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640, stand alone

 Chapter 641 Stand alone

Hu Deyou personally sent Yuan Shu's family onto the cargo ship heading south before SH was completely blocked.

The moment the ship started, the two people, one on the ship and the other on the shore, looked at each other without saying a word. Hu Deyou raised his hand and waved, while Yuan Shu nodded, and then a generation of spy war legends quietly came to an end.

, what awaits him in the future will be to start over with a new look.

And Hu Deyou also knew that the only comrade he knew in SH was about to leave, and now he was the only one left fighting alone on his line.

Early the next morning, newsboys all over the street were roaming the streets shouting sensational headlines like "What a nickname, the mansion was attacked yesterday, and many high-ranking officials were dead."

The Japanese, Wang puppets, etc. all started to be heavily guarded. There were groups of military police everywhere. Anyone who looked suspicious would be arrested, and any resistance would be shot to death.

Hu Deyou handed his identity certificate to the military police who were checking his identity. After checking it carefully, the military police saluted him and left quickly. However, there was a lot of chaos along the way, and there was no peace anywhere.

With spies all over the streets and military police all over the world, the entire SH was plunged into chaos in an instant. Dance halls, brothels, casinos and other entertainment venues were all closed, and all residents living here were searched door to door to collect evidence.

Doihara Kenji died. This was the second Japanese general to die in SH. The first was Shirakawa Yoshinori, who was killed by Wang Yaqiao's men in Hongkou Park.

Others who died include the chief of the Japanese intelligence agency in East China, the Japanese SH consul general Eiichi Iwai, the commanders of the 8th, 11th and 14th divisions, the director of the Mei agency, the top military adviser of the Wang puppet, Ying Zuozhen, and the Wang puppet

Chen Qun, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Commerce of the Wang Puppet, enjoy the special allowance of the Great Baga Empire, the Plum Blossom Medal of the Baga Empire, Yuan Shu, the winner of the Rising Sun Medal, the Vice Minister of Commerce of the Wang Puppet, Mei Siping, the director of the Grain Reserve Bureau of the Wang Puppet, senior officials

Nearly forty people.

This can basically be said to have shattered half of SH and even East China's intelligence agencies, and it also caused the entire Japanese Army base to be reprimanded by Emperor Baga.

But this news is undoubtedly a huge boost to the entire anti-Japanese front and greatly boosts morale.

Because the condition of the corpses at the scene was terrible, many doctors who accompanied the army were mobilized but could not piece together a few complete corpses. Therefore, all the dead were based on the list at the banquet that day. Including these forty senior officials, the rest of the dead

The total number of people was nearly a hundred, not including the spies and ordinary Japanese soldiers who did not deserve their names.

According to the on-site survey by Army explosives experts, the explosion was composed of a variety of different explosives. Nearly a hundred different explosives were buried in this house. From this, it can be concluded that this terrorist operation was not completed by one person.

It must have been arranged with the cooperation of multiple parties, and they should know each other but their knowledge is not comprehensive.

Therefore, it can be concluded that this time there must be a senior agent from a certain party who got involved and completed this shocking assassination under his instruction.

But now it's too late to say anything. Everyone is dead. Yuan Shu, who should have been investigated the most, has almost been exterminated. He is dead without evidence.

However, after this incident, SH's underground front can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Although the investigation is very strict now, without those experienced intelligence experts, the efficiency is nothing, so most of the underground

All the comrades on the front line had moved out before dawn, leaving only those parts with almost no risk of exposure.

Among them is Hu Deyou.

Now he has no online or offline, and no one can even prove his identity. In the huge SH, he suddenly feels that he has become an orphan again, but this is not a problem. Although he is not old

, but it was as if he had changed into a different person, as if he had become the second Yuan Shu, using the resources at hand and his huge network of contacts to start to get his way.

After the assassination, although he seemed to be intoxicated every day, he actually secretly uncovered three pieces of information of great value. The first was that the Japanese would concentrate their superior forces to attack areas in the Central Plains, Northwest, etc. in October.

This is the order from the army base camp, which is basically 100% correct.

The second news is about the base area of ​​Jurong. The Japanese plan to launch germ warfare. They will release a large number of rats and fleas carrying plague into the mountains. Basically, they have to complete the first round of releases before the end of summer.

The third news is that Japan will gather most of its troops, about two million people, here at the beginning of 1943 and directly launch an all-out attack on Baldhead without declaring war. It is bound to win the entire frontal battlefield in one fell swoop.


These three pieces of news are basically 100% reliable, and these pieces of news were quickly delivered to Teco. In response to these pieces of news, Shangfeng immediately made strategic adjustments to prepare for this time.

An unprecedented battle, a tough battle.

In Jurong, we must make comprehensive preparations for epidemic prevention. We must not drink raw water, pay attention to hygiene, and carry out comprehensive disinfection of the surrounding mountains and forests. However, Hu Deyou cannot leave the city now, so he has to transport epidemic prevention drugs, insecticides, and rat poisons.

There is currently no way to start the work.

As for Bald Head, Hu Deyou also passed the news to the relevant intelligence personnel of the military commander and the Central Command, because once the Japanese captured Bald Head and occupied most of the territory, life in the border area would never be easy in the future.

Later, due to the "death" of Yuan Shu, a great agent, both the Central Commander-in-Chief and the Military Commander-in-Chief also cut off their contact networks in SH. So by some strange combination of circumstances, they found Hu Deyou, who provided them with intelligence, and got in touch with him.

In other words, Hu Deyou became Yuan Shu's successor in SH area almost in a short time.

But strangely enough, although there was a lot of noise during this period, no one found out about Hu Deyou. According to common sense, his business runs from east to west, north to south, and it can be basically concluded that he is definitely an intelligence agent. But

Even the liaison officer who sold newspapers on the street was arrested, but Hu Deyou could still enjoy hot and spicy food every day.

He had always been puzzled by this, and it was only when a military spy communicated with him that he fully understood what was going on.

This military agent was codenamed Gao Yuan. The place where the two met was in a very conspicuous small restaurant on the street. The agents were sneaking around, but they didn't seem to see them.

"Your safety is because you can bring them a lot of benefits. Whether it is the Japanese or the puppets, without you, their transportation lines will not be able to reach every corner. So unless you declare yourself an agent,

Otherwise, no one will have trouble with you, or no one will have trouble with money." Gao Yuan turned his head and glanced at the agents wandering outside: "Why are these people following you? In fact, they are not trying to catch you but protecting you.


Hu Deyou even seemed a bit dumbfounded: "Protect me?"

"That's right, to prevent fanatics from assassinating you." Gao Yuan lowered his voice and said, "Actually, you left the city frequently in the past two years. Every time you left the city, the base areas outside the city would attack their weak spots. You have already been involved in this matter.

Their blacklist, but in the end they didn't give you to that old fanatic in Doihara."

Hu Deyou nodded slightly: "So that's it... Then Brother Gao, what should I do now?"

"Continue to do what you should do, earn what you should earn, help everyone make money and build relationships with them. The Japanese are dying, and they themselves feel it, so the senior officials here are trying to find a way out for themselves. What we want

It's victory, and what they want is to go home."

"Why should they go home? After killing our people and burning our homes, why should they go home?"

Gao Yuan looked at the young man in front of him with a smile: "Are you from Hong's side?"

Hu Deyou was stunned: "Brother Gao..."

"Needless to say, I have come into contact with many people, and only red people can be like you." Gao Yuan picked up the wine glass and poured a glass of wine for Hu Deyou: "After victory, don't fall into my hands. Then

I won't be polite."

Hu Deyou laughed: "Okay, Brother Gao. Don't fall into my hands by then. Our friendship is a friendship, and a steel knife is a steel knife."

"Protect yourself well." Gao Yuan stood up and patted Hu Deyou on the shoulder: "Don't die in front of me."

After saying that, he dodged and left, and the spy agents who were following him immediately followed him, but the plateau was like a ghost, and after a few dodges, those who were following him were thrown away.

Hu Deyou in the small restaurant sat there for a while, then suddenly stretched out his neck and shouted to the spies outside: "Hey, I've called you."

One of the agents turned to look at him, and then Hu Deyou gestured to them: "Tell the brothers to come in and have a drink. It's such a hot day. You haven't had lunch yet, right?"

The agents hesitated for a moment, but Hu Deyou just kept going. He asked the boss to prepare several tables of good wine and food, and then went out to invite all the agents in person.

"I know you have official duties, but your official duties are to follow me. I won't leave. It's not easy for anyone on this hot day."

The agents didn't say anything more, and just sat inside and started eating and drinking. Hu Deyou sat next to him with a calm expression, and from time to time he would chat with the people next to him.

"Brothers, I want to ask you something." Hu Deyou suddenly said: "I have a sister who is sixteen years old this year. She got lost with me when she came from my hometown. If you find her while you are doing things,

Just tell me."

After saying that, Hu Deyou took out a handful of gold bars as thick as his little finger from his bag and put them on the table: "This is considered as payment for the hard work of the brothers. When the work is completed, I guarantee that each of the brothers will make a fortune."

This group of spies are all money-minded. As soon as they saw the cash, they happily agreed.

And in the next period of time, Hu Deyou gave these secret agents a sum of money every time he saw them. To what extent did it end up? That is, they had official business over there, but Hu Deyou also had private work here. They would busy Hu Deyou first.


The information I got from communicating with them is that No. 76 has not paid them a full salary for several months. If they don't take on private work to support their family, the children in the family will have to go hungry.

After learning the news, Hu Deyou concluded that there might be something wrong with Wang Puppet, so he began to pull up the financial leverage that had been brewing for a long time.

Because he had a large amount of resources in his own hands, and these resources were linked to savings certificates, Hu Deyou teamed up with several commercial banks to start hoarding a large amount of various materials from the market, whether they were useful or not, he began to collect them.

A large number of silver reserve certificates began to enter the market circulation.

The value of the banknotes dropped tenfold almost overnight. Early the next morning, crazy runs began on the major banks controlled by the puppet government. At the same time as the runs occurred, the prices of gold and the U.S. dollar also skyrocketed.

Stable reserve certificates collapsed instantly.

The speed of the collapse caught the Wang Puppet by surprise. On the third day, when they thought of rescuing the market, they found that the cabbage sellers on the street no longer accepted savings certificates, and the entire market was rapidly sliding towards the abyss.

Once the economy is in chaos, the whole situation will be turbulent, because the Wang Puppet's staff have always been issued silver savings certificates, but now the silver savings certificates cannot be spent, so the Wang Puppet's people began to have large-scale strikes and


The first thing that started to spread was the administrative agencies, and then came the puppet army and police. Finally, even No. 76 was trapped, and those agents who were looking for food, almost without any suspense, became temporary posts on No. 76.

But they are private mercenaries working for Hu Deyou.

This crisis came so quickly that the Japanese themselves had no time to deal with them. A large number of people within the Wang puppet group vented their anger on those businessmen and began to engage in reselling and hoarding business, which further reduced the value of the bank certificates.

Originally, fifty yuan could buy one day's worth of food, but now a bowl of noodles already requires one hundred thousand banknotes.

The entire Wang puppet system was wailing, and all functional departments were shut down. Then there was the reselling of materials from the reserve warehouse in exchange for gold and U.S. dollars.

At this moment, Hu Deyou was standing in front of the new Wang Puppet Commercial Chief with a cup of coffee and said with a smile: "I really can't save the market. The only one who can save SH now is the Border District. But doing business with the Border District... the Japanese can


"Didn't they fucking start doing business with the border area a long time ago?" the chief commerce chief shouted, slamming the table: "Only state officials are allowed to set fires, right?"

Hu Deyou said helplessly: "They are Japanese, but I do have a few acquaintances in the base area. It is not impossible to let them eat a lot of debts, but you know, their naked people will definitely not fight.

White work."

"Don't worry about it. As long as this matter can be calmed down, I will explain it to President Wang."


This chapter has been completed!
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