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174: There is a reason why I have to win [a big chapter of ten thousand words!]

 "C9 is basically bad in the early stage!" Qi Huan concluded directly, "The jungler died again, and Impat was dragged back into the grass in front of the second tower, and he didn't even dare to gain experience in the army line!"

Brother Long's Jace now has 2 kills and 0 deaths, and even if he gives Gu Xing a little line of troops during the blocking stage, it will not hinder the absolute last-hitting advantage he has established against Rambo.

The director will give the financial status of the ten players in a timely manner.

Zhu Xiaolong’s matchup economy leads by 1423!

You must know that C9's top tower has not been destroyed yet.

Once Jace takes advantage of the defense tower economy, the gold coin gap between the two will definitely widen further!

Impat was in the closed grass, watching the shelling of his own defense tower killing the soldiers one by one, feeling extremely desperate.

Apart from the exaggerated economic gap, his level is also far behind Jess!

The last time he was killed by Gu Xingyue Tower, Impat had just reached level six.

During this period of time, he basically didn't draw many troops, and his experience bar was still at half.

Allen Chu has already reached level eight!

No matter how confident Impat is, he never dares to say that he can overcome his disadvantage by jumping two levels!

Backstage in the C9 lounge, head coach Reapered hid his face and did not dare to look at the TV screen.

The lineup selected by the team already has problems at the power point.

He made sacrifices in this area in order to give Impat a wider space to use his ultimate move.

However, now my top order is on the verge of collapse!

The blind monk who is the mainstay of Meteos in the early stage is also very poorly developed. Without flash, it will be much more difficult to gank online and lead the rhythm!

After Imp counterattacked and gained kills, C9's bottom lane was also suppressed.

With such a riddled situation, Reapered didn't know how the team would survive VG's strongest mid-term period!

"Olav is so cruel..." Substitute Hai sat next to the coach and muttered to himself while staring at the monitor.

Gu Xing resolutely implements Olaf's creed of "Wherever he goes, not a blade of grass grows."

Relying on his super high jungle clearing efficiency and movement speed advantage, he quickly swept away the C9 camp!

After Meteos was resurrected, he saw that his jungle area was so clean that a scavenger jungler would starve to death. He could only go shopping and try to provide physical eyesight to his teammates and act as a free bodyguard.

But in the current version, once the jungle area falls into a disadvantage, the vision will be completely ruined!

Before reaching level nine, the ability to scan red jewelry was average.

If you cannot brush F4, you will lose the true vision effect of Eagle Eye BUFF, and the disadvantaged side will not be able to ensure the safety of your field of vision in the wild area!

Gu Xing discovered the traces of Meteos twice by invading the ward position, and then went back to other roads to lead the rhythm.

Jen was complaining endlessly.

The Snake Girl he controls has no displacement skills and does not have the ability to move and cast spells.

Every time he sees Olaf in his field of vision and Jenn uses a skill, Gu Xing will throw an ax at her!

The Berserker's Q [Countercurrent Throw] does considerable damage as the level increases.

If Jen can't dodge it, she will be severely slowed down and her health bar will drop even further!

What's more important is that Marquis's Victor will come up and give him a laser beam!

Even if Snake Girl has some recovery ability, she can't help but Gu Xing comes to the middle to cause trouble again and again!

"Can no one restrict him?" Jensen couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to seek help from her teammates.

"Then what should we do?" Meteos had nothing to do with Gu Xing. "We can't kill Olaf, and we don't have other teammates to help..."

As soon as the World Championship patch came out, the three lanes were basically all Earthbound Spirits. Unless they had a big advantage, they would have capital roaming support.

This is related to the general lack of hard control of strong heroes in the version.

Without stable control, the possibility of gaining benefits from roaming online heroes will be very low.

Moreover, the defense effect of the defense tower now only exists in the first five minutes of the game.

When the fortification effect disappears, the turret becomes quite vulnerable.

If the three-way players on the evenly matched or disadvantaged side provide offline support, they will most likely see half of their defense tower's health drained when they come back!

C9 just relies on the underdeveloped snake girl and the poorly equipped blind monk. It is impossible to kill Olaf!

At most, it can crush the enemy jungler's health to a minimum.

But as we all know, Olaf’s health bar is fake!

With just one set of camps, he can restore his half-damaged blood volume to a healthy level!

But Meteos knows how uncomfortable his mid laner's situation is.

He decided to come to the middle to help relieve the pressure and give Jenn some support.

But Gu Xing seized the opportunity and rushed to the road again!

"Olav's sprint has turned around again, he's coming to take Rambo's life!"

I remember my voice was loud and powerful.

The benefits of Gu Xing's purchase of Mingming Boots were fully demonstrated at this moment.

CD shoes will reduce the cooldown of summoner skills by 10%.

Including the [Insight] talent, the sprint CD has been reduced by a full 25%!

The original cooldown of Ghost Step was 180 seconds, but now it only has 135 seconds!

The cooldown of Summoner's skills is as short as many heroes' ultimate moves!

The last time Gu Xing sprinted was to catch Rambo at the beginning of 7 minutes.

The game is now approaching 10 minutes, and Ghost Step has just finished cooling down.

He deliberately caught the shot early, putting pressure on Jensen and forcing the C9 jungler to appear in the middle.

In this way, Gu Xing can shift the blame to Rambo, who is guarding the road alone!

Impat watched Olaf pounce on him like a mad dog, and his heart was filled with despair.

He had been sunbathing at Ameirika for several years and his face was dark, and now he was as gloomy as black coal.

How to play this?

He showed that he had indeed improved.

But opposite Allen Chu’s Jess also showed up!

Where can I go as Rambo without any movement skills?

Unlike the last time he was killed in battle, Impat didn't even think of fighting back this time.

R [Constant Temperature Burning] adjust the angle and spread it directly on the VG line not far away!

Then he gave up the struggle and waited for Olaf to pronounce his death sentence.

Seeing that the enemy was so sensible, Gu Xing was too lazy to take the head himself, and chopped Rambo into a bloody mess, so he allowed Zhu Xiaolong to take him down with one hammer blow!

Gundam Poppy broke away from the mecha again and flew into the air wailing.

There was silence in the municipal auditorium.

North American audiences witnessed the tragic situation of C9's star players and responded with silence.

Yesterday, I also laughed at the embarrassing appearance of Europe's No. 1 seed being vulnerable in front of VG.

Why is it my turn today?

"For C9, the only good news is that Impat's ultimate move burned out a wave of troops and successfully defended its tower..." I remember suddenly realizing something in the middle of the sentence, and changed my words to make up for it, "It doesn't seem to be good news.


His partner Qi Huan laughed unceremoniously, "That's true. As long as the first tower on the road is still there, Impat has to continue laning. Xiao Gu can just come over and withdraw money as soon as he sprints!"

Gu Xing took advantage of the situation and countered Meteos' stone beetles, and then went back to finish his own wild area.

Go to the spring water to replenish your status and take out your big jungle knife!

Less than 13 minutes into the game, Gu Xing already had the Slag Giant Jungle Knife + Burning Gem + CD Shoes in hand, and the equipment was extremely luxurious!

"Olav is already out of control. How are C9 going to deal with it?" I remember, unable to conceal my inner joy, "I doubt that with three of them, they won't be able to kill Xiao Gu in seconds even if they focus their fire!"

The Slag Giant jungle knife will not only provide the hero with 400 health points, but also an additional 15% health bonus.

Gu Xing's [Power of Time] has been fully stacked. The light base stone talent is 300 health, and with the burning gems, his total health is simply scary!

The only drawback is that it has little resistance and its frankness seems weak.

However, at the 13-minute mark, it is completely enough to deal with the underdeveloped characters of C9!

"Snake Girl and EZ's two Goddess Tears seem to be slowing down now," I remember saying, "They spent a total of 1,500 gold coins in exchange for their future combat power!"

Qi Huan echoed, "If C9's top jungler can support the early and mid-term, it can indeed delay the formation of double C equipment, but instead of helping to withstand the pressure, it actually drags down the whole team!"

Rambo and Blind Sin collapsed too quickly.

This far exceeds C9’s pre-game psychological expectations!

But when the lineup is selected, Double C must bite the bullet and buy the tears of the goddess, and the road will be dark.

Now C9 can only hope that the entire team can survive this embarrassing stage.

As soon as the director's camera turned, all the viewers saw Olaf beating up Lee Sin in the upper jungle!

Meteos originally just wanted to steal some wild monsters from the upper half of the game to avoid being left behind too much development by the opponent.

But everything is under Gu Xing's control.

Soon after Meteos stepped into the upper jungle of C9, he gave him a head-on blow!

It's brutal but also has a natural flavor.

Audiences who didn't know it thought Meteos was entering the VG jungle area!

"The blind monk received two ax blows, and his health dropped a lot in an instant," I remember saying in a hurried tone, "He had no choice but to retreat quickly!"

Originally, Lee Sin couldn't beat Olaf in the jungle matchup.

What's more, now that both of his equipment levels are lagging behind, and being slapped in the face by Olaf, all he can do is run away in a panic!

Meteos is still thinking about his escape route.

He was located far away from the wall, and it was not practical to run over the wall. He might be choked to death by Olaf before he even got there.

Then the remaining path is to run up or in the middle.

Before Meteos could make a decision, the top laner vetoed an option for him, "Don't come on the road, otherwise we will both die!"

Impat really doesn't want the jungler to come back to the road.

Zhu Xiaolong's Jace Youmeng was in hand, and he saw that the black cut was about to be made. C9 Ueno huddled under the tower, waiting for Gu Xing to come over from behind. It was nothing more than a happy ending of one death and one death.

Meteos thought quickly in a short period of time and determined that going on the road was really a dead end.

He chose to retreat to the middle and seek shelter from Jensen.

"The blind monk flew up and tried to kick Olaf away... Xiao Gu's reaction was so quick!" I remember being filled with admiration.

There was even a burst of exclamation in the municipal auditorium!

Li Sin's R [Menglong Tail Swing] has an obvious cast forward swing.

When Gu Xing saw this scene, he decisively activated his ultimate move.

R [Twilight of the Gods] is immune to control, increases attack power and continues to slash the blind monk!

Meteos retreated to the middle lane with his eyes open, and asked Jen to take over in his voice.

Unfortunately, Victor's E [Death Ray] arrived earlier than Snake!

The laser was shot from the Hextech arm, strafing the blind monk and taking away a huge amount of health!

The follow-up R [Chaos Storm] deals burst damage!

"The blind monk was not frank enough, so he had no choice but to sacrifice his life when faced with Victor who rushed forward in a sprinting car!" I remember seeing Li Qing's tragic situation, I was completely shocked.

The pilot screen showed Gu Xing at the contestants' table.

The boy's smile was relaxed and comfortable, as if the outcome was decided in his mind.

There was dead silence in the C9 training room.

Reapered is already working on BP to deal with G2 tomorrow.

He knew very well that this game would most likely end in C9 losing.

VG doesn’t look like a team that can overturn a big advantage!

Reapered had to seize every scrap of time to think about how to defeat G2 on the third match day.

If we say that two consecutive losses in the first round of the group stage will give the team little hope of qualifying.

After three consecutive losses at the start, you can basically prepare for the second round of the Battle of Honor, pack your bags and get ready to catch the plane!

In his first season coaching C9, he will never allow such a shameful thing to happen!

Hai looked at the extremely frustrated jungler on camera and was deeply touched in his heart.

Meteos and he were good brothers of the same era.

The two joined C9 in early 2013 and have been together day and night for three years.

Originally nicknamed Hai Zhang, he also mainly played the jungle position. He transitioned to the mid laner in C9 and partnered with Meteos in the mid and jungle combination. He also left a lot of jokes in the S4 World Championship.

Among them are the famous and funny scenes of Zed crawling forward to secretly remove crystals and Meteos flying mantis jumping high on the spot.

Everyone in the audience called them both useless. In the middle of the season last year, Master Hai simply went to work on the behind-the-scenes coaching staff.

Meteos was unwilling to give in and continued to compete in the arena.

As a result, C9 did not perform well in the S5 Summer Split, and Master Hai returned to the professional stage.

It's just that that time he came to the position he is most familiar with, the jungle.

Meteos readily agreed to Master Hai's offer to serve as a substitute, and would give it to his good brother.

During the interview, Hai's leader said, "I will lead my teammates to the World Championships!"

No one believed it at the time.

Just kidding, there are only ten teams in the North American division of S5 in the summer, and C9 ranks seventh.

If it weren’t for the decent results in the Spring Split, I wouldn’t even have qualified for the Bubble Split!

Even C9 fans believe that he took a half-year break from the coaching staff and began to develop into a comedian.

However, what is unexpected is that C9 defeated two players in three days in a row and defeated three players in 14 rounds, advancing to the S5 global finals!

Perhaps those three bubbling games completely overdrawn Hai's career. After that, he made frequent mistakes and was in extremely poor condition, so he simply left the game and retreated to the second line.

Meteos took over the jungle position and returned to battle!

The two have worked together for many years. From being a tacit understanding of the midfield partner to taking turns as a double jungler, the relationship can be described as a brotherhood.

Now, Headmaster Hai sees the nearly 24-year-old Meteos on the court looking as old as an old American Ford from the 1960s, being beaten by a young and energetic rookie jungler to the point of losing his rhythm, and naturally feels unbearable.

"Put it off a little longer," Sneaky said, twirling her bangs out of habit, "I can carry it in about 20 minutes..."

He stopped abruptly before he finished speaking.

A wave of fighting breaks out in the bottom lane!

The combination of VG Jin + Nami will certainly be suppressed by C9's EZ + Karma in the early stage.

However, as the level and equipment increased, the disadvantages of Yin Zeriel spending 750 gold coins to purchase the Tears of the Goddess became apparent.

Armor-Piercing has made Youmu's Spirit, and its combat power has surpassed that of others!

Nami's milk supply is getting more and more amazing, and she always helps restore her blood volume after every blood transfusion.

Now Duan Deliang boldly uses E [Blessing of the Tide] to attack forward and slow down to save people.

The C9 duo counterattacked decisively.

Hand over the small section of the flash you just converted and pull it backward first.

Remember to raise your voice, "Imp's ultimate turn on Youmu, use Passive Whisper to convert attack speed into attack power, and then use Perfect Curtain Call!"

The range of the old sniper rifle encompasses the C9 duo.

One shot hit Karma.

eaky turns around and fights back.

However, top laner Impat's urgent reminder came from the team's voice, "Jace on the other side has disappeared. He may be teleported to the bottom lane for support!"

Impat saw that the opposite Jace had finally disappeared, and quickly seized the opportunity to hit the target quickly.

During this period, he cut the screen to the bottom lane, and he always felt that the battle between the VG duo started inexplicably, which was very strange.

Impat is indeed an experienced top laner, and his prediction of danger is quite accurate most of the time.

It's just a step too late.

"The C9 duo wants to retreat, but Brother Long's Jace has teleported to the ground from the side!" Huan Huan, who has a good personal relationship with Zhu Xiaolong, rarely shouted loudly at this time, "The long-range reinforced cannon directly reduces a large amount of the enemy's health.


The extremely developed Jace is now like a god descending to earth, and an Italian cannon almost sent Karma to the west!

The follow-up shot of another super bullet forced the C9 auxiliary to flash!

"Jace flashes forward, leaps into the sky and takes away the heads!" Hallucination looked excited, "Where is Sneaky Lee going?!"

However, Yin Zerui dodges and moves around, trying to avoid the skills as much as possible.

But faced with the encirclement and suppression by the VG trio, he had absolutely no reason to survive!

Before the director finished playing the scene of VG cleaning the bottom lane battlefield, he suddenly cut to the top lane!

"Xiao Gu is here again!"

Olaf came directly to Rambo with an ax in hand.

The 135-second sprint has already turned around.

In Impat's eyes, the berserker is like the god of death, coming to harvest his own life!

He was almost bored to death.

You just ate two bins, but are you going to kill me?

Impat, who has never been treated like this before, can now be said to be a seasoned driver.

Without even thinking about it, R [Constant Temperature Burning] directly burns the soldiers!

Gu Xing kills Rambo, and the screams of pain linger in his ears again!

In the stadium, the North American audience witnessed VG's violent offensive rhythm one after another, and now they were really sure that C9 could not win.

The barrage in the live broadcast rooms of major domestic events was much denser than yesterday's VG game. Perhaps the team's victory in the first game built up the confidence of the LPL audience, and everyone became more courageous to watch the live broadcast.

[Rambo’s voice is really loud, can you please stop screaming?]

[Killing again is worthless. I suggest Xiao Gu send a tower to Impat and reset the kill bounty back to 300... Of course I am just suggesting]

[I would never have imagined that Impat would dare to choose Rambo in front of Xiao Gu. I have never seen how miserable Ma Datou was when he was killed, right?]

[VG won’t win two games in a row, right? The PTSD from last year hasn’t healed yet, so just resurrect me with full health? 】

[If you want to get emotional, you can watch how EDG lost the wild card. Keeping it will remind you of last year’s World Championship]

The two LPL commentators looked even more excited.

"Although Impat once again used his ultimate move to clear out the minions, this time the C9 tower will be destroyed first!"

It's rare for Zhu Xiaolong to play alone, so he has to let his side run away from the bottom lane as soon as possible. He wants to take a health tower alone.

Gu Chengbin stared with round eyes and wanted to defend his legitimate rights and interests.

But after seeing Jace's performance, he automatically gave up the idea, muttering about who will eat, and then retreated to a safe position and returned to the city.

"After pushing the next tower, Brother Long returns to the city and directly takes out the black cutter!"

The game only lasted 16 minutes.

Many viewers are also curious about how horrific damage the two-piece Jess will unleash at this point in time.

Then during the line change period, Yin Shi and Zhu Xiaolong directly killed half of Impat's health with one shot!

"F..." the English commentator swallowed the curse words and changed his words, "This is too crazy!"

Impat's journey of torment is not over yet.

He discovered that Allen Chu’s reinforced cannon fired quickly and accurately!

One of the criteria for measuring Jace's proficiency is the skill accuracy after the mid-term equipment is formed.

Whether the Poke ability of Piltover's Second Battalion Commander can be used will test the player's hero mastery.

Only then did Impat realize that the information he had previously obtained was completely false!

After several skillful and tricky strengthening shots in a row, he looks like an old Jace!

Allen Chu was very proud.

On the eve of the World Championship, he received special training from Hanla Pong, the unique skill brother of Korean server Jess.

Although it is difficult for me to achieve the opponent's superb proficiency in a short period of time.

But it can be strengthened in certain aspects!

Zhu Xiaolong is very team-oriented, and his main practice is to strengthen the artillery, so that he can help the team when he is out of the laning period.

In fact, Jayce's laning is quite average.

The main reason for this round was that Gu Xing helped get first blood in the first 3 minutes. Long Ge’s second battalion commander’s laning shortcomings were not exposed at all!

In the lane, Impat either hides in the closed grass and misses troops, or it is killed and resurrected and on the way back to the lane.

Brother Long is now ahead with a big piece of equipment.

If it were a normal professional player, Jess would be able to play casually in such an advantageous game!

"Brother Long, prepare to play the big dragon in 20 minutes," Gu Xing was still directing, "We really need you here."

It’s different from when facing G2 in the previous game.

At that time, VG lacked tanks but did not lack output, but now the polarity has completely reversed.

Although, Nami and Viktor's speed in defeating the Baron is average, and Gu Xing's Olaf is equipped with front-row equipment, so he has no problem resisting the damage of Baron Nash, but it is definitely unrealistic to quickly take down the Baron.

Jace must be called over!

Zhu Xiaolong responded, bought the Small Drinking Demon Knife and continued to push the lane in the bottom lane.

Impat had previously taken a few shots and returned to the city to replenish his health. Now there is a three-level difference between the two, and their combat effectiveness is completely different!

Seeing the demon-drinking knife in Jace's backpack, he had no intention of resisting and stayed in the second tower on the bottom lane waiting for the troops to arrive.

"Brother Long has accumulated a large wave of soldiers and rushed directly to the tower!"

Jace looked so arrogant that if your teammates don't come, I will jump over the tower and kill you.

This move instead left C9 with a choice.

It would be useless to have Karma as an auxiliary. She is five levels behind the second battalion commander. Jace might be able to kill both of them if he holds on with force!

The blind monk was in a similar situation, and the jungler showed up in the lower half at 20 minutes, which would give VG a chance to open the baron.

Finally they came up with a solution.

The duo in the middle lane ran to the bottom lane to help Impat.

Jen, who is developing on the top lane, pushes the lane and then goes to the middle lane to change defense.

The jungle blind monk continued to hide and act according to the opportunity.

In this way, even if VG opens Baron Nash and Impat has teleportation, the C9 duo still has extremely flexible heroes like EZ + Karma and can quickly rush to the dragon pit!

The plan seemed perfect, with no flaws.

But the cable switching of C9 is too rough!

Brother Long pushed the lane too fast. Seeing Impat's life threatened, the C9 duo ran directly to the bottom lane.

However, Gu Chengbin and Xiao Duan also quickly pushed in the middle line of troops, constantly reducing the health of the defense tower.

In this case, Jensen simply took a shortcut.

Get rid of the top line of troops, run through the upper jungle area to the middle, and try to defend the defense tower.

Although he did not blatantly cross the wild area directly, he made a small circle and passed through the narrow road between his red area and the high ground, taking this seemingly safe route.

But he still paid a heavy price.

The clicking trap trigger sound sounded at Snake Girl's feet.

E from Suicide【Devastated】!

The next moment, the fatal long-range shooting was coming!

"Jen started sprinting and twisting her waist...but Imp's ultimate move has already been cast!"

The super bullet blocks Snake's movement.

Olaf emerges from the corner of the side shadow, holding a pair of axes and looking fierce!

"Snake Girl's ultimate move, Petrifying Gaze, was immune to control by Xiao Gu's ultimate move!"

Jen had no choice but to hand over Q [Countercurrent Throw] to dodge the berserker.

Gu Xing continued to pursue, providing Imp with vision.

The second shot hit successfully!

The snake girl who was forced to slow down moved slowly, and Jensen was filled with despair. She watched Olaf get close to him and sent him back to the spring water to recuperate with a few axes!

"C9 mid laner died, the duo is still in the bottom lane, VG chose to go to Dalong Pit to get the ancient resources!" The hallucinogenic mood was high.

Brother Long pushed the troops accumulated in the bottom lane and immediately chose to retreat to the rear and hand over the teleport to the Dalong Pit!

For the C9 duo and top laner, the only skill that can interrupt teleportation is Karma's W Spirit Link.

But it takes a certain amount of time for the spirit chain to take effect.

At first, Karma didn't dare to move forward to the shadow vision ahead, fearing that Jace's set of skills would take him away.

After missing the opportunity, it was no longer possible for him to keep Allen Chu.

"All members of VG gathered in the Dalong Pit and quickly captured this dragon!"

There were no obstacles throughout the entire process.

Only the blind monk of Meteos wanted to come down and grab the dragon, but before he could come down, Victor's ER cooperated with Brother Long and killed him directly!

Along with Baron Nash's scream, I remember shouting on the commentary stage.

“The economy of both parties exceeded 8k, and C9’s decline was fully revealed!”

A big dragon is enough for VG to demolish all buildings outside the enemy's high ground and plunder all wild area resources.

At the end of the duration, the director will show the economic lead obtained by VG from this Baron BUFF.


Now VG’s per capita economic lead has exceeded the 2,000 mark!

Gu Xing went back to make the dead man's plate armor, and added the bird shield from before to complete the three-piece set. The health bars are densely packed!

His matchup level advantage is also as high as 3 levels!

"VG is gathering under the enemy's high ground, and Xiao Gu's Olaf is standing in front, preparing to demolish it!"

Although the lineup does not have any means to start a group.

But he couldn't bear it. Olaf was really thick-skinned and thick-skinned, so if he was pushed in front of him and eaten, the damage would not be in vain!

C9 just couldn't stand it any longer.

If we continue to let go of defense tower resources, we might as well just give the main fort crystals to our opponents!

Impat found a perfect opportunity.

R【Constant temperature burning】!

Rockets rained down and hit three VG generals!

Gu Xing activates the active effect of Bird Shield, providing a layer of shield for himself and his allies.

Rambo's development is really poor, and the damage of his ultimate move is not that high.

Teammates rely on this shield to calmly leave the range of constant temperature burning.

Gu Xingze continued to step into the fire.

He is not afraid.

"What is Xiao Gu doing?" The hallucination is unclear, "Being yourself in the fire?"

I remember smiling and saying, "Is he recovering from his injuries?!"

Gu Xing turns on W [Cruel Strike], relying on the attack speed increase and life stealing to attack the minions to slowly increase their health!

Seeing Olaf ignoring Rambo's ultimate move, there was an uproar in the municipal auditorium!

"The Highland Tower was destroyed, and Jace hit Kalma with a crooked cannon from the side...my old swan!" The remembered oral habit was accidentally exposed, "Is this damage from gods and demons?"

After one shot, Karma's health was reduced to less than 40%!

"VG swarmed up, ready to take advantage of the opponent's support to lose their combat effectiveness and tear them down all the way!"

C9 did not kneel down and wait to lose.

In the end, they tried their best to kill Nami in the lower section, finally opening an opening for their own team.

At 25 minutes and 57 seconds, the C9 base turned into fireworks!

"Congratulations to VG, temporarily leading the Group A standings with two wins and zero losses!" Remember to breathe a little relieved, "Tomorrow they will face the last opponent in this group, SKT!"

Hallucination is as straightforward as ever, "Yes, regardless of whether they will lose to SKT tomorrow, VG currently seems to have a very high probability of qualifying, and the other two teams are not their opponents at all!"

Gu Xing took off his headphones.

I found that the municipal auditorium had been turned into a library, and there was no longer the warm cheers after yesterday's game.

This is normal.

If the North American team loses, the host audience can still applaud and celebrate VG's victory. I'm afraid there is something wrong!

Although Xiao Duan lost his team's only death in the game, the corners of his mouth still rose uncontrollably.

Entering the World Championship for the first time, Duan Deliang is quite satisfied with the excellent results of two consecutive wins in the group of death.

The LPL match live broadcast room is in full swing.

[Holy shit, 2/0 start, what did I see? 】

[Last year IG surrendered, this year VG earned back its face, a great gift for National Day!]

[It’s just a bunch of European and American competition. In the past two years, they almost took off their hoods. The S5 World Championship was so crazy for Europe and the United States. These people don’t really think they can do it, do they? 】

[It has never been such a wonderful start, VG looks like it can really qualify!]

[I’m not interested in losing to SKT tomorrow. If VG can reach the top eight, it will be regarded as completing the guaranteed task and enjoys the right to be exempt from spraying according to law]

As usual, Gu Xing followed his teammates to shake hands with the C9 players. Neaky didn't look good.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with his performance in this game.

A complete loser!

By the time he made the two completed pieces of equipment, Magic Cut and Ice Fist, the team was already at an absolute disadvantage. From beginning to end, Neaky only fought a wave of real team battles, and there was really no room for performance!

More importantly, how can C9, which started with two consecutive losses, make a comeback in the next schedule?

The jungler Meteos is depressed.

Being beaten so miserably by Gu Xing, as a veteran, it is inevitable to lose face!

He was confused and didn't know what to do, but his good brother Hai Zhang came to comfort him and whispered to communicate with him.

Gu Xingze, who won the game, looked satisfied. As soon as he came off the stage with his peripherals in his arms, Yu Shuang pulled him to be interviewed by the LPL competition area.

Following the host to a remote corner of the backstage, he stood in front of an advertising board with the LPL logo and sponsor logo printed on it as requested.

"The first game of the second game day is over. It's an honor to invite VG's jungler Virtue to accept our post-game interview..." Yu Shuang read the opening words skillfully.

Gu Xing held the microphone and greeted the domestic audience in front of the camera.

After introducing myself, I didn’t forget to say, “Long time no see.”

Since the end of the summer finals, Gu Xing has not appeared in the LPL official perspective.

The interview I accepted yesterday was also a main stage interview for a global audience. It has indeed been a while since I met the domestic audience.

"How does the Virtue player evaluate the team's two consecutive victories?" Yu Shuang's eyebrows were full of joy. She was honored to see her team in the competition get off to a perfect start and her morale soared.

"Before the start of the World Championships, I didn't expect to win consecutive victories in this group..." Gu Xing said honestly, "Looking back now, it feels like a bit of an unexpected surprise, but I still haven't finished it."

He really never thought he could win so easily.

Because the results of last year's LPL World Championship were so poor, the audience and the player circle were generally pessimistic.

In addition, news about various training matches before the game was flying all over the place.

Gu Xingzhen took Europe and the United States seriously as equal or even stronger enemies than himself.

Who would have thought that G2 and C9 would be so untouched that they would break at the first touch!

10% off water bottles?

Yu Shuang smiled and continued to ask, "Tomorrow we will meet with SKT, the double champions of the World Championship. Is there anything Xiao Gu wants to say?"

"After all, this is SKT, and we will definitely take it seriously," Gu Xing pondered for a moment before replying, "But I think the opponent should be the one with more pressure. If I play with this mentality, I will try my best to show myself in front of everyone.

100% competitive level.”

As a newbie, he has nothing to lose.

So what if SKT beats VG?

In the eyes of many viewers, it is not news that SKT is winning games now, but losing is. The worse the loss, the more gimmick it is!

There is not much pressure on VG to qualify now, and there is no need to feel any psychological burden when facing SKT!

Before Gu Xing put down the microphone, he added, "I kind of hope that SKT can continue to pick Rambo tomorrow. I want to see its power."

This scene was delivered to the LPL audience through live broadcast.

[Xiao Gu, you have done all the bad things, and you caught Rambo and pulled out the hair of a sheep, right? 】

[I just discovered that SKT’s top laner Ma Run and Impat’s Rambo were both cured by him in the first two terms. Now it’s Duke’s turn!]

[Haha, you still want to catch Duke? SKT is not as easy as he thinks! Virtue catches the top, middle and bottom 96line, isn’t it just casual? 】

[Am I the only one curious whether SKT will choose Rambo tomorrow?]

Gu Xing returned the microphone, politely thanked Yu Shuang and the staff before waving goodbye.

He quickly ran back to his team's lounge, and as soon as he opened the door and walked in, his boss Ding Jun put his arm around his shoulders.

After being interviewed on the main stage, Brother Long couldn't help but praise, "Thanks to you for this game. If I hadn't been helping you, I might not have gained weight!"

Zhu Xiaolong relied on 36.6% of the team's output and a 4936 opponent economic lead to win the first World Championship MVP of his career!

He felt that it was so satisfying to have a jungler like Gu Xing as his teammate.

"Set an incentive goal," Ding Jun said with a smile on his face. "In this World Championship, the MVP of each round will receive a bonus of 10,000 yuan. If you qualify in the group stage, all members of the training department will receive 50,000 yuan!"

He doesn't draw a pie, but actually lays out the rewards.

After careful calculation, hundreds of thousands is not a lot of money for a club of VG's level.

But to Gu Xing and others, it is really not a small number.

After winning against C9, today's game came to an end, and Gu Xing and others had no reason to stay in the venue.

I packed my backpack and headed home, back to the hotel to continue training.

However, the other teams in the three groups have games today, and are either already waiting in the municipal auditorium, or are preparing to leave the training room and head to the venue.

Hongmi can only choose its opponents from Group C, which has a rest today.

He eventually hit it off with H2K.

Throughout the night's training match, Gu Xing and Jankos played inextricably in the jungle.

He has a slight advantage, but nothing too obvious.

Gu Xing feels that Jankos is far more adaptable to the version than the jungler T-K, the No. 1 seed in Europe.

In this era of carnivorous junglers roaming the jungle, Jankos, nicknamed the First Blood King of Europe, can always find early gank angles from various angles and launch extremely ferocious attacks!

"Europe's second seed is really not weak..." Jin Wenhyuk frowned and modified the training match results on the tactical whiteboard.

Together with several previous training matches, VG's winning rate is probably around 60%.

There are advantages, but not that big.

Ultimately, H2K is really good on paper.

Although Yue Lun in the middle was reduced to the background of the double calamity battle, as the mid laner of the KT series, his strength is not bad.

Bottom lane F1ven is also in pretty good shape this year. Just like his hairline, he looks like a strong player.

Like European high-school students, F1ven also has a resounding nickname in China: Otu.

You can tell right away because his hairstyle is very similar to IG’s meritorious assistant Sun Yeyou.

This team relies on double KOs to perform to the fullest, and their performance in training games is outstanding!

"Compared with this, G2 is too weak, isn't it?" Gu Xing habitually spread his hands.

G2, the absolute king of the European division, didn't even get a single kill in front of VG. Compared with H2K, who has come and gone, it does seem a bit weak.

"The version adaptability and mental state are different, there is no comparison," Hongmi fast-forwarded the training game video, still mumbling, "Some players are not bad in training games, but their hands start shaking when they go on the court.

to feedback.”

They haven't played a training match with G2 either, so maybe the King of Europe's offline game level is not low either.

"Zhixun, please pay attention here," Hongmi replied to the main topic, "Don't rush to change lanes after pushing the first tower on the opposite side. Xiao Duan was blind at that time. We should communicate at that time and you can make a lane for him.

Let's go again..."

Mr. Hou has been particularly focused on his recent training.

He gently pinched the bridge of his nose and agreed, and after the review was over, he went to talk to Hongmi alone.

At three o'clock in the morning in San Francisco, Gu Xing finished his training for the day. Now his US server score is close to 1,000 victory points. Looking at all the super accounts, he is also among the highest ranked ones.

Gu Xing can feel that this version is not only suitable for Jankos, but also has certain bonuses for himself!

Even in the qualifying matches, which were less affected by the version, his condition was very hot.

I turned off the computer and was about to go for a run downstairs to exercise. When I turned my head, I saw Mr. Hou still watching the video of tonight's SKT game.

"Aren't you asleep yet?" Gu Xing stretched and asked casually.

"No rush," Mr. Hou calculated the time, "World6 is probably still singing children's songs in the bathroom, and I won't be able to take a shower when I get back."

What a strange habit it is to sing children's songs...

Gu Xing had never lived in the same room with a girl from the world before. This was the first time he heard about such a thing, and he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"Don't work too late, otherwise your lack of energy will affect your condition..." Gu Xing helped squeeze Mr. Hou's thin shoulders.

Easyhoon's professional attitude has always been very good.

He was able to maintain high-intensity training for about 14 hours a day throughout the summer split.

Even though he is incomparable to the rehabilitated Imp, Lee Ji-hoon can be considered a diligent representative of any professional team in the world.

Ever since watching the lottery ceremony, Easyhoon's practice time has been getting longer and longer.

It is different from Gu Sungbin who is used to scoring points in qualifying to prove his status.

Lee Ji-hoon only regards ranking as a tool to maintain his feel.

He prefers to flip through videos to study opponents, and seems to have more potential as a coach.

Gu Xing glanced at Easyhoon's monitor.

In the video, SKT destroyed G2 casually. The process was so easy that the opponent couldn't even find a chance to counterattack!

Although he said in an interview that there will be no psychological pressure against SKT.

But Gu Xing knew what this seemingly unremarkable group match meant to some players.

They have a reason to win the game.


10200 words,15.85W/27W

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