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615, five years! Do you know how I lived these five years?

 Five years later, something that surprised even Brother Zhang happened right under his nose. Xiao Jun, the eldest prince of the Liao Kingdom, also known as Yelu Jun, Yelu Oun or Yelu Jun, stayed here for five years.

And he is not enjoying happiness here, that is, he is here to work. He picks cotton, builds canals, makes steel, casts iron, welds, and drives screws. He does all kinds of work.

In fact, everyone knew that he was here to learn skills. Some people in the court also advised Zhao Zhen that this was a serious problem, but Zhao Zhen didn't take it seriously, and then brought the emperor's grandson over to drive screws with Xiao Jun. Already...

So Zhao Xu and Xiao Jun worked as cows here for five years. Although they said they were keeping watch, they were actually working in a factory.

The two future emperors did not receive the slightest preferential treatment. No matter how delicate they were, they could do whatever they wanted. They sprayed pesticides in the fields during the dog days, and went into the water to fix screws on the hulls of the boats during the third and ninth days. The white-faced scholar who is indifferent to the four bodies and five grains has grown into a strong man in five years.

They were ten years old when they came here, which was the time when they were growing up. They worked hard and could eat and sleep. Now they are about the same size, one is 1.8 meters and the other is 1.78 meters. Currently, one of them is a mid-level engineer in a fertilizer plant and the other is a senior welder in a shipyard.

In fact, Brother Zhang had known for a long time that Xiao Jun was secretly transporting the technology here to the Liao Kingdom through canals, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he stepped up his efforts to pass on the technology to him. If he really has anything to lose, it's his sister Yelu. Terry and his mother Zhao Xu fell in love, and they secretly got pregnant without knowing when.

This matter is difficult to handle and would harm the national character, but fortunately Zhao Xu is not a little Karami, he is also a serious prince, and judging from Zhao Zhen's physical fitness, Zhao Xu's succession to the throne is probably just around the corner. .

However, because Zhao Xu was still in mourning, the two did not get married. The grand wedding was not held until the child was two years old. Originally, Zhao Xu wanted to go back to supervise the country after having an heir, but Zhao Zhen refused to let him. , it is said that the prince is working there, why do you have the nerve to come back and enjoy the blessings? At your age, you can enjoy the blessings?

And just like that, the two future emperors were involved in an outrageous situation. Although there was no hatred, for the sake of national glory and personal honor, they worked during the day and studied at night, wishing that one day could be used as three days, learning welding and drawing. , I still have to study civil engineering when I have nothing to do.

Five years later, the development in Yuhang has even spread to Lin'an Prefecture, and the four horizontal and four vertical roads have finally begun to bite the hardest bone, which is the terrifying road across the Qinling Mountains.

The Qinling Mountains have been like a natural moat since ancient times. If you want to build a road across it, the power of the whole country is not enough. It requires the cooperation of many countries to complete it. Needless to say, Song and Liao are the two countries that reap the most dividends from trade. Of course, I most hope that this road will be smoothed out as soon as possible, but what I didn't expect is that the third place on the assist list is actually Xixia.

Xixia spent money and effort and even launched the Great Omen Technique, mobilizing a large number of workers to participate in the road construction process, because this road may be just the icing on the cake for Song and Liao, but for them it is a timely help.

Xixia, who originally wanted to conquer the Central Plains, no longer wants to fight. He has been thinking all day about whether he can open up a fast trade route to the Central Plains. There is no way to make money in war, not to mention the current situation.

It is unpopular to use it to fight wars. Except for the extremely stupid emperor, no one can rashly launch a war in such a situation.

Among the white mountains and black waters, the Jurchens, who were ignored by the Liao people, have suddenly emerged in recent years. With the help of the ice-free port, the vast mountains and the black soil, they introduced the improved seeds given to them by the Song Dynasty and transformed them into food.

In just a few years, it became a super large granary, which not only attracted a large number of grain merchants to purchase grain, but also attracted a large number of people to open up land and grow grain.

Stable harvests and stable trade have brought about quite stable ethnic policies. Originally, this situation similar to warlord separatism was inevitably full of smoke, but now it is very stable. Countries also want to do business more conveniently and quickly.

A relocation agreement was also reached, which means that people in the agreement can settle anywhere they want without being restricted by their household registration.

However, in the third year after the signing of this agreement, the situation became a bit troublesome, because the secondary and tertiary industries in the south were extremely developed, and compared with the primary industry, the wages were higher and the labor intensity was less, so in the north,

People from the northwest, southwest and other regions began to migrate south in large numbers. The population south of the Yangtze River quickly exceeded 100 million, but the northern regions seemed a bit empty.

And just when a huge disagreement was about to occur, Brother Zhang's trick came. He began to organize pioneer teams to migrate to the north, with the purpose of farming and construction. These people themselves were also a surplus population, and most of them were from the south.


These pioneering teams are not just a group of people randomly pulled out to work as coolies. They are workers with complete logistical support, complete technical guidance and complete remuneration. Pioneering is their job. With such a team

If there are too many, people will inevitably feel that the north is better and stay, forming a large number of immigrant cities.

Tai Chi, you know, completely mixed up the population structure of the north and the south. Some emerging cities began to homogenize everything from culture to language, and used the teachers they brought to carry out a de-identification from the root.


There will be no problems for a while. The people in power in various countries just think that taxes have increased, society is stable, trade routes are smooth, and life is stable. But by the time they react, it is actually too late.

The most terrifying thing is actually the power that Brother Zhang currently holds. He is now actually considered an independent individual outside of Song and Liao. The area of ​​radiation under his control has exceeded the land area of ​​any country in Song and Liao, and he has absolute power.

It has war capabilities beyond this era and has a nearly complete primitive industrial system.

In other words, the industrial revolution has quietly begun in his hands, and the revolution and upgrading of an industry are usually silent, just like the two-section bus that is unknowingly used in the real world.

They all gradually became electric buses, and push-button machines were quietly eliminated. Product iterations always sneaked into the night with the wind. When people got used to using tractors to plow the fields, they could no longer use people to pull plows.

As for how fast technology has developed in the past five years, and how far the hand-rolled technology tree has reached, it is not very obvious to ordinary people. They just find that their food and clothing expenses have become cheaper because of chemical fertilizers.

It has increased grain output three to five times, and hybrid rice has brought disease resistance and adaptability to a higher level. One acre of land used to weigh 300 pounds, but now one acre of land easily weighs 800 pounds, and there are various

The emergence of greenhouse technology and pesticide products has stabilized fruits and vegetables. When food is guaranteed, the breeding industry will take off. Meat will become cheaper, and oil will become cheaper. When oil becomes cheaper, industry will take off. Industry will take off.

Industrial products become cheaper, and when industrial products become cheaper, people’s purchasing power becomes stronger.

With the increase in purchasing power, the old Wang Xietang Qianyan naturally flew into the homes of ordinary people. The thatched houses and mud tire walls of ordinary people in the past have basically disappeared, and red bricks and blue tiles have become standard. They could not afford it in the past year.

A mouthful of meat is not available for every meal now, but when the children at home are hungry, it doesn’t hurt to chop up several kilograms of meat.

This is actually change, and it will continue to change in the future.

There is no conflict between singing and dancing in a wine shop and working hard in a factory, but what is most unaccustomed to this group of people is that gambling and pornography have been banned. The brothels are gone, and the girls in the brothels have been relocated to nearby jobs.

All casinos have been closed down, and the gangsters who have been very arrogant since the early Tang Dynasty are now being arrested everywhere.

Regarding this, Brother Zhang was impeached and questioned every year when he went to court, but he still looked dead and did not become slick because of being in the officialdom.

People asked him: "There are already two thousand brothels, and they have always been reasonable and legal. Why is it wrong in your hands?"

Brother Zhang replied: "Is this what you mean by always being correct?"

At that time, these words directly touched Ouyang Xiu's nerves, and his beard exploded with anger, because he was a well-known conservative and insisted on the methods of his ancestors, and Brother Zhang was a Jinshi under his hands. In theory,

He is his disciple, and it is very difficult for Ouyang Xiu to deal with him now.

So Ouyang Xiu took the lead in launching a debate with Brother Zhang, discussing whether the laws of the ancestors could be changed or not.

Wang Anshi was ecstatic. This new and powerful man in the court, the emperor's favorite son-in-law, and a promising frontier official was actually a reformer... Before Brother Zhang could say anything, he took the initiative to join the battle and flashed to start the group.

But his voice is still not enough among a bunch of conservatives, but Brother Zhang is not afraid at all. He starts the war with 1VN. Don't underestimate Brother Zhang. Although his thinking is not as sharp as a monster like Su Shi,

But his basic skills are solid. He has been a Holy Master for so many years and has experienced countless dungeons. He knows which path he can take and which path he cannot take.

And as it is now, to be honest... he is the one who feeds the entire Song Dynasty. Whoever consumes has the right to speak. He just asks if the ancestors' methods have allowed you to eat enough, and then he has to be silent for a long time, and then continues

Those who talk about it will talk about it for a long time, but in the end if it doesn't work, the rituals will collapse and the music will be ruined.

But Brother Zhang continued to open the school, and people said that the rituals and music were ruined, so he asked how many people were studying when he was in their hands, and how many people are studying now.

Then people said that those of his were all weird skills and obscene, so Brother Zhang asked if etiquette, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, and arithmetic were the ways of sages. People said that he was not the six arts of a gentleman, so Brother Zhang slapped them in the face with the data.


They finally wanted to fight, but Brother Zhang directly threw out the grain production, and then asked a question, why was Emperor Yan ranked before the emperor and was called Yanhuang? He asked whether studying medicine, treating diseases and saving people was a miraculous skill, and whether slash-and-burn farming and creating agricultural tools was a miraculous skill.

Is teaching people to reclaim wasteland and grow food crops an act of miraculous skill, and making pottery and cooking utensils for eating is a miraculous act?

Finally, he asked a very harsh question, that is, "Guess whether the Liao, Xixia, and Jurchens think these are strange tricks and obscenities. If you don't want them, ask them if they want them."

Then they attacked Zhang Geli as a traitor and counted the twelve evidences of his treason. Brother Zhang said, "If I were really a traitor, I would have killed all of you long ago and piled your heads up in front of the gate of the Liao city. How could they give me anything?"

I will make you a prime minister."

Finally, they pointed at Brother Zhang and said to Zhao Zhen: "Guanjia, look at him..."

Zhao Zhen couldn't hold back his laughter for a long time. When he heard that the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty were slaughtered and their heads were piled up in the Liao Kingdom, he said with a straight face: "Don't talk nonsense..."

Then he covered his face with the sleeves of his dragon robe and drank water, but everyone saw that his shoulders were shaking...

Meat on a hob, that's what it is. The idiot is still the same idiot, and nothing has changed after so many years. However, the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty can't help him, even the emperor can't do anything to him.

Doesn't Zhao Zhen know that if this idiot wants to be emperor in the morning, he will have to give in in the afternoon? He knows, he even knows how many guns and cannons are in his warehouse now and how many people are willing to sacrifice their lives for him.

But will he doubt his son-in-law because of such a thing? He will not doubt and cannot doubt, because he will rebel sooner rather than later. Let alone want to be the emperor now, even if he uses artillery to turn Song, Liao, Xixia, and Tubo inside and out

No matter what, if you really take this matter seriously because of those weird responsibilities, even if you have even the slightest suspicion, Da Song will have to be replaced by Da Zhang tomorrow...

If the master doubts the minister, he will be punished; if the minister doubts the master, he will rebel. If the master doubts the minister and does not punish him, the minister will doubt and rebel. If the minister doubts the master and does not rebel, the master will punish him. To put it simply, it is okay to hold back and do this nonsense, otherwise it will be done to you.

I can't find it happy myself.

After drinking the water, Zhao Zhen waved his hand: "I know you are all dedicated to the Song Dynasty. Zhongpu, what you said just now was too unpleasant. I will fine you half a year's salary. You must be careful in your words and deeds in the future."

Brother... No, please be sincere. The salary you fine him is worth his eggs. He is paying your salary...

But after the punishment has been imposed, if you don't climb down the ladder, you will be a bit ignorant, so the conservatives can only give up. After the meeting, everyone in the conservatives had a look of fearlessness on their faces.

, but the reformers were very proud. Only Brother Zhang was shouted out into the garden.

"Zhong Pu, you and Rong'er have been together for almost ten years... How about I find an imperial doctor to take a look at you and take care of it?"

"This..." Brother Zhang suddenly couldn't think of how to answer Zhao Zhen. Looking at Zhao Zhen, who was now very old, he couldn't say anything to refute: "Let it go."

"Then it's settled. I don't have much time left, and I still want to see Rong'er have a boy and a half girl." Zhao Zhen sat there and gently smacked his legs: "By the way, Zhong Pu, Liao Zhen just said a few days ago

The envoy from the country came and said that he would like to lend you three years in exchange for the sixteen states of Yanyun."

Brother Zhang scratched his head: "If it's really borrowed, I won't be able to come back."

"I know, I didn't agree." Zhao Zhen sighed: "You said that now that things have happened, can I still take a look at regaining my homeland?"

Brother Zhang rolled his eyes: "Yes, but there may be some changes."

"Come and let me listen." Zhao Zhen looked forward to it.

Brother Zhang pursed his lips and thought for a moment: "Abolish the national borders and merge the imperial courts."

Zhao Zhen raised his eyebrows with disbelief on his face: "Ah!?"

This chapter has been completed!
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