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644,Don’t listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest

 Chapter 645 Don’t listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest


On the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, Hu Deyou found a big yellow cat standing on the window sill of his house. This big cat was shiny and shiny, so it was not a wild cat. It was unknown whether it was a pet that escaped from a wealthy family. In this day and age, such a cat

Big fat cats are not common anymore.

The big yellow cat ignored him and just sat there licking its paws, looking quite naive.

"I can't support you, you go to someone else's house."

Hu Deyou patted the big yellow cat on the head, then turned around, put on his windbreaker, picked up his guy, and turned around to leave. The big yellow cat stood on the window sill and watched him drive away.

Then it jumped down from the window sill and disappeared after a few jumps.

Today, Hu Deyou's target is Traitor No. 2, who is also the bandit suppression consultant of the Japanese. He betrayed his comrades during the Wannan Incident a few years ago, resulting in the capture of Commander Ye and the heroic sacrifice of a large number of senior cadres.

This person is now the deputy commander-in-chief of Wang Puppet Suppression. He is considered to be in a high position. He usually lives in seclusion. But today Hu Deyou heard from many sources that this person will attend a meeting today, and there is only one chance, that is, when he has a meeting in the morning.

When we were passing the Yiping Iron Bridge by car, Hu Deyou had done it early. There was a church 520 meters away from the Yiping Iron Bridge in a straight line. The church had a bell tower, and this bell tower would be

It will become a sniping spot for Hu Deyou.

It is a very, very difficult thing to hit a fast-moving target from a distance of only 520 meters. Under normal circumstances, the traitor only has twenty or thirty seconds to pass through the Yiping Iron Bridge.

Locating him accurately within minutes and calculating the bullet impact point can be called an impossible task.

But Hu Deyou still has to act, because if this opportunity is lost, the traitor will be transferred to the Northeast, and it will be very difficult to deal with him by then, so no matter what, Hu Deyou will try his best this time.


The news that *** was assassinated at her daughter's birthday party yesterday has spread throughout SH today. All the traitors on the list have become very careful now. After all, no one in the world knows what they have done better than themselves.

After this move alerted the snake, these traitors all started to move, and the traitors who had been hiding deep in the corners also jumped out one by one. They began to think of ways to save their lives, and many of them even sought help from Hu Deyou, but the level of these people

It's too low, and it's just not their turn yet.

And today's person is probably the number two traitor after ***.

At six o'clock in the morning, Hu Deyou arrived at the predetermined location. He spread a layer of mats on the ground, then set up the gun, covered his figure with the scattered debris next to him, and then just held the gun quietly.

Waited quietly.

Time passed little by little, and it was less than ten minutes before the target appeared. Hu Deyou began to breathe gently, trying to reduce his heartbeat rate as much as possible to reduce the impact of his own factors on the task.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that less than two meters to his left, the big yellow cat from the morning was actually here. It was squatting there and looking outside. The direction it was looking at was where Hu Deyou's target was about to appear.

The place.

As a professionally trained killer, although Hu Deyou felt strange in his heart, he was not greatly affected and was still fine-tuning his breathing and heartbeat.

When the bell tower rang eight times, Hu Deyou immediately became fully focused. Judging from the route survey in the past few days, the target would appear within five minutes at most.

Sure enough, just as he expected, the car appeared from the bridge. He began to count down silently in his heart, and then the scope began to move with the movement of the car.

When the car came to the middle of the bridge, Hu Deyou decisively pulled the trigger. Even though the powerful sniper rifle was equipped with a silencer, the recoil still made the surrounding dust rise.

At a distance of more than five hundred meters, in less than a second, the bullet penetrated the car window like a well-trained diver. Then the car suddenly braked and stopped, and the pedestrians on the bridge also

Started to run away everywhere.

Hu Deyou carefully observed the circle in the scope, then pursed his lips, stood up, took the guy, turned around and walked away. After a while, he strolled to the bridge. At this time, the military police and patrol officers had blocked the bridge.

But Hu Deyou had a special pass, so he was able to pass as usual, and he just took a glance when passing by and saw that the target had been killed.

After confirming that the mission was successful, he left with satisfaction.

Two cases of assassinations of traitors occurred in succession. Anyone who was not stupid knew that it was the anti-rape team from the border area. Although these traitors had thought that such a day might come, they did not expect that this day would come so quickly.

The traitors who had been living in trepidation were now having trouble sleeping and eating, and used various means to try to help them overcome this difficulty.

But in fact, traitors are not qualified to talk about human rights regardless of whether they are in any camp. The Japanese are now too busy to take care of themselves. When faced with the demands of these traitors, they just sneer at them. Many senior Japanese officials have even begun to make bets on the fate of these people in the form of a joke.

How will he die?

As for the Wang Puppet side, they are too lazy to take care of these people. With the successive defeats in the southern battlefield, these people have completely lost their use value. It used to be that they could clear the underground network of the border area or understand the strategic layout of the border area. Now SH has been

The infiltration becomes a sieve, and the removal is a hammer. And even if you understand the strategic layout of the border area, you can't defeat them. These people will naturally become garbage wasting food.

Even the progress of the patrol room's investigation of the case has been hindered, which means that it is a good thing that all these people are dead.

So many traitors try to find local underworld as a protection.

Gangsters, they do things when they get paid, so many gangsters accepted these traitors, and took advantage of the current chaos in SH beach to issue Jianghu orders, clearly saying that whoever dares to touch so-and-so must follow them

The enemy will be pursued to the end.

As a result, the leader of the gang who issued the Jianghu Order was found drowned in the big bathhouse that night. The most terrifying thing was that he had just entered ten minutes ago. When his younger brother went to find him ten minutes later, he found that he had already

It floated above and became a floating corpse.

There was also a note left next to the pool, which said "Who are you chasing?".

The drowned boss was Lao Du's nephew, so when the news reached Lao Du's ears, he was very angry because it almost directly challenged his authority in the underground world of SH Beach.

Can't stand it.

So he asked the four kings under him to investigate this matter with all their strength, and absolutely could not let go of any suspicious person. But early the next morning, three of the four kings he sent out were killed directly.

Two were shot in the head and one was hung from the beam by his own belt. The only remaining one was stabbed in the gallbladder by the Sanyi knife that suddenly appeared on the roadside when he went out in the morning.

He's not dead, but he only has one breath left. The key is that the Yakuza who stabbed him has not been found yet.

This incident made Lao Du's eyes turn red. He rushed to the chief patrol officer angrily and forced the patrol room to express his position in a very arrogant manner. But could the patrol room resolve this matter? Obviously not, they were worried.

It is clear that this series of things was done by the Border Area Anti-Corruption Team. They know very well who they are. To offend those people at this juncture is like lighting a lantern in the palace and seeking death.

But if he didn't express his position, the boss of the patrol room might not be able to go home normally. After all, the person standing in front of him was one of the top brothers in SH Beach, a man who would make SH Beach tremble at every word.

"Even if I overturn this place, I still have to find those people!"

The veins on Lao Du's forehead popped out one by one, and he looked extremely angry. The person who did this at this time, Hu Deyou, was sitting in a small park about 40 meters away from Lao Du's house eating.

, this is a park for foreigners, and Chinese people are still not allowed to enter here, and because Hu Deyou is dressed like a noble Oriental noble, the gatekeeper at the door does not even dare to go up and ask.

There is a breath of spring everywhere in this park. There are ladies wearing small dresses walking their dogs, and there are also foreign children in twos and threes having a picnic on the grass with their parents.

If you take a photo of this place and advertise it as saying that SH is not a mess at all, you can probably deceive 99% of the people in the world.

While he was eating his third fried dough stick, a rickshaw hurried past outside. There were four or five people who looked like horsemen around the rickshaw. Hu Deyou put down the fried dough stick and stood up. He walked out slowly and looked at Lao Du from a distance.

Entered his home.

Hu Deyou patted the residue on his hands, wiped his mouth, and then arrived not far from the small courtyard. He raised his head to confirm, then turned and left.

Early the next morning, the headlines across SH were that a fire broke out in the house of SH Tan tycoon XXX, and all seventeen members of his family were killed.

Even though all kinds of explosive news during this period have become commonplace, this incident still attracted a lot of attention. No one knows how the sudden fire broke out, and how the seventeen people came together.

No one said anything about those who died inside. Anyway, no one in the whole family was spared. This is the key.

"This guy is really calm and cruel."

What Dahuang said in front of Xiao Ma and Ying Sha was that he was dancing with joy: "To be honest, he should take over Qing Lingzi's class. He is determined, ruthless, and unscrupulous. He is neither a saint nor reckless. It is a waste to be Ma Tahua's apprentice."


"Look what you are saying, you idiot." Xiao Ma put down the bowl and said, "You are eating the fish I cooked for you and scolding me at the same time. You are really like that, Dahuang."

"Let me tell you a fact. During the sniper section of the bridge, the car crossed the bridge in less than twenty seconds. He was killed with one shot. After he was done, he dared to go to the scene to see if he had killed the wrong person. Then there was another person lurking on the scene.

In the bathhouse, while the gangster was taking a bath, he pushed him directly into the water. Then he took off his clothes and went to the big pool to take a bath from the other side. The arresters ran past him without noticing him.


Dahuang even stood up when he talked about being exciting: "Then it was really exciting when he killed Lao Du. You can't even imagine how he killed that whole room of people."

"How did you die?"

Dahuang licked his lips: "High-end assassinations often use the simplest method. He poisoned."

"He first mingled with the team delivering food to people, then went into the kitchen and drugged the food. About an hour or two after eating, the whole family went to bed, and then this kid groped in the dark to kill people.

All the windows and doors that could be opened inside and outside the Du family's house were nailed shut, and then gasoline was poured from the roof and set on fire."

"No one noticed?"

"No, otherwise I would say that this kid is brave and careful. His ability to hide from people is really amazing. There is obviously a younger brother patrolling outside Lao Du's house, and it is very difficult to get in and out of the kitchen, but he can get in and out.

It’s just like playing, without any hindrance.”

"Then what?"

"Then he was eating and drinking. Even when the fire at Lao Du's house was at its peak, he went back to watch the excitement. He even chatted for a while with the patrolman who came to put out the fire. After the fire was extinguished, he went in to take a look.

, the inside has been cremated, leaving only a ball of charcoal, which is very exciting."

Xiao Ma nodded: "What I taught you is correct. Cutting the grass and roots will never leave anyone alive."

"To be honest, if this child can be taken back and trained well, he will be a really good boy. Maybe he will be able to take your seat in the future." Dahuang said seriously: "He is really a good boy."

After hearing this, Xiao Ma could only sigh silently: "The master-disciple relationship between me and him can only start and end here, and we can't take it back."

"Can't it?" Dahuang shook his head: "What a pity."

After feeling regretful, it suddenly raised its head and asked, "Then when will this end?"

"It should be soon. It depends on the specific situation. If there is no resistance to the United States, go to Jianguo. If there is resistance to the United States, then fight against the United States." Xiao Ma looked at the schedule: "I guess it will happen. Time and space here are all chaotic.

Well, the United States did not fight the Pacific War and made a huge fortune through the Lend-Lease Act. It will definitely intervene in East Asia when the time comes. It is impossible for the world's top brother to just watch other countries carve up the fruits of victory in World War II."

"Well, let's fight then." Dahuang waved his paw: "After you kill the Japanese devils, then fuck the American devils, damn it! Just do it in one sentence."

At this moment, Yingsha crossed his legs and said, "If we really want to fight against the big old beauty, we can give him the equipment freely."

"Everything is arranged." Dahuang jumped on the table excitedly: "Fuck their mothers!"

"Damn it, you stupid foreign cat, why are you so excited when it comes to war?"

"I am the goddess of hunting. My war genes are engraved in my bones." Dahuang tilted his head: "Hey! You didn't expect that my skills are all world-destroying plagues. Think about it."


This chapter has been completed!
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