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674, natural disaster strikes

 Chapter 675 Natural Disaster Comes

The natural disaster really came, a little faster than expected. Although everyone knew that the absence of millet would bring such consequences, everyone thought it would be next year, but they did not expect that they were talking about next winter.

Next winter... Although the southern hemisphere has little presence, we can't just ignore them.

In the farm where the wind was raging, the remaining members of the Twelve Spirits, including Brother Zhang, Qing Lingzi, and Zhang Yao, were all sitting in the conference room. Zhang Yao was so excited that she only wore a vest, and the temperature inside the room had already reached below zero.

Twenty-five degrees Celsius.

"If you're not cold, put it on outside and wear an Antarctic suit." Xiao Ma raised the 20 kilograms of cold-weather clothing that Zhang Yao placed next to him: "Damn, it's really handy. This weapon can be considered a blunt weapon even if it's hit by it.


"Immersive RPG experience." Zhang Yao's breath turned white: "I don't have a metabolism, so why am I afraid of being cold? The end of the world that I have been thinking about is coming, and I have to cooperate with the plot."


At this time, Shan Dawang hit Xiao Ma on the forehead with a pen cap. Xiao Ma immediately shut up, and he continued: "The cause of this natural disaster is because of Qing Lingzi and that dead mouse. Qing Lingzi

He deserves to be punished, but the current situation is critical. Since the natural disaster has come, even if it stops, it will be three years later. Therefore, how to ensure that the population of the human world is not reduced on a large scale in these three years has become the top priority at the moment.


Xiao Ma raised his hand and said, "Zhang Yao has a warehouse with basically unlimited supplies, which is enough to eat."

"Nonsense!" King Shan frowned: "Do you think it's a donation from township enterprises for disaster relief? There are seven billion people in the world talking!"

"Then I don't care about those black-skinned and white-skinned ones. They love them to death. They have nothing to do with me. If they all starve to death, then won't we just dominate the world?"

Not to mention, Xiao Ma's idea is very good and very constructive. If it can be implemented in this way, it will be a perfect thing. But the key is that Da Wutong doesn't agree with it. In the eyes of the earth's head, it is terrible

It doesn't matter whether it's black, white, yellow or willow ash, they are all treated equally. So if something goes wrong now, Da Wutong will be directly held accountable. It depends on how Twelve Spirits and the others solve it now.

"Well, why don't you ask the magical Qing Lingzi." At this time, Huniu, who was smiling with her arms crossed, looked at Qing Lingzi: "Qing Lingzi should have a solution."

Qing Lingzi's eyelids drooped: "No."

"I've torn apart the twelve spirits. Let's see what you can do. Okay, if you are a man, go to the big sycamore tree to receive the reward yourself. If you are more capable, you can just cut the big sycamore tree with a knife and make it for me.

A big wardrobe." Hu Niu was already holding her breath, so her words were naturally rude.

When had Qing Lingzi been squeezed like this before? He turned his head and looked at Huniu, but Huniu was very fierce. She looked at him passionately the whole time and was not afraid at all.

Now those second-generation twelve spirits are still completely confused about the situation and don't know how to deal with the problems they are facing now.

"Shut up, everyone." King Shan turned his head and looked at Brother Zhang: "Holy Lord, I'm sorry."

Brother Zhang waved his hand and said it didn't matter, and then the Mountain King raised his head: "Now the deal is done, we must find a solution now, otherwise we will not be able to explain to Dawutong. After all, this incident has not happened in thousands of years.


At this time, Brother Zhang glanced at Qing Lingzi, who immediately understood: "I have already prepared for this matter. I have made an agreement with Yinglong that all future food planting will be moved to the Shanhai Realm, and we need to prepare for it.

The Mountain and Sea Realm provides technology and personnel from the Human Realm to help them quickly enter civilized society. However, the Alien Beast Clan has not passed, so for the time being we can only carry out relevant planting in the areas controlled by the Dragon Clan."

When the twelve spirits present heard this, especially the Mountain King, he immediately noticed something unusual. How did Qing Lingzi know that this was going to happen? And he had actually contacted Yinglong in advance?

Then he couldn't help but ask, if he knew it in advance, why didn't he tell it until now.

However, it was obvious that Qing Lingzi was not prepared to answer this question, and they certainly could not force Qing Lingzi to answer, so they had no choice but to continue waiting for Qing Lingzi's subsequent speech.

But I didn’t expect Qing Lingzi to stop talking at this point...

Just when the scene cooled down, Zhang Yao suddenly took over. She looked up at Qing Lingzi and said, "I need a piece of land. Please help me get one."

Qing Lingzi didn't even raise his eyelids: "How big."

"Let's start with the entire three million acres for the first batch." Zhang Yao sat there with her arms folded and thought for a while: "If the effect is good, get some more for me."

"Can you handle thirty thousand acres?" Xiao Ma tilted his head and asked, "Wouldn't it be better for you to plant cacti on the balcony?"

Zhang Yao didn't bother to pay attention to him, she just waved directly, and then her unmanned assistant flew over like a little moth, and then started to project on the wall.

"I have the most advanced robot technology in the world, and they can be changed from war machines to agricultural machinery at any time. Based on my current production capacity, if it is fully launched, I will be able to cultivate 30 million to 150 million acres in real time.

Land, and as the production capacity increases, I can even expand a variety of different planting structures."

The things on the projection are densely arranged in the huge warehouse. It seems that she is really preparing for the doomsday, and now it is really time to show off her talents on her home court.

"I also have an assistant who is the best biologist in the world. Thanks to her help, I have 4,200 improved crops in my seed bank, which can withstand extreme environments to a great extent."

Zhang Yao continues to demonstrate her preparations for the doomsday, and she even develops various civilian devices for low-temperature, cold and high-temperature environments. Anyway, she just does what she needs in the doomsday. These things consume a lot of money and

Normally, time is a useless thing, but she didn't expect that she actually used it.

For example, that kind of ultra-thin heat insulation board costs less than ten yuan per square meter in mass production, but it can be very effective in insulating and keeping warm. This technology was inspired by the insulation material on the body of the devil's transformation man.


There are also thermoelectric generators and thermal clothing materials, which can alleviate the impact of cold on people to a great extent.

In addition, all of Zhang Yao's weapon achievements and magical energy research results can be transformed into civilian products, which can just fill some technological gaps in the end of the world.

No one knows what she had in mind when she first developed it, but now everyone knows that this guy is immersed in doomsday fantasies almost every day.

"According to existing data, the average temperature worldwide will drop by about 20 degrees Celsius in the future. That is to say, taking our region as an example, the annual average temperature will drop from 22 degrees Celsius to 2 degrees Celsius, and the minimum temperature will drop to 20 degrees Celsius.

It will reach about minus 30 degrees Celsius. This is actually far from the doomsday temperature I once imagined. In some special areas, the temperature will still remain between ten and twenty degrees Celsius. And the duration will be about three years.

, so biological extinction may be inevitable, but it will definitely not happen on a large scale like the Carboniferous. And I believe in the adaptability of the hairless monkeys. If they have the ability to come out of the last Ice Age, they will definitely be able to come out of it.

This ice age continues."

Zhang Yao waved her hand, and the content on the projection changed into a world map: "But the one that will be most affected is the Atlantic Ocean. After the Atlantic current is affected, large areas of Europe will lose the current warm environment, such as

Germany, they may experience a severe cold test of minus 60 to 70 degrees Celsius. If there are no accidents, a humanitarian disaster will occur in Europe at the earliest opportunity."

Zhang Yao kept explaining in front of Twelve Spirits and Qing Lingzi who did not have many modern concepts. The strong wind outside the conference room was still howling. This place experienced the disaster for the first time when it was still midsummer elsewhere.


But it's okay. If you really feel cold, you can go back to Chang'an Lane or the hill behind the farm. The big sycamore tree will shelter all his children. Even if they are about to freeze to death, as long as you hide under the shade of the big sycamore tree, it will always be cool.

Pleasant climate of 14 degrees Celsius.

"But it's not too late now. If we need the first crop of grain to appear before winter, we need to start taking action now."

Brother Zhang nodded: "You can figure it out."

After the meeting ended, everyone quickly started to take action. Shan Dawang and Qing Lingzi began to tell each other in various regions at home and abroad, and Dawutong also authorized them to open portals into the mountains and seas in different regions.

The mountain and sea world, which has a vast space far wider than the region, is like a sponge that can absorb water, crazily absorbing farmers and agricultural equipment from all over the world in a short period of time.

Although only the dragon tribe and its related races can cultivate and cultivate, the vast and sparsely populated mountain and sea realm is enough to accommodate everyone.

In exchange, a large number of modern equipment and machinery were directly given to Shanhaijie as gifts, and a large number of technical personnel were also dispatched to train them.

Progress, isn't it coming?

And seeing that the opportunity of Po Tian was about to pass by, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, scratching his head and head... In the end, with his constant lobbying, even the staunch anti-human world fighter

Bai Zedu nodded and agreed to open the territory of the beast world to the human world to carry out various activities.

"I saw that this was Zhang Yao's handiwork." Qian Shushu stood behind the huge light door and watched the continuous flow of equipment being transported from the human world. When he saw a large number of unmanned equipment forming a transport team, he couldn't help but

She said without emotion: "The awesomeness she boasted about back then has really begun to come true."

But now is not the time to talk nonsense. The entire mountain and sea world has started to rush for planting with great vigor. Even if the climate here is stable, the temperature is stable, and the soil and water are issues, crops, poultry, livestock, etc. all need time to grow. If not

If you hurry up and miss the harvest season, if you lose 10%, then 10% of the people will starve to death.

Not every country is like a mysterious Eastern country that is frightened by hunger and will be idle and frantically stockpiling food...

Humanity has unprecedentedly united in the face of this natural disaster. Although this unity will gradually begin to disintegrate after the first period has passed smoothly, at least it is still unprecedentedly united. Even the four major grain merchants who are full of evil can't take the blame.

A crime against humanity.

Zhang Yao's bad taste was also brought to its extreme at this time. She changed all the robots in the cotton fields to matte black paint, and right next to the cotton fields were clumps of watermelon fields...

She was condemned, but she didn't care. As a stateless person who didn't even have human status, she didn't worry at all that someone would hold a flag and attack her hometown.

And after all this hard work, it’s already August.

All business on the farm has been suspended. Ms. Succubus No. 1 cried and said that all the fruits of her years of hard work were lost. But then Zhang Yao said that her buns could be sold as part of her agricultural products for a while.

Only then did the heavy rain clear up for Miss Succubus.

"School doesn't have to start in September, right?" Nian Ma, who was lying on the roof every year, said to Pony who was collecting snowflakes to make shaved ice, "I don't want to go to school, I'd rather dig a hole here to sleep."

"It shouldn't be necessary." Xiao Ma collected a cup full of snowflakes and handed it to Niannian: "Eat."

"I won't eat it. It's very dirty. And you don't put any fruit or anything on it. It's just ice cubes. I won't eat it."

Xiao Ma put the cup aside and looked at the dark sky: "Oh, I still miss that Nian Nian who couldn't speak and had to eat whatever he could."

After more than a month of strong freezing, the farm is now completely frozen except for the fairy grass garden. The small animals ran away to the back mountain, and the surface part of the hot spring is completely frozen. The main feature is a cold

Ice hell.

The strong winds that have not stopped for more than a month have made this place look like a large group of ice sculptures. The house can no longer be opened at all, and everything is blocked by ice, just like a forbidden area for humans.

But there is one advantage, that is, Brother Zhang can enjoy peace 10,000%.

He is now in the shelter he built before. It has gone through three rounds of modifications, and it has become completely different now. No matter how the wind and snow blow outside, the temperature inside the house is maintained at around 25 degrees Celsius, and the firewood in the stove is crackling.

Noise, the windows had already been buried by nearly three meters of snow, completely isolated from the world.

The sound of the wind and snow outside makes a whining sound. If you get tired of it, you can lie down on the small camp bed for a while, and then continue to do what you like to do after you get up. It is quite comfortable.

His current state is basically like being in seclusion. Anyway, they have people doing all the big and small things, and they enjoy leisure and ease.

And just when he was lying on the rocking chair and falling asleep, the sound of snow falling suddenly came from outside. When he looked up, he found that his small door had been pushed open, and the cold wind from outside blew in, and then

Nian Nian stood there gagging happily, but before he could say anything, Nian Nian closed the door, turned around and ran away again.

When he opened the door again, he found that the over-energetic Nian beast had dug a maze in the huge snow field... and then a dozen succubus ladies who were locked in the bunker and went crazy from suffocation were dressed like astronauts.

It’s like playing Ice and Snow Adventure there…

"Don't be so boring, you will really freeze to death." Brother Zhang said helplessly.


This chapter has been completed!
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