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Chapter 82, Hook straight bait salted fish silly

 Thunder Dragon was in coma for seven days before he passed the critical period. Even the Tianlong body could not heal the trauma from Yan Ling. The penetrating wound on his chest formed a permanent scar that could not be completely repaired, and the broken arm made him even more...

For a while, you can only wear a plaster and wear a bandage.

During his coma, Zhang Yao actually blamed Brother Zhang. The original words were probably, "You are not even willing to help your relatives and friends around you with such a simple matter when they are in crisis. Aren't you a bit unjustifiable?"

How can you be so cold-blooded?".

Brother Zhang just laughed at this but did not answer her question. Seeing that he always looked like this, Zhang Yao slammed the door and walked out in anger, and then did not appear in his sight for several days.

Brother Zhang did not give any explanation for this, nor did he go to treat Brontosaurus because of her anger.

Fortunately, the Brontosaurus has woken up. Although he is very weak, he is okay at least.

"That boss of yours is really inhumane."

Zhang Yao stood beside Lei Long's hospital bed and said with resentment: "How can he be so cold-blooded?"

Brontosaurus sat up with support, smiled and waved his hands, but was unable to speak normally due to his lung injury.

At this time, Mouse also came. He rode his little motorcycle and came here with wontons and noodles that Brontosaurus loved to eat. When he saw that Brontosaurus had woken up, he opened his mouth and started to curse.

"If you do this again, I will beat you to death."

Then he was cursing and feeding the Thunder Dragon. The Thunder Dragon couldn't reply now, so he could only listen, but he was hungry, so he couldn't stop eating...

"Tell me, Brother Zhang's abilities are so abnormal, why can he share these abilities with you? Isn't this contradictory?"

"Let me give you a suggestion." Mouse suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Yao: "In the future, when you face areas you don't know, you should choose to shut up as much as possible. If you say anything, just tell me how to launch a rocket.

It’s the same as burning No. 97 oil, do you think it’s stupid?”

Zhang Yao was stunned for a moment and then slowly sat down: "What did I say wrong? He could obviously kill all the enemies instantly, why didn't he do it? Also, since he didn't do it, it was fine, but why was he so

Distributing my abilities to you at will? Isn’t this inconsistent?”

"Don't rocket jets also burn oil? Why can't No. 97 oil work?"

Zhang Yao laughed angrily: "Aren't you just making excuses?"

"It's not that I'm being arrogant, but that you don't understand him. Now let me ask you three questions."

"You ask."

The mouse raised a finger: "Who can be considered his enemy, or does he have any enemies?"

Then came the second finger: "What do you think the ability he gave us is for us to do?"

Finally, the third finger was raised: "Do you think that things you can't understand are other people's unreasonable things?"

The first question confused Zhang Yao. She is a science and engineering contestant. There are only 0 and 1 in the world view, not Chengdu's 0 and 1, but digital 0 and 1. So there are enemies in her world.

and the concept of one's own people, but the problem is that now we have to transfer this problem to Brother Zhang and ask him if he has it.

"have it?"

No, this answer seems inappropriate, because if there is, there must be a corresponding enemy to establish it, but what is an enemy that can be equal to Brother Zhang?

Oh... let's change to the second question, and the second question also stunned Zhang Yao, because she really didn't know the reason why Brother Zhang gave the power to the two of them.

As for the third question, Zhang Yao couldn't answer it. No matter whether the answer was yes or no, it would fall into a weird logic circle.

"All of you who live by your words should die, okay?"

The mouse laughed a few times, stuffed six wontons into the Brontosaurus' mouth, and pushed him until he hit the bed.

"Let me answer it for you. First of all, Brother Zhang once had no concept of enemy or friend. We hope that he will go out to work, socialize, play, and even fall in love. All of this is to allow him to regain what he deserves.

His emotions. And a person who has no concept of friend or foe will not care whether there is a conflict between someone. Do you understand this? His temperament is gentle because he does not need to get angry with anyone, and his mentality is stable because

He doesn't need to care about anyone else's feelings." The mouse gestured and said, "It's like the sun. Is it possible that the sun won't shine on you because you are a murderer?"

Zhang Yao nodded silently: "It seems to make sense..."

"The second question is that Brother Zhang's power problem has always been a big problem that has troubled him. He will remain fearful and cautious about power precisely because he has no concept of friend or foe. And the fact that he shares his power with us just shows that he is actually

He is already slowly recovering his emotional abilities. And what do you think this power is? It requires a high price. It will not act on Brother Zhang, but it will act on us. And if he uses this ability...

…The cost is so horrific that you can hardly believe it.”


"Let's tell you this, just like Thunder Dragon, if Brother Zhang were to use it, he wouldn't have any problem, but at least 50,000 people would be sacrificed because of this incident."

"Fifty thousand people!?"

"Yes, Brontosaurus's nickname is Phoenix over there. He often does some weird things, and sometimes even activates his speech spirit to do some unimportant things, but the price is always his.

Bearing. And the more this ability is activated against the powerful, the higher the price. Brother Zhang gives us this ability so that we can have a chance to fight with death when facing irreparable failure, rather than letting

Let’s do something silly like changing my girlfriend’s gender, do you understand?”

When the mouse said this, he suddenly laughed: "Didn't the Thunder Dragon also go to protect the eldest sister from the disaster a few days ago? Who do you think he was saved?"

"Brother Zhang?"

"Of course, so it's not that Brother Zhang won't take action, but that there are some things that he won't take action against." Mouse chuckled: "Then back to the third question, when you question him, do you only use your knowledge?

How do you judge him by his right or wrong? But here’s the problem, he doesn’t care about your right or wrong, right? He has his own perfect behavioral logic, and he won’t change her just because you beep a few words and he beeps a few words.

Behavioral logic, you lost your temper at him that day, was he angry with you?"

"I have no idea……"

"I'll try it later." After Mouse finished speaking, he suddenly couldn't help laughing: "A few years ago, Xiao Ma talked about a particularly mentally retarded topic. He said, if he had Brother Zhang's ability

, we will soon make this world without any disputes, and fast forward to the era of utopia, world peace, and universal harmony."

"Then what?"

"Then Brontosaurus B asked: Can I use your mother as the price?" The mouse laughed with joy: "Then he sank the pony."

Zhang Yao also laughed out loud. Even Thunder Dragon, who was lying on the bed, remembered the scene when he heard this. He laughed so much that his lungs leaked from the bed.

"So, I personally think that it is enough to get to know him and understand him. Don't try to understand him, because we can't understand him, or just imagine that if we have the power, we can do something."

The mouse sighed and said: "When I was fifteen years old, I planned how to spend the 200 million I won in the lottery."

Zhang Yao probably understood what the mouse meant, and then she shamelessly went to find Brother Zhang. When she passed by, Brother Zhang was chatting with Master Pi, and he didn't show any special expression after seeing her. It was just the same as usual.


This made Zhang Yao happy and sad at the same time. She was happy that he was not angry, but sad that she was not that special in his eyes...

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper with you that day."

"It's okay, I understand." Brother Zhang smiled and said, "What do you want to drink?"

"Is there a coffee bar? No sugar or milk, super strong."

"Hold on."

While Brother Zhang was grinding coffee, Xu Wei suddenly rushed out of the room with hair like a chicken coop and a small white dragon wrapped around her wrist.

After not seeing each other for a few days, the little white dragon has grown to arm length and is as thick as a baby’s arm. It looks crystal clear and very cute.

Zhang Yao saw Xiao Bailong for the first time. She was about to touch it, but Master Pi pulled her down and said, "Bite your fingers off in one bite."

Zhang Yao quickly retracted her hand, and at this time Xu Wei said: "This side has taken the bait."

As she spoke, she put the tablet on the counter for them to see, pointed to a reply under the "Raising a Dragon" post and said: "Here."

"I am a netizen from the north of the mainland. I have never seen this creature. Can you explain it to me in detail?"

After Master Pi read it out, he scratched his head: "How are you sure this is the bait?"

Zhang Yao had no mind at all on the topic they were discussing at the moment. Instead, she squatted on the ground and glared at Xiao Bailong. Xiao Bailong looked at her, and she looked at Xiao Bailong...

Then the little white dragon bit her Lailai...

"Help!" Zhang Yao jumped up, her face turned pale with fright: "It bites!"

Brother Zhang flicked a soybean onto the head of the little white dragon. It let go of its mouth in pain and swam pitifully back to Xu Wei's arm. It buried its head in Xu Wei's neck and couldn't come out. It must have been caused by the little white dragon.

Brother Zhang was hurt by the bullet.

Mr. Pi looked at Zhang Yao who was holding her chest and crying out in pain: "I told you not to provoke it. Come on and follow me to get some medicine."

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Brother Zhang shook his head and took out a bottle of brontosaurus remaining plaster from under the counter: "Use this, it won't leave any scars."

Master Pi and Zhang Yao went to the backyard to apply medicine, while Xu Wei continued to say to Brother Zhang after complaining about Xiao Bailong for a while: "This person is very problematic. I plan to talk to him and try to slowly convey the information."

Let him know and see if they can deliver it to your door."

"Can you catch fish in this way?" Brother Zhang felt a little incredible after reading the entire post: "Are people on the Internet so easy to deceive?"

This chapter has been completed!
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