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Chapter 424 Walking with the Song

"When I was a child, even though I had no parents or mother, I didn't suffer much. Life in the orphanage was pretty good. I could eat an egg every day and meat every Friday."

Sitting on the train, Long Danchen leaned against the window and looked out the window. He kept talking the whole time, and could pick up a few words about anything. Later, for some reason, the cry of a child in the carriage led to his childhood.

"Do you think eating meat once a week is still a good idea? In fact, it's really good. Before I entered the orphanage, I was homeless for a while and ate the kind of food that I picked up from garbage. No matter how vegetarian it was, it was better than the smelly meat in the garbage.

Well. So people have to be satisfied, right? Later, when I was nine years old, I discovered that I could turn the tofu in the bowl into beef and turn tap water into Coke. Then I moved to the research institute, where I

I made a few good friends. It's a pity that we got separated later. Sometimes I think that if the Internet could be popularized earlier, maybe we would be able to face less separation and separation."

"Not necessarily." Brother Zhang said after a long time.

"Well, let's look at the bright side of things. If you attribute all regrets to yourself, then life will become less worth looking forward to." Long Danchen took out his mobile phone and opened it, took a look at it, and then closed it again: "Put the question on

Pushing somewhere else is always a good way to comfort yourself.”

"You mean the institute?"

"Don't you know? In fact, there are superpower research institutes all over the world, but the research directions are different. In many places, there are particularly cruel human experiments. But I have always been lucky. Our research institute only targets

Research on the engine mechanism of superpowers does not involve dissection and suturing experiments. But how can I put it, superpowers are essentially a kind of spiritual power. It was not until decades later that humans truly understood its engine mechanism. This is also

That's why the bio-metal metamorphosis was able to contain superpowers." Long Danchen patiently explained the ins and outs of what he knew: "After that, humans and superpowers formed a balance, otherwise it would be impossible for a war to break out. In the world now

Our level of technology really can’t compete with people with super powers.”

Compared with Brother Zhang's reticence, Long Danchen was really talkative. During the six hours from GZ to HZ, he almost didn't speak except when eating the braised beef brisket rice set on the train.

I kept talking about it, from astronomy to water conservancy, from superpowers to aliens, and I made associations with almost everything I saw.

"You can't tell that you are so greasy and quite knowledgeable."

"Greasy? What I call greasy? Man, don't talk nonsense, I call this a confident attitude. Just like no woman can resist my smile, men can't help but bow down when they feel the domineering presence in me. You boss

I claimed that both men and women killed each other back then, but I didn't brag about it." Long Danchen patted his thigh and said, "You don't know how many film companies will rush to make a biography of me in the future, and how many women will write books to commemorate it.

Every detail of getting along with me."

"Ah, speaking of movies, movies are really great. Since the birth of movies, human life has been extended three times. In a short period of time, through a movie, we can travel through the world of light and shadow, experience all kinds of life, and understand other people.

It takes a lifetime to understand the truth. You may be a pianist in 1900, or you may be the owner of a dog who has been waiting for eight years, or you may be an embalmer who puts makeup on the dead. Movies are really a good thing."

He just endlessly expands the topic, and Xiao Zhang doesn't find it annoying. He is destined to be a perfect listener, quiet, patient and respectful. He is a person who is hard not to like.

The news of arrival came out on the radio. Long Danchen and Xiao Zhang stood up. Long Danchen looked around: "Don't lose your mobile phone, wallet, keys, and ID card. Check."

"Well, they're all here. How did you get your ID card?"

"It's very simple. I'm an overseas Chinese." Long Danchen said without looking back: "Go to a Swiss bank and find a dead account with a huge deposit, and then inherit the identity of his descendants, and then go through the procedures there.

Come back with that identity, so it will be difficult to find out if there is a hand in the middle. You can only find the descendants of a mysterious rich man, and they don't know whether I have inherited the family property or not."

"Then why didn't you know you inherited the money?"

"You're right, but I'm not." Long Danchen said with a smile: "I don't like thieves, let alone being a thief. I don't steal anything except my heart."

The two left the high-speed rail station and rented a hotel nearby, where the two-person fraud gang began their journey of pretending to be rich.

"This girl goes to a very low-key cafe in HZ to drink coffee at three o'clock every afternoon. I checked this cafe and got a cup of iced American 388. Really, they can obviously steal money directly, but they still give you a cup of coffee. This

It's really too conscientious." Long Danchen said: "But for the sake of taste, let's clean up and go straight there. There must not be many people in that store. We just sit inside and wait for the target to appear. She will definitely be there as soon as possible.

If you are moved by my charm, then we have to be a little more cool, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah." Brother Zhang nodded: "I won't say anything."

"Say, you have to say, we have to talk about a 50 billion project, and we have to talk about it calmly."

"Fifty billion is a lot. What project needs 50 billion?"

"Whatever, I just need to collect 50 billion anyway." Long Danchen said and glanced at his watch: "It's almost two o'clock now, so pack up and set off."


The two of them put on the good clothes they brought over. Not to mention, although Long Danchen's brain circuit is a little weird and he talks a little too much, he is really a clothes hanger, and his face is still the typical corner-eyed look.

With a flower, he is a yuppie and a scumbag with a gentle and scum-like temperament. Compared with him, Brother Zhang has become the stable boss of a big family in the TV series who has high hopes. He looks good everywhere.

, but I find it boring no matter how I watch it.

"Oh, you can do it. I didn't expect you to look so handsome in clothes." Long Danchen walked around Little Brother Zhang twice: "Put on some glasses and let me see."

Brother Zhang took out his gold-rimmed glasses and put them on. Long Danchen clapped his hands and applauded: "Okay, okay, you really have the temperament of a billionaire. The feeling of wealth and restraint is all on you. Let you go to the United Nations."

I don’t feel uncomfortable even if I’m holding a meeting.”

"You really know how to praise people."

Brother Zhang smiled and shook his head: "Not as good as you."

"You can't say that, it's called everyone's own merits. Let's go, let's set off."

Later, this wealthy man who kept his mouth shut about the 50 billion business was unwilling to take a taxi, so he and Brother Zhang bought a shared electric vehicle and started driving to the destination. While riding, he said: "HZ's electric vehicle is not as good as

The GZ rides great, but it’s too heavy and not agile enough.”

"I have an electric car that can turn on the lights."

"Is there a stereo?"

"Yes, I can insert a USB flash drive."

"Lend me a ride next time." Long Danchen said, "I really like riding an electric bike."


They came to the very stylish cafe. The person at the counter was a cute and beautiful girl. She was young but very skillful. She was grinding beans skillfully. When she saw two people coming in, she almost didn't even have her head turned.

She raised her head and said welcome and continued to work on what she was doing.

Long Danchen became more energetic at this time. He put one arm on the counter, tossed his hair, and asked in a dissolute manner: "Little sister, what is your best thing? I just want to try what you are best at."


"Little sister?" The girl at the counter raised her head slightly and glanced at Long Danchen, then smiled and said: "There is nothing you can't think of, and there is nothing I can't do."

"Oh? Really? If you're not satisfied, I won't pay you."


Long Danchen ordered a drink casually, then turned his head and asked, "Brother Zhang, what do you want to drink? Boss, please."

"Just lemonade."

When Brother Zhang was talking, the girl turned her head and glanced sideways, and her expression immediately became solemn. She left Long Danchen behind, ran around the counter with the menu in hand, came to Brother Zhang, and bowed.

He put the menu forward with both hands: "Please."

"No need." Brother Zhang waved his hand: "Just lemonade."

"Ok, I see."

Long Danchen turned his head and looked over, smiling: "Lemonade is free, don't save money for the boss."

Brother Zhang just raised his head and glanced at the girl, but the girl didn't dare to look at Brother Zhang at all. She just bowed her body and stepped back a few steps before she dared to straighten up, and then returned to the counter, and then

He didn't mean to pay any attention to Long Danchen. He just picked up his phone and started typing. Long Danchen, who was ignored, began to feel a little dissatisfied. He tapped the counter lightly: "What's going on? This is the service attitude here.


Just as she was about to speak, she glanced at Brother Zhang behind Long Danchen, and a smile immediately appeared on her face: "Can this guest please wait a moment? Your meal will be here soon."

"That's pretty much it."

Long Danchen returned to his seat: "The little girl is ignorant, let's not argue with her."

Brother Zhang smiled but didn't say anything. He just looked at the menu, then raised his head and asked, "Aren't these coffees from Jin Mei's?"

"Yes... this is the empress's branch, so the items are all the same."

"Empress?" Long Danchen blinked: "What empress?"

His question was not answered, but Brother Zhang nodded clearly: "No wonder I think you look familiar."

"Yes...I'm Zhu Ru, I helped in the shop over there."

Long Danchen came up to Brother Zhang and asked, "Do you know me?"

"Well, I know the owner of this coffee shop."

"Very familiar?"


Long Danchen immediately burst into laughter: "Can I waive the order?"

After saying that, he raised his head and asked Fairy Zhuru at the counter: "Can I waive the order if I am an acquaintance?"

"Ah? Can..."

After receiving the affirmative answer, Long Danchen was all smiles: "As expected of the regional god of war, that's great. Before the boss grows up, he has to rely on you to protect him."

Soon Fairy Zhuru brought the drinks they ordered, and then the two of them started chatting. In fact, Jinmei's decoration taste is very good, even Long Danchen, who has always been able to find faults, felt that this place

The style is great. Except for the items being a bit expensive, everything else is perfect. Even the appearance of the store clerk is impeccable.

It wasn't until about three o'clock that the door outside opened, and then a girl walked in. She was holding an umbrella in her hand and dressed lively. She walked over and sat in a fixed position by the window: "Old rules


"Come on, come on, the target is here. It's her." Long Danchen whispered to Brother Zhang: "She is the daughter of a big group, and her family has a lot of money. And she is young and easy to take advantage of."

The girl sitting by the window had particularly sensitive ears. She could hear even Long Danchen's whispers clearly, so she looked over with a blank expression. When she saw Long Danchen's face, her brows furrowed even more tightly.

Then he took out something that was as big as a palm and didn’t look like a cell phone and pressed it for a while: “Hmm? No such person found?”

After saying that, she looked at Long Danchen again warily, but this time Long Danchen cleverly avoided her sight, so she just carried her long-handled umbrella and passed by. After all, if it was really a soul smuggling,

Guest, she sent him back with just a stick.

"Come here, I'll tell you that the beauty trick works."

And when the rich lady he talked about came diagonally across from them and saw the person sitting opposite Long Danchen, her brows immediately relaxed. There was no such person among the people who hung out with this uncle.

Just check that there is no such person, it doesn't matter at all.


Before she opened her mouth, Long Danchen kicked Brother Zhang under the table to remind him that he was about to start performing. Brother Zhang pretended not to notice Ghost King Huahua, cleared his throat and began to cooperate with Long Dan.

Chen Lai: "What happened to the 50 billion pork business we talked about last time?"

Long Danchen's expression was stiff at that time. After all, he was right to say that the business was worth 50 billion, but who would have thought that this old man would actually mention 50 billion worth of pork...

After hearing this, Huahua laughed out loud. She saw Brother Zhang's serious and cooperative look on his face, and saw the guy opposite him winking. She couldn't hold it back and covered her mouth with her sleeves until she laughed out loud.

Out of breath.

"It's over." Long Danchen leaned back on his chair in frustration: "It's all over."

But unexpectedly, Ghost King Huahua, who was wiping her nose at this moment, directly moved a stool and sat next to them: "Hey, what are you two doing? You are sneaky."

The atmosphere was awkward at this moment. Long Danchen looked at Miss Huahua and then at Brother Zhang. Brother Zhang also looked at Huahua and then at Long Danchen, and then the three of them spoke at the same time.

"Speak first." Brother Zhang said to Huahua.

"Come here." Huahua pointed at Long Danchen.

Long Danchen groaned, then coughed: "Hello, miss, do we know each other? I think you look familiar... Why the hell do I feel so weird."

Huahua was overjoyed: "Wait a moment."

After saying that, she walked out, and then there was a smile like a silver bell from outside, followed by the sound of a phone call. After a while, she came back in and sat down on the chair: "Are you going to pick me up?"

Long Danchen groaned: "Are you fat sheep so proactive now? It's very difficult for me to handle."

"ummmm..." Ghost King Huahua was silent for a long time: "You don't look stupid, why would you do such a stupid thing?"

"It's stupid, I don't think so. It's just that I really don't know which part went wrong."

"Maybe it's 50 billion pork." Brother Zhang said helplessly: "I didn't expect why I blurted out that it was pork."

After saying this, Brother Zhang himself laughed, and Long Danchen also burst into laughter.

"Don't worry about pork or not." Huahua Erlang raised his legs and said, "Don't give up so quickly. You haven't even tried it yet. Maybe you can succeed?"

"But you look much smarter than I thought. I don't think it's easy to deceive you." Long Danchen was also single, and he spoke directly: "Instead of wasting my time on you, I might as well change my target."


"No, I think you are quite interesting. How about I cooperate with you?" Huahua raised her eyebrows at him: "Also, do you know me? Why do you say I'm smarter than you think?"

Brother Zhang pointed at Long Danchen and explained: "The time traveler."

"Oh...that's it. No wonder there is no such person." Huahua nodded: "I know, little handsome guy, where do we start talking? How about we start with what you remember about me?

The story between us."

This chapter has been completed!
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