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537,Don’t force someone who loves you to whip you hard

Twenty-one people died directly in this incident, and only seven people from seven groups survived. It was because these seven people on duty were checking the group plan.

Of course, the responsibility for this matter was traced to the local supervisor, and everyone was exempted from top to bottom. However, the blame was not placed on Brother Zhang and the others. Before being taken away for investigation, Juju thanked him again and again.

They, it was just that he cried bitterly and expressed that he had neglected his duty and did not call the processing team immediately to put an end to the problem, which caused this tragedy.

Everyone in the Xiangu team didn't say anything, didn't say a word, didn't ask a question, because they themselves were invited to help by the local area due to lack of manpower, and they completed their assigned work very well, so this accident was not to blame.

Not on their heads.

But when the corpses, which looked like they had been sucked dry by spiders, were carried out one by one, Little Potato burst into tears, and the guilt in his heart made each of them feel uncomfortable with hundreds of claws scratching their hearts.

"I never understood before, why Fahai had to break up Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian, but now I understand." Xiangu's hand firmly grasped the steering wheel and slapped it several times: "I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go."


Several other people did not speak, because they all believed that this incident was their own fault. If they had directly killed the demon at that time, what happened now would not have happened. Twenty-one lives did not seem like many, but

For them, they have lost the chance of life forever, and cannot reincarnate. They have completely become the nourishment of demons and disappeared from the world.

Brother Zhang leaned against the window and looked at the scenery passing by outside. His face was expressionless, but he was always having a dialectic with himself in his heart about whether equality of all living beings is right or wrong.

The back of his hand was grasping the armrest, and veins popped out. Anyone could tell that he was very angry now. After these days of traveling around with them, Brother Zhang finally discovered a problem, that is, some things really didn't make sense.


They will indiscriminately infringe on other lives. No matter how great the reason is, no matter whether it is a power given by nature, Brother Zhang feels angry.

"Emergency help, please hear the group asking for help and rush to the nearest target point. Repeat, emergency help..."

At this time, the communicator hanging on the car rang. Xian Gu opened it and took a look, and found that they were less than a hundred kilometers away from the target point, so he clicked the response button: "Received, East China University"

District senior team leader responded that our unit is only 80 kilometers away from you and is expected to arrive in forty minutes."

Soon a sizzling voice came from the other side: "Thank you brother, we can't stand it anymore."

As soon as the fairy heard this, she stepped on the accelerator and drove the car to a speed of 160, and flew over with smoke and dust billowing all the way. This time they did not let Brother Zhang teleport, because the fairy also wanted to vent the anger that had been accumulated in her heart for a long time.

The companions in the car also need a certain amount of time to calm down, so these forty minutes are used to reorganize their emotions.

After arriving at the location, they got off the car. This place is located in a town close to the mountains. The problem in the town now is the resurrection of the dead, and this is almost the most common special event. After the spiritual energy is revived, if a place

If the Feng Shui is consistent, the first thing to react is the resurrection of the dead. These dead will gather together through various channels, and then unconsciously follow the spiritual energy belts in the mountains. The largest scale can reach 8,000 to 10,000 corpses, and the corpses

Driven by spiritual power, they will be more powerful than the ordinary dead, and they will deal a devastating blow to all creatures in their path.

"It's the town just ahead, right?"

Xiangu opened the map on her mobile phone and took a closer look: "It is a polluted area four kilometers long and three kilometers wide, with a total of 21 square kilometers."

The local ordinary team immediately explained: "They don't seem to be very aggressive, but they are very tough. We tried to guide them several times but to no avail."

"Leave it to us."

After finishing speaking, Fairy Girl raised her hand and called the three people in her group over: "We will enter from the front and back of the town..."

But before he finished arranging things here, Jiang Muzhou reached out and patted the sword case: "No, I'll go shopping alone."

Xiaodudou also hummed: "I'm going to go shopping alone, too."

The fairy knew that they were emotional, so she turned to Brother Zhang for help. Brother Zhang had no expression at the moment. He just sat next to him and ate a box of prunes. From time to time, he looked up at the little boy who heard strange howling sounds in front of him.


"Brother Zhang, are you okay? Do you need a rest?"

Brother Zhang waved his hand and said no, then stood up and tidied his clothes: "Old rules, you guys wait for me outside."

After saying that, he walked towards the town and drew a line behind him: "Don't come in."

Then he walked into the town and came to the center of the town. Then he took out a strange-shaped bronze mirror. He threw the bronze mirror to the ground. When the bronze mirror hit the ground, the entire mirror burst out.

A blinding light emitted, and the ball of light quickly engulfed the town, and all the resurrected dead and walking corpses inside were smashed to pieces by the light in an instant.

This is the most ruthless move that Brother Zhang has unleashed since his appearance. No matter what grievances and thoughts these resurrected dead have, Brother Zhang doesn't care and just does it.

Soon the explosion here spread to the outside. The cars parked outside the town were fine, but the people in the cars felt uncomfortable because these lights seemed to be able to penetrate obstacles and reach directly to the human body. Even a living person could feel it.

The dead people were burned out on the spot before they could react to the pain and burning sensation. Spontaneous combustion was everywhere in the town, and all the living dead were killed at once.

Brother Zhang looked at the black smoke rising into the sky around him, closed the mirror, and slowly walked out with his hands behind his back. When he saw Xiangu and the others, he said: "It's done, let's go."

From the time he entered to the time he came out, the whole process only took about ten minutes. Not to mention the junior team members next to him, even Xiangu and the others found it incredible. After all, there were nearly 10,000 resurrected dead, not to mention the copper skins they had.

Some of the Iron Bones are even more like ghosts. Just ten thousand pigs standing there queuing up to be killed is not enough for ten minutes, right? Not to mention the hiking time.

But now the feeling that Brother Zhang gave them seems to have changed. Before, Brother Zhang had always been very gentle, with almost no negative emotions. He did everything slowly but was able to solve everything perfectly.

At this time, Brother Zhang gave them the feeling of a fire, not just a spark, but a fire that started a prairie fire. When the breeze blew, there was a crackling sound, and there was no room for negotiation at all, as if all night long.

It's like a different person has changed between them.

As the ordinary team went in to investigate, they found that all the dead in the entire town had been burned to ashes, but the scene around these ashes was not destroyed. In addition to the smell of burnt protein that permeated the town,

It's like nothing happened before.

How exactly this was done, they didn't know, they just knew that there was a magical guy who just took only ten minutes to completely solve the problem that had made them miserable.

And when they turned back to look for them, they found that the senior team had already disappeared into the mountains.

They didn't ask Brother Zhang how he did it on the way. After all, they already knew how magical Brother Zhang was. They would definitely not be able to tell his depth. However, no one expected that he only specializes in summoning and healing.

In addition, the attack ability is actually so superior, but I guess that's the case. It can kill Cthulhu with one arrow, so what's the point of zombies?

They just rushed to their base without saying anything, because Xiangu felt that he himself needed psychological treatment, and judging from the current situation of the entire team, everyone needed psychological treatment.

Just when they returned to the base, Qing Lingzi had already appeared in Quancheng. Her high-jumping figure and delicate appearance attracted many people to turn around, but his aura made people dare not look directly at him, so he left

No one dared to come up and strike up a conversation along the way.

Qing Lingzi didn't care about this, he just followed his talisman dog slowly and slowly to his destination - the residence of the ascetic boat.

He had a cold expression the whole time on the road, until he came to the downstairs of an old building that was about to be demolished. He followed the smell and walked up, and then searched all the way up according to the scent information left by the Fu Dog.

The doors were opened one by one, but every room was empty. If he were a top-level pervert, he would have shouted "Here I come, baby" every time he opened a door. But unfortunately, all the rooms were empty.

All are empty.

Qing Lingzi came to the place where Fu Quan was staying, and slowly opened the door as before, but there was still no one inside. Qing Lingzi frowned slowly, and he picked up the most important thing and put it on the table.

The dirty clothes in conspicuous places still have traces of being fucked by Brother Zhang yesterday, and are stained with a lot of blood.

"It's really a big life." Qing Lingzi saw that he was being tricked. He didn't panic. He just lamented that Ku Xingzhou's life was really big. He was still alive after being stabbed by the Holy Lord. If it were Qing Lingzi instead,

, he didn’t even dare to say that he could withstand the Holy Lord.

As for the ascetic boat running away, that's not a problem. Since the Holy Spirit asked him to take it, he was allowed to run for twenty-four hours. What kind of trouble could he cause?

Qing Lingzi was sitting across from the stool where Kunjingzhou had been sitting yesterday. It seemed as if the scene of Kunjingzhou treating his wounds appeared in front of his eyes. He laughed a few times, and then dipped his hand into a little dried plasma on the table.

Then he took out four chess pieces and held them in his hand, gently smeared the blood on the chess pieces and threw the chess pieces into the air. After they fell, Qing Lingzi took a look at the yin and yang skills of the four chess pieces and smiled with understanding:

"Let's go through Guandong."

After saying that, he stood up slowly, then stepped on the handrail with one foot and jumped deep into the sky.

This is what Ascetic Zhou is doing. He is using modern medicine to suppress the pain in a small clinic. The damage caused by the Holy Lord's frightening knife can no longer be recovered by himself.

But just when the doctor had just bandaged him, Ku Xingzhou suddenly shuddered and sensed that someone was measuring his position. And he also knew that the only person in the world who could use this method to measure his position was his master.

The only one left is Qing Lingzi.

The master is the Twelve Spirits, he will not take the initiative to search for himself, and the Holy Master is even less likely to do such a dirty thing. Then it is obvious that Qing Lingzi is obstructing it.

How could he not know Qing Lingzi? That old demon has a weird personality and behaves abnormally, but his power can only make people despair.

"Here's the doctor's money."

Ku Xingzhou put down his money and hurriedly left while covering his wound. The doctor chased him out, only to find that the strange man who had been stabbed just now was gone.

This is not because the ascetic boat god is haunted, but that he really has no choice. If he uses ordinary magic, then when Qing Lingzi chases him to this place, he will be able to find his hiding place by following the fluctuations of his spiritual power, and

Found by him... Ku Qingzhou didn't know if he could escape if he fought to the death.

He covered his wound and moved to an abandoned air-raid shelter. He sat in the corner with a pale face, and the eight-armed monster quickly crawled out of the darkness like a child who saw his father and nestled in.

In front of the ascetic boat.

"I almost failed to save you." Ku Xingzhou's lips were a little white, which was caused by excessive blood loss. He knew clearly what he was about to face, so now he tried his best to recover as much as possible.

He has already set up a Juechen formation around the air-raid shelter, a top-notch hiding formation. Even Qing Lingzi had to waste a lot of effort to find this place, and when he broke the formation, Ku Xingzhou also had a certain amount of time.

Able to escape.

But this is all his imagination, because he is facing the arrest of Qing Lingzi, and that person has no principles at all and has many tricks. No one knows what he will do. It is possible.

It may be a quick knife to cut the knot, or it may be a slow torture.

"Little thing~"

Ku Qingzhou touched the hairless head of the octagonal monster baby, with a wry smile on his face, and even his tone became a bit doting: "You, if you are caught by them, you will die."

As he spoke, Ku Xingzhou fell into a drowsy sleep. When he woke up from the pain in the wound, he found that the sky outside was already dark. He took a deep breath and secretly sighed in his heart that it was so hard for him.

He survived another day, because he knew Qing Lingzi so well that he no longer knew how to hunt at night.

He lowered his head again and glanced at the octagonal monster baby who was curled up next to him and sleeping soundly without any fear at all. Wu Qingzhou just stroked its big head gently: "Since I brought you back to this world, I must not let anyone harm you again.

You’re half done. But you have to grow up well.”

This chapter has been completed!
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