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Chapter 631 Big changes in the base area

 "At that time, the little Japanese just bent down and bowed, and his whole jaw and neck were lifted together. It was really a relief."

"I heard that little Japan was really angry this time and arrested a lot of people."

"That's for sure. I heard that the one who was killed was a general. If a general was killed, can little Japan be angry?"

People on the roadside were chatting there, while Hu Deyou was sitting at a breakfast stall eating wontons. Today the whole city was eating the melon that the Japanese general had been shot at. Although most of them had not seen it with their own eyes, they had never seen it with their own eyes.

Judging from the fact that all the entrances and exits of SH have been blocked by agents all over the street, it seems that everyone is not a fool, and they are almost certain to know this news.

And the Japanese are not stupid either. When such top-secret information went awry, it was obviously because there was a mole among them. The impact of this incident was very bad. The army base camp personally called to ask about the situation, but there was no response at all.

method to give a reasonable explanation.

If a lieutenant general had died, even if it was Neji Okamura who died, they would not be so sad. The key point is that Lieutenant General Ishii who was assassinated this time was not only a general, he was also an excellent scientist and doctor. His death

It was an unprecedented loss for the empire, and because of his sudden death, almost all of his research projects came to a standstill, which seriously hindered the empire's progress.

Starting from this year, the progress of the empire seems to be a bit unsmooth... First, it was unable to attack a guerrilla stronghold for a long time, then the best pilot in the world died, and finally the best doctor in the empire died here.

SH seems to have become an ominous place for the Great Baga Empire.

Hu Deyou clearly felt that the situation had become tense today. In the past, when he left the city, if he had nothing with him, he would almost leave without any interrogation. But today, no matter who he was, he had to be interrogated one by one. The little devils were almost crazy. They

If anyone is found to be even the slightest bit suspicious, or even looks just like the "Eight Road", they will be pulled directly to the roadside and shot.

"What are you doing!"

When leaving the city, a mixed security group of the puppet army and the Japanese army stood there checking. Hu Deyou walked forward with a smile on his face and a flattering look on his face: "Brother Sun, it's me."

As he spoke, he shook his sleeves and stuffed a small yellow croaker into the hand of the puppet army captain: "What happened today? It's so strict."

The puppet army captain carefully put away the yellow croaker, pulled Hu Deyou to the base of the city wall and began to search him. While searching him, he said: "You kid, don't wander around. It's not peaceful these days. The Japanese are going crazy. Even if they don't like you, they will shoot you."


"But my boss can't wait. A batch of goods has arrived in NJ. If I don't go there and get checked, my head will be in danger."

"Or dirt?"

"Yeah, Juntu."

The leader of the puppet army cursed: "Damn it, you bosses really want your money or your life. Just wait!"

As he said that, he stepped forward and started chatting with a Baga, who had a bar and a star and was a second lieutenant. The puppet army leader nodded and bowed, and explained the situation with great effort.

After a while, the Japanese second lieutenant walked up to Hu Deyou, looked him up and down, and then extended his hand to him. The puppet army commander next to him quickly said: "Taijun wants to see your letter of introduction!"

Hu Deyou said "Oh" and hurriedly took out a letter of introduction. The letter of introduction was from Pudong Fuyou Trading Company, and this Fuyou Trading Company was opened by Baga expatriates. On the surface, it deals in clothing, shoes and hats, but in fact

It is a trading firm that specializes in smuggling supplies. After all, Baga is also a human being and wants prosperity and wealth, so this firm has relationships with many senior Baga officials.

After seeing the letter of introduction from the trading company, the captain looked around Hu Deyou carefully. He didn't look like a good person, so he smiled contemptuously, waved his hand and let him go.

Hu Deyou was also sensible. He raised his hand and thrust a gold bar into Captain Baga's hand, and left with a lot of thanks.

When he was out of sight of the Japanese, he immediately changed his route and ran over the mountains and ridges in the direction of Jurong as quickly as possible.

He originally ran for four days on a one-day journey. When he entered the base area, the shoes on his feet were worn out and the clothes on his body became tattered. But he finally arrived at the old place of the base area.


After he arrived at the place, he heard a banging sound behind him as soon as he sat down. Without turning around, he knew that it was the sound of a container being thrown out. This time, it made a full thirty times, which meant that the sound of the container was being thrown out.

The level of assistance has reached an unprecedented level.

Then the list also fell into his hands. This batch included 800 light and heavy machine guns, 750 heavy mortars of various types, 150,000 rounds of various artillery shells, and 6-tube 25mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, PCP001

Five sets of 82mm vehicle-mounted rapid-fire mortars, several supporting supplies, and three sets of artillery detection radar systems.

It may not look like much, but because it is advanced firepower equipment, if used properly, it can suppress a division of Japanese soldiers in the trenches without daring to come out.

In particular, the five sets of rapid-fire mortars have long range, fast firing rate, high power, and strong maneuverability. The maximum firing range reaches six thousand meters, the horizontal firing range is 360 degrees, and the firing rate is four rounds per second.

Five sets can use the 323 alternate firing method to form an uninterrupted continuous barrage. The fire coverage capability far exceeds the effect of the 107 rockets they had before. And for now, although the Eighth Route does not have an air force, Baga does not have one either.

Ah. As long as you can suppress their plane so that it cannot fly, the rest is very simple.

In addition to these, there is also the most terrifying thing among these equipments, that is, a piece of equipment that does not belong to any well-known era. It was also obtained by Yingsha when they went to Perseus to open an antique shop.

The antique blueprints over there were collected and completed in Brother Zhang’s small warehouse to complete the Super Guard self-propelled anti-aircraft vehicle.

This vehicle weighs less than eight tons in total, but it integrates three major air defense weapons. The first is the active and passive radar. The detection radius combined with the unmanned reconnaissance balloon can reach 1,200 kilometers. The second is the extremely compact missile.

The electromagnetic catapult will deliver the missile, which is not much bigger than your thumb, to a distance of 200 kilometers, and then carry out an initiation attack on the enemy aircraft after radar calculation. Finally, it is the process laser blind dog eye system, which can very effectively suppress enemy missiles and

Drones form a defensive barrier within a range of ten to fourteen kilometers.

This thing is somewhat inadequate against the air weapons of the same era, because it itself is not a qualified product, but no matter how unqualified it is, it is still mass-produced military equipment in 2350. It can easily deal with Mach 300, Mach 700 or Mach 780 in that era.

Of course it's bullshit to count the number of aircraft, but if it doesn't bleed out the damn Japanese propeller planes like Nakajima, Kawasaki, Type 96, etc., then it's not worthy of being used as a science fiction weapon.

In addition to these, under Ying Sang's strong request to "let the fighting soldiers have a hot meal," Teacher Ma also gave people a cooking cart.

As for the supply issue, just give it to what is ready-made. After all, the quantity is not large and there is no problem of system collapse. But in this era, just a few items are enough to change the trend of the regional battlefield.

When Commander Wu saw these novel gadgets, he was actually filled with questions. He couldn’t understand them, and no one in the team could understand them. Just driving a car would stump a group of people, let alone

Those weapons and equipment are already very modern.

But this is not a problem at all. Teacher Ma thoughtfully prepared a video tutorial for them. It is almost a fool-like tutorial with step-by-step instructions. For this tutorial alone, Teacher Ma recorded more than a hundred hours and recorded all the information here.

A one-stop operation guide for the equipment from firing to maintenance has been recorded.

That night, Commander Wu began to organize the comrades of the artillery battalion to observe and learn together. After all, they would have to do a big job in a few days.

"The situation in SH is very turbulent now, and NJ will definitely take supporting actions. This large-scale transition is a very good opportunity. If we don't fight, we will definitely beat the Japanese in pain and fear."

After a day of study, Captain Wu personally prepared a portion of fried rice noodles in a cooking cart for Hu Deyou, and even put two tablespoons of oil specially for him.

Although they now have abundant supplies, they are still very frugal. A portion of rice noodles requires two spoons of oil. Normally, the political commissar would have dragged them into talking about their lifestyle.

But they are really grateful to Hu Deyou from the bottom of their hearts. Although he opens and closes his mouth because of debts, IOUs and the like, anyone with a sound mind knows clearly in his heart that this is support, strong support, and he is even said to be

There are no heroes who save the flames of revolution.

"Xiao Hu, you are not very old, why are you so determined?"

The political commissar is an educated person after all. He had actually planned to talk to Hu Deyou early on and wanted to develop him, but he never showed his intention, which made him a little anxious.

"Actually, it's okay. It's mainly because of hatred. In fact, my life was pretty good when I was in my hometown. If the Japs hadn't come, I could still study. My father was originally a businessman, my mother was a lady, and my younger sister was also well-behaved and cute. When the Japs came,

Nothing is gone."

When Hu Deyou said this, the chopsticks in his hand made a squeaking sound. This sworn hatred actually resonated so much in this team. Every night, Captain Wu and the others could always see someone.

The soldiers hid in deserted places and cried secretly. Some soldiers even saved the distributed cans of rations and asked him why. He said that when he found his family, he would share the good things with his family.

But in fact, everyone knows that the probability of them finding their family is very slim.

This is overwhelming hatred, hatred that cannot be forgiven, and now they are about to launch an attack on the Japanese in the not-too-distant future. For this matter, some soldiers in the regiment are so excited that they cannot sleep for days and nights.

"By the way, I heard that something big happened over there in SH. A lieutenant general was assassinated?"

The political commissar asked curiously: "Who did it? Our people? The Central Command or the Military Command?"

Hu Deyou shook his head: "None of them."

The political commissar was stunned for a moment: "Who could that be?"

"Me." Hu Deyou pointed at himself: "One shot to seal the throat."

"Really!" Old Wu became excited when he heard this: "You killed a lieutenant general by yourself?"

"Well, there is also some help from some friends."

In fact, Hu Deyou cannot say that this was accomplished with the assistance of comrades from the entire underground front, because the underground front has not yet been exposed. They are the real heroes, but real heroes do not even deserve to have names.

Hu Deyou once talked with comrades on the underground front, such as classmate Yuan and others. They knew that after the victory, many comrades on the underground front would be liquidated by their own people, but they did not care, because what they wanted was never honor and money. They were the most important.

A pure patriot is someone who is willing to use his life as a stepping stone to victory.

Most of these people are from good backgrounds, be it Yuan Shu or Tian Wen, and there are thousands of them. In fact, Hu Deyou didn’t think this war would be won at first, but that night at the Tribulation Field, he saw people who were going forward one after another.

When he went to die, he actually understood that this battle could not be lost.

"By the way, SH's lurkers asked me to deliver a message to you." Hu Deyou took out a letter from his arms: "The letter was written by me, and I have burned the original."

After the political commissar read it, he was still immersed in the excitement of the upcoming victory, but his face suddenly turned gloomy, and then he handed the letter to Lao Wu next to him.

After reading this, Lao Wu actually cursed: "Damn it! No wonder I said the battle ahead is getting harder and harder to fight."

"I didn't expect that so many people would lurk in." The political commissar sneered: "Go back and pay the highest respect to my comrades on the underground front for me."

Hu Deyou nodded: "Okay."

Hu Deyou left overnight, and he couldn't waste time, because if the time difference between the entry and exit was too big, it would be easy to be suspected, and once a person like him was targeted, a lot of people might be implicated.

After he left, the political commissar and Commander Wu began to formulate a plan to eliminate rape in the base area. They did not expect that so many powerful spies could be mixed into their small place.

The list of these agents was even attached to the letter. That lurker was truly remarkable.

"Tell me, which Buddha is this?" Old Wu held the letter and read it again: "He can list all the people lurking in our area, including the Central Command, the Special Higher Education Course, the Military Command, No. 76, and the Mei Agency."

Come out and find out who he is."

"Don't think about the identity of a gay man. Your whisper may harm him."

The political commissar said very seriously.

Old Wu realized that he was talking too much, so he raised his hand and gave himself a mouthful: "Bah, bah, bah, I don't need to ask this."

The political commissar stood up and sighed: "It seems that we should be more careful. By the way, is the dining car easy to use?"

"It's so easy to use. It's really... I feel like I can even open a restaurant after using that thing."

This chapter has been completed!
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