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190: The magic of time difference!

 "Remember our pre-match strategy," Hongmi told the players before leaving, "try to kill the opponent in the mid-term wave!"

Gu Xing gestured to indicate there was no problem.

He took a sip of ice water and took two deep breaths. The cold touch seemed to be transmitted to his limbs and bones.

The originally excited and hot mood calmed down.

From now on, there is no room for any retreat or relaxation for each team.

In each group of waves 5, one player must stop there and watch the winner move on.

Gu Xing entered the knockout round from the death group and had a conversation with Easyhoon before leaving San Francisco.

Now his goal is not just the quarterfinals and semifinals.

My career path has no end in sight.

But Li Zhixun can no longer wait for the future.

He wanted to seize the opportunity and give Easyhoon a happy ending as a professional player.

Gu Xinghui will do his best for this.

Because he knows that this is also to live up to himself.

Li Zhixun seemed to feel something, and turned his head to look at Gu Xing, his eyes were deep and gentle, but also filled with the obsession to win.

Seeing that the contestants were adjusting well, Hongmi felt relieved, took off her headphones and strode to the center of the stage to shake hands with Edgar.

"You can do BP." Edgar's nasolabial folds were obvious when he smiled, "You're good at playing dirty tricks."

He saw that the opponent banned Jin and Hanbing, but released EZ and the policewoman to let him choose one of the two.

The current version of strong shooters all look like tool men.

But it doesn’t really count in a strict sense.

The definition of a tool player is to hang up the line. As long as it does not collapse and frees teammates, it will wait until the team battle period to provide its own functions to the team.

From this point of view, Han Bing and Jin Zai are naturally functional shooters in the category.

But in this World Championship, the gameplay has changed.

Mainly because everyone is fighting for a health tower in the bottom lane, coupled with the strong rise of expendable supports, the duo has begun to compete endlessly!

The shooter's thinking was forced to become line clearing + tower suppression.

Toolman ADC fits this requirement exactly.

Most of them have long hands and have good range-clearing abilities. They can cooperate with support to push the line of troops and then consume them while the opponent is clearing troops.

Use the blood volume lead to create an advantage in the bottom lane bit by bit, and then wear down the first blood tower in the bottom lane, and extract additional economic supplements to develop and widen the equipment gap.

In other words, in the S6 World Championship version, everyone is indeed using the bottom lane tool hero, but the gameplay has nothing to do with the tool hero!

Another reason for the popularity of such gameplay is the change in the overall environment.

Like Ice and Doom, they have been criticized for being difficult to output when facing the front row of tanks.

However, in this version of the World Championship, the number of tanks is extremely scarce, and sometimes I wish I could pick five crispy tanks in a round.

If two top tool guys can't cure the front row, they can't cure your group of back rows with extremely low health resistance?

The change in the overall environment allows tool heroes to produce good output in team battles!

The two exceptional versions of powerful characters, not counting Tool Man, are EZ and the policewoman.

In other words, the heroes released deliberately by Redmi all have quite a few shortcomings.

EZ is strong in the mid-term, but weak in small-scale team battles in the early stage and in the late stage.

The female police officer is too weak in the mid-term.

No matter who Samsung chooses, they are destined to face a shortage of combat effectiveness for a period of time in the early and mid-term!

And these two heroes have a common flaw.

It's hard to accept early disadvantage.

Especially the female police officer, once she falls into a disadvantage in the laning phase, she will basically become a large cannon in the mid-term.

Even if EZ can be slightly stronger, it will lag behind the front line and the strong curve in the mid-term will fluctuate.

This is completely different from tool man.

Like Jin and Han Bing, their original characteristics are their main functions, and they can also help the team when they are at a disadvantage.

Hongmi forces the opponent to choose between Yin Zeruil and the policewoman, and they must use the bottom lane as a breakthrough!

As long as the breasts are less developed, there will be no more noise in the bottom lane of Samsung!

Edgar was like a mirror in his mind and knew exactly what Hongmi was thinking.

But sometimes knowing the other party's plan does not mean that there must be measures to solve it.

He still chose a policewoman for the nurse.

EZ's clearing ability is too poor on its own. No matter what kind of support it is paired with, it will be difficult to take advantage of Zyra, who is locked in the first move by VG.

If you think about it, you will know that Samsung selected EZ + Karma, a duo that is considered a strong laning duo in the usual version, but it is simply unable to take advantage of the current abnormal bot lane environment.

Policewoman + Zyra can ride on their heads and do whatever they want!

Edgar had no choice but to get the policewoman to prevent VG from getting an overly strong bottom lane combination.

He felt that he and Hongmi had not seen each other for two years, and the other party's level had improved by leaps and bounds!

Edgar was the head coach of Samsung Blue and White in the S4 season. At that time, Redmi had just retired as a player from his previous employer and was still ignorant about the coaching industry.

He carefully guided me for a year. Although Hme was good at that time, it was not yet at this level.

"People always make progress...you are great too," Hongmi praised the other party, "Forcing me to choose spider, and then you want to make a double bird shield, right?"

Edgar's BP trap is mainly designed around the jungle.

In the version of the game, four of the strong junglers were blocked by him, so Gu Xing could only choose the Spider Queen.

The price is VG's double AP in the middle and jungle, including Zyra in the support position, which equals three spell damage characters.

The jungler Rek'Sai and the auxiliary Karma in the SSG lineup are all heroes who can cast Bird Shield.

During team battles, it can ensure that the magic resistance aura is always covering everyone in the team, maximizing the role of the bird shield.

Not to mention the equipment also has a group shield, which can effectively resist consumption and burst damage!

Edgar is on the red side where BP is already at a disadvantage, and it can be said that he did his best and got a pretty good lineup.

Korean commentator Plar was still on stage with many emotions.

"The two top coaches of the three star systems began to compete tit-for-tat in the BP session before the game, striving to gain an advantage for their team. Now it's up to the two players to take the lead and win the first game of this 5-game battle!"

The partner next to him echoed, "I just don't know if Samsung can adjust smoothly after the collapse in the second round of the group stage... But no matter what, everyone please cheer for SSG. The glory of the LCK in the second half depends on them to protect it!"

The screen has reached Summoner's Rift.

The ten players left the spring one after another and began to take defensive positions along the river.

Although VG has a strong first-level team, it has no plans to invade by force.

Gu Xing was still communicating with his top laner before sending troops.

"Brother Long, you will perform a show later and try to hoard the troops in the first two waves..."

Allen Chu agreed repeatedly, "Don't worry, Xiao Gu, my acting skills are simply Oscar-level!"

Personality is often closely related to the mutual influence of game style.

For example, single-row ADC players have a higher proportion of irritable brothers, dog-head players have a strong ability to deal with things calmly and can withstand pressure, and clown players have a little bit of it...

Brother Long is proficient in in-game acting skills.

Perhaps it is because he struggled in society for a while before becoming a professional, and the cruel reality gave him this ability.

Compared with newborn calves who enter the professional arena directly after graduating from school, Zhu Xiaolong has a unique advantage.

He started acting as soon as he got online, crossing the line of troops to suppress it. As long as Cuvee's Poppy dared to come up to hear the experience, he would be met with two cannons!

Brother Long himself even gave up three melee soldiers and chose to only gain experience, insisting on suppressing his opponent!

Cuvee was caught off guard by Bruce Chu, who suddenly turned aggressive.

But it didn't take long for him to respond.

Operate Poppy to use E [Heroic Charge] to push forward and hit Jace, thereby shortening the distance from the soldier line and successfully gaining experience.

Then use the passive buckler to withstand the wave of explosions and retreat back calmly.

Allen Chu raised the corners of his mouth.

Cuvee's move to take advantage of the experience was completely unexpected.

After all, I am also an old Bobby and I know what to do when facing Jace in the early stages.

You don’t need soldiers, but you must gain experience!

Otherwise, once the level is dropped, Jace will bully him like crazy.

But what Zhu Xiaolong wants is Cuvee to come and gain experience!

He had just attacked Poppy, attracting the hatred of three-star minions, while his own line of troops was still attacking the enemy minions.

In a short time, the VG troop line will be able to take advantage of the situation and accumulate them to advance into the upper tower of SSG!

This move of hoarding troops is quite natural and seems perfect.

It was Poppy who came up and insisted on eating the experience of small soldiers, so the army line was hoarded. What does it have to do with me, Zhu Xiaolong?

Gu Xing was extremely satisfied when he saw this.

Start from the Demon Swamp Frog Camp in the upper half of the area. After brushing the blue BUFF, prepare to move to the lower half.

The Spider Queen's speed three is a conventional route, and the benefits of catching people for confrontation are obviously higher than that of clearing the jungle.

He asked Zhu Xiaolong to stock up troops and enter the SSG tower. He wanted the Samsung players to think that he would go to the road to help Jace establish an advantage in the first wave of confrontation!

Before leaving the upper half of the area, Gu Xing also inserted the jewelry eyelets on his body into the middle of the upper river through the wall.

In this way, when Brother Long inserts his ward in the triangular grass, he will be able to block the two routes for Leader An to get on the road, leaving only the possibility for Ambition to counter-crouch after ascending the tower on SSG.

As long as Jace has a flash, it will be difficult to die if he is prepared in advance!

Gu Xing ensured Zhu Xiaolong's safety, then transformed into a spider form and moved quickly towards the lower half of the wild area.

"The opposite side, Karma, inserted a ward in the triangular grass on the bottom lane. It should be a protective ward position..." Xiao Duan informed Gu Xing in the voice message.

Samsung's bottom lane policewoman + Karma is obviously better than the VG duo in grabbing second place.

By handing over all their Q skills, the two of them can basically clear out the ordinary army line.

The SSG duo with line rights routinely went to the lower triangular grass near the VG half to set up their vision, maintaining due vigilance.

Gu Xing brushed off the red BUFF and upgraded to level three. He turned into a spider and came to the top of Xiaolong Pit. He turned on E [Coiled Silk] to peek into the dragon pit.

The refresh time of the first dragon in the current version is 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and it has just arrived in the canyon.

Using this as a medium, he fell into the dragon's pit through the partition wall and looked at each other face to face with the water dragon.

Not attracting any hatred, the water dragon flapped its wings in boredom and lay down to sleep, letting Gu Xing's Spider Queen leave the dragon pit.

"Little Gu opened E in spider form to bypass the vision of the three-star inserted in the triangular grass." I remember keeping an eye on Gu Xing's movements, "It looks like he is going to attack in the bottom lane!" Since the SG duo had to grab the second level at the beginning,

Therefore, Breast's jewelry eye is placed in the line grass. Three minutes ago, there was only one anti-gank eye.

Gu Xing avoided it and walked in the blind spot of SSG's vision!

Ruler and Corejj are still relying on the hero's early advantage to press the line and consume.

What a godsend!

Gu Xing entered the sight of the SSG duo from the lower river, turned into a human form and continued to close the distance, first using his basic attack point to hit the ler!

The burning effect of the red BUFF sticks to the policewoman, making her move slowly.

The bottom lane combination currently only has two levels.

Most of the first two levels of the female police officer are QW. Without the displacement of E [90-caliber rope net], it is difficult for her to escape the clutches of the spider!

Samsung bottom lane panicked.

Corejj quickly put the shield and acceleration of E [Encouragement] on his shooting glove, hoping to help him escape smoothly.

Upon seeing this, Gu Xing immediately changed his target.

His next basic attack hit Karma, and Corejj, who had accelerated protection skills handed over to his teammates, was struggling!

"A small section of Zyra flashed forward, and the entangled root went straight to Karma!"

Corejj quickly retreated.

But in Gu Xing's eyes, he who had handed over his only displacement skill at this time was the next piece of meat on the chopping board!

After closing the distance, E [Cocoon] successfully hit.

Karma was stunned and unable to move!

Gu Chengbin made up for the output, and Gu Xing handed over all his WQ skills, turning into a spider shape to bite him!

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Behind, in the line grass closer to the three-star defense tower, a void escape beast emerged!

"Xiao Gu's combo from circling to gank was really smooth, but Leader An was squatting behind him!" I remember feeling heartbroken.

Amid the exclamations in the Chicago Theater, Reksai did not hesitate to use Flash + W [Breaking Out] to knock the Spider Queen into the air!

Corejj's Karma regained freedom from the cocoon and shot Q [Soul Flame], aiming directly at Gu Xing.

The nurse also stopped pretending to retreat at the same time, and operated the policewoman to place a bear trap at Gu Xing's feet!

The clip has an effective period of 1 second after being deployed, which coincides with Rek'Sai's knock-up time.

As a result, as soon as the Spider Queen landed, she had to step on the trap and take another headshot!

The moment after setting up the trap, Breast Ler threw out Q [Peacemaker], canceling the skill of the trap and swinging back.

The three-star players in the jungle are obviously prepared. If they want to have a full burst in a short time, they must be the first to kill the spider in seconds!

After Gu Xing finished eating the output of the three of them, he only had one hundred points of health left.

E [Pansi] was used when jumping into the Xiaolong Pit, but its cooling has not improved yet.

And he knew that even if he handed over the flash, he would not be able to escape the super long range of the policewoman.

Gu Xing knew in his heart that he would be killed in this wave.

He simply didn't think about escaping. He used his basic attack and then followed up with spider form W to reset the level A, pouring all the damage onto Karma.

"Xiao Gu's life was taken by the nurse!" Zeyuan shouted loudly, "Imp will kill Corejj, and the two sides will fight 1 for 1!"

"It's really not profitable for VG to switch from assistant to jungler," I remember looking regretful, still taking stock of the gains and losses of both sides, "not to mention that the policewoman got first blood and double BUFF, and the subsequent laning suppression will be even more exaggerated!"

The benefits of a long-handed monster like the policewoman getting the red BUFF are too high, and she can torture her opponent infinitely just by relying on basic attacks.

Even if SSG pays the price of one more flash, it will definitely make a profit!

"And Chief An can take advantage of the time when Xiao Gu is killed in battle to kill a group of VG's stone beetles!"

When the Samsung supporters in the Korean live broadcast room saw Am Bition's successful counter squat, they immediately showed off their power in the chat channel.

[Sure enough, Am's forcing is still scheming! Being forced into the jungle position by Sang Hyuk is really a good move]

[Where are the bratty fans of SKT, come over quickly and see how Samsung beats VG!]

[I said before that SKT was the weakest among the three LCK teams this time, and some people actually contradicted me. Now you know I was wrong, right? 】

[VG wanted to order Cai Ler before, but their bottom lane was brought down by Virtue!]

Gu Xing frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.

He and his teammates have tried their best to induce Samsung, making the opponent think that they will launch an offensive against Bobby on the road.

Why did Leader An go to the bottom lane and squat?

Edgar in the background smiled happily and high-fived the substitute players and staff on the side.

During his time in Chicago, he was not idle and studied a lot of VG's system.

Among them, Jess is the most representative.

Edgar found that VG's Jess system was completely different from ROX and other teams.

After getting Jayce, other teams like to pour resources into the top half, creating space for Piltover's second battalion commander to exert his pressure on the line.

Rely on Jess to break the tower and advance, and use the top lane advantage to revitalize the whole team.

After VG got Jayce, Gu Xing still rarely helped in the top lane, with the exception of the game against C9. Edgar suspected that Gu Xing was not trying to help Jayce at that time, but simply disliked the opponent Rambo.

In most cases, Zhu Xiaolong's Jace develops smoothly in the lane, and success is considered a success if he can control the lane!

Gu Xing will still make a fuss in the lower half, opening up gaps for the enemy to gain an advantage.

At this time, Brother Long's Jace will respond to the request of his teammates, use the lane rights to teleport first, and go to the other two lanes to help his teammates demolish a tower, thus starting the lane transition period.

Often during this wave of teleportation, Zhu Xiaolong could get one or two kills and an additional first-blood tower economy, instantly establishing a lead of about a thousand in the matchup.

In the mid-term, rely on the damage burst point of the armor-piercing armor, go to the frontal battlefield and use the enhanced cannon Poke to consume, and cover your teammates to push down the tower.

Edgar repeatedly watched VG's Jess game video and found this pattern.

He informed his jungler about this.

Only then did Master An become alert.

Seeing that Bruce Chu was playing Jess in the top lane at the beginning, pretending to be aggressive and seemed to be hoarding lanes into the tower to cooperate with the jungler to kill, An Bixin went straight to the bottom lane and counter-crouched without saying anything.

He concluded that Gu Xing had no interest in going out to catch Bobby!

This time, counter-crouching can be said to be very profitable for Leader An. It counter-attacks VG's stone beetle and creates a vision to prevent Gu Xing from going crazy and going to the bottom lane after resurrecting.

Go back and give the blue BUFF to the crown, and after clearing the second half of the area, return to the city to resupply equipment.

"Xiao Gu's gold coins are very embarrassing. For one assist and three groups of camps, the money including system jumps is only over 400. He can't buy a green jungle knife at all!"

I remember being a little anxious, "In the jungle matchup between Spider and Rek'Sai, the success rate of the first attack is very important. Leader An has established a lead in equipment and level, which will put great pressure on Xiao Gu's jungle!"

Gu Xing chose Dark Seal and True Eye, and went directly to the upper half of the area to farm.

He also knew that Master An had a considerable matchup advantage after reverse squatting, and he had to find ways to make up for it.

"I'm sorry...how long can you last?" Gu Xing's tone was full of apology.

"It's no problem for the time being," Gu Chengbin is quite optimistic, "He doesn't have many advantages."

After all, Corejj was also killed in the battle in the lower field. Just now, Ruler wanted to come up to attack him alone, but was consumed by him and Xiao Duan, leaving only about half of his health left.

In this way, even if the assistant Karma is resurrected and rushes to the bottom lane, the ler will not dare to suppress people unscrupulously!

"Then I'll withdraw the money later." Gu Xing said firmly.

He made up his mind that since he suffered a loss in the bottom lane, he must regain his position!

Gu Xing deduced Leader An's course of action in his mind.

Because the opponent does more jungle clearing, the node for clearing the jungle in the second round will definitely start later than you do.

However, both sides still follow the route from top to bottom.

This means that Gu Xing is forced to fight less wild monsters, in exchange for being able to act a step faster next time!

He must take advantage of this time difference to do something.

At first, Gu Xing thought of brushing down from the top half and taking the lead in the bottom lane.

However, the SSG duo saw traces of Gu Xing through the ward position of An Bu in the lower half of the VG area before the leader An.

"Ruler started to push the line forcefully, planning to push a large number of minions into the VG and down the tower, and make a wave of push back to ensure his own safety!"

Xiao Duan and Imp took advantage of the opportunity for the other party to hand over their skills to the soldiers, and immediately attacked Corejj with a fierce output.

In order to push back the troops, Corejj lost nearly 40% of his health!

But he still thinks it's worth it.

As long as the pushback line is completed, the SSG duo can safely hang up and connect under the tower.

Gu Xing wanted to attack the bottom lane, so the only way left was to jump over the tower.

Moreover, it will take some time to wait for the troop line to be pushed back.

The time difference that Gu Xing had to seize it would be lost in the process of pushing back the troops.

When he is ready to freeze his hands, Leader An will catch up with the jungle progress and come to the bottom lane again to counter squat.

When Gu Xing dares to cross the tower, the only thing that will greet him is explosion!

Gu Xing also understood Samsung’s plan.

The Eagle Eye BUFF he had just obtained from punishing F4 allowed him to see the ward set up by Leader An. Knowing that he had been discovered by the opponent, he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​attacking the bottom lane.

He eliminated the ward position and chose to circle back to the upper half to continue farming. During this period, he helped the Marquis in the middle to organize a wave of troops.

Li Zhixun was very comfortable in the middle. Victor relied on Q [Siphon Energy] in the early stage to gain the upper hand in blood exchanges. Leader An didn't come to cause trouble, and Crown could only stay behind and passively hit the target.

It took Gu Xing about six or seven seconds to handle the line of troops, and he did not forget to send a signal to the top lane when leaving the middle lane.

"Brother Long, be careful. Reksai on the opposite side should be in the upper half of the area soon, and he might catch you."

The only good news is that Leader An handed over Flash when he counter-crouched in the bottom lane.

Rek'Sai's ganking ability has been greatly weakened.

As long as Allen Chu pays a little attention, his life will basically not be in danger.

"Headmaster An currently has no plan to launch an offensive in the lane. He is just working hard on farming. It seems that he will catch up with the progress of jungle farming!" Zeyuan stood from the perspective of God and saw it very clearly.

Gu Xing went to the middle road to help deal with the troop line and was delayed for a short period of time.

And Anbixin's Rek'Sai made a jungle knife after returning to the city. In addition, the jungle clearing efficiency is already much higher, and there are tunnels that can shuttle between each group of camps.

One positive and one negative, the jungle clearing progress of both junglers has been tied!

This is good news for Mr. An.

He only needs to look at his progress in clearing the jungle to guess which group of camps Gu Xing has reached and stay vigilant at the right time.

"The game time was approaching 6 minutes, and both junglers began to brush their third-round camps from above..."

After Gu Xing finished eating the three wolves, he heard Xiao Duan's announcement.

"The female police officer on the opposite side started pushing the line into the tower again, and was ready to continue pushing back."

Ruler obviously learned about Gu Xing's general progress in clearing the jungle from Leader An.

As long as you push back the army line again and again, the spider will not even think about attacking the bottom lane!

This was the information Gu Xing was waiting for.

He previously wanted to take advantage of the time difference to do things directly.

However, Leader An used his eyes to block the route, so he had no choice but to give up.

Gu Xing therefore found another way.

He deliberately went to the middle to handle the troop line, allowing An Bixin to catch up with the progress of clearing the jungle, making the opponent paralyzed and careless, thinking that his route was under control.

But now, Gu Xing went straight to the bottom lane after clearing the three wolves, without even looking at the beak bird and stone beetle, indirectly creating a gank space!

Leader An is brushing the lower half of SSG, but he doesn’t know that Gu Xing doesn’t brush the jungle at all!

"Xiao Gu created an artificial time difference and reached the bottom lane first!" I remember looking excited, "The SSG duo was really unprepared this time!"

The three-star bot lane just places eye positions in the triangular grass and rivers as usual.

Gu Xing knew this information, but he didn't go down from the dragon pit like he did when he first took action.

Instead, launch a surprise attack directly from behind the tower along the line of troops!

The Spider Queen suddenly appeared at the end of the field of vision, catching the three-star duo who were pushing the line into the tower off guard!

"The spider used E [Coiled Silk] to land on the SSG soldier and successfully got close!"

The first reaction of the Samsung duo was to run away quickly.

But Corejj entered the tower twice to ensure the smooth push of the line to create a pushback line, and the VG duo lost a lot of health!

Now Gu Xing's target is exactly at him!

"You withdraw first, I have a flash and can cut off the back for you!" Leler said his plan.

Now that he has the double displacement of rope net and flash, it is not difficult to escape.

Corejj knew that his HP was lower and he didn't dodge yet, so he didn't refuse anything.

Throw the inner flames backwards to try to slow down the opponent, and quickly move to the bottom of your own tower.

"The nurse has always been between his support and the spider. It's difficult for Xiao Gu to do anything!"

Remember feeling like something was wrong.

Gu Xing grabbed a chance to take the initiative, but the SSG duo was harder to kill than expected!

If the opponent continues to drag him down like this, not to mention whether Corejj will return to the tower, Chief An will rush to help!

There wasn't much time left for Gu Xing.

Yin Lisi's W [Self-Exploding Spider] cannot hit Corejj from across the mountain, and will be blocked by the nipple in front of her.

Even if Gu Xing puts W to the side, then switches to spider form and uses Q skill to pull the self-destructing spider over and detonate it, it will be useless.

On the way to Corejj, the self-exploding spider will still hit the nipple and explode.

Without skill damage, Corejj will be able to escape with remaining health!

It is also unrealistic to directly hand over E [Cocoon] to try to immobilize Kalma.

This skill's hand-raising movement is very exaggerated, and it can't dodge E. The nurse can react and help block it.

Nowadays, the slow movement speed of Karma Q [Inner Flame] is left behind. Without flash, it is difficult to keep up with the output control.

Even if Gu Xing forms a cocoon and traps the nurse, he alone cannot kill the policewoman with a relatively healthy blood volume instantly!

At the critical moment, Gu Xing responded decisively and quickly.

The spider E flash will not change the direction of the cocoon, and it cannot cross the nipple to control the Corejj behind it.

Flashing E will give you time to react.

But spiders can dodge with W!

Gu Xing handed over Flash the moment he released the self-destructing spider.

A golden light flashed.

With almost no reaction time, the three-star duo saw Spider Queen Yin Lisi pass over the policewoman and appear in front of the residually-blooded Karma!

As soon as the self-exploding spider appeared, it exploded directly on Karma!

At the same time, the damage from Spider-Man's Q also appeared on Karma, reducing him to a thread of blood in the blink of an eye!

"My old swan!" I remember shouting loudly in excitement at the commentary stage, "Little Gu W dodged past the policewoman to deal damage, and Xianxin turned around and threw the cocoon!"

Gu Xing knew that Karma couldn't escape from his grasp, so he simply threw away all the skills in his human form, then transformed into a spider form and bit Corejj to death in one bite!

"Little Duan Zyela applied the entangling root at the extreme position, and Ler reacted in time and used the rope net to avoid the confinement control!"

However, a small skill activates the seeds to generate plants, and the whipping still slows down to the policewoman.

Looking at the three VG people in the field who were eyeing them eagerly, Nüler quickly handed over the Flash Escape!

"With one death and one escape, VG not only made up for the bottom lane disadvantage in this wave, but also earned the policewoman's flash!"

Remember to shout loudly, "Not only that, Samsung's original plan to push the wave of soldiers into the lower tower of VG did not succeed. Instead, this wave of soldiers was firmly stuck in front of the tower by Imp!"

"Xiao Gu helps the team stabilize its position again!"


Recently, it was said that there is a problem with the content of this chapter. Only the author and I can see what has been posted. It will be fixed in two days.

7400 words, 3.15w.

This chapter has been completed!
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