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516, another world where only Ying Shang is injured.

 "Look here! You bunch of losers." Jun

In Qincheng, there was a high-level meeting of the Secret Service. All the senior Secret Service officers were sitting there and being scolded, but they had no temper at all, because the person knocking on the blackboard in front of them was the Director of the Academic Affairs Office of the Arcane School, the President of the Professional Society on Arcane Issues, and the World Honorary Chairman of the Arcane Council, President of the Greater China Arcane Alliance, and advisor to the East Asia Special Affairs Work Command, Wen Ying, also known as Sister Longlong.

"There is no such thing as artificial or non-artificial life. The moment any living thing is defined as a living thing, it is already an independent individual. Remember!" Sister Longlong patted the curtain vigorously: "Even if a life is born in Laboratory or arcane device, it is also defined as a natural creature. Do you understand this rule? Just like your parents gave birth to you, theoretically it is also an artificial creation! This set of principles also applies to other species, from birth to From that moment on, it became a natural creation."

Then Thunder Dragon pressed the button, and the PPT on the screen switched to another screen, which contained various pictures of Qincheng's fungi: "The same thing is true for this thing. It is indeed an artificial creation, but it is also a natural creature. Natural creatures are It is allowed in nature to fight for living space and interact or even conflict with humans. Here I have to mention a narrow-minded old dog with human supremacy. In his concept, non-human creatures are inferior beings. When interacting with humans, During a conflict, all lower life forms should be eliminated, but in fact this concept is essentially wrong. Human beings are not the only masters of this world. If a full-scale war breaks out, the winning rate of human beings will be less than one ten thousandth."

Sister Longlong said impassionedly: "So if human beings want to live stably in this world, they need to seek common ground while reserving differences, and they must communicate effectively and peacefully with non-human creatures. Human beings must allow non-human creatures to carry out reasonable activities." Reproduce and expand, and learn to coexist or even integrate with these creatures. Only in this way can the destructiveness of non-human creatures be effectively curbed."

"Let me give you an example that you all know, such as the bacterial crisis that broke out in Qincheng. Why was it only limited to a single city, while the same-origin bacteria that broke out in the United States almost occupied half of the country?" Sister Long Long held up her hands. He said loudly on the table: "What is it essentially? In fact, it is not a problem of the flora, but a problem of human beings' own disposal methods. The reason why the flora found here in Qincheng has not spread is not how powerful humans are, but the self-limitation of the flora." , they restrict their own disordered reproduction, reproduce and evolve in a limited space, and to a certain extent, carry out intensified transformation of the human parasitic subject."

"So we finally got the relatively mild ending now, that is, humans and the flora have reached a balance, and the follow-up depends on how the two parties can further cooperate. This is a typical Eastern thinking. People have Eastern thinking, and so do the flora. And in When the same problem occurred over there, no one thought of reaching a balance with the flora, and the first reaction was to eliminate it. The flora that sensed danger would resist in their own way, and things would then lead to all-out confrontation. You know all-out confrontation? The price? That means there is no winner or lose!"

Sister Longlong slammed the table hard: "Look at what you are doing! Are you following the path of all-out confrontation with those white-skinned pigs on the other side? You are really crazy. That is the highest level of secret infection. Use nuclear bombs. Things that are not clean, you come up to engage in all-out confrontation and seize the power of the secret service. You are so awesome. Fortunately, there are no serious consequences. Let me ask you, if more than 100,000 people died. "Which of you can take the blame? Stand up!" Jun

Strictly speaking, Sister Longlong is not a member of the Secret Service. After Mouse stripped him of all his authority, his files were transferred by the Ministry of Security. In other words, he is now a consultant of the Ministry of Security, and the Secret Service Both the Secret Service and the Secret Service departments are sub-departments under the Ministry of Security, so although he has no real power, he can scold the heads of these two departments as if they were his third grandson.

Needless to say about Mouse, Sister Longlong is a senior brother herself, and she will scold him if he scolds him. Liang Chusheng on the special service side can't do anything about this guy. He can't scold or beat him. The key is that there are people above him who are on the rise. He was promoted faster than taking a plane.

In the words of Qing Lingzi, the Twelve Spirits are not very good. That is because each of the Twelve Spirits of this generation has very strong abilities. This has caused them to gather together into a pile of shit, each fighting for each other. They are all very strong, but when they are together, they each have their own ideas. The twelve spirits who are not united can only be the stinky younger brother in front of Qing Lingzi, and cannot stand on the stage.

"Alright, Xiaoliang, please come and get the plan for the future." Sister Longlong was talking passionately when the phone rang suddenly. He took a look and stopped the class, then said something and walked out.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Yingsha lowered his voice and asked in a low voice, "I'm in class."

"Come here." Brother Zhang ordered: "The farm."

"Can you give me half an hour? I'll go back and take a shower and change some clothes. The skirt I just bought today has arrived." Yingsha chuckled: "I'll wear it when I go back and show it to you." Jun

There was a beep on the other end of the phone, and Yingsha pouted: "If you don't want to read it, you won't read it. What a shame, it's really hard to take care of."

But in the end, Yingsha actually spent half an hour putting on the cool summer skirt he just bought and went to the farm. When he first appeared, the fairy's eyes lit up, not for the other people. Because Yingsha is so beautiful.

"Look, look at your mother's height, and look at your eyeballs." Ying Shang cursed, then stood outside with his hands in his pockets and waited.

Brother Zhang didn't know what he was doing, and Yingsha didn't dare to urge him. He could only wait outside. On the farm under the stars, only the fairy was roasting pork by the bonfire. No one else knew what they were doing.

After waiting for a while, Yingsha became bored, so he walked to Brother Zhang's recliner and looked at the book on top that Brother Zhang used to cover his face while sleeping: "Let me see what Brother Zhang is reading."

"Hmm..."A Sword Fairy Grows in the Family", what a crappy book it is." Thunder Dragon flipped through a few pages: "Oh, it's quite pornographic, 6."

Just when he was lamenting that Brother Zhang was dirty when he read, the little Taoist dragged a wild boar down the mountain. The wild boar weighed at least two hundred kilograms. The little Taoist grabbed its fangs with one hand and pulled it. He got down, then rode the pig and started charging towards this side. Jun

"Fuck... alive?"

Yingsha watched the pig rushing towards him, and then he dodged sideways and pulled the little Taoist off the pig. The wild boar turned and rushed towards Yingsha. He just made a fist in the air, and a bolt of lightning struck directly from the sky. Come down, the wild boar pounces.

This move stunned the fairy. He had never seen anyone perform magic like this. He originally thought that their little potato was already a top figure in the secret arts, but now a beautiful girl suddenly appeared who could rub it with his bare hands. Jiutian Xuanlei, this is a bit exaggerated...


Yingsha didn't pay attention to the wild boar, he just tilted his head to look at the little Taoist priest, and the little Taoist priest also tilted his head to look at him.

"Have I seen you somewhere?"

The two of them suddenly raised questions in unison, and then the little Taoist priest frowned, and the copper coins on his body turned into swords with a whine, while Yingsha reached out and flicked his hand, and a lightning whip appeared in his hand: "Don't force me here. The place will slap you." Jun

But the little Taoist priest didn't care about that. There was an inexplicable impulse in her body, just to fight with the woman in front of her, so she rushed out as soon as her forehead was hot.

"Hey, you little potato."

When Sister Longlong saw Little Potato on the other side taking action, he was of course not polite. She swung the electric whip fiercely, then turned around and whipped her horse, raised the sky with one hand, and pushed Little Potato to the ground: "Thunder!"

Crazy thunder flashed, and Little Potato's golden body shot up and pushed Sister Longlong away. Sister Longlong looked at it and let out a yelp: "Tu Shanqi, you bitch, it turns out to be you!"

After saying that, he spread out his hands and made crazy movements with them. Then dark clouds suddenly rose in the sky, and a purple thunder rushed down and hit Sister Longlong. After the thunder dissipated, he was covered with thunder dragon armor, except that he had no weapons. Basically it's already in full costume.

Then the golden-body Dharma-like Little Potato and the fully-dressed Longlong sister distanced themselves tacitly, and then suddenly accelerated and rushed away. The spiritual explosions from both sides directly knocked the fairy girl away.

The fairy aunt covered her chest and got up, only to see that there was another person between Xiaodou and Sister Longlong. This was also a woman, with a face as heavy as water. She pressed Xiaodou's head with one hand, and supported Longlong with her arm. Sister Long didn't feel tired at all when one person was fighting against the other two. On the contrary, the other two were restrained by her and couldn't move. Jun Jun

"Soul transfer!"

With a whine, Sister Longlong and Xiaodou fell to the ground. Then when they stood up, they were shocked to find that they were standing on the opposite side... Then they realized something was wrong, they had been hit!

"Qing Lingzi!!!" Xiaodou shouted angrily: "How dare you move my soul?"

Sister Longlong stretched out her hand and patted her chest: "Wow, it's gotten bigger."

Qing Lingzi waved his hand: "How dare you dare to cause trouble here?"

Xiaotuo wanted to condense the spell, but found that there was a powerful restriction in this body. If he did not break the restriction, he would not be able to exert the power of the spell at all, so he raised his hand and pointed at his body: "Come here, let me Move your soul out!"

"No, I want to play for a few days!" The little potato under Sister Longlong's body ran away: "Let's go out and play!"

"Tu Shanqi! I'm your grandma!" Sister Longlong under Xiaodou's body shouted all the time, but her body was short and she couldn't use advanced spells, so she could only watch Xiaodou control her body. He ran out happily.


Qing Lingzi rolled his eyes at the side and said: "It is a crime to disturb the Holy Lord. I will exchange it for you in three days."

Yingsha felt very miserable, he was even in a trance, his gender recognition was completely confused, gender transfer plus soul transfer, male and female were directly ahead of the national version by three versions, if he waits a few more days, he might think that he is a female-only Wal-Mart Shopping bags.

"Were you called back too?"

Sister Longlong asked a strange question in a little potato voice, and the fairy lady who witnessed the whole process was still in a state of confusion.

"Yes." Qing Lingzi didn't want to talk nonsense: "Be quiet." Jun

The British version of Little Potato leaned back on Brother Zhang's recliner, picked up the classic erotic literature "A Sword Fairy Comes into the Family" and started reading.

Anyway, they waited for about half an hour, and then Brother Zhang opened the window on the second floor and waved to Qing Lingzi, and then asked, "Where is Wen Ying?"

Little Potato jumped up from the bed: "Here, here."

Brother Zhang looked at Xiaodou in surprise, and then looked at Qing Lingzi. Qing Lingzi nodded clearly: "They fought, and I moved my soul."

Brother Zhang frowned: "Can you fight with a little potato?"

"What a little potato, that's Tu Shanqi, the Greedy Wolf Star from Zhijie Xian Sha Po Lang." Yingsha sighed and said, "That bitch is going to beat me when he comes up."

Brother Zhang was too lazy to listen to his explanation. He just nodded and let them go upstairs. No matter how stupid the fairy girl downstairs was, she knew that Brother Zhang's identity was definitely not simple. After all, the people who were so cruel just now were all under his command. People who treat him with respect, maybe he is the kind of young master from an ancient spiritual family, then this makes sense, after all, his temperament is so good, it is definitely not something that ordinary sects can cultivate. He is handsome.

After Zaiying and the others went upstairs, they opened the door and saw a confused Jiang Muzhou. The purpose of Brother Zhang asking them to come was to give Jiang Muzhou a full body check to see if he had been infected by bacteria.

After hearing this, Yingsha was also stunned and asked Jiang Muzhou: "Are you from Yunnan?"

Jiang Muzhou was also a little uneasy now, and then nodded silently.

"You from Yunnan can't just eat the fungi when you see them, my mom." Yingsha walked up to Jiang Muzhou and said, "Open your mouth!"

Jiang Muzhou frowned and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar Little Tudou in front of him, refusing to open his mouth. At this moment, Qing Lingzi next to him was not used to his problems. When he pushed his forehead with his palm, Jiang Muzhou suddenly felt that all the strength in his body was drained away. , as soft as a rag doll.

At this moment, he felt that his body was easily handled by the two girls, inspecting him like an animal.

After checking, Qing Lingzi used real fire to burn off the saliva on her fingers, then nodded and said, "No problem, nothing abnormal." Jun

At this time, Brother Zhang told Yingsha and Qing Lingzi what happened in the afternoon. The two of them exclaimed in unison, and then expressed curiosity about this herbal fungus.

So Brother Zhang took the two of them to the fungus field. After going there, Qing Lingzi studied it for a long time, and Yingsha even ate a handful directly: "It tastes like blueberries, a little crisp and sweet."

Qing Lingzi also ate a handful after hearing this: "Well...it's pretty good."

The place where they picked them quickly grew overgrown, which aroused their curiosity, so the two began to pick frantically. After a while, the mushroom fruits were picked all over the ground, but there were still many fruits in the field. It is fruitful.

"I have to go to the Minke Forum to post a post. I discovered a perpetual motion machine." Yingsha looked at the field curiously with his hands on his hips and kept eating fungus fruits in his mouth: "Oh, old dog. This thing Does it have any medicinal value?"

Qing Lingzi shook his head slightly, and then said calmly: "It is poisonous and there is no cure."

"It's okay, it's not my body that's rotten anyway." Jun

Qing Lingzi chuckled: "Down!"

Ying Shang fell to the ground unconsciously.

At this time, Qing Lingzi looked at Ying Shang who fell on the ground and said with ridicule: "The poison of the soul."



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