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542, three-legged power

 People who are targeted by Qing Lingzi will be captured even if they run to the ends of the earth.

But the ascetic boat is not a fuel-efficient lamp. His injuries recovered quickly under the care of Empress Shiji. Although he had tried every means to escape, he found a problem, no matter how he hid or escaped

, will be located within five hours.

He also knew that if he continued like this, he would be caught sooner or later, because he was facing Qing Lingzi.

So he went to ask Empress Shiji how to deal with it. How could Empress Shiji know? She couldn't beat Qing Lingzi. That guy had long been famous. Anyone who could beat him was the one on the head.

Several elders, and even the top elders, would not be able to make enemies of the Holy Lord for the sake of an ascetic boat.

So either Ku Xing Zhou leaves the Corpse Jie Xian and joins any camp, or he finds a heavyweight elder to have a good talk with Qing Ling Zi.

"The only way you can do now is to go to the Mountain and Sea Realm to hide for a while." Empress Shiji said softly: "Only when you go there can you have a chance of survival."

Ku Xingzhou covered his chest and bowed to Empress Shiji: "Thank you very much for your rescue and guidance."

"There's no need to thank me. I have some connections with your family. You should leave quickly. When he comes, you won't be able to leave."


Ku Xing Zhou didn't say any nonsense, turned around and said goodbye to Empress Shiji, and headed straight for the entrance of the Mountain and Sea Realm with the little monster.

It is not difficult for him to enter the world of mountains and seas, because he is the apprentice of Mo Zi, and Mo Zi is Bai Ze's apprentice. Naturally, this ascetic boat has a close relationship with Bai Ze.

There are many elders gathered in the mountain and sea world, and all kinds of monsters are surging inside. Even Qing Lingzi will not mess around casually, so as Empress Shiji said, as long as the ascetic boat goes in, it means it is safe.

Coming to a secluded place, Kuxizhou carved out the formation, and then waited for the formation to be activated to connect the gate of the mountain and sea world. However, because this place was not the entrance to the mountain and sea world, it would take a long time to activate the formation.


While waiting, ripples suddenly appeared in the air in front of him, and then a tall, long-legged sister walked out. After seeing this long-legged sister, the ascetic boat immediately began to speed up the operation of the formation.

, but in the end it was too late.

"Where are you going?"

Qing Lingzi's hand had already penetrated the barrier. He looked at the ascetic boat with a smile that had nowhere to go. He also glanced at the little monster in his hand: "The Holy Lord has ordered me to

Take you back."

"Qing Lingzi, you and I have worked together for a while, can't you let me go?"

Qing Lingzi laughed, grabbed Ku Xingzhou by the neck and dragged him out of the formation: "If it's anything else, I'll let you go, but it's just a few insignificant people who died. Holy

But I cannot disobey the Lord’s command.”

Having said that, Qing Lingzi was about to pull the penance boat out with a little force on his hand, but at this moment, a pair of claws suddenly appeared in the formation and grabbed the penance boat, and then pulled him back alive.

, and at the moment he was pulled back, the formation activated and took him away from this place, and also taken away with Qing Lingzi's arms.

Even though Lingzi had broken a pair of arms, which were bloody and stinging, he seemed to feel no pain. He tilted his head and looked at the formation with only the glimmering fire left. He frowned slightly and took a deep breath:


After he finished speaking, fine spots of light appeared where his hands had originally been. After the spots gradually closed, his hands returned to their original state. He didn't say anything, he just waved his hands and snorted and turned away.

The ascetic boat has now reached the realm of mountains and seas. In front of him is a majestic giant beast, and above the giant beast's head stands a young man in white.

The boy looked to be only eighteen or nineteen years old, with no trace of color on his body. He had a handsome face, and if it weren't for his flat chest and broad shoulders, anyone would think he was a young lady from some family disguised as a girl.

The most surprising thing is that the two boys in white have different colors, with golden left eyes and blue eyes on the right, and a pair of small horns on their foreheads. Although they are inconspicuous when standing on top of the giant beast, they are only glanced at.

Just one glance made Ku Xing Zhou kneel down immediately.

"Disciples go on a penance boat to visit Patriarch Bai Ze."

The young man's eyebrows were frivolous, and he lightly jumped down in front of the ascetic boat, slowly smiling: "How did you get into trouble with that kind of monster?"

His tone was soft, with a strong bookish air, and his greeting was like a spring breeze.

Ku Qingzhou didn't dare to hide anything, so he knelt there and explained everything. After he finished speaking, he saw Bai Ze laughing with his clear voice: "You Holy Master is quite interesting, but the people under your command are just guilty."

He will be beaten and killed for even a small mistake. I really don’t know how he can convince the crowd. Qing Lingzi is even more of a mess, and he doesn’t know how to protect this capable general. Who would dare to follow him?"


"Okay, okay, I'm sorry that he doesn't dare to come to our mountain and sea realm easily." Bai Ze waved his hand: "Follow me back first. I see that you still have injuries on your body, so I'll show you."

This young man in white clothes was not afraid of Qing Lingzi. Even though he knew that Ku Xingzhou was the person Qing Lingzi was looking for, he still took him to his cave.

Ku Xingzhou thought that Patriarch Bai Ze's cave would be that kind of antique cave, but he was dumbfounded as soon as he entered. He looked up at the gigantic tower with a height of 1,000 meters. Both sides were densely packed with books, and there were beautiful crystal lamps inside.

bright and clean.

After entering again, I found that the resting place of Patriarch Bai Ze was so modern.

He has a sweeping robot, a large TV, a projector, and even the latest models of the three major consoles. Even the computer that has not been turned off has a 42-inch large screen. There are 4,090 sets of light pollution beliefs, and in

There is actually VR on the table, and there is even a complete package of the most popular "Rebirth" game on the market.

"Sit anywhere."

After Bai Ze said hello, he opened the refrigerator: "Would you like sparkling water or coconut water, with or without sugar?"

"Anything is fine..."

Bai Ze took out a bottle of coconut water and put it in front of him: "I heard that your world has been a little uneasy recently. What happened in the upper three realms?"

Without even swallowing a sip of water, Ascetic Boat stood up quickly and said, "Master, it's like this. The upper three realms are planning to become a new god."

"Of course I know this. What I mean is that the upper three realms have begun to connect with the human world?" Bai Ze raised his eyebrows and sat on the gaming chair: "You also saw that I was trapped in the mountain and sea realm by Qing Lingzi. He entered

If I don’t come, I can’t go out, and there’s no one to share with me what’s going on outside.”

"Connecting with the world? I don't know that. These days..."

He stopped talking in the middle of his sentence because he saw Bai Ze typing on the keyboard and scolding someone. The keyboard was almost smoking, and he could spray eleven without any pressure.

"Go on."

After being called out by Bai Ze, Ku Xingzhou continued: "I have been thinking of ways to refine the strange monster these days... I refined this little guy."

He placed the Octagonal Monster in front of Bai Ze. Bai Ze just glanced at it and shook his head: "You're not very good at this. Let me show you mine."

After saying this, Bai Ze clapped his hands gently, and then he heard a rumbling sound coming from the ascetic boat. When he turned around, he saw a giant octagonal monster hundreds of times bigger than his little thing slowly climbing down from the Tower of Babel.


This monster is all gray and black with a metallic luster. It has eight arms like that little thing, but the overall look is even more shocking. When expanded, it has a diameter of more than 100 meters, and an eye on its forehead is the size of a wheel.

"You still have to work hard."

"How dare you compare with Master..."

"Okay, don't say such useless words. If you can surpass me, then I will be happy."

Bai Ze turned around, glanced at Ku Xingzhou and asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

"I don't know...please ask Master for advice."

"Change your identity. You can't be the corpse-disciple immortal. You go and be my land walker for the demon master Kunpeng. I want to see if Qing Lingzi still dares to touch you."

Bai Ze's words made Ku Xingzhou stunned. He couldn't even believe his ears. The demon master Kunpeng was a land walker? What was that concept? In other words, one of the super bosses in the world of mountains and seas wanted to be his backer.


This made Ku Qingzhou a little confused. He didn't understand why Bai Ze would do this. After all, it was very unreasonable.

"I know what you are thinking." Bai Ze snorted coldly: "I just want to disgust Qing Lingzi. He wants to trap me for five thousand years. Do you think I can't do anything to him?"

"And isn't this a new god? The Shanhai Realm will also have fun this time. Haven't they always looked down on the demon clan? So this time we will let them open their eyes." Bai Ze touched his chin and looked at the pain.

Zhou: "Now, there are still a group of people in the Shanhai Realm who are training in the human world. I don't think much of their things. The demon tribe still has to find its own route, so you can stay with me temporarily during this period.

I’ll teach you something. After all, you are also my disciple and grandson, so it’s justifiable to break the sky.”

"But if Qing Lingzi comes after me..."

"Oh, he dares!" Bai Ze clapped his arms and stood up: "He doesn't care what kind of place this is? Is that a place where he can let him run wild? This is the world of mountains and seas. Even if the sky is full of gods and Buddhas, they have to be polite.


Hearing his master's harsh tone, Ku Xingzhou felt relieved. He planned to take a rest here temporarily. It would be better to listen to his master's arrangements then than to go out and fight that monster Qing Lingzi now.

On the other side, Qing Lingzi was indeed very angry, but he did not report the matter to Brother Zhang. Instead, he called Mouse. After saying the matter, he almost pointed at Mouse and scolded him.

He talked to the mouse.

But Mouse was also blinded. How did he know that his master would take his apprentice away and even break a pair of Qing Lingzi's arms? He hadn't had any contact with Bai Ze for many years, so why did Bai Ze...

Are you involved with Qing Lingzi again?

However, it was not easy for him to communicate with Bai Ze at this moment. Firstly, his identities were different and the two of them belonged to different camps. Even if it was to avoid suspicion, it was impossible for him to communicate with Bai Ze. Secondly, he knew Bai Ze too well.

, the master is the smartest person in the entire demon world, but he is very stubborn. He must know the problems here and understand the consequences of doing so, but he still did it, which means that even if he does it by himself

I'm afraid communication won't be useful either.

So what should we do about this matter? We can only inform the Holy Master from Mo Zi. Thinking that he was cheated by Master and Qing Lingzi, Mo Zi felt that his life was really difficult.

I called Brother Zhang and he told me everything. Brother Zhang said he knew, but he only gave him one instruction, that is, to continue chasing Ku Xingzhou, and said nothing else.


And this kind of pressure fell directly on Mouse's head, which made his head buzz.

"Isn't he the Corpse Master? When did it become our turn to take care of the Corpse Master's affairs?"

Xiao Ma looked puzzled at the side: "He pushes things that Qing Lingzi can't do to our side?"

Faced with his doubts, Mouse didn't know what to say for a moment. After all, Ku Xing Zhou was indeed the Corpse Execution Immortal, but if Bai Ze wasn't involved, then Qing Lingzi was indeed handling the matter, but now Bai Ze has intervened.

, then the internal problems of Zhijie Immortal will be transformed into the diplomatic problems between the monster race and the human race, but he happens to be Bai Ze's apprentice and Ku Xingzhou's master.

Isn't he the one caught in the middle? Can he just let it go? Of course it's impossible. How else could he tell Qing Lingzi to dig a hole for him? This is a conspiracy that can't be circumvented at all.

"Okay, I'll think of a way."

"What are you going to say to the boss?"

"I'm talking about farts." Mouse leaned on the chair and pressed his temples: "If I don't hand over the person, anything I say is just farts."

"Kuchizhou is really a fool." Xiao Ma cursed: "When he escaped from prison, you let him go, how could he still do such a thing?"

The mouse shook his head: "No matter what, just take it one step at a time."

The screen then cut back to Brother Zhang. He was holding a stack of scratch paper and calculating something. At this time, Xiaodudou came up and asked curiously: "Brother Zhang, I think you've been counting all night."

, what are you thinking."

Brother Zhang raised his head and glanced at the ceiling: "I was calculating where all the money in our group went. I just looked at it and there was only six yuan left in the operational funds."

"How many???"

Fairy Girl also came up: "How many are left?"

"Six dollars."

Because Brother Zhang is the most stable in the group, he usually works part-time as the group's accountant. He is in charge of daily transportation, accommodation, catering and general supplies.

The organization will allocate about 150,000 to 200,000 yuan to them for activities a month. Generally speaking, their monthly activity expenses will be between 80,000 to 120,000 yuan. At the end of the month, the unspent money will be lost.

It was divided equally among the four of them for personal supplies.

But this time it's just the middle of the month... I only have six yuan left.

"Money!" Fairy asked curiously.

This chapter has been completed!
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