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593, Huang Liang has a dream for twenty years

 In order to be able to support the intensity of subsequent games, the venue naturally cannot continue to use the original football field or a separate open space, because it is foreseeable that high-intensity fighting will overturn the entire land and flatten the hills.

Therefore, through the coordination of Qing Lingzi, the official competition was postponed for another month to give him enough time to complete the construction of the venue.

This is obviously a drag, because that guy has to personally supervise the battle. How can a person who can make red-eye players stop playing can't control the destruction of the terrain, so smart people know what's going on. To put it bluntly,

The only reason is to buy time for the big bosses in the world of mountains and seas to calm down the turmoil.

Sometimes, even something that seems very simple may have very complicated political intentions behind it.

But the most urgent thing here is probably Ku Qingzhou. He has been directly marginalized in the human world because of Ying Sham's troubles. The key point is that Bai Ze's actions in the mountain and sea world have not been affected due to Ying Long's suppression methods.

It played a big role. Now that Qing Lingzi is delaying like this, Yinglong might be able to smash Bai Ze's plan. It was originally planned to be caught off guard, but now it has become a protracted war.

The protracted war against the alien beast tribes is a bit unsatisfactory. Their plan to use their insufficient fighting power to force the Shanhai Realm to completely surrender to the Upper Three Realms and force the Human Realm to keep up with the Three Realms is going to go bankrupt.

But now that he is marginalized, many of the plans he originally made cannot be used and are still being delayed. He can't just lie in the house and stab himself and then say that there was an assassination, right? And the place where he lives has the most intensive security.

In the most perfect area, the three realms have sent at least fifteen good soldiers to guard him every day. Not to mention assassins, I am afraid that even a mosquito passing by his door will have his identity recorded.

The key issue is that everything is reasonable now, and this is what he is worried about, because Qing Lingzi told the Shanhai Realm that he has a special status and he does not need to pursue the case, but it does not mean that no one in the human world will punish the traitors.

The house arrest he mentioned was actually to protect his life. It would not be impossible if the control was relaxed, but the premise is that if he is assassinated, the human world will pursue the murderer with all its strength, but the Shanhai Realm cannot hold Qing Lingzi responsible.

It makes sense, everything is reasonable, then this is a proposition that is blocked at both ends. If he continues to be under house arrest here, he can't do anything. After he is released, Qing Lingzi can come over and kill him that night.

"The human world is going all out to hunt down the murderer." This sentence itself is a false proposition. So when they talk about diplomacy, it is actually a competition of wisdom and strength.

In addition, he also discovered a problem, that is, Grand Master Wen Zhongwen, who led the team from the Upper Three Realms this time, almost wears the same pants as the human world. He has no way to get in touch with the senior officials of the Western Gods, and with those who only know how to

Talking about this kind of thing to a guy who is taking turns to kill with an ax is like asking Li Kui to do some embroidery.

Therefore, all the conspiracies and plots were plotted. Only then did Ku Xingzhou realize that he might become an abandoned child because he was useless. When he was no longer useful, he had no doubt that Bai Ze would

He sold it at a very low price.

Only then did he realize that Qing Lingzi was not as embarrassed and angry as he had expected when he saw him, but instead was full of teasing and disdain. Only when Ku Qingzhou realized that he had come this far did he finally recognize his true identity.


Luoyang shovel, who was treated as a chess piece and bargaining chip by Bai Ze, even to test the depth of the opponent...

Since Bai Ze is no longer trustworthy, Ku Qingzhou can't just sit here and wait for death, right? So he thought carefully about it when he was alone in the room these days, and found that everything has two sides, and now even though every day

It all brought him one step closer to death, but after all, it was not executed immediately. He could still have a chance to fight for himself a glimmer of life.

And this glimmer of hope is his master.

So Ku Qingzhou's thinking also changed at this moment. He was thinking about how to contact the mouse, and even ignored that the guards around him had quietly changed.

At this moment, Brother Zhang has entered the venue as a guardian. He has restarted his abilities and then started to settle in as a lifeguard. The one who will not be recognized by anyone is him. This is what super cognitive impairment is.


But isn’t this going to be renovated? Brother Zhang doesn’t have to come here every day. He is just waiting for notification anyway. However, he happens to be on vacation right now, so it would be nice to just stay here and watch the fun.

For this reason, he turned off all his contact methods. No one could contact him through his mobile phone. Basically, everyone who wanted to contact him was here, and there was no one else outside.

There is no need to worry about Chang'an Lane or anything like that. As long as there is no invasion by higher-level force, Dawutong itself is the strongest existence in the world besides Brother Zhang and the maintainer of the way of nature.

"How are you doing every year?"

Of course, Zhang Yaolai is responsible for the decoration of the venue. Qing Lingzi is still aware of this. Anyway, it costs money. Rather than letting others make money, it is better to let people in his own system make money, and there is no

No one else dares to take on such a project except Zhang Yao, the infrastructure madman.

"It's all going well. It's the third year of junior high school in a blink of an eye. It's so fast." Zhang Yao, who was looking at the drone surveying and mapping the terrain map, sighed: "I'm almost forty years old before I know it."

"can not tell."

"Of course, I am immortal. My appearance is fixed in my twenties." Zhang Yao turned her head and glanced at Brother Zhang: "I still remember the first time I saw you, it snowed a lot that year.


"Seven years ago."

Winters come and go, and seven years have passed without realizing it. Zhang Yao barely feels anything at all. She only remembers that she was still a genius girl with yin and yang eyes who was haunted by ghosts at that time. Now she has become a comrade of ghost kings.

The most gifted middle-aged woman, although in a sense she was being pestered, she no longer seemed to feel anything.

"By the way, I forgot to ask you." Zhang Yao suddenly asked: "If I collect the biological information of everyone in this game and then integrate them to create a creature, is it allowed?"

"I mean I can't create. If you can, then do whatever you want." Brother Zhang shook his head and said, "I don't impose any value restrictions on anyone."

"That's OK." Zhang Yao took out a tablet and clicked on a photo: "I used my own genes as a blueprint to create a human body. My next step is to integrate the mutated genes of all special superpowers into it. I

I want to see what I can create.”

"Aren't you afraid of danger?"

"There's nothing dangerous. Gemini is pretty good, isn't it? I was inspired by her."

Brother Zhang crossed his arms and nodded: "Whatever you want."

When they were talking, the sun was setting in front of them. Brother Zhang leaned aside and looked into the distance: "Did you ask me last time why I only live in this world?"

"I guess so. How did you answer that?"

"I don't remember." Brother Zhang shook his head and said, "Probably because only in this place can I have a sense of existence. Only now do I realize that my own feelings cannot be ignored."

"It's very good. I'd like to say that you are becoming more and more humane when you talk and act. You were not like this before. You were not very talkative, very old-fashioned and quiet. Now you are obviously more talkative."

"Yeah." Brother Zhang laughed and crossed his arms: "This means that I am one step closer to completing the task."

"If this multiverse really doesn't need you, what will you do?"

Zhang Yao's question made Brother Zhang stunned for a moment, but he quickly curled his lips: "I don't know, maybe when that day comes, I will become a foam on the sea like the Little Mermaid."

"Wouldn't you like to take a look at the future for yourself?"

"Guess how many futures there are."

"How many?"

"Ten to the power of one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five."

Zhang Yao shook her head: "It's like not seeing it."


"Then what if I let you choose?" Zhang Yao asked still unwilling to give up: "Which one would you choose?"

"Go back to the year when I was born, then seal off your abilities, and live your whole life as an ordinary person. My family is very rich, my mother is also very beautiful, and my father is also a super powerful person. I have stood up since I was born.

At the top of the pyramid. I want to implement my personality and live out my life safely."

"What is your personality?"

"Silly son of a landlord." Brother Zhang said and clapped his arm: "Oh, I forgot to log in to the game. I haven't logged in for almost a year. When the vacation is over, I will see where I am assigned to work. If

If I have free time, I will continue to play games. At least in the game I can still enjoy the addiction of ordinary people."

"Hahaha... the silly son of a landlord, are you serious?"

"Seriously." Brother Zhang started counting with his fingers: "Enter school at the age of six, graduate from elementary school at the age of twelve, graduate from junior high school at the age of fifteen, have a crush on a female classmate in the class when I am in the third year of junior high school, and have a crush on a female classmate in my class when I am in the first year of high school.

She went to different schools, and then heard people say that she was in love, and then she started to concentrate on preparing for the college entrance examination in her senior year of high school, and then failed."


"Yes, I failed. Because of my character, I'm a stupid son. How can I be a stupid son if I'm not stupid?" Brother Zhang said seriously: "Let's make some connections at home. I'll get a top university and I'll be a student there."

I was a low-key and silly nerd, and then I met the school belle in the library, and then the school bully found out that we were together, so he came to trouble me. Then I got into a fight, and the school wanted to expel me, but he was not expelled, and then

My dad showed up and scared the shit out of the school leaders."

Zhang Yao pressed the automation button on the console and turned her whole body: "Keep going, I like to hear it. What's going on behind the scenes."

"Later, when I was in the hospital, the school beauty came to see me and told me I was sorry that it was all because of her. I said it didn't matter, and then I developed a crush on this school beauty." Brother Zhang continued to describe vividly in his mind.

A plot that has been lingering for who knows how many years: "But on Valentine's Day, the day when school just started, I accidentally discovered that the school beauty was riding in the school bully's car and following him back to school. I asked my brothers in the dormitory and found out that they

The two of us were already together when I was hospitalized, and they even went to the Maldives together during the winter vacation."

"Hahahaha... What kind of pure and scarred literature are you talking about?"

"Who's youth doesn't have scars?" Brother Zhang chuckled and continued: "Then I felt very depressed. It happened that my parents came over to see me and found that something was wrong with me. Then they asked me what was going on. Do you know the situation?

Then they patted my head and said, 'Don't worry, son, we won't go to the Maldives in the future.'"

"That's it?"

"No, my dad made a phone call after he finished speaking, 'Xiao Wen, which island in Fiji you told me about last time is for sale? Yes, yes, I bought it, six billion

It’s only six billion, I bought it as a twentieth birthday gift for my son.”

"Wow... You are so stupid, you jumped directly from Scar Literature to Domineering President." Zhang Yao burst out laughing: "But why do you always bother your uncle and aunt?"

Brother Zhang was silent for a long time, then suddenly laughed: "Because I have never been protected by anyone in my life, I am always protecting others."

One sentence made Zhang Yao fall into emo. She stood up and gave Brother Zhang a hug: "Okay, okay, I'll give you a hug."

Brother Zhang didn't care at all, he just raised his eyebrows and continued: "After I graduate from college..."

"Wait a minute, what about the plot about the school beauty? Did you skip it?"

"I didn't think about it, it was quite uncomfortable. I just skipped it and will add more plot when I have time. Anyway, I still have a long, long time." Brother Zhang said very seriously: "After I graduate from college, I will interview

I joined a big company, but was fired even after my internship period because my supervisor made things difficult for me. When my dad found out, he was very angry and bought the company. The new general manager also called me back.

I also fired the supervisor who bullied me."

"Is it just a show-off plot? Is there a warmer encounter?"

"Meet the empress?" Brother Zhang scratched his face and felt confused.

"Forget it, I won't embarrass you with this. Let's handle it together with the school beauty plot, and we'll complete it when the time comes."

"Well..." Brother Zhang nodded: "I haven't thought much about the plot behind it, and I don't know what to do."

"You've been holding it in for decades to come up with such a plot? Just go to the AI ​​with your request. ChatGPT can write more than 800 paragraphs for you in one night, okay?"

"I'm not good at it." Brother Zhang curled his lips and said: "I have never used my brain much in my life. You know me, I don't need a brain at all. I only grew my brain so that I would not be so scary when walking on the road."

Zhang Yao laughed so hard: "Okay, okay, I can't talk to you anymore. If we continue talking, we will have to work overtime. Qing Lingzi is not an easy person to get along with."

Brother Zhang hummed: "Then you continue, I will just look at the scenery here, and then continue to complete the plot."

Zhang Yao then turned her head and switched to manual operation and continued working.

It could last more than an hour. Brother Zhang suddenly said: "What if the school beauty finally discovers that the school bully is actually a scumbag, and then she commits suicide and happens to hit me?"

"Can't you come up with a plot about normal people?" Zhang Yao was shocked by Brother Zhang's imagination: "You have to hurt yourself to be happy, right?"

Brother Zhang scratched his head: "Then do you have any good opinions?"

"Don't you have that kind of skill that Huang Liang Yimeng has? Take me with you, let's experience it together, and you can set me to be your childhood sweetheart who grew up with you."

This chapter has been completed!
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