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 Chapter 703 Finale

"What's good to eat today?"

The aristocratic girl in the town walked into the restaurant. She was like a proud white swan. Her picky taste made her unable to swallow most of the food. The only thing in this town that could satisfy her was this unopened restaurant.

How long is the store?

When she first came here, she just liked the style of the small shop, but after eating there once, she couldn't leave it again. Like every picky little girl, she wished she could live here every day.

The huge steam airship outside was blowing white smoke across the sky, and people were in a hurry in the small town as the sun set. This was just the most ordinary day.

And this is also the last day before the summer solstice, and it will truly become summer starting tomorrow.

"This is today's menu."

Brother Zhang has already put on work clothes that match this era. There are only three people in the small restaurant, but it is the highest quality restaurant in the town, but the price is too affordable. And this place has no threshold, no matter what

Whether you are a beggar or a king, you can come and go as you like, as long as you don't cause trouble here.

But no one is making trouble here, because the King of the Ocean has announced a protection order for this small shop. The reason is that the King of the Ocean likes to eat the delicious fish balls that only appear on the menu here every Thursday.

No one dares to provoke the King of the Endless Sea, so naturally no one dares to provoke the owner of the shop.

Before, there was no name in the store, just like when it was in Chang'an Lane. Later, they asked him to come up with a name because they wanted to register, so he, Miss Jin, and Dahuang held a meeting to discuss the matter.

It took me a whole night to finally get the name out.

The name of the store is "a small restaurant with a different menu every day". From this point of view, it can be seen that Brother Zhang is actually not that omnipotent. He is really bad at choosing names.

But not to mention, because the name is very interesting, it has aroused the interest of many people who have never eaten out before, because they have never seen a menu that is different every day.

"Although I have never seen them before, I want this, this and this."

The aristocratic girl is very picky and good at eating. Today happens to be Thursday, which is an ocean feast. Today’s main dishes are cold octopus feet, braised octopus feet and mustard octopus feet. Others include fish balls, crabs and various fish and shrimps.


However, the best-selling item is the octopus legs, and the Emperor of the Sea's favorite is the fish balls. The aristocratic girl ordered the best-selling octopus with mustard, the Emperor of the Sea's favorite fish ball soup, and the most expensive land and sea feast.

After ordering her meal, she sat at an empty seat and waited. While waiting, she naturally looked around, and while looking around, she discovered a lot of strange people, and one of them looked more familiar to her the more she looked at it.

, seemed to be the third prince of the empire, whom she once glanced at from a distance at a cocktail party, and sitting opposite the third prince was the princess of a neighboring country who was announced missing a few days ago.

Because the two countries were in a state of war, and now the heirs of the two hostile countries actually appeared in the same place at the same time, and behaved intimately, the young lady immediately seemed to have discovered something extraordinary and began to stare at that person.

Position, intently trying to grasp the big baguji in front of me, even the food seemed so tasteless when it was eaten in my mouth.

And on the table next to her, the emperor of the Sea Clan was feasting on his favorite fish balls. As the world's highest combat power, he didn't have to worry about safety at all, and he didn't need to carry any guards with him.

All you need is a mouth and enough money to enjoy your favorite food.

The small restaurant was still relatively quiet at this time, the jukebox was singing lyrical songs, and the temperature outside was just right in the late spring evening. After Brother Zhang served the last dish, he sat at the counter in a daze, which was his favorite thing to do.

The thing is, although he no longer needs to be in a daze to digest his desire for expression, the long-standing habit has been difficult to change.

Miss Jin is handling the coffee beans next to her. She is gentle and patient. Her beauty has become famous in this town. Even bards will take the initiative to compose poems for her. Countless young people have come here to pay tribute to her.


It's not that there are no beautiful girls in the world, but there are really very few in this small town. It is said that when the kingdom still allowed hard work to trade, people often went to the West to transport those young slaves back for sale. At that time, the town was

In an important distribution center, you can often see beautiful girls like fairies being sold as slaves.

Later, the warriors overthrew the king of the previous generation, the slave trade was abolished, and the town turned from that bustling town into a deserted and lonely town. In the blink of an eye, nearly forty years have passed, and no particularly good-looking girl has appeared in this small town.


The proprietress of this small shop has become one of the only two very beautiful people who have settled here over the years. The other one is the poster girl of this shop, and she is also very pretty!

Maybe they don't realize how many years these two have spent editing and evolving their looks, but it doesn't matter, being loved by others is a blessing, right?

There is also the owner of this store. Everyone has a consensus, that is, the owner's character is really good. There are not bullies in the town, but even the bullies who like to bully people the most can't help it.

There is not even the slightest fault here, and even if you want to use it as a reference, you can't find an entry point.

And everyone found that the boss didn't seem to make money from this small restaurant. He was always very generous. Whenever a major festival came, he would always invite the whole town to celebrate the festival for free, and those who usually used banquets were

The ingredients were beyond what a small restaurant owner could afford, but he didn't show any distress at all, and even brought out a bottle of wine that would cost one or even ten gold coins in a big city.

Even if there is no festival, he will usually distribute the ingredients and food that are not sold out every day to the local poor. It is not the kind leftover by others, but truly exquisite food. He will never be like those nobles.

Treating people like stray dogs, the food he distributes to every poor person will be beautifully packaged and come with simple tableware.

Even today when the price of sugar is so high, he is still providing those sweet drinks for free, and anyone can come and take them. However, if someone is too greedy, someone will naturally come to trouble the greedy person.

People in the town speculated that he might be a prince from a certain country who ran away because of love. Others suspected that he was once a heinous devil and came to a small place just to live a peaceful life.

But he didn't care about these speculations and still did these seemingly meaningless things every day.

The time soon came to August, and something happened that day that made the residents of the town very angry. That is, a caravan passing by spread the news about the beautiful proprietress of the small restaurant, and brought the evil lord of the superior city to the public.

Attracted, he immediately launched an offensive against the proprietress, and finally even tried to conquer the small restaurant in a similar way.

The small restaurant was closed down, but reopened within three days. It is said that on Thursday, the emperor of the sea clan came to eat as usual and did not have any food. When he learned about this situation, he was very angry and asked the lord to give him some food.

An explanation was required, otherwise a war would be launched. This incident directly alarmed the royal family of the empire. In the end, the noble lords were deposed, and everything returned to normal.

This incident has no impact on Brother Zhang. He even hopes that the seal can be extended for a few more days because he plans to take the boss lady and the waiter girl on a trip because he heard that there is a crab disaster in the south and the crabs there are enough.

Having grown to the weight of two adults, he was curious about the taste of those crabs.

However, his wish was not fulfilled. After hearing about it, the Emperor of the Sea Clan directly caught three crabs for him. After seeing the crabs, he found that the rumors were wrong, because the crabs were not as heavy as two adults at all, but five.


A crab can weigh up to 700 to 800 kilograms, and the meat is plump and has almost no shortcomings except for the hard shell.

So he spent three days dismantling more than two thousand kilograms of crabs and made a crab feast to reward the neighbors in the town.

On that day, the town was like a National Day, with people gathering together to drink wine, sing and dance, and never return home until they were drunk.

"Is this your retirement?"

Miss Jin was sitting by the bonfire, her face flushed by the firelight. She held her chin and looked at Brother Zhang, who was holding a drawing board and creating an oil painting for the gathering crowd. In his paintings, people were wearing stars and moons, drinking and singing. It was obviously night.

But it allows people to see the sun.

"Isn't it good?" Brother Zhang turned his head and glanced at her: "Do you expect me to suddenly become a rapper?"

Miss Jin couldn't stop laughing, but after a long time, she suddenly said: "I suddenly understand why you can easily leave your original life and come to a strange place."

"What do you understand?"

"Because you know that they can live a good life without you, and you also know that this place can live better with you. You are like those ancient gods who feed on negative emotions, but you prefer to enjoy them

What’s important is positive emotions, and high emotions can make you happy. So you find ways to make the people around you happy.”

Brother Zhang didn't answer, he just highlighted the picture with the last stroke in his hand.

In a trance, the world in the painting and the real world gradually merge into one, which is fascinating to watch.

"Okay." Brother Zhang raised his head and looked at the people in front of him, then looked back and said softly: "My story ends here. It may not be exciting enough, but it ends here."

"Who are you talking to?" Miss Jin looked around: "Don't be so scary all of a sudden."

Brother Zhang dragged his chin and looked at his paintings: "Those people I have met or will meet soon."


That’s the end of Brother Zhang’s story. The next book will be uploaded for review around 8:00 to 9:00 on Monday morning. Please give me your support.

When the time comes, you will be able to see it by clicking on my avatar. The tentative name is "Mirror World". I don't know if it will pass the review. If not, I may have to change the name, so everyone can just click on the avatar.

As for this book by Brother Zhang, what should I say... Strictly speaking, it is a running account of daily healing. It can be regarded as the last little gift given to myself before I completely live my life. At the same time, I would like to thank so many people who like it.

Dear viewers, I have caused you so much trouble and fear over the past year.


This chapter has been completed!
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