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544, Great Memory Restoration Technique

 Jiang Piaozhou spent a long time arguing with this uncle-like liar, and he was promised to return the money to him. But when asked why he wanted to lie, he hesitated and was speechless.

Although this liar is very capable and it is not false at all when he encounters a Jiangzhou boatman, after he escaped just now, he knew that these guys are experts and it is definitely impossible to force themselves, but now looking at them

They said they couldn't let him go without explaining why.

"I call you uncle, but how could you do such a disgraceful thing? At that time, you were also the most famous Taoist figure in the Northeast."

Jiang Piaozhou looked distressed when he spoke. It was the first time he met this uncle. He was in his thirties and was very high-spirited. His ability to subjugate demons was recognized in the industry. He was also handsome. When he walked in Taoist robes, he looked very handsome.

With the wind. At first everyone said that he was the hope of the new generation, and Gao Luo could be regarded as a template for the male protagonist in novels.

But now more than twenty years have passed, and he has become like this. Being defrauded of money is a trivial matter. Jiang Piaozhou's salary is enough to make up for the hole. But seeing his idol become like this, he can't think of anything in his heart.

Out of sadness.

"Uncle, just tell the truth. The people outside are all my colleagues. If you let them take you back, you..."

"You will suffer the same fate." Xiaodou put his face against the car window and shouted, "You will suffer the same fate!"

Jiang Piaozhou glanced at Xiaodou and then looked at his uncle: "Yes, if you have something to do, it's easy to handle now. If I really take you to the unit, you will really suffer."

The uncle turned his head and looked out the window, refusing to say anything. If he continued to ask questions, he would just say that he spent a lot of money on online dating, and he would not tell the actual situation no matter what.

But the more he behaved like this, the more people felt that there was something behind it. The fairy girl glanced at Brother Zhang, and Brother Zhang immediately followed him to his small clinic that specialized in treating infertility.

After entering, the two of them began to rummage through the cabinets. Although most of them were useless sundries, they found a set of accounting books in a secret compartment of a desk drawer.

After opening it, what was written inside even made Brother Zhang feel numb.

"Three sets of wet intestines, five pieces of human skin, seven ribs, three leg bones..."

After the fairy girl read out one of the series of things in it, her expression became strange: "A mute girl."

Brother Zhang and him looked at each other, and then they walked out carrying this. Then Xiangu opened the car door, and Brother Zhang grabbed the liar's hair and pulled him out.


The always gentle fairy girl just said "beat" without saying a word, the gold medal thug Xiaotuo didn't even ask why, she just chipped away when she came up, and Jiang Piaozhou just turned his head aside and couldn't bear to see her.

After a severe beating, Fairy Girl frowned and scolded: "Speak!"

The liar was stunned for a moment. Although his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he still had iron teeth. Seeing how stubborn he was, Fairy Girl took out her own syringe and said, "You are really going to suffer."

After saying that, he and Xiaodou dragged the liar to his small clinic. Brother Zhang turned to Jiang Piaozhou and said, "Just stay in there."

After saying that, he gave him the accounting book, and after seeing what was recorded in it, the boatman's hands started to tremble, and the flying sword in the trunk seemed to have sensed it, and began to buzz.

Almost at the same time, a terrifying howling sound came from this old community, and this was only the first injection given by the fairy.

"No one survives five shots."

The fairy slowly pulled out the second needle. This needle was ninety-seven centimeters long. It could pass from a person's Tianyin point to Fengchi point, and go around thirteen points. It would make people miserable, but it would not shock them into coma.

As the silver needles shot through his body, the liar let out a howl like a killing pig, and even kicked the floor to pieces, but because he was pressed by Little Potato, he couldn't break free at all.

After the acupuncture, the old liar was completely exhausted, sweating like rain, and shaking like chaff, and this was only the second injection.

Just when the fairy took out the third needle, the liar screamed and started leaking urine while shouting "I did it, I did it".

This scene really can't be seen by Jiang Zhouzhou, it will really break his Taoist heart, because this person was his idol back then, and even before just now, he still had some admiration in his heart.

The old liar was tied up, and the fairy girl sat in front of him and interrogated him on the spot. He didn't even ask his name and started to get straight to the point: "Where are the sources of these things of yours?"


He hesitated for a moment, but Xiaodou kicked him to the ground. At least three of his ribs were broken. The pain was so painful that he could only breathe heavily. At this time, Xiaodudou said: "He definitely won't tell me, why not just let me

Use the soul refining technique to refine him, then put him in a roasted sweet potato bucket, fill it with cement, and bury him in the construction site."

"You are more evil than him." Brother Zhang turned his head and said to Xiaodou: "Isn't soul refining a forbidden art?"

"Yeah, but it's okay. He deserves to die anyway and refuses to say anything."

"I said, I said..." The old liar lowered his head and said, "I'm just a middleman. If they have something, they will put it in my place. I don't know the source of the thing..."

"Middleman?" Fairy Girl said with murderous intent in her eyes: "Fight!"

"Don't fight, don't fight... That man's nickname is Heizi. He lives in Building 17, Building 17, XX Mansion, Liao A. He comes here to deliver goods on the fourth or fifth of every month. The consignee usually arrives within two days.

When I come to pick up the goods three days later, I know about the delivery, but I really don’t know about the pick-up... I really don’t know.”

The fairy girl lowered her eyelids and recorded it with a pen. Then he continued to ask: "What are the characteristics of the person who picked up the goods?"

"He has no characteristics. I always put the goods in the box at the door. I don't know who took it, and I don't dare to know. I just know that black guy..."

"Then how do you know what these things are?"

"Heizi will give me a list when the delivery comes, and I will be responsible for counting it. They give me 100,000 yuan every month, and I will be responsible for writing down the list. I am really innocent as a middleman."

"Innocent? Haha..." Fairy Girl chuckled: "How did the living people here get transferred?"

"Those were sent here by Heizi. I will put those people in my room upstairs... The person who picked up the goods has the key to the upstairs, and basically took them away without any sound."

"Take me up!"

They went upstairs to take a look around and found that there was a small room upstairs of this small clinic, which was only thirty or forty square meters in size. The windows and balconies inside were all sealed with cement. It looked like a very common room.

The kind of tomb building where ashes are stored is also equipped with thick sound insulation cotton, and even the ceiling and security door are equipped with sound insulation materials. No matter how hard you knock and shout inside, you can't hear anything outside.

And there is nothing here, except for a lamp locked by iron bars in the room, there is nothing else. Even the kitchen and bathroom have been sealed with cement.

Naturally, the taste here is not good, but Fairy Girl's expression was particularly solemn. She turned around and punched the old liar: "You deserve to die!"

Afterwards, they dragged the old liar back to his clinic to continue the interrogation, but apart from knowing that he was in such a state of desperation because of his gambling addiction, they didn't gain anything else.

After sorting out the evidence, Xiangu first drove the old liar directly to the local base, and then they drove directly to the Heizi's house. However, there was no one in his house at this time, and according to the old liar,

This spot sunspot should be wandering around waiting for opportunities to catch prey.

"How to catch this person?"

Fairy Aunt turned to ask Brother Zhang and the others: "This group of people has very strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities. We may have already alerted the enemy by now. It will be very difficult to deal with them."

"It's difficult? If it's difficult, then don't do it." Xiaodou raised her foot and kicked open the security door. The steel door frame was chipped by the kick, and then she walked in swaggeringly.


There doesn't seem to be anything special here, but if you look under the illumination of a UV lamp, you can see that this room is full of splattered bleeding spots, layer by layer, new ones stacked on top of old ones.

Four black plastic bags of bones were also found in the kitchen, and some pieces of frozen meat were also used in the refrigerator. Although Xiangu was from the Agricultural College, her family’s skills were there, and her understanding of the human body was far beyond ordinary.

The forensic doctor just picked up a piece and examined it and found that it was all beef.


The fairy took out a few more pieces and examined them. They were still all beef, and there was no abnormal plot as they imagined. But the problem was that the dense blood in this room was not deceptive...

"Do you think it's possible that this has something to do with this black man's occupation? He should also rent this place, right?"

Brother Zhang wandered around and came back and said: "There is a bed in the house, but the bedding on the bed is still winter. There are no toiletries in the bathroom, and there are no other traces of life."

Obviously, Brother Zhang's inference is very close. If there are no accidents, this house was rented by that black man, and he might even have rented it with a fake identity.

"He has put hundreds of kilograms of beef here, probably to cover up his intentions and make everyone think that he is a beef seller or an online store." After further investigation, Xiangu said: "In this way, if he is carrying bones and fresh meat

You won’t attract attention when you go out.”

"Then have we already alerted the enemy?"

"To scare the snake away?" Fairy aunt sneered: "I don't even care who owns the territory of the three eastern provinces!"

About five hours later, Hemorrhoid Ointment, who had been away from the team for a long time, came here in the name of assistance. After he came over, he learned a little bit about the information, and then started to invite a Gray Fairy. The Gray Fairy surveyed the place and then raised his arms.

Shouted, and then saw rats coming out of the entire community, and screams started one after another.

One of these rats was a very fat one, weighing three or four pounds by visual inspection. It looked like a cat. It shook its fat butt and came to the hemorrhoid ointment.

"Big fat mouse!" Xiao Tudou pointed at the mouse and shouted.

The big fat mouse gave her a human-like look, then continued to listen to what the hemorrhoid ointment was saying, and then it nodded and went out. After a while, it seemed that all the mice in the world had come out of their holes. I don't know.

I thought there was going to be an earthquake...

In about forty minutes, the fat mouse came back again. He whispered to the girl again for a while, and then he was relieved. Then he turned to the fairy and said: "You go out and drive now, and there will be a fairy to greet you."


Xiangu and the others got into the car, but they really didn't expect that as soon as they started the car, a mouse jumped on the front of their car. This mouse was not afraid of people and squatted on the hood.

"Just follow the direction its face is facing." Hemorrhoid Cream said to the fairy: "They will lead us."

Fairy aunt responded, and as expected, the mice started to wander the road. What made Fairy aunt interesting was that these mice actually had their own territory, and it seemed that the traffic lights were used as the boundary. When the traffic lights reached the traffic lights, the original mice would jump down and change again.

The previous one continues to lead the way.

Under the relay of these mice, they soon arrived at a rather remote private slaughterhouse. Since it was in a village, no one was probably willing to take care of such a mess.

Hemorrhoid Cream got out of the car and thanked the mouse who led the way, then turned to look at Xian Gu: "Xian'er said that person is here."

"When we talk about man and nature, the little animal protector is just having fun. It's so harmonious that it's so harmonious to look at you." The fairy got out of the car and said to Hemorrhoid Cream: "No one in the three eastern provinces can do anything like you."

"You have never been so glib before." Hemorrhoids Cream said and drew the weapon from his waist: "Let's work, brothers."

The new and old captains acted together, and the efficiency was really high. The five people easily blocked all the exits. Then Xiaodudou acted as the vanguard and kicked the door open, and then rowed in with a thrust, and inside

There was a short but dark man in an apron butchering a cow. When he saw someone coming in, his first reaction was not to be surprised but to run away.

But his mortal body could not cross the river with Xiaotuo. He only took one step before he was kicked down from behind and dragged out of the house by Xiaotuo's hair.

"My sister is still so fierce."

Hemorrhoid Cream looked at Little Potato's posture and couldn't help but shake his head and said with a smile: "We must also enforce the law in a civilized manner."

"Civilization is a hammer." Xiaodou continued, "These people deserve to die."

At this moment, the fairy lady handed a cigarette to the hemorrhoid ointment, and then glanced at Xiaodudou and Jiang Piaozhou: "What are you waiting for? Let's fight!"

"Is your team's current style of work so spicy?"

Seeing the sunspot on the ground being beaten up and screaming, I just took a puff of hemorrhoid ointment and looked at the bright moon in the sky while recalling the past: "Oh, it's really boring to stay in the office. I want to go back to the front line. I saw you guys some time ago.

The battle report ruined my envy."

"Be your leader well."

As the fairy said, she walked up to Heizi, who had lost half of his life, and burned the cigarette butt directly between his eyebrows: "Hey, buddy. Do you know what we are looking for you for?"

This chapter has been completed!
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