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521, isn’t this difficult?

 In fact, Brother Zhang has never had a clear concept of combat effectiveness. Although there is a clear measurement index now, which is the light index. But he still has some vague ideas about combat effectiveness. After all, what he has come into contact with before is basically the Twelve Spirit level.

As for the demon, it's not Nian Nian, the Millennium Centipede Spirit is at the level of White Snake, and there are always a few strangers who appear, and they are all legendary disciples of a certain immortal sect.

This greatly disturbed his understanding of normal combat levels. You must know that although the spiritual energy has been revived for several years now, the overall upper limit of ordinary people's strength is still very low. For example, those people everywhere before were already considered top players.

, and those people couldn't even withstand Qing Lingzi's moves. But people like Xiangu were at the level of normal players, even mid-to-upper level.

Therefore, in the eyes of Brother Zhang, He Shuilin is just an average player, but in the eyes of others, he is a peerless master who is astonishing to the heavens. The move he just made to "give you ten seconds" has already exceeded their imagination.

A rare swordsman like Jiang Piaozhou has a high reputation from the outside world, but in fact when facing Yu Heng, who also plays swordsman, he may not even have a chance to take action. You must know that Yu Heng's level is in Chang'an Lane, then

It is only suitable for paving the floor outside in the open air.

Carrying the hooded man and throwing it on the ground, they originally thought that the matter was over, and all that was left was for the flamethrower to come over and spray away the remaining corpse poison. But the next moment, things suddenly moved around them, and the ground rumbled.

There was a tremor, and then the entire piece of land was transferred to another space out of thin air, and day turned into night in an instant.

"Haha, interesting."

In the darkness in front of them, a girl slowly fell down. Her age was definitely indistinguishable, but the features she displayed were very strange and even a little weird.

From the front, she is obviously a human being, but from the side, there are worm-like tentacles supporting her behind her, and the thickest tentacle extends all the way to the darkness behind her.

Brother Zhang took a photo and then entered the encyclopedia to search for pictures. The name of this thing was quickly displayed. It is called the Widow Hunter. This Widow Hunter is good at using bait to seduce people.

, and baits can take on various forms and are classified as indescribable. In other words, the girl in front of them may just be the induction organ of the thing behind them, and the real hunter is the darkness behind her.

But at this moment, people outside the cordon saw that the previous cordon was suddenly shrouded in darkness. The top of this curtain was about 120 meters long, and they could not break through it no matter what means they used.

Bian had already asked his superiors for assistance, but now due to the reorganization and rectification of the Secret Service, very few people could be dispatched. Finally, after reporting at all levels, elite personnel from all four departments were dispatched to this place.

But at this moment, Brother Zhang, Xiangu and the others are trapped in it. This kind of supernatural creature that obviously has the indescribable characteristics of Cthulhu is theoretically not the target of a group like theirs because it is too out of line.

"Ha, what did I think it was? It's just an angler." He Shuilin's body ignited with flames again: "I grew up by the sea!"

After saying that, she jumped out and kicked the girl who suddenly appeared, but the next moment she felt that her body was stuck and an incomparable force was dragging her into the darkness.

"Hold the grass!"

He Shuilin screamed and subconsciously reached out to grab her, but she was at 1,300 degrees. When the little Taoist stepped forward to grab her, she shrank back as fast as lightning. Even her copper skin and iron bones couldn't bear the heat.

But just when she was about to be dragged into the darkness in despair, Brother Zhang suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed He Shuilin. The two held their hands together. Brother Zhang's arm suddenly burned, and his flesh and blood separated almost instantly.

He lost his arm, leaving only one hand bone still burning.

But Brother Zhang looked down as if he felt no pain, and then pulled He Shuilin out with a strong tug, but he was dragged into the darkness by the trap organ.

Seeing this scene, Fairy Girl's eyes widened and she frowned: "Brother Zhang is just gone?"

He Shuilin let out a cry, and looked at the endless darkness ahead with the flames slowly extinguished, and then suddenly heard a rolling sound in the darkness, like an African elephant having a stomachache, gurgling and mucus-laden sounds.

Passed over.

"Brother Zhang!"

The little Taoist priest offered up his golden body and was about to rush in, but was grabbed by He Shuilin: "Don't go and send him off!"

"My brother Zhang was eaten!"

"Let it eat!" He Shuilin didn't know how to explain it, but he knew that his brother Zhang would definitely not die that easily, because there were tens of thousands of clones above him, and each clone was fifty percent stronger than the previous one.

, that is to say, Brother Zhang will be strengthened by 50% once he dies, it depends on how much this big angler can withstand.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before I heard a surge of vomiting in front of me, and an unbearable stench came. Then Brother Zhang was spit out from the darkness. His hand that had been burned just now also recovered, and there was even no trace of blood on his body.

There is nothing pickled at all.

What was even more shocking was that after he was spit out, when he took a step forward, the darkness in front of everyone stepped back, as if he was afraid of Brother Zhang.

At this time, Brother Zhang looked back at his teammates behind him, then took out his mobile phone, clicked on an avatar frame and spoke into it: "Jinwu, lend me your magical power."

After the words fell, a loud and hoarse cry suddenly sounded, and then a three-legged and crested crow appeared on Brother Zhang's shoulder. Brother Zhang pointed forward, and the crow rushed towards him as quickly as the wind.

He entered the depths of darkness, and then everyone's eyes felt like eight flash bombs flashed across the B-hole, and suddenly the whole world turned red and white.

"Ah, my eyes!" Fairy Gu covered her eyes and rolled on the ground: "My eyes!


"Sorry..." Brother Zhang quickly squatted down and started to treat him, and the bright light brought endless heat waves. The three-legged crow drove away all the darkness like the sun, and there was no light.

In Fazang, the surrounding walls, ground and soil were originally polluted due to darkness and humidity, and white smoke was baked by the scorching heat almost instantly.

The fierce flames washed away everything, and left the big angler wandering in the darkness with nowhere to hide. It wanted to run away, but the Golden Crow was not a man of faith. It ran and chased him, leaving a pile of ashes. The crow's hatred and cleverness allowed this

The clumsy and powerful angler has nowhere to escape. Without the protection of darkness, this thing is only suitable for drying salted fish.

"Whoever has a bow, please lend me one."

Brother Zhang shouted in the group at this time, and then nineteen bows appeared in front of him, from the Moon God Bow to the Sun Shooting Bow. Brother Zhang didn't even look at it and chose the more delicate one.

The bow looks like a child's toy. When you pull out the string, the arrow will automatically wind up. When you release your finger, the arrow will fly away. The golden bow penetrates the darkness and breaks a hole in the black dome that surrounds this place. The sunlight outside shines on the golden crow.

body, and suddenly the whole world seemed to be enveloped in a sea of ​​fire.

"Avoid fire!" The little Taoist priest's ability was fully activated, and one hundred and eight copper coins were surrounded into a shield. With the fire avoidance skill, the copper coins were still burned red. If it weren't for the blessing of magic and the little Taoist priest's strong spiritual power, the copper coins would have been burned.

Turn into water.

Sunlight burns the darkness, just like toilet paper after being lit. It is quick and light. The entire darkness turns into water almost instantly, and the crisis is resolved before the crisis is reached.

"Holy shit, thunder shatters the darkness!"

This was the exclamation of the group security personnel outside, because it was only a bright light from the inside and nothing else could be seen. Even Brother Zhang shot Dafa and they didn't see it, but it was too clear outside. They saw it

What was happening was that inside the eggshell dome that was originally like thick ink, little bits of bright light first appeared, like the Milky Way in the dark night, and then a pink light rushed out, and that light went straight into the sky, between heaven and earth.

A trace of love bubbles was left behind, pink love bubbles.

After the light reached the end of the sky, suddenly a white thunder and lightning came down along the light, and then the sunlight entered the corners that could not be reached before, and then the entire black dome quickly collapsed and melted like ice cream in a microwave oven.

It is difficult to describe the scene, because the way the dome with a diameter of more than 100 meters melted and collapsed was no less shocking than standing at the bottom of the building and watching a Boeing 767 hit the Twin Towers.

At this moment, there is nothing around the area where Brother Zhang and the others were standing just now. Except for some steel mechanical equipment that still barely retains its shape, the entire area is about to melt into water, and the cement walls have been burned.

There's white ash coming out, and the asphalt floor has burned out the stones inside. Anyway, this factory area is definitely no longer usable. Let's wait for the complete demolition and renovation later.

But correspondingly, the evidence was gone. The flames purified everything, including dirt, evidence and suspects.

Anyway, it was you, Brother Zhang, who was the great summoner, who set off all the fire and left no ashes.

The four major incident handling teams that had arrived here soon turned green with anger when they heard the news. These people had suppressed their anger and rushed here all the way. The most important clues and evidence were all gone.

After being praised by someone, how can you continue to do this? Isn't this an insider coming to cause trouble?

So the first person to arrive at the scene was Yu Heng, the top swordsman of the Secret Service. As a swordsman, he certainly couldn't be too gentle. When he came down, he grabbed the collar of the investigator next to him and angrily shouted: "Are you on fire?

Who asked you to enforce the law like this? What will happen to the follow-up investigation?"

The investigator didn't even dare to breathe, but he couldn't describe the situation just now, and the person in front of him was a top boss... He could only point inside helplessly.

Yu Heng waved his sleeves and walked in with a cold brow, and then the other elders from all over the place arrived one after another, and they rushed into the scene one by one aggressively.

After they passed by, the first thing they saw was Yu Heng standing there, with a low eyebrow and a smile on his face, chatting with others. There were several people from the group's senior group beside him. They couldn't figure out what happened to Yu Heng.

Such a person who is ranked in the top ten everywhere is so easy to talk to, isn't he usually very bad-tempered?

"What's going on, what's going on? How do you do things?" People everywhere started talking loudly: "Didn't you teach them during the training? Keep the evidence and keep the clues. I even doubt whether you are the opposite.


His voice was extremely loud. When Yu Heng saw it, he winked at him desperately, but this guy just didn't see it. He was worried that he had no place to vent his resentment, so he went up and shouted at the fairy wearing the captain's badge.

"You can take off the sign. You have to be responsible for this matter. Go back and wait for notification of the handling."

The fairy girl took off the captain's badge on her arm with a helpless smile. Next to her, He Shuilin, who was wearing an asbestos dress, folded his arms and watched coldly. The bosses everywhere pointed at her: "Which department are you in?"

"I am your great-grandmother."

He Shuilin lost his momentum and forced the man to take two steps back. Faced with the threat, all the bosses immediately stood ready and the battle was about to break out. At this time, Yu Heng quickly stepped forward to be the peacemaker, constantly tugging at the sleeves of his teammates, and he

His teammates are also used to it. After all, he is the boss. So far, he has only suffered a lot from the beautiful girl in the school. The other people are not in his eyes.

"Forget it, I don't have time to worry about you Yeguchan now. You guys, take off all the signs and wait for the results."

Neither the Taoist priest nor the rowing boat made any move. Instead, Fairy Girl stepped forward and began to persuade. At this time, Brother Zhang, who had been describing what had just happened in the group, turned his head: "Ah? Hand in the sign? Why?"

When he turned around like this, the heads of the people around him were buzzing, and their brains were boiling on the spot. Yu Heng spread his hands to show that they were cold.

And these heroes are also knowledgeable. They lowered their heads in a tacit understanding and did not meet Brother Zhang's eyes. They were as well-behaved as the students who avoided the teacher's roll call in class and stayed away.

He even began to move his body tactically to find cover.

Sure enough, Brother Zhang turned his head and looked at Yu Heng: "Why do you want to remove the logo?"

"Ah... this..." Yu Heng is no longer the Dashabi he was when he came down from the mountain a few years ago. He is now getting along with a group of old fritters. He looked at the sky that had no roof for a long time: "It's dirty.

, replace with a new batch.”

Brother Zhang gently tore off the logo on his left arm and handed it to Yu Heng: "Here."

Yu Heng put his hands behind his back, quickly pulled off the strap that tied his sword, quickly wrapped it in the palm of his hand, and then took it out to show Brother Zhang: "My hand is injured..."

Brother Zhang said oh and handed it to the one next to him who was closest to him: "Here you go."

"Huh? The colored steel tiles haven't been burned out yet. I'll go up there and see if there are any clues." He didn't even dare to look at Brother Zhang, and swooped up to the roof.

"Ah?" Brother Zhang looked at Yu Heng confused.

Yu Heng laughed twice, hummed a song and wandered outside. At the same time, he said goodbye to Brother Zhang: "I'm going to write a report first, bye."

This chapter has been completed!
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