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624,The Anti-Japanese Hero

 There is a group of young Chi Lao as his informants, and Hu Deyou's news is very fast. During this period of time, these young Chi Lao relied on the food he got from Ying Shang, and there were more than a hundred of them.

In just half a year, people have developed into this small power group that cannot be underestimated.

Although they only monopolize the rags and newspapers in this area, as a group of little beggars, their intelligence value far exceeds the value of the newspapers they sell every day, especially the spies who will not pay attention to these little beggars at all.

When they were watching, they would even specially call these young men to come over and buy them a pack of cigarettes and a meal. In short, they were almost undefended.

So Hu Deyou and Xiao Ma almost effortlessly figured out where the target was being held this time. However, that place is now heavily guarded. If they want to break in, Xiao Ma will definitely have no problem, because the world of high martial arts is about crushing low-level players.

In the physical world, as long as Baga doesn't bombard him with atomic bombs, basically no conventional weapons can harm Pony.

But that’s meaningless. Do you really think that Brother Zhang can’t see it? Let them simulate the operation. If they come to Dynasty Warriors, Brother Zhang will probably blacklist him directly. If Xiaoma is not stupid, he can’t do anything good.

Damn what a reckless man does.

"I am coming out with you this time so that you can meet the other end face to face. You have to take care of the rest. Do you understand what I mean?"

Hu Deyou is a very smart young man, basically the kind who knows everything at once. Moreover, for more than half a year, he and his siblings have been able to survive thanks to these two masters, so he can be said to follow the words of the two masters.

I really did whatever I was asked to do.


The two of them quickly took advantage of the darkness and arrived at No. 76, where the prisoners were detained. As expected, the security of this place was almost airtight. If it weren't for a man like him who was a highly skilled anti-Japanese warrior in the world, he would not be able to fight against the Japanese.

It would be impossible to save people.

But the fact is that he is here, and this time he will give a demonstration to Hu Deyou and help him pave a way.

"There are about a hundred and twenty people in this courtyard. If we want to rescue them without alerting the Japanese, we usually have to kill more than a hundred people within seventy seconds, and they need to be eliminated silently."


Hu Deyou knew that this was an impossible task at all. He had to kill two people and three people in one second. This was beyond what anyone could do, but he still looked at Xiao Ma with hope.

Xiao Ma saw the look in his eyes and laughed: "Theoretically, I can't help you with work, but for the first time, it should be easier to explain to the boss. I don't want you to learn. I just want to build a bridge this time.

After that, I hope you can go well in the future."

After saying that, he shook his arm and walked out of the hiding place.

Hu Deyou's heart was about to jump into his throat at this moment, because as long as someone got close to a place like this, they would be shot. But when he looked at Master Ma again, he found that he was almost integrated with the night.

, even if the person on the opposite side was only five meters away from him, he did not notice his presence.

Seeing Master Ma successfully infiltrate into the red house No. 76, Hu Deyou also raised the sniper rifle in his hand, ready to assist Master Ma at any time. They had practiced this kind of infiltration countless times, although this first practical operation made it difficult.

Hu Deyou was a little nervous, but he was still quite confident in his heart.

Xiao Ma successfully entered the room with the help of light, shadow and obstructions. The main reason was that his speed was so fast that it was difficult for human eyes to follow his frequency. When he entered the room, he began to move towards the interrogation room.


"What do I want to tell you about my ink?"

Pony sighed, then turned on the stealth function and walked in without hesitation. When he arrived at the interrogation room, he found that it was empty. He slapped his thigh and realized that this place was a disinformation site.

, in order to lure his accomplices to rescue people.

Sure enough, just when Xiaoma was about to evacuate, gunshots rang out outside. Hu Deyou looked at the surrounding people with a blank expression on the people who were about to rush in to save people. He slammed the butt of the gun hard and cursed in his mouth.

: "Reckless man!"

Although he was scolded, he took advantage of this chaotic rhythm and decisively opened the bolt of his gun and began to name the agents one by one. The people in charge of the rescue immediately understood that someone was cooperating, and they fought harder and harder.

He got up bravely.

But bravery is useless. This place was originally a trap. In less than five minutes, two cars of eight gendarmerie arrived. They were killed in an instant under the firepower of the regular army. Although Hu Deyou killed several gendarmerie

, but it is obvious that we must retreat at this time.

"What are you still doing?"

At this time, Xiao Ma's voice appeared behind him: "Hurry up and leave! This is a trap."

Hu Deyou hummed, put away the guy, collected all the bullet casings, and then followed Master Ma to run away from this place of right and wrong.

When they arrived at a relatively safe place, they saw that the special agent's car and the Baga Gendarmerie were already moving at full speed. The large group of people dispersed in all directions. It was estimated that none of the people who went to rescue people tonight would be able to escape.

"The enemy is not stupid." Xiao Ma smacked his lips and said, "And you were exposed just now, why didn't you withdraw?"

"I want to fight a few more devils..."

Hu Deyou said with some embarrassment: "I'm a little over the top."

"Next time you go up there, you'll lose your life."

While they were talking, three or four traitors came towards the small alley where they were hiding. They were shining their flashlights everywhere, apparently conducting a carpet search.

Looking along the path they were looking for, there was a series of obvious blood stains on the ground. They obviously followed this blood stain and chased it. When they found that the blood stain entered the alley, these agents decisively blew the whistle.

Soon the barking of Baga's military dog ​​was heard not far away, and then there was a burst of messy footsteps.

But it was too late, and a person suddenly appeared from behind these agents. A dagger smeared the neck of one of them, and as soon as the other one reacted, he was stabbed directly in the heart.

The last one tried to run away, but before he could take two steps, a rope was tied around the back of his neck, and his neck was broken with a twist.

The ones who attacked them were none other than Xiao Ma and Hu Deyou. After killing these agents in the dark, the two immediately ran along this road, and Xiao Ma even arranged twelve broadswords and heels along the way.

Seven infrared jumping mines can directly maximize the attributes of the weapon master.

As bursts of explosions came from behind, Xiao Ma slowed down and found blood stains on the ground. Judging from the distribution of these blood stains, the man was probably seriously injured.

Sure enough, when they searched further, they found a young man covered in blood next to a chicken coop deep in the alley with a gun in his hand. He was shot in the shoulder and was seriously injured.

It's going to be bad.

"Take him and let's go."

Xiao Ma took out the hemostatic cotton and pressed hard on his wound, then took out a painkiller needle and pricked him, then asked Hu Deyou to carry the person and quickly fled the place.

With Pony's perception that was even sharper than that of a hound, they evaded all searches and returned to the stronghold at an extremely fast speed. Pony immediately began to treat this man. Although he had many modern medicines, he was so

Whether you can survive a serious injury in such a crude environment really depends on your fate.

But fortunately, this person was really dying. He was still able to survive even after bleeding like this, and even woke up early the next morning.

It's just that Xiao Ma has already returned to the store. After all, they are only responsible for opening the store this time and are not responsible for fighting the Japanese. Last night was the last step of Hu Deyou's novice guide. What happens from now on is all his destiny.


As for the injured one, he is the regional contact under Teco. Yesterday, he chose to rescue his companions in order to prevent important information and organization from being exposed. However, a traitor unexpectedly appeared among them and used false information to bring down the entire team.

Although we don’t know exactly how many comrades died and how many were captured, one thing is certain, that is, the underground work network in this area cannot be preserved.

He was lying on the ground feeling the heartbreaking pain in his shoulder, but he was still very grateful that he could survive. And when he found himself lying in a broken house, surrounded by a group of children, he realized

I thought I was saved by these little beggars.

At this time, Hu Deyou was explaining work to his brothers outside. When he heard someone calling him inside, he walked over and saw that the wounded man rescued last night had woken up. He stepped forward and asked, "Are you feeling okay?"


The injured person’s name is Tian Wen. He is 26 years old this year. His father is the owner of SH Yaozu Textile Factory and his mother is the son of the boss of the patrol house in SH Concession. He himself is from a well-off family and got to know the border area while studying abroad.

Several comrades secretly joined the organization.


Tian Wen struggled to get up, but Hu Deyou pushed him back to the quilt on the ground. At this time, a dirty little girl came over holding a bucket of instant noodles that had torn off the outer packaging and handed it to Hu Deyou.


"Eat something first." Hu Deyou handed the instant noodles to Tian Wen: "You can't go anywhere now. The inspection outside is very tight. Anyone who is injured will be taken away."

"But if I don't go back, my family will be implicated."

Hu Deyou frowned and came to the window and looked around carefully outside, then turned around and said: "I'm afraid your family has been targeted, and you will definitely be arrested if you go back at this time."

The most terrifying thing about the appearance of a traitor is not that it will cause many casualties, but that it will pull out the carrots and bring out the mud, implicating comrades on the entire underground front. Moreover, the border area here has suffered serious blows in the past few years.

Even now, we have not fully recovered. The comrades on the underground front are living a very hard life. In a real sense, they are using their lives to convey information.

Tian Wen raised his head and leaned on the dirty mattress. He felt painful in his heart because he knew that what the young man said was true. Since his identity was likely to be exposed, it was very risky to go home at this time.

"But it's not impossible." Hu Deyou looked at Tian Wen: "Do you have any tokens on you?"

"Huh? What?"

"I can pretend to be a kidnapper and write to your family asking for ransom." Hu Deyou's eyes rolled wildly: "Give me another token of yours, so that we can know what is going on."

Tian Wen raised his head and looked at Hu Deyou: "Is it really possible?"

"Let's try it."

In fact, this method is not a good one, but there is no better method in the current situation. I can only do a little trial and then consider other options.

And Tian Wenzhen was a damn ruthless person. He directly cut off his little finger with Hu Deyou's dagger. Seeing him rolling on the ground in pain, Hu Deyou really felt that this guy was a real man.

A bloody letter was quickly delivered to Tian Wen's home with fingers on it. As Hu Deyou expected, Tian Wen's home had been controlled by spies. Although there was no conclusive evidence, some traitors had already mentioned something about the Tian family.

Something happened.

If Tian Wen can come back today and everything goes as usual, for the sake of the concession and his father, this matter may not be forgotten. After all, Tian Wen has always paid attention to protecting himself, and even if he is a traitor, he will not get much information.

I just said that once when I was transporting people from the underground front, the truck was a truck from Tianjia Textile Factory.

But at that time, the truck driver had long since quit his job, and there was still no news from him, so No. 76 came here just to rip off money and see if he could pick up the missing pieces.

However, what they were waiting for was not Tian Wen, but Tian Wen's little finger. Seeing this finger, Tian Wen's mother burst into tears, and when she saw the news of the kidnapping from above, Tian Wen's father in turn begged to lead the team.

He Fengchun, leader of the action team, must help them catch the murderer.

But they didn't bother to take care of this kind of thing. They were already very busy now, so they left without interest. After all, the Tian family itself was not a key target of supervision, so it didn't have any special significance.

In this ruined building, Tian Wen had bandages on his body and hands and was eating instant noodles. According to the information sent by Hu Deyou's younger brothers and sisters, the person No. 76 had left the Tian family and probably didn't want to go here.

Wading in muddy water.

But even so, Tian Wen still can't go home in a short period of time, and his family has to pay some real money, otherwise they won't be able to deceive No. 76.

"You are not a member of the organization?" Tian Wen sat there and curiously chatted with Hu Deyou: "I thought you were also a member of the organization."

Hu Deyou shook his head and said: "I'm not, but I really hate those traitors and devils."

"Who wouldn't hate it?" Tian Wen gritted his teeth as he spoke.

In fact, Tian Wen has no reason not to believe Hu Deyou, because he is just a connector in the organization, not an important figure, and there is no need to deliberately approach him. If Hu Deyou was really a traitor, he would have been imprisoned in No. 76 and tortured by now.


"Then why don't you join the organization?"

Hu Deyou smiled helplessly: "I have to have a chance too."

At this time, the sky was gradually getting dark, cold winds were blowing, and the damp and cold air was shuttling back and forth in this dilapidated building with ventilation everywhere. A little firelight could not make much difference in the cold winter night.

This place is a garbage dump that even traitorous spies don't bother to investigate. Everyone knows that a group of short-lived brats live here, so this place is relatively safe.

But at this moment, Tian Wen felt very calm, a very rare calm. He was sitting by the campfire, eating noodles with a very special taste, and some lunch meat, and he didn't even expect that this thing, which was just emerging in foreign countries, would actually

Eat it here if you can.

"Where did your noodles and luncheon meat come from? It's rare here. You can only see some occasionally in the concession."

Seeing that Tian Wen finally asked the right question, Hu Deyou felt happy. He smiled, leaned over and said, "These are all smuggled goods. Normally..."

When he spoke, he looked around and seemed very careful: "We usually make a living by selling this secretly."

"Smuggling? Now that Baga has discovered the smuggling, he will be shot."

"That's it, who cares." Hu Deyou said in a low voice: "There are people at our port."

When Tian Wen heard this, he suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Can you get food and medicine?"

"It's possible to get it, but the money..." Hu Deyou lowered his voice again and said: "My master has a large amount of goods in stock, but the current situation is not good and it is difficult to make a move."

Tian Wen pursed his lips. He knew in his heart that supplies in the border area were particularly tight right now, especially food and medicine. If they could really send out large quantities of food and medicine, once they arrived in the border area, they might really be able to help the comrades get through this most difficult period.

a period of time.

"I will find a way to ask for instructions when the time comes." Tian Wen whispered: "But what about the transportation? Everyone is being tightened now."

Hu Deyou laughed and said, "Don't worry, my master has many tricks. Just buy and give away. It's our business."

"What do you charge? U.S. dollars, gold bars?"

Hey, not to mention, Yingsha and Xiaoma actually discussed this matter back then. The strongest currencies now are US dollars and gold bars, and traitor Wang is now issuing bank certificates, as well as the legal currency in Chongqing.

and border coupons for border areas.

The most worthless thing among them is the savings certificate. Anyone with a little bit of brains knows that whoever buys it will go bankrupt. Although it is stated that the exchange rate for legal currency is 1:2, in fact, the exchange rate for legal currency in the black market is 1:200.

Moreover, the issuance of banknotes is huge. More than one trillion banknotes have been issued since the beginning. You can imagine how valuable they are.

But it doesn't matter, Yingsha only needs to make literal figures. They only need to collect money and don't need to buy, so there is almost no need to consider the actual value, only the superficial value.

Nowadays, the paper value of banknotes is the most valuable, but in fact it is the same as waste paper. Of course, it is the most cost-effective to use this kind of waste paper to buy and sell. After all, it is necessary to support the border areas, but direct donation does not comply with the rules of the game.

"Bank certificate."

"Ah? What?" Tian Wen couldn't react for a moment: "What do you want?"

"Bank certificate, didn't you hear clearly?"

This chapter has been completed!
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