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546, follow the clues and catch the big fish

 Brother Zhang doesn’t like people to see him casting spells, mainly because both his heart art and dream recalling art are forbidden arts. Firstly, his identity is easily exposed, and secondly, the casting process looks too

It’s a cult...

After they left, the tortured cultist was still clamoring for Brother Zhang to kill him so that he could see the Holy Lord as soon as possible. When he heard this word, Brother Zhang's head tilted, and he wanted to break his head.

I don’t understand how this guy can believe in the Holy Lord, because the Holy Lord himself is not a believer, he is a system type, and there is no such thing as heaven without fighting for incest.

What’s more important is that all the holy masters are alive! They are alive! The dead holy master is the former master, just a piece of tablet kept there, and there is no special treatment. He said that when he meets the holy master in heaven, he sees his grandma as a chicken.


But there is no need to worry about these things now. As long as he draws out his thoughts, everything will be fine. Then Brother Zhang pressed a hand on his forehead and then returned to the dream. His heart expanded at the same time, without the bonus of abnormal ability.

What the Double Secret Technique can now do is recall and read other people's memories.

At the moment when the skill is activated, Brother Zhang's eyes are like two projectors, in which flashes of this guy's life appear. Starting from the time when he pushed a child from the same village into a manure pit and drowned him at the age of six, this guy officially started his life of crime.


When he was six years old, he drowned his friend; when he was eleven years old, he set fire to the house of a fool in the village. The fool couldn't escape from the house, so he laughed outside with a group of children; when he was fourteen years old and was beaten for stealing, he used scissors.

He stabbed his attacker to death and fled his hometown; at the age of 16, he was absorbed into the so-called beggar gang in the city where he wandered, and began to bully other beggars and abduct children; at the age of 17, he was involved in the merging of a cult because of child abduction.

After being instructed by the middle and higher-ups of the teaching, he began to practice evil. At the age of twenty-four, he gradually became the person in charge of this area of ​​the organization. He controlled the fate of a group of homeless people and beggars, and used these people to form a very large organization.

information network, human trafficking has never stopped.

At the age of thirty, he officially entered the middle and upper levels of this cult, and believed that the cult was the savior to save his miserable life, so he became the most staunch believer. Even here, he had not even met their "leader"

.But he still worked hard and began to try every means to complete the tasks assigned to him by the organization. The cruelty involved even Brother Zhang almost stopped casting spells several times.

But even so, he insisted on reading this person's life up to this point, and after finishing, he took out his notebook and began to draw all the related people he saw in his memory. He drew faster and faster, almost

It took less than a minute to complete a sketch, but even at such a fast speed, it took him more than an hour to draw.

There are nearly a hundred portraits here, all of which are people who have a close relationship with this cult and are also close to him. There are car drivers who help him transport, staff who help him hide his identity, and some even a certain person.

The relevant personnel in these agencies and a series of interest chains were all drawn by Brother Zhang.

Among them, a big fat man attracted the most attention, because this fat man was his superior, and it was this person who gave him instructions every time, telling him what the superiors needed to say or what to deal with.

When Brother Zhang handed this book of portraits to Fairy Girl, he turned over a few pages and began to marvel: "I'm sorry, there are so many... from all walks of life."

"The characteristic of some cults is that they hide deeply, and this kind is the most troublesome." Hemorrhoid Cream said: "How do you say now?"

Brother Zhang patted the book, opened the page to the fat man and tore it out: "Catch them all! Let's do this."

That night, the entire city of Huzhou was buzzing with sirens, and as many as a hundred people were arrested. Some even had their doors knocked on while they were sleeping in bed and were taken away.

All of a sudden, the entire area was lit up with a red light. Anyone who had any doubts or obstructions were taken away to assist in the investigation. The scale and impact were unprecedented.

Some of these people have excellent psychological qualities, and some have weak psychological qualities. More than 80% of them were recruited in one night, and the combination of these people and things creates a shocking picture, and then public, national and double

Andu arrived, and then came the supervision of the supreme command, the transfer of special teams, the closure of all personnel in the main city to cooperate with the investigation, etc.

But in fact, it seemed a bit silent at this point. The big ebb before the tsunami was right. But the tsunami still came when it was supposed to come. When Brother Zhang and the others went to the hospital to pick up the river for rowing, that is, the next morning

At that time, the whole Huzhou was shaking, and sirens were speeding through every corner of the street. Behind these police cars, there were usually one or two black SUVs with the security group printed on them, whizzing past the streets together.

"The matter is serious."

"They certainly wouldn't have imagined that so many believers were arrested because Jiang Piaozhou defrauded him of 100,000 yuan." Xian Gu lay on the window of the hospital and looked outside: "I'm afraid there will be excitement later."

Brother Zhang stood next to him and was eating with a lunch box in his hand. After hearing his words, he glanced out the window: "It doesn't matter, just clean up as much as you can."

"Yes!" Fairy Girl nodded vigorously: "I have already started sending the pictures you drew to the technical department, but there is nothing to check. You have marked your name, age and phone number on it. The technical department said that in fact, we only need to check it.

His recent movements are all that is needed, and he can’t escape as long as he uses his smartphone.”


After a while, Jiang Piaozhou's discharge procedures were completed, and news from the technical department was also sent. They found the specific location of the fat man, which was not far from this place in Quanzhou. From tracking his mobile phone location

To show that this guy is trying to escape now. He has already boarded train dxxx and started heading north. It will pass through their city at 10:35.

"Brothers, work!"

The black SUV drove all the way out of the hospital and headed towards the train station. After entering the train station, they revealed their identities and communicated with the police officers at the station. The car drove directly onto the platform and waited for the train.

s arrival.

The time came to ten thirty-five little by little, and the train arrived as scheduled. The moment the door opened, a few of them rushed up from the front and rear doors together. They checked one by one, and finally got there

The fat man who covered his face with a hat stopped in front of him. The fairy girl crossed her arms and laughed: "Is it okay to just cover your face?"

The fat man slowly put down his hat, but the next moment Xiaodou suddenly kicked him up and broke his left hand. The fat man screamed, and then Jiang Zhouzhou dragged him out by his hair.


"Sorry, arrest." Fairy Gu took out her ID and said to the passengers around her: "Everyone, please sit back in your seats."

The fat man's sound like killing a pig echoed in the carriage, and then he was dragged out of the train like a pig by Jiang Piaozhou. He opened the door and stuffed him in. After getting in, Jiang Piaozhou might have felt uncomfortable, and he got stuck.

An arm was broken off, Xiaodou stuffed his face with a wad of toilet paper, and then the car drove away.

The entire arrest process took less than a minute, which was short, fast and extremely efficient.

They took the fat man to the base in Huzhou, applied for a separate room, and began to systematically interrogate him. This time, their interrogation methods were extremely cruel. Brother Zhang broke off his hand and Xiangu picked it up for him, and then continued to break it off.

After repeating this for several times, the tough guy couldn't stand it anymore, but the fat man was obviously not a fanatical believer, and he soon gave in completely.

"I'm just a part-time worker. I'll do whatever my superiors ask me to do..." He had already collapsed due to pain and sat there with a pale face: "I really don't know anything."

Fairy Girl ignored what he said and just opened the notebook and started asking: "What is the name of your organization?"

"Bai Lian Dao, they say it is called Bai Lian Dao, but actually I am not a believer...I really am not..."

Fairy Aunt looked back at Brother Zhang, and then continued: "What does your supervisor usually ask you to do?"

"They asked me to be responsible for purchasing some things. I don't believe them at all. They only do it because they can earn money from purchasing. I am really unjust..." The fat man was still crying out for injustice. With the expression on his face, it looked real.


"Do you know what wet intestine is? Where's the tibia? Where's the mute girl? They all passed through your hands, right?" Fairy Girl asked with a smile: "I'm afraid this is only part of it, right?"

When he said these things, the fat man's face became uglier every time he said it. No one who can make purchases is a fool. I am afraid that he has already known the truth. If the other party already knew it in such detail, he would hide it no more.

He would only suffer physical pain again. He also knew that this group of people was not as easy to deal with as other law enforcement officers. This group of people really dared to kill people.

"The superiors will ask me to buy these things regularly. They will use these things to make magic weapons and then reward them with lanterns. I thought it was unlucky so I sold them. I have three uplines and seventeen downlines. Usually they are

The three people above told me what I needed by what date and month, and then I went to purchase it. When it came to purchasing, I just mentioned the needs to them in the group, and then assigned tasks to them. It was as simple as that."

"Then do you know the source of these things?" Fairy asked with a cold face.

"I know, but there's nothing I can do about it. People who work in my profession can't turn back if they know it. People know me very well. If I quit, I'll die. I know it very well." The fat man stopped pretending and looked quite helpless at this moment: "You guys

Say it right."

"Explain your receipt and delivery process."

"It's very simple for me to receive the goods. The people below me also have downlines. They will ask those people to go around the world to collect the needed things, and then hand them over to my colleague. He should also be arrested by you. Then my colleague will

Just take care of things over there."

"Easy to deal with?"

"Well, it's probably their processing method. Anyway, I don't know much about it. When I got it, it was basically a semi-finished product."

After speaking, the fat man raised his buttocks a little: "I have photos on my phone. You can see for yourself. The unlock password is 020061."

Xiangu stepped forward and took out her mobile phone and opened the photo album. It was indeed filled with various meat products and bone products, but the things in his photos had obviously been processed, and the bones had become jade, and those

Most meat products have waxy wood characteristics, are hard, smooth and have a muscular texture.

Putting aside the origin of these things, they are actually quite beautiful, especially those bone products, which are very exquisitely made and decorated with various withered flowers and gold or jade, but such gorgeous things remind me of his

The source will only make people feel sick and scared.

"After they complete the task, they will send me a message, and then I will go to Xixishang's store to place an order. Because the items marked on it are all simulation toys, we have been doing business through express delivery." After the fat man finished speaking, he suddenly said, "Oh!"

He Yiyi: "If there are some things that really cannot be obtained, such as wax corpses, special freight routes will be used. However, this is high risk and costly. It is only used when transporting special products."

"Wax corpse?"

The fat man lowered his head and couldn't tell his expression: "Click on the encrypted album, the password is 652117."

After Xiangu opened the encrypted photo album, his scalp tightened because there were all kinds of corpses in it. Some of these corpses were women and children, but few were men. And these corpses all had one thing in common.

The characteristic is that the entire body is highly waxed. This requires long-term storage in soil with sufficient moisture or in a place that is isolated from the air, so that the fat will turn into a candle-like component and stop decaying, slowly hardening.

, and finally becomes like plaster. If the maker's skills are very good, the corpse can even look like a wax figure come to life.

The corpses in the photos are like this. They maintain various postures, some look very painful and some are very peaceful, but without exception, these wax corpses are definitely not made from the corpses of the deceased.

Fairy Gu did some calculations and found that there were more than two hundred different pictures of wax corpses, which meant that this guy alone had more than two hundred victims saved in his cell phone.

"Then how did you deliver the goods to the top?"

"Specialized people will contact me. They are very careful not to use any electronic products or leave any identification marks. Usually when my goods arrive, they will meet me on the road and tell me when they will be there.

No matter where the delivery is, I will put it in the place they agreed upon when I arrive."

"That means the person who gave you the order and the person who delivered the goods are not the same people?"

"Then I don't know. How can I dare to ask?"

Fairy Gu leaned there and pondered for a moment: "They should know our actions now, right?"

"Isn't that certain? I still have to ask." The fat man shook his head helplessly: "I will definitely die if I go out. If I tell you, I might still have a chance to survive."

This chapter has been completed!
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