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513, good days...really good days

 "Brother Zhang, thank you so much." Chong

Long Danchen was panting, and there seemed to be wind whistling in his ears: "What the hell did you ask me to do? I'm being chased by a monster that can break through the realm of time and space!!!! Oh my god!!!"

I heard screams coming from over there, followed by the sound of the phone falling on the ground, and then a sweet female voice came: "Wai~~~~"

Brother Zhang was excited: "Hello..."

"Wait for me."

After he finished speaking, he didn't hang up the phone, and then he heard a conversation coming from inside: "Next time, I'll throw it to you for thirty-three days to eat absolute zero. Do you hear me?"

"Listen to my explanation..."

After saying that, a sizzling sound came from the other end, and then it completely stopped.

Brother Zhang stood up and said to his teammates who were eating: "I'm going out to do something."

After saying that, he quickly started the cyber teleportation and disappeared in front of everyone. Others were already accustomed to Brother Zhang's elusiveness. After he left, no one discussed anything, but they just continued to play music and eat.

Brother Zhang arrived in front of Long Danchen almost in about 0.7 seconds. At this moment, Long Danchen was wrapped with plastic tape on a telephone pole, his face was covered with heavy makeup, and his mouth was covered with a piece of Stuffed with a big chicken chop, he kept struggling but couldn't use his awesome superpowers at all.

Standing next to him was a person who was also dressed in ordinary clothes, but had an awesome aura. He was standing there with his arms folded and looking at him, Brother Zhang, laughing.

"Okay, learn to lie." Miss Jin opened her mouth to scold Brother Zhang when she saw him coming: "My skills are getting better day by day."

Brother Zhang chuckled but did not answer. He just started to tear off the tape on Long Danchen. Logically speaking, let alone ordinary tape, even a titanium alloy chain could not trap Long Danchen. But today he I don't know what happened, but he couldn't use any abilities at all, and the space-time domain that he thought was invincible was completely ineffective, so he was dealt with so miserably.

"I'm worried that you won't be able to complete the task." After Brother Zhang untied Long Danchen, he smiled and said to Miss Jin, "So please ask your friends to help you." Chong

"You are here, I don't know what you are thinking." Miss Jin chuckled: "Do you think giving him a small toy can prevent me?"

Brother Zhang scratched his head: "Then I'll give him some more."

Miss Jin's eyes widened and she was about to speak when she saw Brother Zhang grabbing Long Danchen and yelling at the phone: "Run!"

With a whooshing sound, they disappeared in front of Miss Jin. Looking at the two people who suddenly escaped, Miss Jin was stunned for a while, and then bent over with laughter, but she didn't pursue it too much, she just laughed enough. Then she turned around and left. After all, such a trivial matter was not worth her anger. She was just teasing Brother Zhang by tormenting Long Danchen.

At this moment, Long Danchen and Brother Zhang were sitting at a barbecue stall in Dadongbai, eating grilled chicken. Long Danchen said that he was like a piece of used toilet paper, wrinkled and covered with dirt. He suffered a devastating blow both physically and mentally. If Brother Zhang didn't give him something more, he wouldn't be able to make up for his hurt heart.

Of course, he didn't ask who the woman who easily penetrated the space-time realm and opened a forbidden demon realm outside his realm was. After all, Brother Zhang had already said before that it was the main god-level combat power, Dragon Pill. At first, Chen didn't know what the concept of god-level combat power was. He thought that he could give others a try if he had a time-travel belt, but in the end he realized that he was naive.

Now complaining is meaningless to him. The most meaningful thing is to take this opportunity to get more things from Brother Zhang. As for why? Brother Zhang just said it himself, to give him more pampering.

Brother Zhang was actually a little guilty when he saw Long Danchen just now. After all, he had misjudged the ability gap between Brother Long and Leopard Tou. This gap could no longer be bridged by a belt, which led to him being tied up with tape. On the telephone pole.

"Sister-in-law is very powerful." Long Danchen held it in for a long time and ate half a roasted chicken rack before he said: "I really can't help you. Brother, it's not that I won't help you, I really have no choice. She said to come in from the space-time realm. Just come in, I've reached the speed of light, she can still pull me back, you said I... ugh... you, Brother Long, and I, after all, we were the overlords of one side unparalleled in the world back then, but now we have never been like this..."

The more Long Danchen talked about it, the more aggrieved he became, to the point where his eyes turned red in front of Brother Zhang.

Brother Zhang laughed dryly twice, and then began to fumble in his pocket. After a while, he took out a pocket the size of a fist, and then put his hand in it.

Under Long Danchen's attention, he first took out a ring and handed it over: "The dimensional ring allows you to enter another dimension."


But before Long Danchen fell to the ground with an exclamation, Brother Zhang took out another glove: "Conversion gloves can realize the mutual conversion of energy, matter, or matter and energy. They are also called creation gloves. It should be very useful according to your abilities. "Pet

"Wow...infinite battery life..."

Brother Zhang didn't seem to have enough, so he continued to take things out: "Huh? I'll give you this too, the Five Realms Pass. It's useless. It just allows you to travel freely through the Five Realms."

"Five...five...five realms?" Long Danchen was shocked: "There are still five realms?"

"Yeah." Brother Zhang stretched out his finger and pointed to the first five agate balls of different colors on the card: "Press whichever one you press and you will go to that realm. But you have to be careful with this green one. The mountain and sea realm is very scary."

After Brother Zhang finished speaking, he was still taking it out. Long Danchen was too embarrassed to ask for it, but he couldn't hold back his curiosity. When Brother Zhang took out an iron rod about two meters long, Long Danchen couldn't hold back at all. Already.

"This...the sea-fixing needle?"

Brother Zhang frowned and looked at the words above carefully: "Riding the Purple Golden Liang... What is this? Isn't it the Ruyi Golden Cudgel? It doesn't matter, here it is for you." Pet.

Then Brother Zhang started to take it out again: "Oh, this is a good thing, here it is for you."

What he took out this time was actually a string of rosary beads. After putting it in Long Danchen's hand, Brother Zhang said: "This seems to be called following one's will. It is something from Black Spirit Mountain. It seems to mean that it can follow one's will to become bigger or smaller. It is said that it can be as big as...well...the moon. It is a combination of offense and defense, but there seems to be a limit. I don't know the details. I haven't used it yet. You can go back and study it."

Long Danchen is now wearing it on his fingers, around his neck, holding it in his hand, and carrying it in his pocket. He looks like an opera singer, but his current feeling is completely different.

In fact, he is also a fan of online novels. Apart from anything else, everything here can be regarded as the top magic weapon in the world of Xianxia. As for whether it is true or not, it is absolutely true. The feeling after getting the things in his hands is already It's obviously genuine. It's hard to describe but I know it in my heart.

"Brother Zhang, do you like me?" Long Danchen asked with some difficulty after holding something in silence for a long time: "Actually, it's not impossible, but I have to drink some. I can do anything when I'm drunk, otherwise I'll suffer psychologically. No."

"Don't pay me back."

"I won't give it to you!" Long Danchen hugged the thing into his arms: "I paid for this with humiliation... I deserve it."

Well, Brother Zhang will definitely not take back the things he gave away. After all, these things are of no use to him, but for Long Danchen, they can help him make a qualitative leap.

As for why these things are not given to Twelve Spirits or Qing Lingzi, it is because the Twelve Spirits themselves have the key to the warehouse, and Qing Lingzi has his own exclusive suit, which cannot be used. But in Brother Zhang’s magical virtual space, It has already been filled with these strange gadgets, as well as tens of billions of various doomsday materials prepared by Zhang Yao, the doomsday prep maniac.

In Zhang Yao's words, if storage costs are not taken into account, the practicality and value retention of grain, grain processed products and non-staple foods are far better than gold. Therefore, Zhang Yao would add tons and tons of things to the warehouse whenever he had the opportunity. She has stocked hundreds of thousands of tons of pure water, fearing that one day the world will end and she will have to scavenge for garbage all over the world like in the American TV series.

As for Long Danchen, he would not foolishly ask Brother Zhang where he got the things from, and he would not even question whether Brother Zhang was the regional god of war.

After all, he, Long Danchen, suffered so much in his previous life. In the end, his wife ran away, his brothers left, and even his subordinates betrayed him. In the end, he got old and died a bad death. What did his brother Zhang do to him? Can he still know? Can he still know whether Brother Zhang is a good person?

Either Brother Zhang is interested in him and wants to poke fun at him. Or Brother Zhang is really a good person, a good brother, selfless and dedicated to benefiting others. Long Danchen thinks the possibility is greater, that is, Brother Zhang is really a good person. , is the treasure boy, is the sunshine boy, is the super central air conditioner, is the warm wind blowing through the Himalayas from the Indian Ocean, and is the nutrient-rich tropical circulation in the Pacific Ocean.

"What else is more interesting?" Long Danchen stretched his head and looked at it: "It's the more interesting kind." Chong Chong

Brother Zhang reached in and took it out: "Do you want water from the Zimu River in the Mountain and Sea Realm? Drinking it can give birth to children."

"No, no, thank you..." Long Danchen waved his hands repeatedly: "I'm very satisfied...but why do you even have that kind of thing?"

"I forgot, maybe because I like to hoard things."

Brother Zhang is also a bit of a hoarder. He collects all kinds of strange things. Of course, he also collects unnatural water, but none of his collections are as good as his roomful of postcards. If someone can collect Master Xuanzang’s journey to the west, It’s not a big problem to get the customs clearance document for Brother Zhang and let him kiss it.

As for the specific identity of Brother Zhang, it is not important to Long Danchen at all. After all, a regional war god may not be able to withstand someone who can flirt with a god-level monster.

But who cares? From today on, Brother Zhang is his biological father. Whatever Brother Zhang says is what he says. Anyone who doubts Brother Zhang is doubting Long Danchen. Anyone who opposes Brother Zhang is not giving him the face of Long Danchen. He should be beaten or killed. He insists on taking his brother Zhang as the core and resolutely supports all his ideas.

"By the way, I found Xiao Long Danchen." Long Danchen said with a smile, "It's great, he has both parents." Chong Chong said with a smile.

When talking about both his parents, Long Danchen's eyes were full of surprise and envy, and his tone was even gentler: "His father is very handsome and his mother is very beautiful, and the family environment is also good."

Brother Zhang glanced at him and then asked: "Does this count as fulfilling a little dream of yours?"

"Why doesn't it count?" Long Danchen leaned back on the chair: "For many years, I have been thinking that it would be great if I could meet my parents. I also thought that if I lived in a normal family , what will it be like if you grow up in a healthy and comfortable environment? Will you still be so stubborn and selfish? Now it has given me a chance. If nothing else, it at least allows me to get rid of the goal of killing black people. There is one more ultimate goal.”

"Oh? What?"

"Well... I just take good care of Xiao Long Danchen when he grows up. He is me." Long Danchen pointed to a mole next to his ear: "He also has a mole here, in the same position and the same color. I was I cried when I saw his mother holding him. It was an experience I had never had in my life."


"Yeah." Long Danchen picked up the Laobaigan at hand and took a sip: "It's really good." Pet.

Later, he shared the secretly taken photos of Xiao Long Danchen with Brother Zhang. Brother Zhang saw that he was indeed carved in the same mold as Long Danchen. His expression and body were really enlarged, and even his abilities were the same. A dime a dozen.

"If nothing unexpected happens, Black S might assassinate him." When Long Danchen said this, his eyes narrowed quietly: "I want to see what they are capable of!"

Brother Zhang asked curiously: "Now you are fully capable of destroying them directly."

"It's useless." Long Danchen dipped his hand in water and drew a circle on the table: "The other party is not stupid. He has already opened the time and space gate. As long as he dies, he from another time and space will immediately appear to fill it. As long as that timeline still exists, he is almost immortal. Moreover, he is a cyborg, and his memory and everything can be shared through the cloud, which is very difficult to deal with. There is no point in killing him, only to eliminate the possibility of overlapping the timelines. Only through extinction can we completely cut off the disease, so we must wait for a critical time node, and then interfere with this node to make it develop in another direction."

"It's quite complicated."

"I'm just guessing." Long Danchen waved his hand: "But I guess it's almost the same, because I killed him once when I blew myself up last time, but it didn't work, he's still alive."

Brother Zhang nodded with general understanding: "Thank you for your hard work." Chong

"What kind of hard work is this? I've already seen my biological parents, so why should I have to work hard?" Long Danchen crossed his legs and said, "The experience is really amazing."

When Brother Zhang heard this, he could only sigh helplessly: "I can't."


"There is only one in time and space." Brother Zhang said softly: "Among all the multiverses with Universe Zero as the core, I am the only one. There is no separation."

Long Danchen thought for a long time. Although he couldn't fully understand it, he was greatly shocked...



This chapter has been completed!
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