the organization. I also fully understand the concerns of my superiors about the current work and their dissatisfaction with the progress." Mouse smiled and looked at the people present: "Is there a small blackboard? I

I want to explain it to you using a map."

The interrogator immediately brought in a blackboard. The mouse stood up and came to the blackboard and began to write and speak at the same time. From now on, all his content will be audio and video recorded.

"In the past many years, the country has always carried out systematic prevention and control of various possible problems, such as bioengineering prevention and control, nuclear strike prevention and control, but if we analyze it carefully, we will know that most of them

In fact, prevention and control still has a lag and is not forward-looking in the true sense. But this time the super ecological network prevention and control is an absolutely forward-looking system engineering." Mouse drew a circle on the blackboard: "We are learning about prevention and control.

Before controlling the system, you must understand what a super ecology is, because changes in the natural structure will inevitably lead to structural changes that adapt to the current environment, and a large part of this is superpowers and mystics."

The questioners looked at me, and I looked at you, and then they all nodded, signaling the mouse to continue talking.

"Superpowers and mystics theoretically exist widely in every era, but their intensity will change with the changes in the entire natural environment. Our era is just at the apex of a cycle, which means that in the next few years

Within a year, the abilities of superpowers and mystics will gradually begin to reach their peak. According to the current statistics of various countries around the world, we roughly know that the overall crime rate of superpowers is 17%, and vicious crimes

The crime rate is 9%. Mystics are slightly lower, but these two values ​​​​have also reached 13% and 6%. If measured against the normal crime rate, this value is very scary, and currently it is actually

The whole world does not have a sound and complete system to deal with this high crime rate."

Mouse picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water: "And a crime rate of this scale is obviously one of the unstable factors in society. Without a reasonable and appropriate supervision mechanism, it is foreseeable that society will gradually become turbulent in the future. After all, currently and even in the future,

Ordinary people are always the protagonists of the entire society. And because superpowers and mystics have abilities that ordinary people do not have, in the absence of a regulatory system, they will quickly become a privileged class, which happens to be everyone's

A situation we don’t want to see.”

"We all know this, so now can you explain why the cost of the system you mentioned is so high."

When Mouse heard this question, he naturally didn't panic. After all, he didn't spend a penny carelessly. All the money was spent conscientiously. I believe the superiors knew it, otherwise the person who came today would not be here.

It will be questioned and the disciplinary committee will be appointed.

However, the amount of money spent before and after is really too much. The construction costs, prisons, equipment, weapons, etc. can already be described as terrifying. The subsequent national plan is even more of a bottomless black hole.

If this thing comes to fruition, it's easy to say, but if it doesn't, the superiors won't be able to explain it to the people across the country.

"We are now building a complete system instead of building a house and purchasing a set of materials. The construction of a system requires the support of at least 400 industrial chains and a corresponding supply system. Because this is what we and the whole world

This is a problem that the world has never encountered before, so all related industries require trial and error, because what we will face are more and more powerful superpowers and more and more mystics, and there are even some among them.

Monsters and other things that we have never even thought about. Then we must solve all possible problems. After all, there is actually no difference between us and the regular police system, and even what we will face

It’s even more cruel and dangerous. Under no circumstances should the life of an agent be used to fill holes, right?”

While the mouse was talking, there was a sudden knock on the door and a man came in. He whispered a few words in the ear of the questioner in the middle, and then the man nodded: "Today's question will be here first. There may be something going on outside."

You need to deal with it."

Mouse was a little confused. After all, he was only halfway through what he was saying. How frustrating would it be to end it now?

But since everyone said that, of course he would not fight with others, so he followed him out. When he went out, he found Chen Ting standing there with a man of his age with a red neck and a thick face.

That loud voice made the whole red house buzz with echoes.

"If you want to investigate, you can investigate whether I am corrupt, whether I have accepted bribes, or whether I have accepted bribes. What do you mean by investigating whether I spent money? What's the matter? The lives of people on your side are lives, but the lives of people on my side are not lives, right? You want to face

For the extremely vicious gangsters, all I meet here are amiable old people?"

The man opposite was delighted by Chen Ting's comment. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "Isn't this just a routine matter? You have to approve funds every three days, and your boss is struggling. It's a good thing that the money is tight, right...

We have to spend our money wisely."

After Chen Ting saw Mouse, he stretched out his hand towards him: "Come here."

The mouse walked over obediently, and Chen Ting pulled him over and said, "You will come with me later, there is something very important."

These words made the mouse so confused that he didn't know what he was doing. After all, professional fortune tellers like them have a rule not to predict the future for themselves, so the mouse can know other people's things, but not things related to themselves.

, he can’t even figure it out.

"I took him away. If you do this next time, I will twist your head off." Chen Ting snorted coldly: "You can just wait and write a report tonight to get credit."

"Okay, okay, Brother Chen will do whatever he says." The man opposite said with a flattering smile: "I'll wait for your good news."

Chen Ting took Mouse out of the red house and got into the car. When they were in the car, Chen Ting said to Mouse: "I will take you to discuss a business later. Just ask for money and it will be over. Do you understand?"

"Ah? Business? What business?"

"You'll know when you get there."

After about forty minutes of driving, they stopped at the door of a five-star hotel. There were already many brothers waiting at the door. Seeing that the battle looked quite luxurious, Mouse followed Chen Ting into the hotel without knowing why.

conference room.

As soon as he opened the door, the good guy was greeted with a sense of nobility. Sitting on one side were several confidential personnel from their unit's secretariat. On the opposite side was a colorful turban. They saw Chen Ting and

After the mouse came in, the man who seemed to be a translator stood up and said: "Hello, you two, please forgive us for interrupting us suddenly. This is the prince of our country, Abdullah..."

Anyway, it took more than half an hour just to introduce the names of the people. Finally, when they mentioned the request, Mouse finally understood what happened. Originally, these bandanas came to participate in the weapons exhibition to buy things, and then their delegation bought something.

After a lap, they suddenly changed their itinerary from zh to gz. Then they anxiously made an appointment with Chen Ting and expressed their intention.

And this intention is actually very simple. I hope that the relevant departments here can assist them in building a superpower prevention and control system of their own, because now the most modern and complete system in the world is here, and they want that kind of non-stop power prevention and control system.

It's a business that requires too much trouble and can be started as long as you have money.

Mouse encountered such a thing for the first time, and he felt a little guilty. After knowing the other party's demands, everyone in the room was waiting for him to give a quotation. Mouse scratched his head. He really had no experience in business negotiations, so

He thought for a moment and then said, "Wait a moment, I'll send someone in charge of this area."

Then the pony came...

When he saw this scene, he was not at all as flustered as a mouse. Instead, he got excited and rubbed his hands together.

"These camels are pretty smart."

"How to say?"

While preparing, Xiao Ma said to Mouse privately: "They are playing surprise attack just to catch us off guard so that we can't kill people properly for a while."

Mouse suddenly realized that no wonder these rich people came in such a hurry and didn't even give him time to prepare.

"Things like this are all minor problems." Xiao Ma turned his head and said to the mouse: "I asked Zhang Yao to help me make a ppt on the way here. The bragging text he generated will be here in thirty minutes. You

Find a way to delay it for a while."

When Mouse heard this, he slapped his thigh and said, "It just so happens that I haven't had enough fun this morning, so you can watch my performance."

Remember the domain name when you see the first release: .w.8.2...m.82 Chinese website mobile domain name:

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