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505, spread of terror

"This is a type of bacterium that can be highly assimilated with living things and control the behavioral activities of almost all living things, and will greatly enhance the abilities of the living things themselves."

Qincheng was under martial law overnight. All TVs, radios, the Internet, and mobile phones warned residents not to drink tap water for the time being, and to choose convenience foods as much as possible. All entrances and exits of the city have been blocked, and surrounding rivers and reservoirs have also been blocked.


There were approximately 50,000 to 80,000 people arriving and on the way to help. However, even with such strict precautions, the number of people infected by this fungus increased from the initial 40 or so to more than 700.

, the previously almost abandoned isolation ward was reactivated, and all infected people were waiting for their fate.

The key problem this time is not only infection, but also more terrifying enhancement. The zoonotic bacteroids can strengthen their bodies to superhuman levels in just a few dozen minutes, and almost all known antibiotics have no solution.

Solve this fungus.

But fortunately, although this fungus can control some human behaviors, it seems to choose to live in symbiosis with humans instead of completely controlling it. Therefore, less than 3% of infected people show aggressive behavior.

Some people do not feel that they are infected. After experiencing short-term vomiting, convulsions and other symptoms, they quickly return to normal, but soon they will find that their power is almost out of control.

Many people can even easily bend common construction steel bars, and this thing seems to be directly proportional to their weight. The greater the weight, the stronger the strength.

"What the hell is this infection? This is glorious evolution."

"But the problem is that it is highly homologous to the mycoplasma found in North America. If you think about the tragedy in North America."

Several young researchers in the temporary research room are working intensively. Sitting next to them is Xiangu's team. They are assigned to protect the safety of scientific researchers. Although it is relatively safe, it is very important because of what will happen in the end.

In this way, it is no longer the superpower side and the arcane side that can intervene. It all depends on the ability of the technology side.

"But the complications are completely different. Infected people in North America will be strengthened, but not so much, and they don't have basic consciousness. None of the infected people in front of us can even repair the damaged body."

The overnight changes in these infected people not only make them stronger, but what is even more exaggerated is that after entering the human body, these bacterium-like organisms will kill all substances that can cause illness or death to the host due to their survival instinct, whether they are other bacteria or viruses.

Cancer cells, and even damage caused by drug reactions will be completely repaired by this bacteria.

And after experiencing more than forty people in the first generation, the new second, third and even fourth generations of infected people have discovered special strengthening abilities to varying degrees. Four people in the second generation have appeared.

With the ability to transform, nine people in the third generation showed energy reactions, and twelve people in the fourth generation were even able to directly practice Gui Qigong.

This means that the bacteria evolve in minutes within the human body, and its evolution directly evolves with the host.

"Teacher Zhao, the fifth generation has appeared!"

A researcher of about twenty from the institute rushed in and said breathlessly: "There are 1,692 people in the fifth generation. There is a six-year-old child who can control all electronic products within sight, and there is a

A child aged three years and seven weeks can control objects at the molecular level, and he has just turned a piece of iron into copper of the same weight."

Brother Zhang, who had been listening to their chat, suddenly became excited when he heard this. He turned his head and asked, "What's that child's name?"

"Ah? Let me take a look." The researcher picked up the tablet and scratched a few times: "The child's name is Long Danchen."

Brother Zhang pursed his lips and remained silent for a long time, then took out his phone and walked outside to dial Brother Long's number...

"What happened to Brother Zhang?"

"You showed up."

"Huh?" Long Danchen was chasing the remnants of the Nanwang who escaped. When he suddenly heard Brother Zhang's words, he was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

"A three-year-old Long Danchen has appeared here, with the same ability as you."

Long Danchen's mind buzzed, but after hesitating for a moment, he said: "Have the gears of fate begun to move irreversibly?"


"I'll go back right away."


After hanging up the phone, Brother Zhang returned to the house and continued to wait until dawn. The situation finally stabilized a little. After the bacteroids multiplied to a certain extent, their evolution speed obviously slowed down, and they began to adjust their own...

The direction of evolution is coming. But as the number of infections gradually increased, people also discovered variants with different attributes, and even discovered that this bacterium-like body seemed to have its own personality like a human being.

And it is this differentiation that leads to very obvious differences in the areas infected by bacteroids with different personalities. Now a total of six evolutionary directions have been discovered, namely super physical evolution, super IQ evolution, energy body evolution, and degenerative evolution.

, proliferative evolution and community evolution.

The first three directions of evolution are easy to say, but the last three are really scary. The direction of regressive evolution is to allow humans to master all kinds of weird primitive biological skills, such as growing gills in the lungs to breathe underwater.

Wings have grown and the lower limbs have gradually degenerated. The upper limbs have super doubled to take on a bat-like posture and can fly. In addition, the bones on the body have proliferated and broken through the skin to form an exoskeleton like a big sea. What's even more outrageous is that some people have grown six arms.

It's so annoying to walk on a flat surface on a vertical wall...

Proliferative evolution adds one or more strange organs out of thin air. For example, turrets grow on the shoulders, which can also fire high-energy pulses. The continuous firing consumes a Snickers bar for three minutes. There are also super awesome ones under the feet.

It's so magical that it's hard to understand the Hall thruster. The thrust of the Hall thruster is tens of kilotons, but it can directly spray itself into the sky and do a fucking Cobra maneuver.

The most annoying thing here is community evolution. Patients infected by bacteria in this evolutionary direction can directly share information, abilities and knowledge with each other. If one person has a skill, everyone will have this skill.

Others who have evolved a certain ability can also share it. Moreover, they can take turns with each other. In an instant, this person can become another person, and they cannot be locked up at all, as long as one symbiote is still there.

Outside, they can collectively teleport to the location of the symbiote, and even if they directly destroy an individual, these symbiotes will donate part of their cells to complete reconstruction in an instant...

"Dear mother, this is a selective research project on the future evolution direction of biology."

After seeing the report, all the instructors in the laboratory were confused. All possible future evolutionary directions of carbon-based organisms were included in it. They even suspected that this was not an infection at all but a sudden great evolution of species.

Damn it, are humans about to take off?

But not long after, their excitement was extinguished by a basin of cold water, because the six branches began to form a team to fight...

From a biological point of view, this is a typical rejection reaction. The bacteroids all believe that their evolutionary direction is correct, and other evolutionary directions will only contaminate their genes, so the war begins.

For a moment, the city entered a terrifying state of war. Even though the maintenance personnel began to coordinate, they all quickly withdrew from the battlefield. Because these six teams were too strong, there was no feasible way to stop them at this stage. We could not directly

Blow it up with a nuclear bomb.

However, the only thing that pleased the maintenance staff and researchers was that they thought that such a spread would spread across the country that day, but in fact there was no such big terror. No matter which way these bacteroids escaped, it seemed that

They are all framed within this range, as if there is a pair of invisible hands controlling them.

And here we have to mention the Bacteria. While it sends the self-limiting Bacteria God of War here to quell the chaos, it also uses its own mycelium to filter the escaped bacteroids in the water network and the land.

Although it can't do anything about places that have been infected on a large scale, it can control them from spreading outwards. All infected organisms that want to escape will be eliminated by it, ranging from cattle and horses to mosquitoes. It will not spare any of them.


But now that the six traitors of the bacteria have started a war, it now hopes that its god of war, the bacteria, can be faster and faster. If it cannot stop the behavior of those traitors before causing large-scale casualties, the big tree will come...

Now the entire Qin City is in chaos, and the six forces are divided into their own. There is no good solution on the official side. Ordinary soldiers are not easy to use, but now the tens of thousands of people from the Secret Service have not yet fully arrived, plus these infected people are huge.

Damn smart, every start was at the level of a master tactician. They avoided the maintenance area and spread around, making the fight a lively one.

Hearing the explosion outside, the fairy opened the curtains and took a look. She found that there were energy bodies fighting against proliferative bodies not far away, and there were intelligent bodies next to them playing with each other and engaging in fucking diplomacy. The one who just came next to her was suspected of being infected.

The major general who was doing the investigation kept sighing while drawing blood. If the tactics and tactics of these monsters were used for war games, 99% of the armies in the world would definitely be beaten to a crawl.

"What should we do now?" The little Taoist priest sat there dangling his legs: "Do you want to go out and help?"

"Help whom?"

While they were talking, their window suddenly burst, and then a person bumped in from the outside and fell heavily to the ground. He quickly stood up and nodded to the people in the room: "Sorry."

After saying that, he stepped on the window and stepped out, then joined the captain with other fungi.

Bacteria fight without harming innocent people, because in their view, these uninfected humans are their future hosts. These bacteria are so smart that it is unbelievable. Now the fight between these fungi feels like... like

It is a fight between different individuals in a population to compete for the right to mate.

If a non-infected person goes out at this time, they will be escorted by the bacteria to the nearest safe place. And if they are hungry, they will use their mobile phones to order food, such as the third one at the southeast gate of XX Park.

The chair looks like this.

But this is not to say that the bacteria are a farce. They have really done a lot of damage to the city. They only care about the host and not the infrastructure. After a crazy war, the smaller ones are fine, but the bigger ones will be fine.

It would cause a mess of several square kilometers.

Even people from the Secret Service had to find a safe place to hide when they were fighting.

For example, in the park not far from Brother Zhang and the others, there are four senior agents from all over the place hiding behind a relatively safe slope and observing quietly. There are orders from above to prevent the spread, but there are no orders to mediate...

And while they were eating melon seeds, chatting and watching exciting content, a man covered in bone armor was thrown in front of them by the shock wave. The man rolled along the ground for more than ten meters, and then sat down unscathed.

stand up.

"Hey..." The elders around were startled by this man and immediately got ready for battle.

But the fungus man from the degenerative group bent down next to them, even picked up a bottle of mineral water from them to drink, and after drinking the water, he said to them: "I need to take a rest."

Then the big brothers everywhere started chatting with him... Not to mention, people after bacterial infection are different. They speak clearly and logically. The big brothers everywhere asked them why they wanted to fight. They said: "Strive for a limited number of people."

Survival resources are limited by the mother body and we cannot leave this area, so we must completely eliminate those types that have evolved incorrectly. They are cancers and should not exist."

"Look at what people say..."

"Okay, thank you very much. I hope you can eventually join us and become a member of Ultimate Evolution."

The armored fungi turned around and rushed out, and the melee continued.

"But they have been fighting for so long. Has anyone died?"

"It doesn't seem like it. Just now I saw that every one of them was broken into pieces, and then it started to stir up the sticky lake like natto. It recovered after a while."

"Then what are they fighting for?"

"Let's create an atmosphere."

Several people were leaning there and chatting, but they also knew that this thing was not a farce, because different situations would appear every day. It seemed quite fun now, but this was only the first day.

At this time, the helicopter on which King Shan was riding also arrived, but he went directly to the area controlled by the Legion of Bacteria and the area controlled by super-intelligent evolution, and then he randomly found an infected person there.

"I have something I want to talk to you about." Shan Da Dynasty, a handsome boy who looked to be only 18 or 19 years old, stretched out his hand: "Can we talk?"

This chapter has been completed!
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