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 There are no risks in "Minecraft". Brother Zhang wandered around for a whole night and only encountered two small skeletons who shot him with bows and arrows. They looked like children's toys.

He actually took a look at the castle built by this ghostly owner. It was actually very beautiful. As a senior game fan, Brother Zhang could only build a square house until now. He still admired this kind of construction.

However, there is really nothing to do with this ghost monster. It is just a scenery competition, and it even comes with its own BGM. Brother Zhang recorded his experiences in it, and when the time he determined was reached, he found that he had been ejected from that area, and then

Standing on the empty and foggy street.

Because the residents here have been evacuated, there is not even a hair in this area. To be honest, the atmosphere here is weirder than that over there. Brother Zhang bought a shared electric bike on the roadside and rode back to where he was before.

The place.

The supervisor of the base here was a little surprised when he saw him appear again, so he stepped forward and asked curiously: "How is it? You are not in danger, are you?"

Brother Zhang shook his head, and then gave him his record book. He looked through it and frowned: "How could this happen? Our colleagues here went in before, and after they came back, eight out of ten wanted to

How come it’s so easy to get psychological counseling from you?”

Brother Zhang was silent for a moment while facing the direction of the ghost, and then scratched his head: "I don't know either, but according to my observation, this area is a relatively regular oval, and the person who activated this field should be here.

Central point. Let’s go check it out during the day, and I’ll go in and check it out again at night.”

In the mission after mission, Brother Zhang is actually making progress bit by bit. He once relied entirely on his invincible ability, but he slowly learned to observe and think. He is like a super powerful AI system, which is constantly changing.

Summarize experiences and think about differences.

Although he is still relatively weak in terms of emotions, and he has not fully mastered the emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, but as the endocrine level gradually increases, the feeling of adrenaline rush when encountering an emergency problem has made him very addicted.

He did ask the experts at the relevant neurology and endocrinology departments, and they said that if it is a physiological lack of emotion, you need to wait for the endocrine system to reach normal levels before it can be relieved. If the disease does not continue, long-term

Then in two years to three months, everything will return to normal.

What psychiatrists say is that emotional recovery is relatively easy, but the construction of empathy and desire to explore is very difficult, because it requires a long-term psychological reconstruction process. In other words, empathy is

Based on status, people who don't like social interaction are indifferent to betrayal, and people who don't like children are indifferent to babies.

Brother Zhang's current situation is considered to have recovered well. First of all, the basic desire has been restored. The rest is to rebuild the emotional channel based on cognition, but this takes time.

So even though Brother Zhang is trying his best to be an ordinary person, in the eyes of others, every move he makes carries the demeanor of an outsider, especially his unworldly energy.

It's very bluffing.

So after he finished speaking, the supervisor here felt the same way when he saw his demeanor and expression. Even if he didn't trust his ability a little bit last night, he has been so arrogant since

After shared bicycles came out of the crisis-ridden world, no matter how stupid they were, they knew that the boss of this senior group was different.

The supervisor personally ordered a few people to go into the area with Brother Zhang during the day to find the culprit that caused this situation. However, even with the approximate direction, it was too difficult. After all, it was a densely populated area, and the center point was still a three-dimensional area.

The forty-storey super-large apartment can accommodate more than a thousand households in one building. It looks like the Kowloon Walled City. The first stop inside is cyberpunk.

"This building itself is part of a youth entrepreneurship base. There are many young people inside who are doing online stores or live broadcasts. It is impossible for us to go door to door and break in."

The colleague who came in with Brother Zhang said in embarrassment: "Even if I know it's here, it doesn't seem to be of any use."

Brother Zhang looked up at this huge, wide, deep and dark building.

In the apartment complex, after standing for a while, he suddenly turned around and said: "There must be a lot of girls here."

People around him didn't know why he said such a sentence, and they seemed a little embarrassed. After all, he was still thinking about the young lady at this point... Can't we solve everything before looking for it? We have to be in such a hurry.


But it’s not their fault. After all, they don’t understand Brother Zhang. It’s widely known among people who know him that Brother Zhang is seriously ill. His brain circuit is definitely different from ordinary people. It’s difficult for him to say something incomprehensible.

But it's not weird at all. He does weirder things than this eight hundred times a day.

Since nothing valuable could be found in this place, Brother Zhang said: "You go back first, I will wait here."

Those colleagues looked at me and I looked at you, so they had to report to their leaders first. After getting permission, they said goodbye to this strange senior team member and returned to the outside of the cordon.

But Brother Zhang didn't think there was any problem at all. He didn't sleep all night and lingered here for half the morning. Now his eyelids were trembling, so he didn't bother to put his coat on the floor and fell asleep.


Anyway, this place has been cleared of residents, and not a single human hair can be seen around, so there is no problem sleeping here.

He was sleeping soundly, and just behind him on the seventeenth floor of the apartment, a curtain was quietly opened to a small corner, and a pair of eyes inside were looking at Brother Zhang, looking and looking at Brother Zhang.

As long as I slept, my eyes kept staring. Finally, when the time came in the afternoon, these eyes began to look almost sick.

Just as night fell, the owner of these eyes reset the curtains, then went straight back to the computer and sat down. He didn't see any action to turn on the computer. He just put his hand lightly on the keyboard, and something appeared on his finger.

There were many tiny tentacles that wriggled like nematodes. The moment these tentacles gently penetrated into the computer keyboard, the computer, which was clearly not plugged in, suddenly lit up.

Next, I saw the mouse pointer move on the computer screen. I slowly opened the drive letter and searched inside. Finally, the mouse pointer stopped on the World War Z icon.

With two near-nihilistic clicking sounds, the game was opened. As the game was opened, the surrounding scene quickly began to change. The originally normal space began to become distorted, and the houses on the street also changed their positions. The empty road first

There were many cars that were crashed due to accidents, and dilapidated houses also appeared around.

This feels like the loading behavior before entering the game. As the models continue to appear, the darkness begins to smell dangerous, and the roar of the model lake can even be heard in the distance.

As a gust of cold wind blew, Brother Zhang woke up slowly. He sat up and yawned. He saw that the scene in front of him had changed again. There were "people" wandering on the road and there were ruins everywhere.

As a person who has lived in the zombie world for many, many years, he is no stranger to these. This is the zombie world he has seen before.

If you ask whether this environment is scary, it is really scary. Anyone else would have instinctively wanted to run away now, because everything that happened in front of them was beyond the scope of what normal people can understand.

Human fear factors are ranked in order: death, darkness, ghosts, diseases, ferocious beasts, etc., and these things that are ranked higher have a common attribute, that is, they are all things beyond the scope of human ability.

Things that cannot be grasped by a person's strength, but things beyond the scope of human ability can also distinguish between things that people can understand and things that people cannot yet understand, and the latter is the more terrifying factor.

Because the unknown creates uneasiness, and uneasiness creates fear.

But the person he is facing this time is Brother Zhang. He has experienced and seen too many bizarre scenes. If it is about interpersonal communication, he may be a bad guy, but if it is about all kinds of strange scenes,

, Brother Zhang, who is seriously ill, cannot be compared to anyone, because he has the ability to create the world, and he also has the ability to wander in the unknown world for many years.

Putting on his coat, Brother Zhang started to get up and explore around, but making some noise at this time was too much.

Normal, even if he just stepped on an empty can, the mechanism here was immediately triggered.

【In view of the general environment,

Almost in the next second, noisy sounds began to appear in the distance. Brother Zhang closed his eyes and listened for a while, then found a relatively high street lamp and climbed up it.

When he was sitting on the street lamp giving instructions, he suddenly heard a rumbling sound in the distance. The last time he heard this sound was when he was a child watching the introduction of wildebeest migration in Animal World. At that time, Teacher Zhao had not yet

Even after his death, he did not become a cold-blooded guardian without emotions.

Sure enough, under the faint starlight, scattered "people" stumbling around appeared at the corner of the street. They used various strange postures to pounce in Brother Zhang's direction, and then behind them, corpses

The crowds swarmed in like a tide from every corner they could get out of.

Brother Zhang knew which game this was at the first glance. When he saw the tide of corpses, his first reaction was not to run, but to meditate on the spot, which directly lowered the whole person's metabolism to the lowest point. His body temperature, heartbeat, breathing, and pulse all increased rapidly.


Sure enough, just as he expected, the corpses seemed to have no direction when they came. They were piled up on the telephone poles.

When the person in the apartment saw this scene, he threw the mouse out very unwillingly, because in his induction, there was no trace of Brother Zhang at all. This frustration made him very angry.

After another uneventful night, Brother Zhang appeared in front of everyone again, and this time not only his colleagues here, but also Brother Zhang's familiar face also appeared in front of him.

Xiangu and the others came here after resting.

Brother Zhang briefly reported the situation last night, and then said: "I am certain that this field must be related to computers, because all the ghosts that appear are part of the game, and I am going to start investigating."

"Do you have any good ideas?" Xiangu asked curiously: "I heard from Director Cheng that they have tried many methods, and the spatial locations are different, so it is impossible to troubleshoot."

Brother Zhang smiled, opened the satellite image on his phone, and circled the super large apartment building: "Don't we have a whole day, there are about a thousand apartments, it is not difficult to check, right?"

"That's not difficult." The little Taoist priest tilted his head and looked at it: "The Talisman Paper Crane of the Great Talisman Sect is omnipotent."

Brother Zhang nodded: "Check the target, don't make any moves first, we will arrest you later in the evening."

"Why?" Yao Yao was confused: "Why do you have to wait until the ability is activated before taking action?"

Brother Zhang took out a small book and opened what he wrote on the street lamp last night. Inside was a series of verification formulas: "I did a casual analysis and asked A Guo to help me calculate how much energy it would take to maintain such a ghost. Its

The maintenance time is about eight hours, and the energy consumed per hour is about 17,000 kilowatts. One kilowatt-hour is equal to 6 times 10 sixth square joule, which means that its total energy is 8*17000*6*10^6.

It’s almost an island.”

"An island?" Fairy Girl looked confused.

"A Hiroshima atomic bomb."

"Oh...it's such an island."

Brother Zhang nodded: "At night, he maintains the domain, and there won't be much spare energy. But if he doesn't maintain the domain during the day, who of you... can withstand the atomic bomb?"

Fairy Aunt blinked her eyes quickly, while Little Potato looked at Brother Zhang with bright eyes. She was semi-literate and especially admired and admired those literate people. She couldn't understand what Brother Zhang said before, but it didn't affect her.

I think Brother Zhang is very powerful. In the past, she just caught ghosts and eliminated demons. How could anyone like Brother Zhang still calculate how strong the opponent is?

But now that we have intuitive data, we immediately know how to fight this battle.

But Brother Zhang didn't seem to realize that Xiaodou had regarded him as an idol in his heart, and he continued to assign tasks. He explained very seriously, and even he himself didn't realize that he had become an idol unknowingly.


experts in the field.

After hearing the steps of his plan, Fairy Gu couldn't help but sigh: "Brother Zhang will become the captain in a short time."

"No." Brother Zhang shook his head and said, "There is no point in being a captain or not."

"No, you obviously surpass me in every aspect." Fairy Girl chuckled: "It's natural for you to become the captain."

Brother Zhang shook his head and once again expressed that he had no interest in being the captain, and took advantage of this moment to issue the final combat order: "Because his ability is very special and powerful, he must be captured alive!"

This chapter has been completed!
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