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607,Progress is invisible

 When it comes to paradise, we are definitely not there yet, but the convenience brought by high-speed climbing technology has been enjoyed by everyone. The first is the overall improvement of work efficiency.

A person like Brother Zhang who can use his hands to compare weights and measures, and who can control nuclear fusion by kneading materials with his bare hands, theoretically has control over the entire industrial system. The biggest difference between science and engineering and liberal arts is the professional barrier, and liberal arts are both human and dog.

Whether you can complete two sentences or not is another matter. Su Shi can write the song "When will the bright moon come in the water-melody song"? Others can also write about Linjiang Fairy's spring outing and eating earthworms for three days. Although one is good-looking and the other is funny, they can still write it after all.

But science is different. Where are the professional barriers? If you can understand something that you can understand or even find simple, in the eyes of others, it is like a goddamn wonder.

For example, for Brother Zhang, it is a steam-powered trolley that can be started by pouring molten iron into a mold and then hand-crushing a few kits by adding water. The horsepower can reach 60. In fact, the prototype is a Zhongming car produced by Zhongming Automobile Factory in Shanghai in 1937.

The Ming Dynasty charcoal-burning car, after Zhang Ge's magic modification, can use coal or charcoal, and can even burn firewood and garbage. Anything that can burn can be used to drive it.

This thing was used until the early 1990s. It is a bit exaggerated for cities, but there is indeed a market for this thing in rural areas. After all, it has 60 horsepower and is not picky about the environment. It is durable and durable, so this is the most suitable thing.

An area with a bad environment.

And it has a full 60 horsepower. This is simply the most perfect agricultural tool in this era. It’s not that Brother Zhang can’t make a combine harvester, it’s just that the industry supporting the combine harvester requires refineries, rubber plants, chemical plants, and automated processing.

Factories and so on, one is that the time cost is too high and the other is that the quota of raw materials is insufficient. After all, simple nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are still a problem now.

However, the fertilizer problem is not a big problem for the time being, because the total amount of crops is still not enough, and the existing fertilizer treatment methods can still meet the demand for crop fertilizers for the time being.

Of course, these are all things in the general direction. The improvement of overall industrial capacity has brought about a rapid increase in economic benefits. Now Yuhang County has three pillar industries, ironware, porcelain, and glassware. Porcelain and glassware are different.

To say more, it’s a pure technical barrier. It’s a yuppie thing that experts think is simple, but it’s the kind of thing that laymen just can’t understand.

Logically speaking, ironware should have no technical barriers, but there are three large collective steel factories in Yuhang, and the products of these three companies cannot be imitated by others.

Yuhang First Steel Plant, the characteristic of the first plant is the development of civilian products. It is said to be a steel plant but in fact it also has aluminum production technology. Although the production capacity is not large, the annual output has reached 120 tons, but it also has

It is enough to meet the daily needs of most people. Aluminum pots from one factory are even sold as far away as the Liao Kingdom and the prairie. Because they are not ironware, they do not violate the ban.

In addition to aluminum products, the quality of the scissors, kitchen knives and other civilian products of Factory No. 1 are also top-notch, and the key is that they are cheap. A kitchen knife of the same quality costs the same amount or more to make in a blacksmith shop in Lin'an, but once

The factory's guide price is one hundred and fifty cents, which is still a high-quality kitchen knife of the same quality.

This price directly impacted the entire Song Dynasty's forging industry, causing many people to lose their jobs, but at the same time, more people found jobs.

The Second Steel Plant mainly produces alloy products. The most popular products now are stainless steel and various alloys, which are mainly used in the field of civil building materials. Now in Yuhang, aluminum alloy glass windows have become very popular. Spend a little money to make them.

Being able to replace it with a beautiful and bright glass window is much better than the previous Zhihu window.

As for the Third Steel Plant, it is the smallest among the three steel plants, but it is the most confidential, because this steel plant mainly processes special steel, such as wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant hollow pipes, which can generally be used to make water pipes.

, but if the specifications are changed and a rifle line is added, everyone will understand.

In addition to the three core steel plants, there are also two garment factories, No. 1 and No. 2. The garment factories are supported by 100,000 acres of cotton fields newly opened this year.

If a real man wants to do it, he will do it in full. Half of it will not be satisfying.

One of the core issues restricting the development here is the high-quality labor force population. Before the second and third term technicians graduate, almost all factories are now unable to operate at full capacity, and the production capacity is less than 50% of its peak.

.In other words, the equipment is waiting for people instead of people waiting for equipment. As long as the job training is completed, a large number of industrial workers can directly fill it.

Then there is the issue of raw materials, oil, rubber, sugar cane, various minerals and some special raw materials, etc. These are the prerequisites for restricting industrial development and lighting up the technology tree, and now the scale of 100,000 people in Yuhang is

There is no ability to extend its tentacles further.

But even so, compared with the tribal economy and society that is still cultivating slash-and-burn farming in this slightly remote place now, its advanced nature is no less than the difference between the planet Cybertron and the earth.

Industry drives the economy. As long as the economy is doing well, social conflicts will inevitably decrease, so the overall degree of prosperity will naturally further increase.

What's more important is that the executor of this place is someone who will never take the wrong route. He is like a robot. Every step of the plan is perfect, and the speed at which he handles problems is also surprising.

A society that does not require trial and error, is perfectly integrated throughout the process and never makes mistakes in judgment, can develop at a rate of ten to two hundred years a year. There is no need to worry about the technology tree, there is enough material for Brother Zhang to build a nuclear power plant for the county tomorrow.


Exaggeration, no matter how exaggerated it is, you have to be careful when dreaming, how miserable your life will be.

However, in the eyes of people like Zhao Xu, this place is already exaggerated. After all, Brother Zhang is dreaming, but they are not. They are aborigines in dreams, and they are used to watching the sky and eating.

In life, when I first saw fish farming in cages, I was shocked.

Zhao Xu has been here for three days. Except for the first day when he had diarrhea due to eating unclean things on the road and was dragged to the county hospital for an injection, the rest of the three days healed.

He wanders around the county.

It's not like he has never seen intensive commerce before. When he was in Bianliang, Tokyo, it was extremely prosperous. But this was indeed the first time he saw such fast commerce.

There is a special way of shopping in the county. That is, passing businessmen from other places first go to a place called a bank in the county to exchange special banknotes, and then use the banknotes to buy things from merchants. Those with large shipments can directly Let them bring the goods out from the warehouse. After getting the receipt, they can play here for a few days and the goods will be ready. If the shipment is small, they can buy it directly. When leaving, the banknotes can be exchanged for Tongbao in the bank, but the big ones Some people will not choose to exchange banknotes because the banknotes here are convenient, retain their value and cannot be counterfeited. They are even safer than silver ingots. There are even many Liao merchants who come here specifically to exchange banknotes, just because the Liaoning banknotes were sold in the past few years. A scandal involving counterfeit money in state-owned enterprises has frightened these rich people.

In just a few years, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has gone from being ignored to thousands of sails passing by now. A large amount of goods are handled at the port every day. Although the population is not large, Zhao Xu feels that this place may be bigger than Lin'an Prefecture now. Got money.

What shocked Zhao Xu the most were the twenty huge granaries in the core area of ​​the county. He had seen official granaries before, but even the largest official granaries he had ever seen were not as big as the five granaries. A huge warehouse that is one-third the size is standing here with a clear responsible person marked on it. Whether it is flooded, burned or whatever, all accidents require this responsible person to bear the consequences. To put it simply, there is something wrong. Indistinguishable.

But as a royal concubine and the grandson of the emperor who also assisted his father in supervising the country, he knew how important this mechanism was. A few years ago, they went to a certain place in the south of the Yangtze River to check on food relief. If there was a fire wherever they went, they would follow them. It's like carrying a fire certificate with you and throwing it around. The amount of loss basically matches the amount of deficit. Everyone with a discerning eye knows what's going on, but there is no evidence at all, and it's not much use if you are so angry that your teeth itch.

But where this kind of responsibility is precise to people, it is relatively less troublesome. Who doesn't know that if the grain in this kind of warehouse is tampered with, the family will be confiscated and exterminated. Now these grain officials have to report how much mice they eat every day. Not to mention a sudden fire.

"This method is good." Zhao Xu took a pen and wrote down everything here.

After that, he came to a construction site again. It happened to be the time when the workers were eating. There was food prepared for them on the construction site. Zhao Xu went up and took a look. Although it couldn't be said to be very rich, there was still meat. Egg.

He watched for a while, then took advantage of a gap and walked over, squatted down next to a young man working, and asked curiously: "Are you working here as corvees or?"

"Who would do corvee work if they didn't break the law? They'll give you money." The young man spoke directly. He took a few bites from a large porcelain bowl and looked back at Zhao Xu, who was dressed luxuriously: "Thirty copper coins a day. Two meals included.”

"So you are all locals?"

"No, I'm from Hefei, some of them are from Huizhou, and some are from Raozhou."

"Oh? Then why do you come to work here?"

The young man wiped his mouth and picked up the water next to him, took a sip and said: "Someone went to the village to recruit people. We have many mountains and few fields, so they came out to work. One hundred and fifty coins a day, food and accommodation are included. It's okay to work."

.Better than in the village.”

"That's how they all got here?"


Zhao Xu stood up and took a look. There were more than a thousand people on the entire construction site. Some of these people were pioneering and some were building canals. Most of them were young and strong young men with dark skin, and some were in their thirties and forties.

Man, everyone is eating, which is quite a spectacle.

"Are you guys satisfied with your food?"

"Each person has a spoonful of vegetables, and you can eat whatever you want. There is oil, water, and an egg in the vegetables. There is nothing like this in the village during the Chinese New Year." The young man said with a smile: "After a while, my third brother will also come over and work for two."

Go home and build a house in the new year so that he can get a wife."

Zhao Xu thanked him and stood up, looking at the endless wasteland, and sighed softly. It was obviously not easy to work here, but these people looked at it with joy. It is conceivable that they had a lot of fun in the past.

How painful.

Zhao Xu felt a little ashamed when talking about living and working in peace and contentment.

At this time, after wandering around for a few times, he was hungry, so he asked the young man just now where there was a place to eat. The young man was honest. He looked up at Zhao Xu and said, "There is a house ahead.

There is food for five cents over there, and if you are willing to spend an extra five cents, you can still get some wine, but I'm afraid you, a young master from a wealthy family, won't be used to it."

Five cents? What can you eat with five cents? Zhao Xu is very curious. One thing about his Zhao family is still good, that is, although they have produced all kinds of weird things, they have never produced any extravagant and lustful royal children.

But this was over in his generation, because his eleventh son, Zhao Xu, was named Zhao Ji, and so was the famous Song Huizong, an outstanding emperor who almost led the Northern Song Dynasty into the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Following the path pointed by the young man, Zhao Xu went over and took a look. There really was a house. There were about a dozen tables and chairs outside the house, and there were several large pots in front, filled with vegetables.

Five cents is the same spoonful plus unlimited rice, making the business here quite booming.

Zhao Xu tried it, but to be honest, the taste was quite ordinary or even unpalatable. However, with these five cents, he could not even get a bowl of porridge in the prince's mansion.

According to relevant descriptions in Mr. Cheng Minsheng's "Research on Prices in the Song Dynasty", the daily income of a salesman and hawker on the streets of Bianliang in Tokyo is about 200 Wen. Wu Dalang in Water Margin sells cooking cakes for a day, which is about the same income. So according to purchasing power

Calculated, one penny is almost the purchasing power of one dollar.

A five-yuan meal includes meat, vegetables, and unlimited rice. It’s a bit unreasonable to pursue color, flavor, and image. A box lunch in Northeast China has risen to ten yuan.

After walking around outside for two days, Zhao Xu felt that what he saw was just a drop in the bucket. He felt that there were many, many more doorways in this place, and none of the emperor's arts he had learned were worthy of him.

It seems that there is still a lot to learn here, and I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it all in a while.

But he didn't go to his magical uncle, because he wanted to lose face... He was too embarrassed to chase after his uncle who was about the same age as him to get to the bottom of things, so he just wrote down what he saw, and then caught it when he was free.

Go and ask carefully.

What is the "uncle" doing at this moment? The uncle is assembling a bolt-action rifle. The shape and workmanship are similar to the Mosin Nagant. It's not that he thinks pulling a big bolt is a man's romance, but the current processing conditions are really impossible.

The whole number is 56 and a half.

"Is there anything wrong with the drawings? How much can be produced in a month if mass production is carried out?" Brother Zhang raised his eyes and looked at the director of Sangang: "Can there be 500?"

"It's almost the same. It's just that the yield rate... I'm afraid my subordinates can't guarantee it. The workers are rushed to work, and the level is somewhat uneven."

Brother Zhang nodded after listening: "Just ensure a yield rate of about 70."

He took the unnamed weapon in his hand again, loaded a bullet into it, and pulled the trigger at a tree in the distance. The huge gunshot and recoil made him satisfied.

He nodded: "Bullets are also divided into three types, quarter charge, half charge and full charge. Otherwise, with the current technology, the barrel of the gun will never be able to bear the full load."

After Brother Zhang finished speaking, he took out his booklet and ticked it: "Where is the next step?"

This chapter has been completed!
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