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Chapter 46, Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains

 There was a period of calm after that.

Mouse is still busy every day in order to fight evil to the end. His hatred of evil is admirable, maybe because of his father's hatred or because of the responsibility on his shoulders.

As for Mr. Pi, now that the entire Internet has been blocked, he has no way to make a living with his skin anymore, so he has to work as a bounty hunter with Mouse Dang. When there is no bounty hunter, he will go fishing with Yang Junfeng, play games, and have milk tea.

She spent her time in the store in vain. Anyway, she had long blamed Yang Junfeng for turning into a little lolita. In this lean season, it was natural for her to eat some of him and use him for some.

Thunder Dragon's hair has grown longer, but his eyebrows are still sparse. He has gradually calmed down these days, and is prospering in the milk tea shop. When he has time, he tutors Xu Wei in practice, and the remaining

Part of the time, I feel like standing at the entrance of the alley looking into the distance like Wangfu Shi, with my heart whistling.

The yard looks a lot deserted without Rhubarb, but why is Rhubarb now on official business in a wealthy family? A few days ago, he came back from a video call. In the video, he was lying in a cathouse made of rushes, with the highest-end luxury goods behind him.

Canned cat, yawning, he showed off to others his good life now, but he also did not forget to express his loyalty to Brother Zhang, saying that he would return if called for war.

Brother Zhang doesn't mind, because he is now at work like a duck in water, and everyone likes him. Zhu Zhenzhen has not deliberately approached or distanced herself from Brother Zhang because of his identity. What makes her most unhappy is the person who died recently.

Zhang Yao, who is a homebody, always comes to play with her every now and then. She doesn't talk to her when playing, and she either sleeps on the sofa in the office all afternoon, or suddenly invites everyone in the company to have a big dinner. Anyway, it's just weird.

And there is always a strange cat with me, and that cat won't let anyone touch it.

Everything is so calm as winter comes.

Until the day it snowed, the three-day appointment between Zhang Yao and Brother Zhang was not completed. The two of them did not even exchange a few words. The only communication they had was to ask Xiao Zhang every other month.

Brother proposed to renew the lease of rhubarb for one month.

Although I don’t know what rhubarb is, because this guy always brags, but since it appeared, although Zhang Yao can still see strange things, there are no more horrible things to harass her or hurt her. She

She can sleep very soundly at night, so she can no longer leave Dahuang at all.

But will Brother Zhang care? Of course he doesn't care. He is still the same Brother Zhang who looks weird to others. He lives an ordinary life every day, working from Monday to Friday and sitting in a milk tea shop on Saturdays and Sundays.

Brother Yang is in a daze while listening to Jay Chou's old songs.

How everything changes in the world seems to have little to do with him. It is rare to pay attention to the change of seasons, and it is because it snowed in GD this year.

The snow was heavy, and something that had never happened before happened this year. He looked at the snow outside and just said softly: It's snowing, and he didn't comment much after that.

The shop was still noisy in the past, and it was even more so on weekends. He was welcoming customers one after another. It seemed that nothing had changed or something had changed. But in short, he smiled more and preferred to chat with people simply.

Say a few words, and sometimes even simply ask one or two gossips about others.

Of course, Zhang Yao and Zhu Zhenzhen have become regular customers here. They always come to the shop and sit by the window in their free time, order some snacks and a cup of milk tea, and sit there for a while.

They don't have much conversation with Brother Zhang. At most, they just make a few casual jokes. Especially Zhang Yao. She feels weird, but she can't say what's weird, but she always talks to Brother Zhang.

Asking about some things that are and are not available. If I had to use an adjective, it would be "neglectful".

But Brother Zhang doesn't care, just like Li Bai doesn't care about how many poems he wrote, Brother Zhang doesn't care about anyone's opinions and evaluations of himself.

It has snowed for three days in a row, and the news of the snow disaster is being reported on TV. However, in the milk tea shop, it is like spring all year round, even without the roar of the air conditioner.

Because of the heavy snow, Zhu Zhenzhen announced a holiday yesterday, and even the annual school was temporarily closed. The whole city was like a clock that suddenly stopped, quietly feeling the heavy snow in this early winter season.

The adults were very worried, but the children in Chang'an Lane were playing like crazy. Many of them had never seen snow since they were young, and this snow satisfied all their imaginations about snow, and cheerful laughter spread from outside.

Come on, there were also scoldings from adults.

"My dear..."

The mouse came in from outside, shivering uncontrollably. There was already a layer of snow on his body, and he looked a little embarrassed. He walked into the house and sat in front of the counter: "Just warm milk."

Brother Zhang took out a bag of milk from the thermos cabinet, cut it open and handed it to him in a cup, then sat down again: "The characteristics of spiritual energy recovery, don't panic."

"Yeah." Mouse poured the warm milk into his mouth and took a deep breath: "This heavy snow is going to kill people. Everything is interrupted. I heard that if it continues to snow, the city may have to start power supply for a limited time.

, the power grid can’t hold on anymore.”

While he was talking, someone else walked in from outside. Brother Zhang looked up and saw that it was Zhang Yao. She could hardly walk. She was covered in snow and her boots looked soaked. She chose to wear thin clothes for the sake of beauty.

She was as cold as a little wild cat abandoned on the roadside.

Brother Zhang opened a towel and handed it to her, then pointed to a stone at the far end of the shop. Zhang Yao took the towel and couldn't even speak. She ran all the way to the corner, where the exposed stone was.

It actually emits an amazing amount of heat, and it is this heat that makes this place feel like spring all year round.


It took a long time for Zhang Yao to come back to her senses after sitting there. She shivered several times in succession, then took off her shoes and socks and placed them on the big stone. Looking at the heat coming out of the top, she finally

Feeling better.

Brother Zhang came over, put a cup of hot chocolate on her table, and pointed to her shoes and socks: "It smells like that."

Zhang Yao groaned, and then Brother Zhang pointed to the back and put down a pair of cotton slippers for her. Zhang Yao embarrassedly carried her shoes and socks and walked to the back. The moment she opened the courtyard door, she felt that she might be

I had a hallucination because there was no snow at all in the backyard and it was as warm as a spring day. The big white dog lay down next to the vegetable patch and took a nap, while Nian Nian sat at the door and did his homework.

You must know that it is very windy and snowy outside, and it has even become a disaster, but this open-air courtyard can be so warm? Is this a dome system? No, this place does not have the conditions for a dome, but what about the scene in front of you?


She put her shoes and socks on a stone that could get sunlight, looked up at the sky, but the sky was obviously dark, no different from what she saw outside, but... where did this sunshine come from?


She tried to look along the sunlight, but still saw nothing. She returned to the front with questions, wore cotton slippers and came to the counter holding hot chocolate: "Inside..."

"Well, the sunshine in different time and space." Brother Zhang explained: "It's okay, it's just like the normal sun."

Sunshine in different time and space!!! Does he know what this sentence means? If what he said is true, then all the rules of physics will be subverted now!

But over the past two or three months, Zhang Yao has known what kind of character this weird guy is. She couldn't figure out the reason for it if she asked, so she had to suppress her curiosity and said to little brother Zhang: "

I just failed to send you a message. There must be a problem with the network. I happened to be nearby, so I came here to tell you..."

"Huh?" Brother Zhang raised his head: "What?"

"Didn't I ask Zhu Zhenzhen to tell you before? She is the elder sister of Young Master Dingxing, that Huang Shan." Zhang Yao took a sip of chocolate and continued to Little Brother Zhang: "The master she hired came from three days ago.

Hong Kong is coming, you have to be careful."

"Okay." Brother Zhang glanced at the heavy snow outside: "How do you go back?"

Zhang Yao was stunned for a moment, looking at the slippers on her feet, and then looking at the damn weather outside, and suddenly forgot how she was going to get home.

"Well, I understand." Brother Zhang pointed to a sofa in the distance: "You pull that sofa out and it becomes a bed. You can take a rest if you want."

"Oh..." Zhang Yao sat there dumbfounded and said, "Just let me sleep there?"

"Yeah." Brother Zhang nodded and said, "It's a nice place there. It's specially used for guests to stay overnight. It's very safe here. You don't have to worry."

Zhang Yao is really not too worried about safety, but let her sleep in that place... Come on, she is a standard socialite after all.

"Aren't you worried about the master Huang Shan invited? It is said that he is very powerful. He seems to be more powerful than the White Dragon King."

"Yeah." Brother Zhang agreed absentmindedly, and then turned on the music.

With the heavy snow outside and the music in the room, everything seemed so peaceful. The mouse was already asleep when he was leaning there. It looked like he had stayed up all night, while Zhang Yao was lying on the counter playing with things in boredom.

A straw.

"By the way, Rhubarb is very powerful. After he left, I really wasn't bothered by those things anymore. Thank you."

"Thank him, I didn't do anything." Brother Zhang smiled and said to Zhang Yao, "Does he talk nonsense every day?"

"Well... except for this, everything else is really great." Zhang Yao's big eyes flickered at little Brother Zhang: "When are you planning to go to the appointment? I still owe you a meal."

Brother Zhang took a step back: "Why don't you cook a meal here."

"I can't cook!" Zhang Yao looked at him angrily: "Did you do this on purpose?"

Brother Zhang just smiled but said nothing. Zhang Yao looked at him and smiled, and then suddenly sat back down: "You did it on purpose."

This sentence immediately raised the atmosphere. Brother Zhang pursed his lips and smiled. Zhang Yao was also laughing. Then she patted the table lightly: "You are really annoying."

The snow was still falling, with no sign of stopping. No one came to the milk tea shop, and the power supply network was finally overwhelmed. Most of the city fell into darkness. Zhang Yao was trapped here. He sat on the warm floor.

Looking in front of the glass at the softly illuminated snow outside, I felt somewhat inexplicable.

"I've forgotten how long I haven't dared to sit in the dark. Ever since I was little, bad things will happen to me as long as I'm enveloped in darkness. They just want to kill me."

Brother Zhang didn't answer, he just sat there and swayed back and forth, following the music.

"Why do you still have music here?" Zhang Yao looked back at him: "The power is out."

Brother Zhang still didn't answer, he just raised his head and asked: "Are you hungry?"


Zhang Yao ate a bowl of noodles, two fried sausages and a poached egg very happily. Although she would never admit it, she really liked this place. Putting aside all the doubts, this place was undoubtedly the place where she looked like this.

The only place where you can completely relax mentally.

Warmth, slowness, and a fool who can only laugh...

She didn't even know when she started to drift along with the singing, quietly letting herself go.

It's very healing, as if everything in the past is not so important at this moment.

In the middle of the night, the snow was still falling, and there was no electricity. But there were gradually more people in the store. Xu Wei who worked the night shift, Mr. Pi who had just woken up, and Pony who opened the small supermarket diagonally across the door, had spent a day playing outside in the snow.

The Thunder Dragon, Yang Junfeng who came to look for food, the sleepy Mouse, and Zhang Yao who never left.

Zhang Yao envied Brother Zhang very much. He always had a bunch of interesting and informal friends around him, but most of the time he only had one cat...and this cat was rented from Brother Zhang.

Obviously there is no way to open business today, but no one who is used to gathering in a crowd at night has any intention of leaving. Even Sister Dog turned into a human form after being put to sleep for years and came to the front to join the midnight chat club.


"Did she really call someone?" Thunder Dragon scratched his head after listening to what Brother Zhang relayed and said, "Okay, I'll go find her tomorrow and stop her from asking for trouble."

"Can people listen to you? You really think of yourself as a dish." Mr. Pi laughed and said, "You really think you are some kind of charming leading man."

"Then come here if you don't want to listen. I want to see what master can act like a monster here."

At this moment, Xiao Ma, the ultimate ghost story lover, came up and said, "Don't be so pushy, in this atmosphere, if we don't tell a few ghost stories, wouldn't it be a waste of good time and beautiful scenery?"

His statement was unanimously agreed by everyone. Although even Yang Junfeng is not afraid of ghosts here, storytelling in this environment has been their favorite activity since childhood.

But they seem to have overlooked one thing... Zhang Yao is still here, and she seems to be a little sensitive to these things.

"I'll say it first." Mouse raised his hand: "I've been investigating cases related to Xu Wei recently. Let me tell you about it."

"Tell me about it..." The person involved was the most enthusiastic. Now that she had an in-depth understanding, she knew how close she was to death at that time, so she was particularly interested in these things now.

Zhang Yao hugged the small blanket given to her by Brother Zhang, dragged the plastic stool to the crowd, and pricked up her ears for gossip...

This chapter has been completed!
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