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Chapter 57, quirky

 "Drink, drink."

Several people drank like crazy that night, and Zhang Yao among them played extremely crazy. Looking at the way she drank, she would probably vomit later.

But Zhu Zhenzhen was okay. She knew that she was not good at drinking, so she never drank much.

"Brother Zhang, has he never drank?"

When Zhu Zhenzhen got up and went to the counter to pick up her meal, she suddenly discovered that Brother Zhang had not taken a sip from beginning to end, so she asked curiously.

"I won't drink." Brother Zhang shook his head and said, "I drink rice wine at most."

At this time, Brontosaurus, whose head was red, turned around and said: "Boss, give me some more fried skewers."

Brother Zhang nodded and continued working, while Zhu Zhenzhen continued to ask curiously: "You are their boss, why do you always have to cook for them?"

"Yeah." Brother Zhang skillfully cut the meat, garnished it with vegetables, and then started to heat oil: "I like to cook."

Likes to cook... Zhu Zhenzhen once heard her mother say that most people who like to cook are useless, but Brother Zhang is obviously not within the scope of this sentence. He is so awesome that everyone wants to call him

He called me boss...

Isn't this super cool? There are so many people here, and everyone makes Zhu Zhenzhen feel powerful and magical, but they are all very good in front of Brother Zhang. Such people like to cook...

While he was talking, a stranger came in. Brother Zhang glanced at him, then smiled and said, "Why are you here?"

"I don't have any materials over there, come here and get some."

Thunder Dragon also saw the person coming. He raised his hand and shouted enthusiastically: "Hey, Ansheng. Long time no see."

"Well, long time no see." The visitor nodded to the people around him and took some things from Brother Zhang's freezer. Then he said to Brother Zhang, "I'm going back now. Come to my place next time you have time."

Have fun."


After a brief communication, the man left. Zhu Zhenzhen became curious again. She put one hand on the table and looked at Brother Zhang and asked: "Who is this person? It feels very cool."

"He's a fellow restaurant owner." Brother Zhang looked at An Sheng's back as he walked away: "He's in charge of the Three Realms."

Zhu Zhenzhen: "???"

But before she could continue asking about the lower and upper three realms, she was already dragged over by Zhang Yao and continued drinking.

After another round of wine and meat, everyone was a little drunk, and Zhang Yao was even more drunk and unconscious. However, when Zhu Zhenzhen was about to help her back, she was pulled away by her hand, and then she saw Zhang Yao staggering on her own.

He staggered to the corner of the shop, pulled the sofa hard, pulled the quilt next to it, and lay down on it, as if he had returned to his own home.


"Let her sleep, it'll be fine."

To be honest, if it were anyone else, Zhu Zhenzhen would definitely not be worried that a beautiful woman like Zhang Yao would sleep in a strange place like this, but this is Brother Zhang’s territory. Although I don’t know why, as long as Brother Zhang says

When she comes out, it gives people a sense of stability and makes her feel at ease.

"Then I'll go back first."

"Yeah." Brother Zhang glanced at the mouse that was already asleep on the chair, the brontosaurus that had slipped under the table, and the pony lying there sleeping soundly, and he smiled helplessly: "

I'll take you back."

"No need..." Zhu Zhenzhen waved her hands repeatedly: "You still have to take care of them, I'm leaving first."

Brother Zhang stared at Zhu Zhenzhen's back, then looked back at Sister Dog who was reading there. Sister Dog also looked up at him. The two did not speak, but Sister Dog got up and quietly followed Zhu Zhenzhen in perfect agreement.


Zhu Zhenzhen drank a lot. Although she had a good drink capacity, she was a little dazed when the cold wind blew her. However, she still liked this feeling very much. The feeling of being tipsy with the cold wind blowing on the street late at night allowed her to escape from the dilemma of not being able to love.

Come out temporarily.

She was actually very happy that she could meet so many interesting people, and she felt very comfortable being able to have a drink with these heartless guys when she was most hesitant and helpless.

The reason why he didn't want Brother Zhang to see her off was actually because he wanted to be alone, so she walked aimlessly on the deserted street. The street lights were dim but the atmosphere was just right.

There is a bridge to go from Chang'an Lane to where Zhu Zhenzhen lives. This bridge is an ordinary bridge. Like all bridges in the world, people often jump from it, and some die and some are still alive.

When Zhu Zhenzhen was passing the bridge, she felt a little nauseous and lay down on the guardrail and started to vomit. But as she was vomiting, she suddenly saw a human face looking at her across the guardrail.

At that moment, she was frightened. She quickly took a few steps back and saw a speeding car approaching. But before Zhu Zhenzhen could react, she felt a force on her back.

Pushed her back.

The car was also startled by her, and it skidded for a long time before coming to a stop. The driver was about to get out of the car and curse, but he seemed to have seen something and hurried back to the car as soon as he got out of the car.


"are you crazy!"

Zhu Zhenzhen didn't know the situation. She was drunk and pointed at the driver and cursed loudly.

After scolding her, her mood immediately improved a lot, and she continued to stroll home.

She felt that there was nothing special about the journey except for being a little cold. When she got home and closed the door, she lay down on the bed without taking a shower and slept until dawn.

After getting up early, she stretched out like a new born, casually ordered a takeaway and continued to lie on the bed motionless until the takeaway man called her.

"Hey...Ms. Zhu, the takeout is left at the door for you. Come and pick it up yourself...I'll leave first."

After saying that, the delivery boy hurriedly hung up the phone. Zhu Zhenzhen was feeling strange. Usually this guy would always chat with her while delivering food, but today he suddenly seemed to be a different person.

But maybe he was busy, so Zhu Zhenzhen didn't think too much, put on her slippers and opened the door.

But as soon as she opened the door, she realized something was wrong. There were many footprints next to the takeaway. They looked like the footprints of adult men, but those footprints were very strange. They looked like they were stepping on bare feet.

The floor was the same, and it was all covered in black muddy water that hadn't dried thoroughly, and it also exuded a faint watery smell.

What made Zhu Zhenzhen feel even more chilly was that these footprints were piled up at her door, not just one or two, but densely packed, as if someone had been lingering at her door for a long time.

Seeing this scene, she didn't even want the takeaway, and quickly closed the door and hid in bed. After taking out the phone, he thought for a long time but didn't know who to call, and finally dialed the number out of desperation.

Brother Zhang’s phone number.

"Brother Zhang~"

"What's wrong?"

The moment Brother Zhang's voice appeared, Zhu Zhenzhen felt as if she was illuminated by Buddha's light. All her fears disappeared in an instant, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Can you come to my house...I...I seem to have touched something dirty."


Brother Zhang was never sloppy when speaking and doing things, and he was basically asked to do things accurately. Such neatness made Zhu Zhenzhen feel unprecedentedly stable in her heart.

After a while, the doorbell rang at the door. Zhu Zhenzhen looked through the peephole and found Brother Zhang standing there. He quickly opened the door and almost hugged him.

Brother Zhang did not enter the door, he just stood at the door and looked at the footprints, and then looked at the coins he left on the door last time that had not been taken off.

"Don't take this." Brother Zhang pointed at the coin: "Well... you can't take it either."

"Yeah, I don't know which pervert embedded a coin in my door. I can't pick it out no matter how hard I try, even a vise won't work. Is this something dirty?"

"Well..." Brother Zhang pondered for a moment and said, "I put it."

"Ah? Why?"

Brother Zhang shook his head and pointed to the footprints on the ground: "Let's go and see the situation."


With Brother Zhang accompanying her, Zhu Zhenzhen became more confident. The two of them came to the property and asked to check the surveillance from last night.

The property management has never been vague about this requirement. After all, the people who can live in this community are first-class bosses, so it is easy to watch the surveillance.

However, after the monitoring was released, not to mention Zhu Zhenzhen, even the unemployed people who accompanied the watch felt that their legs were weak.

Because the surveillance showed that Zhu Zhenzhen arrived home at 12:30 last night. Less than ten minutes after she got home, a naked man came to the floor. The man's body showed a strange appearance in the surveillance.

He was so pale that his whole body was so white that it shone brightly.

Moreover, his walking posture is also very weird, with one foot deep and one foot shallow, as if he is swimming.

When he came to Zhu Zhenzhen's door, he was about to reach out and push the door open, but he suddenly flew out. Then he came forward the second time and it was still the same. After that, this man began to wander at the door of Zhu Zhenzhen's house until dawn.


But there was something here that aroused the ideas of several people here, that is, when Zhu Zhenzhen went out with fishing gear at four o'clock, he passed by the wandering man, but he didn't seem to know it, and even

Didn't even take a look.

This is very wrong, because any normal person would at least take a few glances at a naked man wandering outside someone else's house late at night, even if he doesn't care.

"Do you have this family's phone number?"

Brother Zhang asked.

The property manager nodded quickly, and then went out to call up the registered phone number of the family. Not long after calling, the person on the other side connected. He heard that they were fishing, so the property manager asked directly if he had checked when he went out in the morning.

To that lingering naked man.

The fisherman immediately said that he had not seen it, and the property manager asked him to think about it, but the other party also laughed and asked: "You saw a naked man wandering around in front of someone's house in the middle of the night. Can you forget it? I

If you say you haven’t seen it, you haven’t seen it!”——

Brother Meng, let me tell you, this book may have been rushed out. But don’t worry, I like this book very much, and I will finish it no matter what. I don’t have any special requirements now, just wait.

It will be available on the shelves in a few days. Could you please do me a favor and subscribe? This is one of the few requests.

This chapter has been completed!
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