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Chapter 243 243: Change is a good thing!

 Amid a sudden wave of cheers from the audience, everyone in VG stepped onto the stage.

"It's so popular..." Kuro murmured as he looked at the various VG support light boards glittering under the stage.

"If you put it in, it's basically the same influence as SKT's victory in South Korea in the S3 season!" Gu Xing did not forget to wave to the audience, causing another burst of noise!

Since winning the championship, he has gradually accepted his extremely high popularity in the LPL division and is enjoying it.

Looking around, Gu Xing’s supporters alone accounted for half of the audience!

"It's like a fan meeting," Jack muttered. "Brother Xing is also very popular with the audience."

"There's no way it's like this," Gu Xing said very proudly, "Back then, we were envious of other players for having so many supporters. Now, after thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, it's my brother's turn to become extremely popular!"

Xiao Duan smiled shyly when he heard the words.

In the absolute jungle version, Gu Xing not only won the first championship and FMVP, he could even be said to have carried without stretching his hips throughout the entire game.

The number of supporters attracted is naturally not a small number!

Moreover, his face and personality really added a lot of hidden points. Nosuke was the only one left in the five-person group of VG to win the championship. It can be said that most of the championship fans were sucked away by Gu Xing!

Shi Senming, who had not yet taken the stage, could not hide his envy when he heard the roaring and tsunami-like shouts.

He has been fighting in the secondary league for a year. Although YM has a lot of traffic thanks to its boss PDD, it is still an LSPL team and does not attract much attention except for promotion and relegation.

Now that he is standing on the stage of the top league, he will face the top team in the current circle in the first game. It is basically unrealistic to say that he has no worries in his heart.

I felt panicked, and my forehead kept dripping with sweat, causing my bangs to stick to my skin.

"Shi Senming, don't be nervous," Xiangguo noticed the expression of his assistant and comforted his good brother, "Just treat this game like an ordinary LSPL regular season game, it's no big deal!"

They both belong to the Seven Wolves and had a good relationship before Xiao Ming joined RNG.

When Shi Senming heard Liu Shiyu's words, his eyes filled with warmth, and his originally panicked heart calmed down a little.

The next second I heard Xiang Guo add another sentence.

"After all, no one can expect you to beat the champion support, right? If you don't get killed in the line, it will be a success!"

Shi Senming almost couldn't catch his breath.

Xiaohu pinched the drake's voice and was quacking happily, dangling the light yellow tactical goggles, "Liu Shiyu, if you can speak, speak more!"

Hearing his teammates' conversation, Uzi's face turned dark.

What kind of line kill...

How could I be killed by JackeyLove line?

It wasn't until he noticed that top laner Letme's reaction was not quite right that he asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

Letme paused.

"My hands are shaking."

Uzi lowered his gaze and found that Letme's palms were trembling slightly, as if he was getting no feedback from his teammates.

"There's really no need to be afraid. Think about how we won the training matches in the past two weeks..." He tried to comfort him.

However, the effect is minimal.

Letme has not fully adapted to the change in her identity.

Yan Junze, whose real name is Yan Junze, played in the LPL in 2015, but his performance was poor and he was demoted to the secondary league after Looper arrived.

During the transfer period, because the Korean player left the team, RNG couldn't find a better top laner, so he was brought back to the first team.

The first game back in the LPL was against one of the top top laners in the S6 season. It was understandable that Letme felt panicked.

"On stage!" Mala Xiang Guo reminded his teammates, pushing Letme to take the lead and move forward.

Yan Junze took a deep breath. Now he could only calm down and step onto the stage to welcome the warm yellow light from the dome.

Backstage director room.

Shen Guanshan withdrew his gaze from the giant LED screen hanging on the wall, where the scene of the two teams' debut was being played just now.

Looking back, I saw that there were many staff crowded into the room, and there were more than a dozen computers densely packed on the long table.

"I stress it again!" Zuo Yi's bald spot on the Mediterranean Sea was particularly bright under the light, "Today is the first day of our spring competition. Everyone will work according to the previously formulated plan and there will be no room for error!"

He was in charge of the "Ace Commentator" column last year and also dealt with Gu Xing.

With the establishment of Shiquan, Zuo Yi led the team to join the company at lightning speed, and was successfully promoted to director of broadcasting based on his merit and qualifications.

However, the department he took over was not very complete - one of the members who had been in charge of OB since the establishment of LPL also became a middle-level manager of Shiquan, resulting in a shortage of people under his command.

"Xiao Shen and Xiao Gu, you two are responsible for OB4 together," Zuo Yi warned, "OB3 is an old employee, and your work content is the same. This way, it is safer to bring in new people just in case...the responsibilities are non-stop. Cut the screen to observe the arena, observe or predict the outbreak of battle in advance, and then report the position to OB2!"

"OB2 is responsible for replaying the battle scenes and organizing the points reported by you. After screening, they will be summarized for OB1!"

OB1 is the main OB. It is operated by the most experienced director, who coordinates the overall situation and coordinates all parties. He also performs fancy operations such as storyboarding. The picture presented is the live broadcast of the event that the audience sees.

The two women nodded quickly and agreed.

The status of the four OB machines is sorted by number. As interns, the work they are responsible for is naturally not too important.

Gu Pan quickly tapped the keyboard and followed the instructions to log in to the OB machine's account on the competition server.

Then enter the password to enter the custom room of ‘Dominion_LPL_RNG_VG_GAME1.1’.

Compared with last year, the difference is that the abbreviation of PB of Banana Project has been replaced by the English name of Dominion.

Gu Pan moved himself to the spectator seats and waited for the players to come in.

Shen Guanshan's fingers caressed the keyboard and got used to the operation.

"F is to switch the fog of war, F1 is the blue square perspective..."

Two days before the official internship, Shen Guanshan went through director training and became familiar with the common key positions of director.

She has a very good memory and will never forget it after reading it once.

But the shortcomings are also obvious.

Clumsy hands.

When playing ranked matches, my hand speed is already very slow, and I rely purely on consciousness to score points. If I'm a broadcaster, my fingers will probably be half a beat slower.

"Just let me do the operation," Gu Pan saw the situation and took over the keyboard without hesitation, "If there is any situation in Guanshan, just tell me directly, and I will be responsible for cutting over and giving you the key information..."

Her play styles are completely opposite to those of her friends.

It's all about pure hand speed.

When the two of them operate an OB machine together, they complement each other perfectly!

Shen Guanshan also knew that it was the most appropriate thing to do for Gu Pan, so he sat obediently and stared at the screen.

When I saw VGVirtue appear on the red square, I felt a strange feeling in my heart.

What is it like to watch the game from the backstage OB perspective?

"Cut the camera to Brother Xing," Zuo Yi was yelling at the employee responsible for the live players and the audience, "Netizens have designated that they are willing to watch!"

Gu Xing's face appeared on the big screen in the studio, and the reaction of the audience recorded by the camera nearby was very obvious. Most of them were shaking their cheering sticks excitedly.

It can only be said that Zuo Yi has a good grasp of the audience's psychology.

Gu Xing could hear the cheers from the audience, but he didn't know that he was the culprit.

He was still staring at his monitor and trying his best to warm the baby.

When I saw the uniform OBs in the custom room spectator seats, I knew that there was my girlfriend and sister among them.

It does feel weird.

In the chat channel, the two bottom lane teams were still typing words to greet each other.

Words sent by Jack are usually automatically blocked by the system with asterisks.

Shi Senming didn't give in too much, and his typing speed to fight back was extremely fast!

Han Yuan was shocked by the fighting between several pianists.

Smeb was still adapting to his new prefix, when he saw the messages in the chat channel rushing by like water, and he was dumbfounded.

"Does Jie Kuo have any grudge against the opponent's support?" he curiously asked the jungler next to him.

These words brought Gu Xing's soul back.

"No, they have a good relationship. It's very common for them to quarrel when they have nothing to do." Gu Xing flicked the headset, "Can the referee help me adjust the voice of my team member?"

The event does not use game voice, but a separate real-time communication device to maintain stability and privacy.

The control lies with the referee, and players must apply for adjustments.

The referee is now very enthusiastic about the competition area, and no one wants to be in trouble with him. "If you need anything, just say it!"

"Turn down the volume of the duo in the earphones of the top and mid laners, and raise my voice a little higher." Gu Xing gave a clear request.

This is a new method that he and Hongmi discussed.

The middle and upper two are not very fluent in Chinese now, and it is easy for them to misunderstand instructions and information reports.

Therefore, Gu Xing lowered the volume of the duo that could be heard in the middle and upper sections, so that Xiao Duan and Jack could communicate with each other as little as possible to affect their teammates.

Leave your own voice as the commander, so that the middle and upper people will not be confused.

After adjusting the player's volume, the referee stood behind the player's seat and waited for the director's next instruction.

"Cut the promotional video and show the commentary footage after it's finished!" Zuo Yi gave the notice in an orderly manner.

The screen at the scene instantly went dark.

Then there was a burst of dazzling reflection - the shining silver light from the Silver Dragon Cup.

As the camera gradually zooms out, a white palm holding the trophy is revealed, with clearly defined joints and five slender fingers.

Gu Xing's face appeared again, instantly causing a burst of noise from the scene!

At the back of the screen are four VG teammates.

Smeb is quite fierce when he has a serious face, and his figure, which is considered strong in the e-sports circle, looks similar to that of Gu Xing's protector.

"It is said that the dragon slayer will eventually become the evil dragon. After winning the championship, VG seems destined to become the target of challenge," Gu Xing's narration sounded, "But I think the era of VG has just begun..."

"Because I looked around and didn't see the next dragon slayer."

When he said this, Gu Xing's voice revealed endless arrogance and confidence.

Five VG players gathered around the Silver Dragon Cup.

Gu Xing stood in the middle with his hands spread out and looked at everything with disdain.

Shen Guanshan, who was in the director's room backstage, saw him starting to act awkwardly and pursed his lips to suppress a smile.

There is a computer nearby with Douyu live streaming on.

Usually it is used to watch the feedback from netizens in the live broadcast room to see if there are any sound or screen broadcast problems.

Now you can see the real-time barrage of the promotional video.

【Crazy crazy crazy!】

[Brother Xing’s unruly expression is really well acted]

[My acting skills are really good, why don’t you go make a movie?]

[It’s better to be supported by peers. I strongly suggest that in the future, brother Xing and the factory director will be responsible for the C position of the promotional video, and the rest of the people will stay back!]

Not only did the official put VG at the beginning of the video, but they were also generous with the length - the entire length of the promotional video is less than a minute and a half, and the video of the VG team alone takes 20 seconds!

The camera switches to show Uzi walking in a passage built by countless mirrors.

The video of RNG being eliminated by VG in last summer's competition was being played in the mirror.

Uzi punched hard, as if to crush doubts and the pain of past failures.

"The RNG after replacing it with fresh blood will only be stronger," Uzi raised his eyes and stared at the camera. "It will surprise all those who look down on us."

The number of RNG fans who came to the scene today is not small. Although the scale is not comparable to that of VG, it can still create a lot of momentum!

A new face appears.

His body is thin and his shoulders are slightly narrow, which makes his head quite large, almost as big as Jack's.

The difference is that the distance between the eyes is a bit wider.

Wearing an EDG uniform, he has an ID printed on the back of his neck.


"Virtue didn't see the Dragon Slayer...but when I came, the situation might be completely different," Iboy said. "EDG will regain its glory!"

He is the supernova ADC that Mingkai longs for.

From the official first "Club Trainee Draft Plan" in 2016, which is also the youth training camp.

Known for its quick response and very gorgeous operation.

Immediately, Clearlove7 appeared on the scene and amused netizens with a beautiful and somewhat embarrassing roundhouse kick.

Through his signature dull eyes, it can be seen that Ming Kai was taking pictures with great care and seriousness.

777 was viewed crazily on the barrage, and the screen was completely refreshed in the chat channel in just one breath!

The last scene of the promotional video is fixed on the Silver Dragon Cup guarded by Gu Xing and his teammates, completing a wave of closing echoes.

"Welcome to the live broadcast of the 2017 LPL Spring Split," Wawa's iconic loud voice echoed through every corner, "This is the Super Brand Plaza, the new LPL venue!"

"A new venue means a new atmosphere," Miller added with a smile, "We also welcome a new season and a new version of the ship today!"

"That's right, I don't know how you are adapting to the change of assassin's delayed burst..."

There were rustling curses in the audience, obviously greetings to the designer's family.

Many players like the thrill of the assassin's knife tip licking blood. Every time they clean up the enemy's back row like chopping melons and vegetables, they feel so good that they can't wait to reach the sky.

Now that the revision is over, there are still two scoundrel characters, Poodle and Mantis, who are domineering in the ranked matches.

But Assassin players are very dissatisfied.

The burst cannot be fired instantly, the two heroes are almost like warriors!

Nothing like Assassin's Souls!

Babyface continued without changing his expression, "Apart from the delayed outbreak and changes to the jungle, another crucial point is the appearance of the new hero Camille!"

At the beginning of the S7 season, the designers used a powerful new character to add some fun to the canyon.

Qinggang Shadow Camille instantly became the darling of players when she appeared on the scene.

The skill combines real damage, recovery, control, displacement and other advantages. From the current perspective, it is undoubtedly a hero with perfect mechanics!

Moreover, Qinggang Shadow was still a numerical monster when he first came out.

With the power of three phases, it is no dream for her to kick out thousands of real damage in the later stage!

"The Qinggangying on the road, plus the poodle in the jungle and the mid laner Enchantress, are all monsters..." Miller sighed with emotion.

"There are also Verus in the bottom lane and support Zyra," Wawa counted with his fingers, "To be honest, the 7.1 version currently used in the spring split has supermodel heroes in every lane!"

Verus's enhancement is simple and crude.

The attack speed effect and duration of the passive [Desire for Revenge] have been increased, and the passive percentage damage of Ruined has been increased by 2%.

Riot just forcibly cultivates a big daddy for the shooter position through numerical enhancement!

As for Zyra, she was quite popular in the S6 World Championship.

In the version update before the start of the Spring Split, the Bird Shield was weakened and no longer provided a magic resistance aura for surrounding allies. It also no longer had health and cooldown reduction properties.

This is undoubtedly a major benefit to Zyra.

During the World Championship, Karma and Nami could barely compete with her because of the bird shield!

Adds a halo effect of 15 points of magic resistance to friendly groups, which can effectively protect teammates and reduce the output caused by Zyra!

Now that the bird shield is weakened, Zyra will naturally gain momentum!

At the same time, the ice staff has also undergone a round of changes - the price is cheaper, but the health value and magic power attributes have been weakened, and the slowing effect has also been cut to 20%.

In short, this attribute has become completely unsuitable for mid-lane mages!

But for the auxiliary, it is a huge enhancement!

They don't have the extra money to buy equipment, so long as it's cheap and practical.

The price of Zyra's most suitable large mask has also been reduced by 100 gold coins.

Multiple factors directly pushed Zyra to the altar!

"Fortunately, the 5-Ban mechanism will be implemented in the spring competition this year," Wawa said happily. "Otherwise, the strong characters would not be able to be banned at all!"

Five positions, five supermodel heroes.

Put it in 3Ban mode, it is impossible to imagine what kind of chaos the canyon will become!

The director cut the camera to the players' seats of both teams, and the subtext was very obvious.

Miller quickly turned the topic to the two teams.

"The defending champion VG is facing the dilemma of mid-to-upper retirement and ADC leaving the competition during the transfer period. However, their most successful thing is to retain Nosuke from the championship-winning lineup, especially Xing Ge!"

He said he was still not used to Gu Xing's new nickname.

The person who had been called Xiao Gu for half a season suddenly became Brother Xing, so naturally he couldn't get used to it right away.

"At present, it seems that the status of the jungle is still not low, which is also a big advantage for Brother Xing," Wawa took over the topic, "The bottom lane is dominated by Zyra, a world of expendable soft assists, which fits Xiao Duan's style very well.


"What seems uncertain at the moment is whether the newly introduced Smeb and Kuro can quickly integrate into the team and overcome the two difficulties of communication and style change!"

The screen shifted to the RNG player box, and Miller was talking non-stop.

"RNG's problem is the upper limit. The strength of double C and jungler is absolutely no problem in the LPL. The key is how to bring the two brothers Shangfu into the team and quickly cultivate them into talents!"

When the camera focused on the two pairs, the doll suddenly burst out laughing.

"Did you think of something happy?" Miller teased his partner.

"The combination of the two bottom lanes is quite related," the fire of gossip in the baby's heart is burning, "Prince Duan was originally known as the strongest dog concubine, and now he is facing Uzi in VG; now RNG's assistant Xiao Ming was also VG's JackeyLove

The royal support in the rankings!"

"The two teams in the bottom lane are bringing their new loves to fight against their old loves!" He also started to play awkwardly.

The audience below the stage burst into laughter as if they were watching the excitement.

"BP has begun!"

Amidst the sonorous and powerful crisp sound, the new BP panel was presented to everyone!

Zuo Yi repeatedly confirmed that there was no problem, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Most of the BP panels that the audience can see are UI interfaces added by the directors.

After all, the players competed in the competition server, and the BP screen they used was unremarkable, almost exactly the same as in the qualifying match - of course, some small functional special effects were castrated by the national server.

The 5Ban mode is newly launched, so naturally a new UI solution is required.

Zuo Yi was afraid that something would go wrong.

Shen Guanshan glanced at the live broadcast room.

The RNG on the blue side has disabled the poodle.

"VG backhandedly sent Qinggangying, the strongest character in the version, to the ban position!"

Camille's strength lies in her ability to break through at a single point and run directly through it.

Even though Riot encountered an emergency numerical adjustment in version 7.1, the perfect mechanism still allowed Qinggangying to be the most powerful supermodel monster in the current version!

Moreover, according to the RNG player qualifying records before the game, Letme Qinggangying played pretty well.

This is also one of the few top lane carry fighters that he is proficient in.

It’s worth giving Redmi a class.

"RNG blocks Enchantress," Miller was still commenting. "This version of LeBlanc has both speed and output ability, but the strength is a bit outrageous. I heard the designer said it will be weakened soon, and I guess it won't be in the game.

You’ve been active on the field for too long!”

The newly appointed coach Firefox stood behind the RNG player bench.

He wears the same type of tactical goggles as Xiaohu and a crisp white shirt. He looks tall and capable, and has a sporadic accent when speaking.

"I guess the opponent won't be banning supermodel monsters next. They should open two strong corners, one on each side. That Farros... Verus will be released. Puppy, be prepared."

Currently, three of the top five supermodel monsters have been eliminated.

The only ones left are Zyra and Verus.

If the VG on the red side wants to be banned, they must be sent to the ban position with two or three moves.

If only one is banned, RNG can get the remaining supermodel characters on the blue side.

So Firefox is sure that Redmi will put both characters out.

RNG has priority to ensure that it gets Verus, which Uzi is best at.

As for Zyra, you can leave it to the opponent and use the female gun to deal with it yourself!

The female gun system developed by ROX has been very popular since its launch.

During the S competition, the situation was urgent and the players could not practice in a short time.

However, at the end of the offseason, the auxiliary players of all major teams immediately included the female gun into the hero pool - after all, this hero is not very difficult and mainly relies on teamwork.

However, in the current version, the female gun can only be said to be able to fight Zyra.

Overall, you won't get any advantage and may even suffer some losses.

The root cause is that Zyra's strength has been enhanced to an unreachable height by the double reinforcement of the ice staff and the mask!

Once the intensity is too exaggerated, the original restraint relationship of the mechanism will be slowly obliterated!

Even so, it's acceptable for Firefox.

After all, he can get Verus.

"The second team of VG banned Dashu and targeted Letme!"

Due to the emergence of the new cornerstone talent [Courage of the Colossus], the upper unit has ushered in a renaissance.

Hard-control characters such as Big Tree Poppy, Titan, and the Three Fantasy Gods are back in the arena. Relying on the courage of the Colossus can provide the team with good frankness in team battles!

Among them, the big trees are the most eye-catching.

With built-in recovery and damage reduction and very stable W Asian bundle control, it is the best among the top lane tanks!

Firefox sent the ice to the blockade.

He had watched some of Yu Wenbo's games last summer, and knew that Jack's Eagle Spirit cast was very tricky, a bit like using a full-map radar perspective.

The current overall ecological environment of the bottom lane shooter position has not changed much compared to the World Championship, and has not been affected at all.

Except for the sudden rise of Varus, the rest has a slight adjustment in priority, and the only ones that can be produced are still characters such as Jhin, Ice, and EZ.

With long hands and quick lane clearing, you can use this method to snatch the bounty from the first-blood tower. This is still the mainstream today!

"VG blocked Shen in the last round of the first round, and is still restricting Letme!" Wawa hissed, "Now the newcomer's hero pool will be greatly restricted!"

"Shen is also a top laner who has been very popular recently..." Miller just finished his words.

The director responded quickly and has already given Shen the latest version update information.

On the eve of the S6 World Championship, he was reduced to a bystander because the percentage damage of Q [Mysterious! Dusk Blade] was cut.

Coming to version 6.23, Shen's armor and health growth attributes have been enhanced.

A simple change in wave value instantly gives Shen Wen a new lease of life!

"The question is, what can Letme use now?" The doll started to scream again in the familiar way.

RNG supporters at the scene also felt less optimistic.

VG's three banned positions in the first round are all given to the top order!

It’s clear that we’re going to order!

Firefox was pacing behind.

He had no choice but to continue his previous plan and secure Verus first.

Otherwise, the opponent will laugh at Navirus + Zyra, the current top combination in the bottom lane!

"Lock up both Mantis and Zyra first," Hongmi instructed. "If the other side wants to get a female gun, give it to them!"

Hongmi is sure that the players have enough ability to deal with RNG bottom lane!

Firefox frowned.

Due to the hero pool problem, he is now in a very embarrassing situation.

Before the second round of BP begins, Firefox only has two or three options left.

Who will be given the two positions?

There have to be trade-offs.

After much thought, he decided to first choose roles for the two young players on the team.

Otherwise, by the time the second round of banning ends, they may not have any available characters to use!

"Junze, can you use Titan?"

Facing the coach's question, Letme thought for a moment and nodded vigorously, as if to cheer herself up, "I tried my best to restrain Smeb!"

"Female gun + Titan, RNG has two roles as top and auxiliary," Miller commented impartially. "Paired with Verus, they have a set of ultimate moves to control the chain and burst, and they are likely to have a perfect team fight!"

"VG's last pick in the first round...is given to Jess!" The doll's eyes lit up, "One of Smeb's signatures!"

Seeing the appearance of the second battalion commander of Piltover, the audience was excited for a moment, shook the aid objects in their hands, and cheered loudly for VG!

Hearing the cheers pouring into the headphones, Smeb smiled happily.

Being able to enjoy the thunderous cheers in a foreign country really made him feel warmer.

Miller added, "Moreover, there is still the possibility of Jace swinging in this hand. I think some players in the European region are already trying to use Jace in the middle, so that the top lane can be supplemented by the front row..."

Due to the deletion of [Power of Time], the junglers are currently carnivorous junglers who are not particularly tanky, making them completely unable to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the front row.

Not to mention that the auxiliary characters are mainly expendable characters, and most of them are squishy.

If Jace is placed in the middle, not only can he use his strong points to gain lane rights, but he can also free up the top lane and free up space in the front row!

The first three picks for both sides in the first round were locked, and the BP in the second round was banned first by the red side VG.

Hongmi didn't say anything and just pressed the spider to death.

"There is no problem. Elise is very capable of restraining Mantis, and the little spider can prevent him from triggering isolation," Miller simply explained, "VG frees up the stage for Brother Xing!"

Firefox doesn't care about Kuro either.

He knew that VG's mid lane hero pool was a bit weird and it was difficult to limit it.

Might as well give Ban the bottom lane!

Block Jhin first, planning to wait for Redmi to make the final move before banning Ezreal and completely blocking Jack's hero pool.

However, red rice is not vegetarian either.

After seeing the other party's plan, he changed his mind temporarily and sent Ryze to the ban position!

Fire Fox looked helpless.

At this point, he felt that everything was restricted at the BP level.

I was clearly on the blue side where BP was more dominant, but I was tricked by VG!

In version 7.1, the strongest player in the middle lane is undoubtedly Enchantress.

Further down the row, there are Ryze and Syndra who have not been attacked in the S6 World Championship so far - the snake girl Viktor has been seriously affected by the weakening of the ice staff.

Enchantress and Ryze are now banned.

If Firefox does nothing.

VG's fourth choice on the red side will definitely be able to pick Syndra first!

At that time, RNG will have no countermeasures!

Firefox had no other choice but to change its original plan and send Syndra to the Ban position.

In this way, no one has a first-tier mid laner available, which is fair.

"VG directly gets the EZ, leaving the counter position to the mid laner!" Watana stared at the hero selection box, "RNG was forced to give up its plan to block Ezreal in order to restrict Syndra."

"But in this way, VG's Poke lineup will be very complete!"

Ezreal + Zyra + Jace, and Mantis, who will evolve W at level 11...

All of them are good at long-distance consumption!

Firefox has no choice.

The gap between the hero pools of both players lies here.

He thinks his BP level is not bad.

Apart from the fact that I particularly like to trust the judgment of my team members, and I also have a soft ear, which led to the tragedy of the S5 Hot Man making iron, I can't fault him for anything else.

But he was completely calculated to death by VG!

"Lee Monk and Clockwork, let's carry out the strong attack to the end!" Firefox chose to strengthen the strong attack to increase the strength of the lineup and crack VG's Poke system.

After all, expendable heroes are most afraid of being forced to open.

Both Titan and Blind Sin can enter the field with wind-up balls, posing a great threat to the opponent!

Redmi is considering the backhand option in the mid lane to prevent players from being torn apart by RNG's forced system!

"Karma," Kuro said proactively, "We don't lack damage in this round, so I'll just focus on functionality."

He can always sacrifice himself to contribute to the team.

Hongmi thought about it for a moment and then readily agreed.

After the final selection was determined, the players from both sides exchanged heroes and the lineup was officially determined.

Blue square RNG: top laner Titan, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Clockwork, bottom lane Verus + female gun.

Red side VG: top laner Jayce, jungler Mantis, mid laner Karma, bottom lane EZ+Zyra.

"The lineups of both sides are very distinct. One side wants to force the opening, while the other side wants to poke consumption and advance steadily!"

"However, VG is strong because their lane rights in the upper half are very stable," Miller said eloquently. "Jess and Karma had no problem pushing the lane in the early stage. Xing Ge is extremely free in the upper and jungle areas!"

Hongmi was still giving instructions to the team members before leaving.

"Jie Kuo, EZ, just take your time and play!"

Yu Wenbo gave a thumbs up, "Don't worry, my brother's EZ is not that good, but the pressure resistance designation is no problem!"

Ezreal is one of the few characters whose proficiency is not particularly high.

The main reason is that the priority of this version of EZ is behind Varus, Jhin and Ice, and it is not very prominent.

If several heroes hadn't been banned, Jack wouldn't want to play.

Seeing Yu Wenbo's vow, Hongmi turned back to see his own jungler, "Sui Gu, remember the lessons learned from the previous two days of training matches!"

Gu Xing kneaded his fingers and agreed, then looked at his Shangzhong teammates next to him.

"Just follow my instructions when you enter the game. I will try to slow down my speech so that you can understand!"

Smeb and Kuro couldn't help nodding.

"Shu Gu, Li will come on the road to help me. They won't be able to bear the damage if Jace gets up!" Smeb emphasized specially.

"I will definitely help you..." Gu Xing agreed.

Seeing that the team members were adjusting well, Hongmi felt relieved, took off her headphones and went to the center of the stage to shake hands with Firefox.

"Long time no see." He said pleasantly.

It's okay for two people to have a personal relationship.

We also worked together for a while in the Optimistic Team during the S5 season.

More importantly, they were both fucked by Chris.

One of them couldn't go to the World Championships, one of the original analysts was forced to serve as a temporary coach, and he was criticized by domestic netizens for letting Tetsuo go.

If you have someone to complain about in common, your relationship will naturally develop by leaps and bounds.

Facing Redmi's greetings, Firefox responded angrily, "You BP is really disgusting. Have you studied the 5ban mode thoroughly?"

"No," Hongmi said modestly, "the players are very good and the hero pool is so deep, so just BP as you like."

He has realized the terror of Qian's ability.

The personal strength of the players from the beginning is incomparable to those trained through youth training like RNG!

The two shook hands in a friendly manner and continued to reminisce as they walked off stage.

Everyone in the backstage director room became busy.

"There is a 5-second delay in the first 15 minutes. There is no need to panic. There will be no mistakes in fulfilling your job responsibilities!" Zuo Yi yelled and emphasized.

Gu Pan moved his fingers, and the moment the loading interface ended, his fingertips began to beat on the keyboard!

"They have no intention of fighting as a team. They should be in a defensive position and the screen will stop at the river." Shen Guanshan muttered softly.

Gu Pan did the right thing.

There is really no need for a team fight between the two parties.

The bottom lanes on both sides are combinations that need to grab the lane. If the invasion leads to a late return to the lane or a loss of health, it will affect the subsequent lane.

So everyone just stood at the river pass, and when they saw each other, they started to show their dog tags and dance.

Smeb took the opportunity to gear up.

This is my first official game in LPL.

He must definitely show off his strength.

Let the boss and the audience understand that the 1.4 billion won is not in vain!

At 1 minute and 30 seconds, Gu Xing retreated to the wild area, started from the lower half of the area, and slowly moved up.

Due to the deletion of punishment income, the appearance time of the Demon Swamp Frog in the first round has been delayed, so he is released from the blue buff camp.

The two sons disappeared, leaving only the lonely blue BUFF, which is simply a paradise for mantises!

Isolated and helpless, it is triggered directly, which in disguise improves Gu Xing's clearing efficiency.

After finishing even the Frog Concubine, Gu Xing chose to skip the three wolves and head to the Ueno area.

After finishing the red BUFF, he was successfully promoted to level three.

During this period, we were still observing the three-way alignment.

Smeb's suppressive power was fully displayed on the top lane. From the first level, he blocked hatred and vision at the edge of the grass, forcing Letme out of the experience zone.

The mid laners got along well with each other, and even though Kuro's Karma had lane rights, it was difficult to suppress Clockwork.

It’s just that you can be the first to clear the line and travel first.

As for the bottom lane, VG did a pretty good job of resisting pressure. They did not give the RNG duo a chance and controlled the lane in front of their own tower. There would be no life-threatening danger in a short period of time.

Gu Xing thought carefully and decided to play a trick.

"Jinghao, hurry up and push the line, I'll come and cover you!"

He immediately ran up the road.

Because of the skill characteristics of being isolated and helpless, Gu Xing's clearing speed is not too slow, and the time to reach level 3 is almost the same as that of the incense pot!

Gu Xing did this to prevent Liu Shiyu from being caught quickly!

Smeb understood his plan, "I have many troops here, so I won't be afraid of 2v2!"

The minions are too powerful in the early stage, and Jace has dual forms.

Even though Mantis' combat effectiveness is limited when isolation is not triggered, it is still enough to defeat RNG in the jungle!

Gu Xing showed up on the top lane to help deal with the minions, and RNG responded very quickly.

The spicy hot pot stood guard behind the tower, and the Titans protecting Yan Junze ate up all the soldiers.

Then he left with peace of mind and went back to hunting his own wild monsters.

Like Gu Xing, he also opened the field from the lower half, and the speed three came to the top lane to relieve the pressure on his teammates.

There are still three groups of camps in the wild area of ​​Xiangguo that have not been cleared, and they can be cleared all the way.

After Gu Xing finished pushing the line, he and Smeb pretended to move towards the river, hoping to control the river crabs.

But it turned out to be a counterattack!

Before Letme could push up the line of troops, the two of them hid in the grass and remained motionless!

Young Yan Junze really thought that Gu Xing and Smeb would leave after pushing the line, and even sent a warning signal to his family.

He was quite cautious, taking small steps forward while moving, and even used the wall to get a view of the intersection between the upper road and the upper river.

This is to prevent VG Ueno from crouching there.

But Letme didn’t expect that VG Ueno was hiding in the grass online!

"There's going to be a fight on the road!" Shen Guanshan suddenly had a premonition when he saw Gu Xing hiding in the grass.

Without saying a word, Gu Pan switched the perspective and started reporting the points.

The director gave a panoramic view of the scene on the road.

When Letme moved forward and used a basic attack to kill the remaining minion, two people suddenly emerged from the grass!

"Jace's enhanced cannon hit. After turning on W, he switched to hammer form and hit it... Xiao Gu jumped out with a red BUFF and stuck it to him!"

"Letme was too careless!"

Miller increased his speaking speed.

"He flashed and distanced himself. Q threw the anchor and wanted to go under the tower!"

Titan threw out a heavy hook, trying to use the wall to complete the displacement.

But the moment the hook was thrown out, there was a golden light flashing!

"Brother Xing flashed forward and blocked the Titan's hook with his body!"

Letme barely moved and stood still!

"Smeb followed and kept hitting the Titan with the hammer!"

The power of time was deleted, and Gu Xing could only lead Thunder.

The burst damage helped him a lot!

The thick-skinned Titan still had nearly two bars of health left when he returned to the tower.

Gu Xing resisted two bombardments from the defense tower and forcibly killed him with the cooperation of his teammates!

"The First Blood is Born!"

Amid the applause and cheers from the audience, Mantis turned and left the range of the defense tower.

When he survived, he only had 50 health points left!

Recommend this book, the infinite flow of exotic animal novels "Reborn Cat, Are You My Shit-shoveler?"

10100 words, 21.62w

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