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672,The importance of emotional stability

 Before I knew it, the high school entrance examination had ended every year and the results had not been released yet, but Zhang Yao said that it should not be too bad and that he should be able to go to an ordinary middle school.

The last time she came to the farm, she was still a little girl riding a dog all over the ground. Now she has turned into a tall and graceful girl. And in the past few years, the biggest change in her is not that her grades have improved slightly but that her grades have improved slightly.

She has become a more and more emotionally stable girl.

She would sit next to Brother Zhang at night and listen to him play "Auld Lang Syne" on the harmonica. During the day, she would carry a hoe to dig the ground with Brother Zhang, and even wait under the big tree for Brother Zhang to pick fruits from above.

Come down.

The Succubus Labor Camp had no impact on her. Instead, she got to know a lot of strange big sisters and was able to get along well with them.

Brother Zhang actually admires Zhang Yao. She can actually calm down her emotions in Nian Nian. You must know that the Nian beast is a war beast in the mountains and seas. It is a very ferocious one. Emotional instability is a characteristic of this tribe.

That night, Nian Nian held a cup of drink mixed with herbs from the farm, sat in front of the bonfire and listened quietly to Brother Zhang playing the guitar. There were also several succubus ladies from the farm sitting around him. After all, he was very interested in them.

In fact, Brother Zhang is also an emotionally stable person. They rarely recognize men who can remain calm, restrained and polite after coming into close contact with them.

Succubi are not necessarily lustful, just because they must master the method of taming men full of manic hormones, and the easiest way is to drain them dry.

In fact, they didn't want to come at first, but the patriarch gave a death order, so they had to hold their noses and admit it. But after they came, although the work during the day was particularly hard for them, they also enjoyed things they had never experienced before.

Calm and safe.

Succubi are a race destined to be in turmoil since birth. Safety is something they have been looking for all their lives. In the past, they were always accustomed to clinging to the strong in search of various resources, and the most important of these resources is safety. But now,

In this labor camp, they got something that they had to pay a high price to obtain.

They no longer need to wrap their delicate skin with plastic wrap, and they don’t have to worry about being followed into the house to be fucked one after another. They don’t have to worry about being trafficked to the corners of the world to become other people’s slaves, and they don’t have to work hard every day.

They try to please those they hate so much in exchange for a bite to eat.

I just don’t know if the work intensity can be lowered a little bit. It’s a bit overwhelming and I feel very tired.

"Brother Zhang, do you think we are really useless at all?" Succubus No. 232 sat next to Brother Zhang, holding her chin and asked him in a low voice: "It seems that we are useless except for our bodies.


Brother Zhang put down his guitar, picked up the teapot that was boiling on the stove, poured a cup of tea and handed it to her.

"It makes no sense for you to ask me this question."

Brother Zhang smiled and said, "I don't care who is effective or not."

No. 232 held the teacup with a lonely expression, while Brother Zhang flipped the wood under the campfire to make it burn brighter.

Don't ask why we need to light bonfires in the summer, because there are so many jelly grasses here, they are so energy-absorbing that during the peak growth period of July and August, even on a sunny day with the scorching sun, the temperature in this area is maintained at 20 degrees.

Up and down, it will drop to five to eight degrees Celsius at night. The glass house where the grass jelly is grown is lit with huge heating lamps all year round. Otherwise, not only will the grass jelly stop growing, but the temperature can even drop to minus 60 degrees in winter.

Approaching Antarctica.

This is the characteristic of grass jelly, so its scale has never been very large from ancient times to the present. After reaching a certain scale, energy consumption becomes a key factor inhibiting its growth.

Dade is currently researching this topic and trying to find a way to create room-temperature jelly grass. Once the room-temperature jelly grass is hybridized, even a weakened version will be enough to increase the average life span of humans by a large margin.

It was getting dark, and the people in front of the bonfire gradually dispersed. Brother Zhang put out the bonfire and returned to his room to sit on his desk and practice calligraphy and make excerpts. His habit has not changed for many years. No matter how the outside world changes, he always seems to be the same.

Not much has changed.

At this time, there was a knock on his door. He raised his head and responded: "The door is unlocked."

The door was opened with a click, and it was the same succubus lady No. 232 just now. She walked carefully into the room, and then tiptoed to sit next to Brother Zhang.


"Brother Zhang, brother Zhang, I heard them say that you can fulfill wishes, right?"

Brother Zhang laughed, put down the pen in his hand and turned to look at her: "Then what is your wish?"

"Well... I have been thinking about it for a long time, can I resurrect my mother?"

Brother Zhang shook his head: "I will not resurrect the dead, create life, or force others to fall in love with me. These are the rules I have set for myself."

"Okay..." No. 232 whispered: "Then I...I don't know what I want anymore. Thank you."

She stood up and bowed to Brother Zhang, then turned around and walked out. Brother Zhang adjusted his glasses and said, "Wait a moment."

No. 232 looked back at Brother Zhang with confusion on his face. Brother Zhang walked up to her and tapped her forehead with his finger: "Okay, go back and rest."


However, a very good characteristic of the succubus is that she never disobeys other people's orders, so she immediately carried out Brother Zhang's request, and that night, she saw her mother in her dream, just like she was still alive

As before, they lived together in a small village, which was her childhood home, and it was here that her mother was killed by a passing salesman who took advantage of her.

But in the dream, she had grown up, but her mother was still the same. They lived a normal life, had normal conversations, and everything was as usual.

It's just that even if the dream is good, you have to wake up eventually. When the alarm clock rang, No. 232 was already in tears. She could clearly remember all the details of yesterday's dream, even the taste of the food, but a dream was still a dream after all.

She didn't dare ask Brother Zhang if this dream was just once, but she hoped to have such a dream every day until the day she died.

In fact, it is super easy to ask Brother Zhang to realize your wish. As long as it is a reasonable wish that does not infringe on other people's boundaries, he will definitely help people realize it, and there is no cost. If Brother Zhang doesn't play that way, he won't be affected either.

There are rules and regulations, and there is no need for people to fulfill their wishes. They are simply being kind and giving.

It's just that many people don't know that he has this function. Most people are a little selfish and don't want others to know about Brother Zhang's unlimited wishing function.

It's just that this wish-making function is not that perverted, because the premise of making a wish is that it cannot affect other people, so those strange wishes, such as becoming the richest man in the world, becoming the number one in the world are definitely impossible, then remove these wishes

, the rest are mostly romantic things. For example, Miss Succubus No. 133’s wish is to eat an ice cream every day. She has been eating it for seven days, and Gong Han is rolling around in bed today.

And if Brother Zhang needs to realize some special wishes, there will be a certain price, but the price is definitely not as terrible as imagined. For example, Xiaoxiao exchanged a few postcards for his own cancer recovery, which is a trigger for Brother Zhang.

Hidden mission, and so far, only Xiaoxiao has triggered this mechanism.

After all, most people with serious illnesses will not seek help from Brother Zhang but will go to the hospital...

If you have to make a wish list, a tumor can be exchanged for a cup of milk tea or two oranges. Kidneys may be a little more expensive, but at least a can of dace with black bean sauce is required. As for other cancers, then Xian Ning Qi Yi

You always need a cup, right? Seven yuan can’t be any less.

Brother Zhang is truly a soft-hearted god, and he doesn't do these things just to fall in love with others. It's a side job, and he doesn't even need to issue invoices.

But usually he would not take the initiative to intervene. After all, birth, old age, illness and death are natural laws. It would not be good if he interfered too much, so he basically formed a non-initiative and non-rejection pattern.

"Then do you think it's okay to ask Brother Zhang for a job?"

"Don't you have a job now?"

When No. 82 was chatting with No. 113, No. 82 suddenly asked on a whim: "I made a wish to him, saying that I want a job where I can have endless delicious food every day and work no more than four hours."

Hourly, the salary is still the same as yours."

"Your wish is too humble..."

"No matter, I'll just go and ask."

Then that afternoon she was transferred to the farm’s cafeteria and became a garlic picker...

Yes, the work does not exceed four hours a day. I help prepare ingredients for breakfast for forty minutes, lunch and dinner for one and a half hours each. The salary is no different from other succubus ladies.

And as a staff member in the cafeteria, she can eat whatever she wants. Brother Zhang doesn't care anyway. As long as she can eat it, no one will care if she eats twenty poached eggs at one time.

No matter what, just ask if your wish has come true.

The wish of Ms. Succubus No. 180 was to own a Lamborghini of her own. The next morning, Brother Zhang gave him a 72:1 Lamborghini model. It was genuine and cost several hundred yuan.

The money was obtained from the fishing grounds.

Later, they probably understood that they can make wishes, and Brother Zhang will fulfill them one by one, but whether the result can satisfy them is not Brother Zhang's business.

But for example, Miss 232’s wish was really fulfilled. From that day on, she could dream of her mother every day. They lived together, and in the dream, she and her mother were not succubus but ordinary people, and

Dreams are not the kind of random running around, just like in real reality. When you fall asleep here, you enter the dream, and when you fall asleep in the dream, you return here.

She is very, very satisfied.

In addition, there is Succubus No. 47. She is an avid two-dimensional farming enthusiast. Brother Zhang threw her into a different world and opened a farm branch. There is a door that can connect the two worlds. She can experience it at the same time.

The magnificent story of swords and magic is about farming and raising fish.

It's just that she couldn't persist for three days. It's not that swords and magic are not exciting, but farming and fish farming are too tiring. The succubus is not good at it, and she really can't stand it anymore.

In fact, in addition to making wishes, all kinds of succubus girls actually also like to chat with Brother Zhang, but he doesn't like teasing and charming. The scene where he imagined being teased with dirty jokes and his face turned red did not happen. Instead, time passed.

The elders all felt that it was a bit blasphemous to show off in front of him, so now the succubi were less sentimental and more interested in asking about some common sense of life and other knowledge.

As for Brother Zhang himself, he will not change his living habits just because there are a few more succubi on the farm. He does whatever he needs to do when the time comes, and his life is very regular. His work and rest time on the farm is usually getting up at 4:30 in the morning to get ready.

For breakfast ingredients, he started arranging his small vegetable patch around eight o'clock, where he planted cucumbers, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers. This process will continue until about ten o'clock.

We start preparing lunch at ten o'clock. Although there are more than two hundred mouths to eat, Brother Zhang can have the food on the table on time at eleven forty-five every day at noon. The dishes are different every day. The usual meal standard is eight

Make a soup and sometimes add a little pastry.

When he is busy until about 1:30, he will go to the mountains to look for strange ingredients to replicate the delicacies in ancient books. This process is his most enjoyable time. Usually he will work until about 4:30 in the afternoon, and then he will

Start preparing dinner.

Dinner starts at six o'clock and ends at seven-thirty, very accurately. Because there is a self-service kiosk in the farm, he does not prepare late night snacks. Most of the time at night, he will sit on the lawn below the dormitory building and light it with a campfire stove.

A bonfire, and then he practices various musical instruments there, such as flute, harmonica, guitar, ukulele, etc. Most of the time he will make a big pot of tea and roast corn or other starchy food in the process.

, he basically doesn’t eat anything, these are all things prepared for the children who come to play with him.

Children include but are not limited to succubi, mantis queens, small animals on the mountain and weird and hard-to-describe monsters.

At 10:30 in the evening, he would stop playing and go back to his room to practice calligraphy, read books, and play games until 3:30 in the morning. For the remaining hour, he would choose to lie in bed for a while, and then get up at 4:30.

Life is so regular, and it is not disturbed by external factors at all. Unless something happens like Xu Wei goes out to fight in the ring, he can be considered unimpeded.

On the third day of summer vacation at the farm every year, Zhang Yao came.

She is a frequent visitor to the farm, and everyone is familiar with her. At first, the succubus girls thought she was the boss's wife, but later they found out that she was just a stinky part-time worker. She just had a better relationship with the boss, and there was nothing wrong with her.

The special place is that the real boss lady has not been here yet. It is said that the real boss lady can crush all the succubi present.

No succubus lady takes this argument seriously, because in their perception, there are many men who can crush succubi, but women...don't these women weigh their own weight?

This chapter has been completed!
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