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Chapter 278 278: Black Technology (Part 1)

 As the regular season progresses, the time has come to late March.

Gu Xing checked the weather forecast before going out, took out a thin coat from the closet and put it on his body, patted some toner on his face and then walked downstairs.

Jack was devouring meat buns at the dining table, his cheeks bulging like a fat squirrel.

"Good morning, Lao Gu, you seem to be in good spirits today," Yu Wenbo's eyes lit up, "I'm counting on you to lead me today and give my brother a beating!"

"Jack is in such good shape lately, why don't you let me carry him?" Gu Xing sat next to him, grabbed the bun and popped it into his mouth.

Now the LPL style has been completely distorted by VG.

From top to bottom, everyone is playing soft assistants, Lulu Karma is all the rage!

Because of this, Jack proved his talent to his teammates in recent training matches.

What he fears most is that he will be suddenly controlled by the opponent's strong support and other characters, and die suddenly as soon as the team battle begins.

Nowadays, there are basically not many hard support players in the league, and the team's means of starting a team have therefore been reduced.

Jack basically doesn't have to worry about sudden death.

As long as his side can seize the opportunity, or delay it until the tug-of-war stage of the team battle, his output ability is unparalleled!

Yu Wenbo took a sip of soy milk with his mouth full of oil, "Oh, what are you doing... I played Uzi today, so what's the use of being in good condition?"

He still admires Uzi.

Putting aside psychological factors, Uzi's personal strength is outstanding among Chinese ADCs, and he has been at the forefront all year round.

When Jack thought about having to face Uzi again today, he felt unsure.

"Don't underestimate yourself," Gu Xing gave him a shot of blood, "There is Shi Senming on the other side, you definitely don't want to lose, right?"

Jack took a deep breath, as if he wanted to use the hot breath to iron his heart.

As a result, the mouth was filled with the oily smell of meat buns.

He was a good brother in the past. It is obviously unrealistic to say that he has no intention of winning or losing when he meets Xiao Ming!

Hongmi also woke up and got up and went downstairs. He scratched his messy hair, used a straw to spread the milk, and said vaguely, "Jack is in good condition. Today we will match the training match in the first set and try to win the second half.

Please pay attention to me."

Yu Wenbo is very happy.

In the opening game of the spring split, they collided with RNG once.

At that time, Smeb had just arrived, and the version in the bottom lane was not strong. In the spirit of taking care of the newcomers in the team and helping them integrate smoothly, Redmi copied the unique skills of the Tigers to help.

Gu Xing almost slapped Letme with autism!

However, he did not control the bottom lane. The duo resisted pressure throughout the game and had little room to perform.

When Jack heard that the team was going to fight around him, he was extremely excited.

After Redmi clarified the soft-assist system in the past two weeks and saw that Yu Wenbo was in excellent form, they began to focus on studying a system around the bottom lane attack.

This move is in line with the overall version understanding of LPL.

After being led off track by VG, the coaching staff of each team is also thinking.

Why did VG abandon the newly strengthened hard support and still choose soft support?

They thought until the end and came up with a logical and self-consistent theory.

First of all, because Jayce and Qinggangying have been weakened in turn, the top lane single belt system can still be used, but it is not as powerful as it was at the beginning of the spring split.

You have to know that when you play a tank role, you are afraid that the opponent will split-push without thinking and blow you up in a single line.

The decline of single-player roles undoubtedly provides the ground for the rise of the top laner Phantom God.

Second, expendable soft supports such as Zyra have been weakened, and the mid-lane magic core is not very popular. Everyone is playing the role of a powerful mage.

Taking various factors together, the overall damage of the lineup under the blessing of the version can only be said to be quite satisfactory!

As a result, the importance of the fantasy god on the road becomes more and more prominent.

If you choose the Phantom God in the S6 World Championship, you won't be able to bear the damage if you stand in the front row, and the opponent's Poke skills will be thrown all over the field and the tank will be depleted!

It's different now.

The Phantom God can be selected to serve as the front row of the team, create space for the back row's output, and have certain means of group control. It can be called the most critical shield of the lineup!

As we all know, the prevalence of the Phantom God top laner means that the overall tactical focus of the team will shift to the lower half.

After all, not many junglers are willing to help Bobby Titan catch people on the road.

And with the weakening of the wild core, the damage capabilities of the middle and upper jungles are low.

In team battles, rely on ADC for output!

The coaching staff of the other teams in the LPL followed the logical chain and felt that there were no problems.

Therefore, what is currently popular are auxiliaries that highlight the protection function. The main task is to create output opportunities for the ADC!

Hongmi also didn’t expect that these colleagues were so imaginative.

It is obviously because the team is not adaptable to the hard support system, so I continue to move forward along the road of protective soft support.

Who would have thought that these coaches would just straighten out the logic!

Hongmi simply went down the slope and followed the ideas of his colleagues to study.

So far the results are very good.

Jack was still muttering to his jungler, "Lao Gu, please come and capture more of them, and we can work together to kill Uzi at will!"

Naturally, Gu Xing had no reason to refuse, "No problem, I'll make clear arrangements for Uzi today!"

After stuffing the last bun into my mouth, drinking the soy milk, I packed my bag and went out to get in the car, ready to leave for the venue.

Don’t forget to browse the anti-bar on your mobile phone while on the road.

In addition to the rhythmic cross-talk, there is also a lot of news and information in the bar.

Gu Xing can surf and eat melons.

The regular seasons of the five major leagues have recently come to an end.

In North America, TSM is still leading the way. Bjergsen and Wild Turtle lead this top team with the most influence and reputation in the NA region. If nothing else goes wrong, they will successfully enter this year's MSI.

In the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan divisions, the Flash Wolves remain unchanged for thousands of years.

With the help of his assistant Snake and mid laner Fengtang, Wolf King Kasa achieved dominance in the LMS league!

Needless to say about Europe, G2 stands out and the original giant FNC is vulnerable in front of them!

In the Korean League, Longzhu secured first place in the regular season with 14 consecutive victories.

Gu Xing learned about it.

The LCK playoff rules are not that cumbersome. There are no divisions. The low-ranked teams challenge each other from bottom to top, and the winner is finally determined.

In other words, the first place in the regular season only needs to play a BO5, and the winner is the spring champion!

Dragon Ball takes first place, which is basically equivalent to having half a foot in the mid-season!

On the other hand, within the LPL competition area, there are constant ups and downs.

Group A was suppressed by VG, and the top teams did not change much, but they were locked in a tight race for the playoff spots.

IG faced a five-game losing streak in the middle and later stages of the season.

There is obviously a big problem within the team. After Cuzz lost confidence, his attitude became a bit too open.

Gu Xing knew the reason very well, having heard it mentioned by a child.

Zi Zi didn't want to continue playing top lane, he planned to bring his talent back to the mid lane.

If the team management hadn't made a big deal and clamored for the arrival of Cuzz and Baolan, IG would have had a chance to compete in the world championship and its posture would have been better!

Now that IG's performance is not good, my little attitude and thoughts are coming to life again.

He is already considering whether to leave the team during the transfer period.

IG has no posture position.

Have fun, Song Yijin is in the middle!

Rookie has a close personal relationship with his boss Wang Sicong, and he is extremely strong. With one and a half years of experience as a dean, it is impossible for him to accept the rotation of the mid laner, nor to leave IG!

That can only be a gesture of leaving.

Amid internal worries, it is natural that IG's record has been declining.

NB and QG, two teams with some degree of hatred, had a tacit understanding and seized the opportunity to go head-on, and by the way, they also pushed the Snakes into the relegation zone!

As for Group B, WE took off directly in the second half, with a string of 2-0 to top up the small points, and they were about to drag their life-and-death enemy EDG behind them.

LGD and GT stayed in the relegation zone obediently. They seemed resigned to their fate and stopped struggling. They studied their opponents in the relegation match in advance.

"If we win this game, we will lock in the first place in Group A in advance?" Xiao Duan looked at the score table with a surprised expression.

VG currently has 13 consecutive victories. As long as it defeats RNG, the score will reach 14.

No matter how they and RNG perform next, they will be destined to be the first in the group!

The LPL playoffs are based on a divisional system, but there are advantages to winning the first place, as there will be one less BO5.

If you have the ability to compete for first place, there is no reason to deliberately lose.

"Come on, let's lock in a spot in the semi-finals first!" Jack was full of enthusiasm.

After arriving at Zhengda Plaza, Gu Xing had just put on makeup and returned to the lounge when he met the RNG jungler who came to visit.

Xiangguo's emotional intelligence is still at its peak, and Zhangkou is one sentence.

"Gu Xing, just wait and see if I do it or not, then you're done!"

Liu Shiyu bent his arms and wanted to show off his muscles to the other party.

Gu Xing was speechless.

Now he was afraid that if he punched it, the incense pot would be broken into pieces.

"Why are you so crazy?" Gu Xing couldn't understand. "Not to mention how badly you lost in the summer split last year. In the opening game that's just around the corner, you don't even have the slightest rhythm!"

"That was all in the past," Xiangguo said confidently, "I have learned a new trick. You have to be careful when you go to the competition, don't let me beat you to tears!"

Gu Xing's head was full of questions.

After further questioning, Xiangguo remained tight-lipped and began to act like a riddler.

Gu Xing had no choice but to suppress his inner curiosity and eagerly awaited the start of the game.

He couldn't wait to see what tricks Xiang Guo could use.

I still have two pieces of Domori chocolate in my hand.

If that doesn't work, he can still 'learn' from it and use it for his own purposes.

How can it be called stealing when it comes to professional players?

"Welcome to the live broadcast of the 2017 LPL spring regular season..." The boy was full of energy and had outstanding commentary skills. He was able to recite the slogan proficiently and then immediately got on track.

"Today's duel will come from the two top teams in Group A, VG and RNG!"

My partner remembered taking over the topic, "The two teams are ranked first and second in the group, and they have been gaining momentum recently, and they are both in a winning streak!"

There is no need to say more about VG.

RNG also ushered in a strong recovery after losing the opening game.

Especially recently, they have adapted very well to the soft-assist system proposed by VG.

Top laner Letme finally no longer has to worry about being dominated by Jace Qinggangying. Xiangguo can use his carnivorous jungler to invade with the mid lane tigers without restraint.

Wait until later and let Uzi take over the game.

As long as RNG, which focuses on the mid-jungle rhythm, encounters a version that does not allow carry on the top lane, its level will be among the best in the LPL league!

"This is also the last focus battle in the second half of the regular season, and it is also related to the suspense of the ranking of Group A," Watanabe's voice was full of passion. "After the two teams compete today, one side is bound to break the winning streak. I don't know who will win."


The director gave a comparison of the performance of the two sides in the focus matchup.

Below Gu Xing's makeup photo is a series of astonishing data!

"No. 1 in output at the same position, first in average number of raids per game and in success rate of raids, leading in the first 15 minutes in opponent economy by +1557, first blood participation rate 100%..." When the baby saw this, he shouted several times, "Good guy."

"I can only say that he is worthy of Brother Xing," I remember squinting my eyes when he smiled, "even though the jungle version has not changed much compared to the S6 World Championship, he still maintains a strong state!"

The version of heroes in the jungle has changed compared to last year's global finals.

But the overall concept has not changed, and the world is still dominated by carnivorous junglers.

"Yes, G2's Jankos and Dragon Ball's Peanut, who are also known as the three wild kings of S6, are currently at the top of their respective leagues!"

It can only be said that the designer's version control is really poor.

In order to weaken the influence of the jungler, they came up with the unnatural concept of delayed burst.

As a result, now they are all focusing on how to weaken the poodle, and the balance of the jungle has been messed up!

The next data comparison given by the director is the shooters from both sides.

The doll hissed softly.

"Really or not, are Jack's statistics so outrageous?" He couldn't believe his eyes, "No. 1 in output at all positions?"

As a damage king, JackeyLove is really good at output.

Although in the first half of the season, Gu Xing rarely took care of the bottom lane.

But Jack can still deal decent damage in adversity, providing output guarantee for the team.

In terms of damage conversion rate, he topped the list with 144.3%!

"Uzi has the advantage in average CS per share and the lead in CS in the first 15 minutes..."

Uzi is slightly worse at dealing damage.

But few people doubt his carrying ability.

When enough economy is gained, Uzi is indeed the late-stage core that the team can rely on!

I remember that through the director’s camera, I could still see the reactions of the ten players in the contestants’ seats, “Did Xiaohu and Xiaoming remember something happy and laugh so happily?”

Xiao Ming could hardly close his mouth.

Li Yuanhao is even more outrageous, and his facial expression can only be described as beaming.

In contrast, Letme is much calmer - he is really not familiar with VG players.

Xiangguo is gearing up, preparing to show Gu Xing his new achievements when the competition begins.

Uzi is even more prepared.

He doesn't want to lose.

What's more, the person opposite is still a newcomer.

Although Jack's initial popularity was the lowest in the team when he came on the field, as the ADC of VG's first championship team and the designated successor of Imp, his attention will naturally not be low!

With VG's winning streak, many netizens are clamoring that a new national first-class shooter will be officially born this year.

Uzi, who is very competitive, is naturally unhappy.

He looked left and right.

I found that Xiaohu and Xiaoming beside me were laughing and typing to chat and say hello to VG players, and I immediately felt dissatisfied.

Can you be more serious?

Uzi didn't say a word and kept his cold form, just glaring at his teammates.

Xiao Ming, who was smiling, noticed something was wrong with his peripheral vision.

With excellent emotional intelligence, he performed a wave of face changes at the speed of light, pursing the corners of his mouth and keeping a straight face.

Xiaohu's observation of words and expressions is top-notch, he has a domineering sense of knowledge, and his acting skills are extremely good. When he found Uzi staring at him, his expressions changed naturally and smoothly, and finally he calmed down.

Until he heard a crisp sound in his ears, he adjusted his sitting posture and prepared to communicate with his coaching teammates about BP matters.

"VG has the priority to choose sides in this game. They came to the blue side in the first game and disabled the male gun first!"

Graves' intensity is now becoming more and more exaggerated.

In version 7.3-7.4, the male gunner was just on par with the poodle.

However, in the currently implemented version 7.5, Rengar has been hacked by the designer - the basic armor is weakened, and the recovery amount of W [War Roar] when facing wild monsters is also reduced accordingly.

As the strength of the poodle decreases, the status of the male gun will naturally increase!

Now he has become the first jungler that non-Ban must choose.

Redmi disabled it mainly because the tone of Gu Xing's game is to help others, and it is impossible to implement this tactic by choosing a male gun with no control ability.

"RNG has sent Verus to the ban position. This is undoubtedly the strongest shooter at present, and it is also the ban position that the red side must assume!"

I remember not being surprised.

The strengthening of War Zeal and Protection auxiliary will indirectly increase Verus' strength.

This makes Verus, who is already at the top of the bottom lane food chain, even more difficult to restrict.

In a team battle, if Verus kills one person first, no one can withstand the high attack speed unleashed by the passive [Desire for Revenge]!

Hongmi gave the second ban slot to Shen.

The current strength of Eye of Twilight ranks among T1 goalkeepers, and is not particularly powerful.

But Redmi still chose to disable it.

The main reason is that this hero has a strong ability to protect his teammates and is very suitable for Letme. He basically has no natural enemies in the lane and rarely collapses.

"RNG will target Brother Xing and send Qian Jue to the Ban position!" Watanabe couldn't hide his smile, "You still have to respect the signature hero. If Brother Xing really gets it, it will be very difficult to deal with it!"

VG's last ban in the first round, dedicating their position to Bobby.

It is impossible for Hongmi to ban Qinggangying.

Although this is Letme's strongest carry character.

But after most of the regular season, Redmi has figured it out.

Letme is a player on a team that is difficult to carry. He can dominate in the secondary leagues, but in the LPL he can only focus on one function.

Red rice is not afraid at all!

In the end, Firefox gave in.

He was afraid that Smeb would come up with another green steel shadow and take him out on the road.

WE's body hasn't cooled down yet!

Firefox finally compromised and chose to ban Qinggang Shadow.

"As soon as VG grabbed Lulu, it started swinging again!" This move is common, and Wawa was not surprised. "RNG got Poodle and Karma, a strong jungler and a mid-support swing position!"

Hongmi knew that her goal had been achieved.

"Jie Kuo, are you okay with Lu Xian?" he asked his shooter.

Yu Wenbo was relaxing when he heard the head coach's words and immediately showed the OK sign.

"Then Lu Xian and Bron." Hongmi no longer hesitated.

This is the bottom lane combination with the strongest offensive ability currently.

Lucian benefits from two major enhancements in version 7.5.

First, the back-swing of the QW cast is cancelled, making the combos smoother.

Second, the cost-effectiveness of the dilapidation is greatly improved. The attack speed is reduced, but the attack power and life stealing effect are greatly improved.

For a hero like Lucian who emphasizes connecting skills with basic attacks, it is perfect!

As for Protection Assistant Bron, he was greatly strengthened by the appearance of [Stoneborn Contract]. There is also a linkage between himself and Lucian, so the increase in strength is reasonable.

I remember frowning slightly.

"In this way, VG has confirmed that the mid laner is Lu Lu. When the male gun Qian Jue is banned, won't it be a little lacking in damage?"

Firefox is also aware of this problem.

He immediately brought ice to Uzi, which was used to enhance the bottom lane's laning strength. It not only supported the late stage but also had good functionality, which could serve Xiang Guo's jungle strategy in this game.

In the second round of BP, Firefox focused on Gu Xing, putting two carnivorous junglers, Lee Sin and Mantis, who could be matched with Lulu, into the banned position.

Redmi began to restrict Xiaohu.

Syndra and Enchantress were banned by him.

LeBlanc received its biggest nerf in history in 7.5.

The damage of W [Dark Shadow] is directly cut in half!

Just a patch, and the enchantress who bought a house in the class for half of the regular season fell from the altar!

It has to be said that the designer’s brain has some shortcomings.

After this weakening, although Enchantress can still play, her strength is not as strong as before.

If Redmi can contribute a second-round ban, it already shows considerable respect for LeBlanc.

"RNG has no other choice, they can only get Titans with average strength," Wawa looked at the hero selection box, "But they kept the results of the swing position until the end, and they wanted to confuse the opponent again!"

Titan is also a role that can be used and supported, and together with Karma, it can put smoke bombs for VG.

Hongmi doesn’t care about that.

"Zigu, go ahead and get Reksai. Jinghao, how about you choose Rambo?"

After seeing Smeb nodding in agreement, he emphasized again, "We will not play in the upper half of this game. Jing Hao, just pay attention to your own development. There is no need to fight too hard with the opponent, as that will easily give you a chance."

"Ai, don't worry, it's going to happen," Smeb said, indicating that he understood, "I'll just do some last-ditch damage, and when the opponent hits a big move in a team battle, it will explode instantly!"

Hongmi felt relieved when he saw this.

"Smeb's signature Rambo, it depends on what character Letme chooses to deal with it... RNG finally gets the clockwork, and then the Titans will move to the top!"

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side VG: Top laner Rambo, jungler Digger, mid laner Lulu, bottom lane Lucian + Braum.

Red square RNG: top lane Titan, jungle lion dog, mid laner Clockwork, bottom lane Ice + Karma.

"Their final decision was to give Clockwork to Xiaohu and let Xiangguo's poodle bring the ball into the field in team battles!" Wawa believes that RNG's BP is better, "This way, when paired with Ice, it can also have late-stage dual cores, plus Kalma's

With the frankness of the top laner and Titan, the overall lineup is quite three-dimensional!"

I remember standing on the other side, "VG depends on Xing's early rhythm. The bottom lane is completely aggressive during the laning phase. If it can create opportunities to achieve a breakthrough, it is likely to end the battle directly in the mid-term!"

Amid the roars of cheers from the audience, Summoner's Rift arrived with a bang!

Set aside a day at the end of the month to save up some manuscripts to explode next month.

The red envelope is in tomorrow night’s chapter

This chapter has been completed!
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