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Chapter 629 Layout changes

 The Shizikou blockade was very successful, and the results even alarmed the Baga Army Base Camp and the old man in Chongqing, because from the beginning of the war to the present, the Japanese army has been fighting in an almost suppressive posture. When had they ever suffered such a big loss?

And this time, those rustic guerrillas actually dared to rush forward and launch a blocking battle, successfully destroying the reconnaissance plane and annihilating all the enemy's active forces, leaving not a single person alive, which can be called rare.

Now people from the Japanese army are banging the table with people from the Japanese intelligence department, asking why even such guerrillas can have heavy firepower and the ability to shoot down aircraft.

The Japanese intelligence agencies were on fire across the board, and no one knew who could deliver so much heavy firepower to the guerrillas within the encirclement.

At this moment, classmate Yuan was watching a movie in the cinema. Sitting next to him was Ye Xiufeng, a senior agent of the Central Unification Committee. He was now the chief of the Central Unification Demon City Station and was responsible for the intelligence work in the entire East China region.

"The Japanese suffered a big loss this time, but the commissioner was very unhappy. He asked Dai Li to investigate the matter personally. Now the entire situation has been disrupted by this battle. The superiors attach great importance to it and believe that if the red armed forces take control

More advanced weapons will definitely become a major concern for us in the future. If we can know who provided them with arms, the higher-ups should use diplomatic means to put pressure on them."

"Is there no news from all channels? The Japanese side has been in a mess recently. They are scurrying around like headless flies. This has also brought great difficulties to my work. Obtaining intelligence has become very difficult.

It’s difficult and it may take a while to be closed.”

"Well, the superiors have taken your situation into consideration, and I came to see you this time to tell you specifically about this matter. If there is the latest information, we must communicate it as soon as possible. The threat of the red regime is greater than that of the Japanese. Priority

The grade is also higher.”

Hearing this, Yuan Shu's expression did not change, but he showed extreme disdain in his heart. He was silent for a while: "It's difficult. The blockade has become stricter recently. Eighty percent of my news channels have been cut off.

Above, and I think the Japanese are already suspicious of me."

"Then let's act according to the situation." After Ye Xiufeng finished speaking, he whispered: "Even if we can't deal with the red regime and the Japanese, we must find a way to deal with that old fox Dai Li."

"Brother Xiufeng thinks too highly of me. That old fox Dai Li is not something that pawns like you and me can touch. He is a confidant of the higher-ups."

Ye Xiufeng pursed his lips and sighed: "Then we have to bring something to exchange."

At this time, classmate Yuan smiled. He took out a medicine bottle written in English from his pocket and handed it to Ye Xiufeng: "Use it."

"What's this?"

"It's salt." Yuan Shu said over and over again: "The salt is produced in the United States. Just say that the weapons of the red regime were obtained from the Americans. This is the evidence."

"Didn't the secret come out all at once?"

"Then it's none of our business." Classmate Yuan said with a smile: "If anyone has any doubts, let them go to the people in the red regime for verification."

Ye Xiufeng understood immediately. He nodded, got up and left without saying anything else, while classmate Yuan watched the entire movie in the cinema.

At this moment, in the base area, Commander Wu was sitting in a room made from a tin box, looking at something. The political commissar sitting next to him was studying the next attack plan. Both of them had remained silent.

"Do you think this three-three system plus barrage Xu Jin can really fight the Japanese head-on?"

"Didn't you also see that battle just now? The kid was turned upside down by us. When have we ever fought a comeback like this? Xu Jin's barrage was a waste, but the rest was really fine. The kid's cannons were all

It’s not as powerful as our cannons. It’s just that we don’t have enough, so we can’t open it up and use it.”

"How about...asking others to buy some more?"

"Buy? Do you have money? If someone is willing to give you these things on credit, it's just a smoke coming out of our ancestral graves." The political commissar said angrily: "Looking at the whole world, these equipments are very advanced, and you still plan to lionize them?"

Open your mouth too much?"

Commander Wu dipped the paper in his saliva, rolled the tobacco in his hand into a cigarette, put it to his mouth, lit it and took a sip: "Our cannon is very powerful, and it is light. Once the items are dismantled, each person can carry them one by one.

Just run away. But there is never too much of a good thing, how about we think of something?"

"What can I do?"

Captain Wu rolled his eyes: "Take out some of the supplies and resell them at a high price to make money. Then we use the money we get to pay them back and then buy their stuff again."

"After all, you are an old comrade who has climbed snow-capped mountains and crossed grasslands. What is the difference between what you are doing and Lao Chiang's people across from you? Give it a try and see if I go to Commander Ye to file a complaint against you."

When Captain Wu heard that they were going to file a complaint, he immediately softened and his expression became flattering: "Oh, I was just joking, why are you so serious?"

"Always maintain discipline, this joke cannot be made!"

Just as they were talking, a communications soldier suddenly ran over quickly: "Our unit has just received a telegram. When the brother troops were moving north, they suddenly encountered Gu Zhutong from the third theater. Shangguan Yunxiang's troops had 80,000 troops.

Many people blocked us, we ran out of ammunition and food, Commander Ye was detained, and the whereabouts of the remaining personnel are unknown."

Upon hearing the news, Captain Wu took off the hat on his head and squeezed it into a ball: "When did it happen?"

"The message shows it is the afternoon of the 17th."

The news spread quickly and overwhelmingly, and the whole country was shocked.

Even Yuan Shu, who was in the magical capital, sat down on his chair for a long time after hearing the news. He stared at the sky outside the window in a daze. Originally, there were good news here, but suddenly the sky fell.

It collapsed.

The happiest people at this moment are naturally the Baga people. They were still furious because of the successive setbacks in the surrounding battles, but now they are really angry. Internal fighting starts here, so their various plans will naturally become more complicated.

Easy to implement.

"The good fortune of the country has been ruined by the bald head."

Yuan Shu raised his head and let out a long breath. When he heard that Commander Ye was detained and Xiang Ying and Zhou Zikun were killed, his emotions that had been well controlled suddenly collapsed. However, he could not vent in any way and just held his arms.

He leaned his arms on the chair and suppressed his anger by closing his eyes and concentrating.

"Isn't this the Wannan Incident?" Xiao Ma looked at the contents of the newspaper: "I, Cao, you know, there are so many tragedies, but this is the most damaging to the country's destiny. If it hadn't been for the Wannan Incident, Baldhead's energy would not have been defeated.

so fast."

Ying was chatting at the side and put down his bowl after hearing Xiao Ma's words: "I'm not talking about this Chang Kaishen. His professional level is at most that of a county magistrate, and he is also the magistrate of a poor county."

“Why a poor county?”

"Isn't it because of him that the county became a poor county?" Yingsha touched his chin and said, "When Hu Deyou comes over later, ask him to go to the border area again and fill up the equipment. I'll see if there are any tanks or anything."

"Stop making trouble." Xiao Ma waved his hand and said: "Tanks and heavy artillery are not for guerrillas to play with. Do you think anyone can drive a tank if they get up there? What about supplies? What about maintenance? Can laymen please stop beeping?


"Hey, you fucking... you are the only one who understands."

"Weapon Master." Xiao Ma patted his chest without any humility: "I am familiar with all equipment that can be called weapons by default. This is the ability given by my brother Zhang. Even if you give me a Star Destroyer, I will

You can even touch it and know how to operate it, how to care for it, and how to repair it.”

"It's awesome, it's awesome, you're awesome, go and solve the Wannan Incident."

Xiao Ma didn't reply immediately, but sat there in silence for a while, then suddenly raised his head: "It's not impossible."

Yingsha was stunned: "Huh? You didn't ask me to bomb the army alone, right?"

"Why do you talk so much?" Xiao Ma cursed and then pulled up a stool and sat on the edge of the table: "The modern synthetic brigade must not be able to operate it, but what if I give them a set of German equipment?"

"Not many of them know how to read!" Yingpai poured cold water on the side: "Are you kidding me?"

"Well..." Xiao Ma fell into deep thought: "Low education level is really a big problem."

The occurrence of the Wannan Incident cut short the originally smooth process. Internal confrontations and disagreements made Baga feel like a fish in water. They quickly gave up the encirclement and suppression of the southern base area, and instead attacked the superior forces and began to move toward Jixi and Poyang.

The attack was a typical way of taking advantage of an illness to risk one's life, and the national army that could have blocked Baga was on standby, and not a single team blocked the Japanese army.

After Hu Deyou came over in the evening, Xiao Ma told him that he needed to make another trip tomorrow, and the things he brought this time were very important, so Hu Deyou needed to arrive as quickly as possible.

Regarding Teacher Ma's words, Hu Deyou never hesitated at all. He set off after dinner that night. Although the roads around the city have been cut off and there are checkpoints of Baga and Japanese puppets everywhere, Hu Deyou is alone.

Since he had nothing, he didn't have to worry about being investigated at all. He just needed people to arrive.

When he arrived at the base area again, he found that the place was in a mess. Based on Teacher Ma's words, I am afraid that something big happened in this place.

When he saw him suddenly appearing, Captain Wu just said hello briefly: "We are going to rescue Commander Ye immediately. If I fail to come back, I can exchange the money for you at any border area you find with the IOU.


Hu Deyou waved his hand: "I'm not here to exchange money, I'm here to continue lending to you."

Captain Wu was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

Hu Deyou smiled: "Please come with me."

Captain Wu had no choice but to take time out of his busy schedule to follow Hu Deyou to the location of Yuanshan. This time there was only one container, which was completely different from the previous scenes where the layers were stacked like mountains. But today’s box was extra special.

It's big. If the box in the past was a small bungalow with one bedroom and one living room, then today's box is a super-large flat floor with eight bedrooms, three living rooms, four kitchens and six bathrooms. It was placed on the entire mountain, and nothing else was placed.

"What's here?"

Hu Deyou didn't waste any time, he just opened the door of this huge container, and it turned out to be twelve guns, the most famous German 88MM anti-everything gun. There were also seven quadruple military courts.

gun, and the rest of the gaps were filled with ammunition.

Seeing these things, Commander Wu's eyes turned green. This is probably the most advanced cannon in the world. Seeing his brand-new appearance and the strong smell of gun oil on it, Commander Wu couldn't help but swallow it.


"Master said that as the 100th customer, this batch of equipment will be given to you at a special discount. It doesn't cost 188,000 yuan or 98,000 yuan. It only costs 848 yuan for the whole price. The bullets are considered as gifts."

After Captain Wu saw these things, he couldn't help but stepped forward and touched them. He especially liked the military court cannons. They were so powerful that they could even easily tear apart Baga's Xiaodou Ding tank.

Into slag.

"Master said that it is very unwise to rescue people now. He believes that Captain Wu should stick to the base area and further consolidate and expand the scope of the base area while the Japanese army penetrates deep into the hinterland. Once it can be connected with the border area, Master said that he

I will give you a surprise.”

Although Hu Deyou was a mouthpiece, what he said was indeed attractive. Captain Wu was actually a little confused. He was originally going to move to the north with Commander Ye, but he had no choice but to be separated here.

He had no choice but to settle on the spot. But now the occurrence of the Wannan Incident made him feel very uncomfortable. Even the political commissar did not want Captain Wu to travel thousands of miles like this, and even have to bypass the throats controlled by a large number of enemies.

At the main road, the probability of arriving safely is actually not high.

"But Commander Ye..."

"Master said that nothing will happen to him, and he also asked Captain Wu to continue to consolidate the fruits of victory and not to lose big for small things."

"Is this what your master told you?"

"Master won't let me reveal this, but Commander Wu only needs to know that Commander Wu's equipment is now very sophisticated. As long as the soldiers under his command gradually mature, there will definitely be a place for you in East China."

Of course Commander Wu is tempted, how can he not be tempted? Just let the white bandits do whatever they want. Sooner or later, this debt will be recovered, and now is the time to fight a good war. After all, although the things brought this time

It's simple but takes a long time to assemble and learn how to operate.

All Commander Wu stood in front of these cannons for a long time, and finally turned around and walked back, announcing that the movement to the front line for support had slowed down, and asked people to start assembling those magical cannons.


My fasting blood sugar has reached 11.8, and now I finally know the cause of my fatigue. Sometimes I can suddenly fall asleep just by writing. My head is really groggy, and my whole body has no strength. Do any of the patients have any methods to control their sugar?

, it is the kind of sugar control method that does not have much impact on liver and kidney function. I am very grateful.

This chapter has been completed!
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