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604, Steady and steady

 Brother Zhang’s style is so steady. He did nothing in the first month after taking office. He just squatted in the Yamen all day long. No one outside knew what he was doing. Some daily affairs were handled by his team.

In daily care.

This news naturally reached the ears of Zhao Zhen. On that day, he was playing chess with Wang Anshi, who was still in mourning, in the garden, and happened to chat about the idiot Brother Zhang.

The reason why Wang Anshi was able to come to Beijing in advance this time was precisely because Zhao Zhen felt that Wang Anshi's New Deal was imminent after this round of setbacks, so he used this well-known thorn in his side.

When Zhao Zhen mentioned what the idiot did when he was in office these days, Wang Anshi said unfazed: "As an official, I think the idiot you mentioned is good. Because this new official has been in office for three years.

Fire, you also need to be familiar with the ways of officialdom. These seventy-eight-year-old children suddenly become officials in a place. Let’s not talk about whether there is a way to become an official in the book of sages. Even the local customs and sentiments will take a while to adjust. If

Like others, he also took office with three goals, which was more about showing off his temporary prestige than governing."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen suddenly became enlightened: "If this is really the case, he is too stable for his age."

"Officials should not be anxious, just wait for the time."

At this moment, Zhao Rong's maid Ruyi hurried over and saluted: "Guan... the princess lost her temper again. She nearly smashed the bowl she was eating and even coughed up blood."

Zhao Zhen became anxious when he heard this, and quickly got up and followed Ruyi to Zhao Rong's bedroom. After passing there, he saw Zhao Rong lying on the bed, looking as angry as a hairspray, which was heartbreaking.

Zhao Zhen looked at the bowl that was thrown on the ground, but when he lifted his nose and smelled it, it was full of the fragrance of fermented glutinous rice, brown sugar and boiled eggs. Zhao Zhen looked at his daughter who was originally well-behaved and now lost her temper eight times a day, and felt helpless.


"Where did this blood come from?"

"Oh...I'm going to die...oh..." Zhao Rong groaned in pain on the bed.

Zhao Zhen rummaged around and found a small bottle on the floor beside Zhao Rong's bed. After opening it and smelling it, it turned out to be filled with water made from rouge. After pouring out a little, it was mixed with the water.

The color of the blood was exactly the same.

As an emperor, he should be angry. This is the crime of bullying the emperor. But as a father, he can only lament that his daughter is getting more and more naughty. But for his own decency, he just gently put the fake jar aside and sat down

Na asked softly: "You just want to go out of the palace that way?"

Zhao Rong didn't answer, but kept coughing, looking as if she was about to die.

"I'm sure."

Zhao Rong didn't react at first, and still coughed a few times, until Zhao Zhen spoke again: "Go find that stupid brother of yours."

Hearing this, Zhao Rongzeng sat up from the bed: "Really!?"

Zhao Zhen didn't want to say anything when he saw her like this. He just flicked her on the forehead and left with his hands behind his back.

But Zhao Rong was still very young and did not realize her father's loss at this moment. Instead, she lifted up the blanket on her body and cheered, and then began to make preparations for leaving the palace.

"Ruyi, what do you think I will do after I go there? How about I become a policeman? I have always wanted to be a policeman, punishing evil and promoting good!"

The maid just apologized and smiled.

At this moment, Brother Zhang finally came out of seclusion. The first thing he did was ask the county magistrate to call the heads of several wealthy businessmen in Yuhang County. Those wealthy businessmen didn't think it mattered, mainly because they knew him.

A small county magistrate, isn't he the son of Lao Zhang, a poor man in the county? Now he is just a small county magistrate. How can an official as big as sesame seeds and grains of rice make waves?

So they came sparsely, but they were fine when they came, and they couldn't go back...

Because Brother Zhang spent a whole month sorting through all the past files accumulated in the county, picking out all the injustices and falsehoods in them, and then almost every piece of them was related to these wealthy businessmen in the county. He asked these people

I came just to make them throw themselves into a trap.

All of a sudden, most of the large and small industrial businessmen in the county were deducted by him. Then Brother Zhang didn't talk nonsense at all and directly opened a trial. Thirty-seven people were sentenced to twenty-eight on the spot.

The result of the judgment was also simple, that is, the family property was confiscated and the fields were returned to the public. Although the remaining nine were not sentenced immediately, they obediently handed over their fields in the county after a conversation.

But this time, Brother Zhang had stirred up a hornet's nest. They were rich businessmen who were not closely connected. Of course, they couldn't be convinced, so they planned to go straight to the capital the next day to find someone to recruit this sesame official.

But I didn't expect that on that night, a group of fast horses had already galloped out of Yuhang County and headed for Lin'an in advance with the tangible evidence compiled by Brother Zhang.

Almost overnight, Yuhang County changed. If someone else had done this, there would have been a mutiny in the county within three days. But the problem was that Brother Zhang posted a notice at the city gate early the next morning, and then

It's just about distributing fields.

It's just that most people in the county are illiterate, so Brother Zhang simply found a supervisor and took people there to read aloud repeatedly, which meant that the land collected from Yuhang County would be distributed on a per capita basis to the people who did not have land in their hands.

It's just that these people do not have the right to buy and sell but only have the right to use it. Except for paying the agricultural tax, the food they grow is owned by individuals. And as long as the court does not tax, he will not tax. In other words, the court

If there is no tax for a day, all the food will belong to the people.

Some things spread most quickly by word of mouth. That afternoon, there was a long queue of people queuing up to receive land at the gate of the Yamen. In theory, everyone with a household registration in Yuhang County would be eligible, and even those who had land but did not meet the required acres would be eligible.

Fields to get the average.

As for those with more fields, some of the fields will be expropriated tax-free. After receiving the fields, Yuhang County has also issued new regulations. In fact, to put it bluntly, it strictly limits the movement of land and no longer allows private buying and selling of fields, even if they want to buy or sell.

You also need to pay almost 60% of the transaction tax.

Although there are still many loopholes here, Brother Zhang wants to ensure the stability of Yuhang County as soon as possible. As for businessmen, businessmen are the pigs raised by the country. Now it is time to kill the pigs.

Even so, Yuhang County is still in ruins, and the circulation of goods has gradually been hindered. But Brother Zhang is not in a hurry, because this place sits on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Although due to the war and chaos, the Grand Canal is now almost empty.

No one uses it anymore, but the Grand Canal is still there.

As for businessmen, as long as they have enough money, they even dare to sell the hemp ropes used to hang them. So Brother Zhang sent people to several other counties to negotiate and name them to attract investment.

They can buy real estate in Yuhang but cannot buy real estate, and accordingly they will be given quite generous discounts.

On the fifth day after the policy was released, the whole county was discussing these matters, but the court became lively.

In the morning of this day, Zhao Zhen received seven or eight impeachments about a small county magistrate, and without exception they were all about that fool. Zhao Zhen, who should have been irritable at this moment, was all smiles, because he had already

Within two days, he learned the whole story, and even all the evidence and relevant laws were presented in front of him.

Let’s not talk about whether the fool is ruthless or not in doing this, but just talking about his meticulousness, he really doesn’t look like a young man in his teens. He is simply the kind of cunning old guy with forty or fifty years of experience in officialdom.

The main thing that I can do is to make sure everything is watertight.

And this guy is also the real murderer. He really doesn't care about the local power at all and directly uses the capital team to send troops to suppress it. And the operation of allocating the land directly prepares for the local rebellion.

What’s even more outrageous is that during the month of his retreat, even the follow-up solutions were prepared and placed on Zhao Zhen’s desk. What’s more, what he wrote was also interesting, because he completely abandoned the writing method of written articles.

It uses a rigid and serious but concise style of writing, and it is clearly organized one by one. It can be said that it has done its homework well.

After Zhao Zhen got it, he showed it to Wang Anshi as soon as possible. Wang Anshi was even a little shocked after reading it, because many of the things here were advocated in his New Deal, but the problem is that he himself knew that his New Deal would definitely be implemented.

It was a bloody storm, but what this idiot in the official mouth wrote was very impressive. He even proposed a very new thing, which is the urban-rural game theory, which advocates surrounding the cities with rural areas and integrating industry and agriculture.

divided into two complementary areas.

After Wang Anshi got what Brother Zhang had written, he studied it all night, slapping his thigh and calling Tianzong Wizard fifteen times, and pinched eighty strands of his beard while wondering, "Is this feasible?"

In fact, at this point Wang Anshi has already regarded this fool who was appointed by the emperor as one of his own. As for the people below who want to impeach him? Dreaming!

Sure enough, Wang Anshi was the first to stand up and engage in a verbal battle with the Confucian scholars, and then the conservatives headed by Ouyang Xiu began to argue with Wang Anshi.

We are all elders, so the debate is naturally fierce and classic.

The conservatives advocated that the laws of the ancestors were immutable, while the reformers naturally had their own theoretical support. In the end, they gave the final decision to Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen smiled and asked people to hand over the evidence at hand to them. After Ouyang Xiu and others saw it, their faces turned red with embarrassment immediately.

"The Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, Yushitai, and the Third Division have gone to Yuhang for verification. Everything is subject to the verification of the Third Division." After Zhao Zhen finished speaking, he coughed lightly, and the eunuch below sang "Retreat from the court" loudly, and then

Zhao Zhen slowly left the dragon chair, turned around and left.

Not long after he left, all the ministers also left, but only Wang Anshi was admitted by Zhao Zhen. The two were walking on the road in the garden. Zhao Zhen smiled heartily: "Hahahaha, since I took the throne at the age of twelve, today is the only one.

Feel proud."

"Guan Jia, the idiot you mentioned is probably a rare talent that I think needs to be carefully cultivated."

"Well, even though he is a fool, he is indeed a very impeccable person in his work. He doesn't look like a teenager. Jiefu, how do you think he compares with you when you were young?"

"I am inferior to you."

Wang Anshi was not modest. He looked back at the past and realized that he had been ups and downs in the officialdom for many years. He only knew how to move forward. How could he be so thoughtful and meticulous?

Look at what this guy did. Although he is from a small county, but looking at his skill and courage, you would never have thought that this was the first time for a new imperial examination candidate to become an official.

"I plan to keep him alive." Zhao Zhen sighed with his hands behind his back: "I don't know how long I can live, and I can't leave a mess in the hands of my descendants. I want to see if his method works, see if it works.

Let the Song Dynasty regroup and stop relying on others."

"The officials are wise."

"It's not that I'm wise, it's just that I know I'm mediocre and cannot compare with talented people like you, so I'll let you show off your talents."

At this moment, a carriage had slowly stopped at the city gate of Yuhang. The curtain of the carriage was lifted up, revealing a young and delicate face. She looked around with her big eyes, as if she was particularly curious about everything.

"Your Highness, we are here."

"Don't call me Your Highness outside. Just call me Miss."

Zhao Rong said to the maid: "This is the place where brother Zhang's official career is. It's so small..."

After the turmoil of the past few days, the business here has not yet fully recovered, so the roads are a little sparse. Their carriage slowly drove into the county town. Because there are only a few thousand households, the place is not big.

Not long after entering, Zhao Rong saw a person standing in front of a house, with several craftsman-looking people standing beside him. They were holding a piece of paper in their hands and seemed to be talking about something.

Zhao Rong had good eyesight, so she immediately saw that the young man in the middle was her brother Zhang, so she quickly stopped the carriage and trotted all the way to Brother Zhang's side with the help of the maid.

"Brother Zhang!"

Zhao Rong was young and had a crisp voice. Brother Zhang immediately turned his head when he heard it. When he saw it was Zhao Rong, he was also a little surprised: "Why are you here?"

"I'm hungry... If I can't eat your food, I'm going to die!"

The little girl is acting coquettishly, so Brother Zhang has no choice but to put down the drawing in his hand and say: "Then I'll cook for you."

"Okay, okay!" Zhao Rong cheered, and then on the way back she asked: "Brother Zhang, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to make coke, and then I'm going to make steel." Brother Zhang smiled and said, "I want to speed up the technology tree."

Zhao Rong has long been accustomed to his strange words that always come out of the blue: "Can you make steel?"

"Well, I know a little bit." Brother Zhang turned back and pointed to an open space of about 800 acres not far away: "I plan to build an industrial park in this area, and it will be put into production in a year or two."

Zhao Rong looked at Brother Zhang with admiration in her eyes: "It's so amazing..."

"But during this period, we still need to collect a batch of good breeding pigs. We plan to breed them for a few years and improve the meat yield." Brother Zhang said and pulled out a long list from his arms: "There are still many things to do...


This chapter has been completed!
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