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 "Is there such a thing?"

When Yingsha understood everything, his face was full of surprise. He never thought that the natural disaster would come so suddenly, let alone that Shanhaijie would make such a decision that went against his ancestors.

When the Three Realms were first sealed, the Mountain and Sea Realm had made it clear that it had nothing to do with the Human Realm, but this time it was really too surprising.

"Actually, most clans agree, because the Di people's life is so good that they are jealous."

Xiao Ma smiled like a flower when he said this, because his girlfriend is the Queen of the Di Human Tribe. Although he was very busy during this period, which caused him to spend less time with his little girlfriend from the Di Human Tribe, but this did not affect the Di Human Tribe.

The days were prosperous.

They are now making a lot of money by relying on the door to the human world within the sea organization. Things from the human world have long been popular in the mountain and sea world, whether it is various iron tools, cloth, or even some processed foods.

It has become a hard currency in the world of mountains and seas.

Not to mention the awesome ones in the Shanhai Realm, no matter how awesome people are without skills, any one of them can crush a steel ingot into a pancake, but they can't turn the steel pancake into a flat wok. They also

You can easily control wind, fire, thunder and lightning, but you can't make a stone receive the agricultural channel.

Therefore, due to poor technology, the Di people who were the first to accept the human world have now become a serious trading race. The Di people who originally lived in the sea have now set up a trading port on the seaside, specializing in reselling things from the human world.


And those Di humans, after receiving the gold, took it to the human world to purchase goods. They made a lot of money by going back and forth like this. They dared to ask for thirty kilograms of gold for an oversized iron pot, but the key was to buy it from him.

People in the world have been suffering for a long time, and there is no good solution. They even took advantage of the information gap to open several Internet cafes in Shanhaijie. The kind of Internet cafes that cannot connect to the Internet are full of what can only be called electronic waste.

The computer has a lot of weird and weird games installed in it. If a hardcore gamer sees it, he will definitely shout "Dream Back to 1998", but people in the Shanhai world are particularly fond of this.

Nowadays, their Internet cafes are extremely expensive. The idlers from the Shanhai Realm are playing games in there like crazy. When they enter, they either hear hohoho from Quake or fire in the hole from CS. Even the Di Human tribe has a private server inside.

That leveling madman can burn pigs for thirty-three days just to reach level 40.

Although it is twenty years behind the human world, it is absolutely new and rare to them. It is extremely addictive, and there is no such thing as a cyber sheep tail.

Just like this, if they don't open the border and introduce things from the human world, I'm afraid the Di people will eat all the leeks, and no one can bear it.

Therefore, the space-for-time plan for the Mountain and Sea Realm went very smoothly. They had everything they lacked in the human world, and they also had a lot of what they lacked in the human world.

Infrastructure, crazy infrastructure, those industries whose bubbles were on the verge of bursting were suddenly revitalized by Shanhaijie. Let’s not talk about the situation in the west for now, but here in the east, in order to ensure the employment rate and economic cycle in the year of disaster

, they directly signed a large number of large orders with Shanhaijie, and everything was built for free for them, but the premise was that the minerals and other minerals in Shanhaijie should be mined first by them.

Suddenly, a large number of expatriates poured into Shanhai Realm, a large number of construction sites were built from the ground, and a large amount of excess productivity and human resources that had nothing to do due to natural disasters were all invested in it.

It was only at this point that people realized that food was just a small step, and the real big move was yet to come.

When the state machine started to spin, the power was amazing. After large tracts of construction sites in Shanhaijie came up, a large number of production companies began to work despite the severe cold.

The biggest problem in the Human Realm now is not that businesses cannot open but that transportation is completely paralyzed, so a large number of companies have entered the Mountain and Sea Realm.

Is there pollution? Yes, of course there is. But we have reached a critical moment for the survival of mankind. If we worry about the eight-hour work system and environmental sanitation, we are really playing in the age of ice and steam. In this situation, if someone asks, "

Is it worth it?" Then that night he would be thrown into the molten iron of the blast furnace to worship the furnace god.

Stay alive! All goals are to stay alive!

At first, many people thought that this kind of construction would be a long war, but when they discovered that if things were really done with wartime efficiency, the construction speed would be beyond imagination.

The buildings are modularized and the factory buildings are all hoisted. The most difficult power system now is to open the Shanhaijie coal mine directly to the local electric field, and then pull wires from the electric field across the Shanhaijie. Even in the severe cold, the power supply remains the same.

In just a few days, all kinds of equipment started rumbling, and each city had its own point-to-point area, breaking it into pieces and starting a vigorous construction project.

The world of mountains and seas is a virgin land. The resources in it are richer than those on the earth. Now that they are completely released, they are basically inexhaustible. There are open-pit coal mines, open-pit lithium mines, and open-pit iron mines...

It is roughly estimated that these open-pit mines alone are enough for human use for eight hundred years, not to mention the various new materials contained in them, such as a new type of material, which is natural but contains very high energy. If this thing

It can be used to generate electricity, and the overall effect is 12 to 13 times higher than that of coal.

But this treasure ore was dug up by the natives of the mountains and seas and used as light bulbs... The brightness is not as bright as a fifteen-watt incandescent lamp.

Human beings suddenly seemed to have forgotten the sufferings on their own side, and began to continuously explore the magical places of the mountain and sea world. However, this place is not a fuel-efficient place. Even the Ansa gang can't do anything about it. They don't want to be dragons.

If the soul destroys the world, then cooperate honestly.

However, compared to the large-scale development here, most people in the human world are still pitiful. With the arrival of September, the cold wave has swept across the world. For example, the night limit here in Me City has reached -10, and the wind and snow are getting worse.

It has never been broken. In the northern region, Jiangxi and Jiangxi, Hunan, Hunan, Anhui and Anhui, it is unbearable to look directly at it. An avalanche occurred on Lushan Mountain and directly buried several small towns below. If it were not for these mountains

The people in the place have been relocated a long time ago, and no one knows how many people will die now.

The appearance of the avalanche at that time was like a landslide. Tens of thousands of tons of snow rushed down the mountain, rolling bigger and bigger on the way. Finally, when it reached the foot of the mountain, it was just a bulldozer. Everything was flat, with broken eaves.

The wall rushed directly into Poyang Lake.

And that’s not all. Almost all low-lying areas have been filled with snow. The deepest snow has even reached a depth of 70 meters. Some areas in the south were still towns before, but now they may only be able to see snow.

The peaks of some high-rise buildings are exposed, which can be said to be very scary.

With the pace of freezing, the Bohai Bay was completely frozen and connected to the Miyako Strait. The ice-free port became a permanently frozen port. From the satellite view, the white part of the northern hemisphere has approached the 30th latitude line, while the southern hemisphere is even closer.

It's the fifteenth degree of latitude.

This means that both ends of the earth have put on little white hats, and a large number of glaciers have begun to violently move. A huge moving glacier with a height of 120 meters has even been discovered near the Greenland Sea. Once it hits the land, everything on the entire coastline will be destroyed.

They will all be rubbed flat by it.

All cities have almost become isolated islands. Railways, highways, and flights have all stopped. People seem to have returned to the era when carriages and horses were very slow. Except for the fact that the Internet continues and the power supply has not been interrupted, almost everything else has stopped.


But the power supply may also be running out, because heavy snow and extreme cold will destroy transmission lines. If it were not for the power plants in every city to achieve internal circulation, the power would have collapsed long ago. But without the support of hydropower and other power sources,

Power outages have become the norm in some areas. So now a large number of people have temporarily moved to the mountains and seas for refuge, and less than one-tenth of the people are still able to live in their own cities.

Usually, the smaller the city, the more stable it is, because the population is small and the demand is small. The consumption of a big city in one day may be enough for a small city for a month or more...

The world outside Chang'an Lane has also collapsed. As one of the first batch of cities to move inland to the Shanhai Realm, Me City has not many people left after this month of transfer. The city that was originally tens of millions is now empty.

It's like a ghost town.

The electricity was completely cut off and the running water was gone, but Chang'an Lane was still relatively normal. This was also due to the Zhang Yao Doomsday Project that had to be stopped halfway through the renovation because the roots of the large sycamore tree could not be dug out.

Taking advantage of the equipment that has been built now, water, electricity and heating are very sufficient, the food is completely OK, and it is also protected by the big sycamore tree. Chang'an Lane can be said to be the only place with lights on in this ghost town.

But on September 10th, the network was finally disconnected. It is said that all network equipment was moved to Shanhaijie, waiting for reconstruction after the disaster.

Without the Internet, modern people seem to have lost their eyes. Xu Wei in the small restaurant moved a stool and sat at the door of the restaurant, watching the water dripping from the big sycamore tree, and then she was in a daze.

They just had dinner and went to find Yingsha, but Xu Wei didn't go. It wasn't that she didn't miss her master, but she didn't know what to talk to her master after she went there. Her life was getting worse day by day.

Nothing new, just as bland as water.

So without the Internet, she chose to sit in front of the store in a daze. She didn't know what to think. She just completely let go and felt very relaxed. The sound of car engines and horns that she could often hear were now gone.

There is only the dull sound of wind and snow. If you look beyond Chang'an Lane from the second floor at night, all you can see is darkness. It seems that Chang'an Lane is not independent of the world but that the world has abandoned Chang'an Lane.

Sometimes the old men and women in the alley can't help but take an umbrella out for a walk, but they usually don't go out of the alley because they can't bear the depression outside and can't bear to watch the construction done bit by bit.

The city was just buried in the wind and snow.

However, not everyone in the city is gone. There are also those left behind who refuse to go to the Mountain and Sea Realm and are looking for available resources to survive this cold winter.

So they would occasionally come into Chang'an Lane and settle down here, under the big locust tree or led by an old man and an old lady to an unoccupied room.

But that was an accident after all. After such a long time, the number of people who have found Chang'an Lane is no more than one hand. Most people still go to the Shanhai Realm, or stick to their homeland in their own one-third of an acre and cannot leave.

Every morning, young people from Chang'an Lane form a search team and go out in the wind and snow to look for those who don't want to leave, but they always come back empty-handed. Instead, they encounter a few bodies that have been frozen to death in the snow, usually without children.

Childless old men, they may have planned to die in this land when they refused to leave.

The more such things happen, the sadder it becomes. Although Xu Wei has long been a member of the Twelve Spirits, she still retains her innocence and sentimentality. After all, after entering Chang'an Lane that year, she walked out

There were only a handful of times, and the world had slowly shrunk to such a world for her. In this world, her heart was still pure, so she really couldn't be hard-hearted.

After he sat for a while, the search team came back. Xu Wei immediately stood up: "Would you like something to eat?"

The people in the search team didn't say anything, they just turned around and walked towards the small restaurant. Xu Wei also ran back to the restaurant quickly and prepared hot soup, rice and delicious dishes for them.

These are all free now, as long as someone comes to eat them, it doesn’t matter who they are or how much they can eat.

After the search team members sat down, no one spoke. Everyone silently held their rice bowls and started eating and drinking. Apart from the sound of bowls and chopsticks, there was no other movement.

The atmosphere can be said to be extremely depressing.

But this is also understandable. Anyone who sees a city slowly withering from birth to death is unlikely to become very happy, especially when this city is the hometown where he grew up. The emotional tearing is...

Not to mention, only those who can still be cheerful should see a psychiatrist to see if they have antisocial personality.

Xu Wei was very curious about what the outside world looked like, but she didn't dare to look at it herself, maybe because she was timid. The only information she knew about the outside world was from the young man in the search team.

But today none of the boys spoke, and she knew what was happening outside even without thinking.

She used to think about why they could survive the winter of minus 30 to 40 degrees in the north, but why couldn't they survive the minus 10 degrees here?

And when she finally knew the answer, she discovered that some things were not as simple as she thought. In places with forty degrees below zero, there were places with ten degrees below zero to deliver supplies, but in places with ten degrees below zero, there was no place that was even below zero.

Once upon a time, local support was provided.

When a disaster spreads to the point where they become one of the least affected places, collapse has become inevitable. If people don't leave, they will die of cold and hunger.

This chapter has been completed!
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