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Chapter 280 280: A way to break the situation!

 "Brother Xing has no level advantage. Facing the incense pot with flash, he has no obvious combat advantage. He must avoid its sharp edge and retreat first!"

I remember to see clearly that the little tiger in the middle was already on his way.

Clockwork Demon has now been upgraded to level 6, and the damage it can do when combined with the poodle cannot be underestimated!

In contrast, Kuro lost his line rights due to the mindless invasion of the first two waves of incense pots, and rushed to the RNG Sharpbill camp a little slower.

Gu Xing originally wanted to grab an experience gap, and then use his extra equipment to bully the incense pot, trying to fight tooth for tooth and eye for eye.

As a result, the opponent's sudden upgrade in level caught him off guard!

His brain is now a mess.

Is the other side cheating?

Why can I still be at the same level as myself even if I don’t farm much?

Gu Xing couldn't understand.

But instinct drove him to turn around and run away.

Seeing Rek'Sai retreat, Xiang Guo laughed loudly.

"Ten percent off?" He looked mad, "I want to scream!"

This is a routine carefully developed by Liu Shiyu.

He has been preparing for a long time.

Just want to give Gu Xing a heavy blow!

The source of everything can be traced back to a very ancient mechanism.

Experience catches up.

In the ancient times of League of Legends, the jungler in the late stage was an enhanced version of support.

It's okay to say that it's a big advantage, but when the situation is in a stalemate or even at a disadvantage, the jungler can hardly brush his own wild monsters, and either uses them for his teammates to supplement their development, or they are completely eroded by the opponent.

At that time, the jungler could only work with the support, buy good eye positions and prophet potions, arrange the entire field and clear the field of vision!

At that time, the jungler was just a tool responsible for initiating and controlling the team. Whether it was in professional competitions or ranked matches, he had little gaming experience.

Riot definitely doesn’t want to see something like this continue.

Only by ensuring the experience of each player can the game last longer, otherwise the 2 tool man + 3 big brother model will have to be shipped sooner or later!

For this purpose, the designer created a jungle experience catch-up mechanism, which was officially launched in version 6.9.

When the jungler kills a camp with a level higher than his own, each wild monster will provide 30 additional experience points!

The level of the camp depends on the average level of all heroes in the arena.

Just now, the top single laners of both teams have reached level 6, the duo is at level 4, the jungler Gu Xing is at level 5, and Xiangguo is at level 4.

On average, the camp level comes to 5!

When the incense pot reaches level 4, this experience catch-up mechanism can be triggered!

Liu Shiyu is very calculating.

He deliberately brushed stone beetles.

Now the stone beetle family will be divided, the big ones are medium, the middle ones are small, and there are a total of 10 wild monsters in one camp!

After the experience catch-up mechanism is triggered, these 10 stone beetles alone can provide 300 additional experience points for the incense pot!

You know, a total of only 580 experience points are needed to upgrade a hero from level 4 to level 5!

It can be said that just by brushing this group of stone beetles in Incense Pot, you can upgrade it by a full level!

In the past, this was completely unimaginable!

This is what spicy hot pot relies on!

With the experience catch-up mechanism, he can frequently go to the VG wild area to invade without any scruples.

Don’t be afraid if you fall behind in level. Just get stuck at the node and go back to farm a group of Stone Beetles, and you can even out the disadvantage in an instant!

"Kandi's hanging man is still somewhat useful..." Xiangguo slandered proudly, "If it weren't for you, I really wouldn't have been able to figure out this trick!"

In the battle between WE and VG two weeks ago, Liu Shiyu witnessed Condi tracking Gu Xing by tailing, and achieved good results for a time.

Although it ultimately fell short, overall the strategy was quite successful.

Xiangguo thought along this line of thinking.

In order to make up for the experience loss caused by trailing behind, he racked his brains, and with the help of his coach Firefox, he recalled the experience catch-up mechanism in last year's update!

After a period of hard practice, Liu Shiyu is now considered a success.

Today I’m going to let Gu Xing have a taste of his own power!

In the backstage lounge, Hongmi frowned.

He can watch the game from God's perspective.

During the laning phase, the jungler is naturally the focus of observation by coaches like Hongmi.

He clearly saw that Xiang Guo only spawned a group of stone beetles, and the experience of emerging from level 4 was directly increased to level 5!

The speed of level improvement is exaggerated!

Hongmi thought about it, and with the help of Mr. Hou, he finally understood the reason.

It dawned on him.

After all, the experience catch-up mechanism updated in version 6.9 was a year ago, and since its establishment, it has never made a single splash in the professional arena!

With more than 20 versions a year, it is impossible for a normal person's memory to immediately recall the updated content in the corner of the corner.

"The jungler of RNG has something..." Hongmi admired him very much, "How could he come up with such a clever trick!"

The simple experience catching up mechanism is not strong.

After the mechanism was launched last year, no one deliberately used it.

The focus is on the two camps of stone beetles and razorbills. The number of wild monsters has increased during this year's preseason!

When it was still F4 and stone beetles that couldn't split, even if you used the catch-up mechanism to clear a group of camps, you wouldn't get much extra experience.

The sudden increase in the number of wild monsters in the camp in the S7 season gives the catch-up mechanism room to play!

"Being able to connect and use the skill mechanism that was launched in the middle of last year with the jungle area that was updated this year is really strong," Li Zhixun nodded and agreed with the head coach. "I heard that the head coach of RNG was originally an analyst. ?As expected, there is a specialization in the art industry."

"Firefox's professional ability is pretty good," said Hongmi, who highly recognized his old colleague who worked with LGD in the S5 season. "But his personality is a bit soft and he likes to listen to his teammates on everything."

In the 2015 World Championship, I listened to Hirano Aya's idea and had no choice but to use Tetsuo and start refining steel with fire, which is the classic masterpiece of Firefox.

But to be fair, his ability is one of the best among domestic coaches.

Jin Wenhe listened to the whispers of his coaching staff and couldn't help but ask, "Can Xiao Gu handle it?"

He is extremely looking forward to VG winning this victory.

The temptation to secure first place in the group in advance is too hard to resist.

If they can't win today, VG will have to tighten their grip and play back.

"Believe in Xiao Gu," Mr. Hou said confidently, "He is the pride of our VG!"

After the wonderful journey last season, Mr. Hou has great trust in Gu Xing.

Li Zhixun picked up the remote control and turned up the volume, letting the voice content from the VG player seats echo in the lounge.

"Brothers, listen to my instructions. As long as I don't tell you to move to the jungle, don't come," Gu Xing proposed a solution. "The jungler on the other side wants you to help me to relieve the pressure on the line!"

The situation on the field is changing rapidly, and conflicts may break out at any time.

He must focus on the field and not be distracted by thinking about other things.

At present, there are only vague speculations about Xiangguo's hunger strike tactics. It is impossible for him to find evidence on the field to confirm his thoughts.

Gu Xing is very pragmatic.

He put aside what he didn't understand for the time being and thought about how to deal with the other party first.

In Gu Xing's opinion, Xiangguo is just like Kandi, who implements the tail-following tactic to the extreme, frequently invading his own position, and not wanting him to find opportunities for Gank to lead the rhythm.

If Gu Xing shakes people to protect, it will affect the alignment of his teammates.

Fortunately, when it comes to matchups, Gu Xing still has certain advantages.

No matter how much Xianguo pursues experience, it will be difficult to compensate for the losses in the wild monster economy due to forced invasion!

Naturally, Gu Xing would not let this opportunity pass by.

He decided to set up a game and bring the opponent in to kill him.

"Brother Xing, brush all the way down, run to the bottom lane first to help Jack deal with the army line!"

The VG duo is stronger in a duel. Lucian quickly plays Braum's passive, and may rely on a wave of damage to kill the opponent instantly.

But in terms of line control and consumption ability, RNG has to be better in the bottom lane.

When Gu Xing was entangled in the fragrant pot in the wild area, Xiao Duan seized the opportunity to use W [Stand Up] to move to the side of the soldier, Q [Winter Bite] hit Xiao Ming, and cooperated with Yu Wenbo to hit the opponent's flash.

But that's all.

The line power is still firmly in the hands of the RNG duo.

Uzi made full use of the gap when Gu Xing was restrained, exerted his strong laning ability, and defeated Jack by 7 knives.

This time, Gu Xing emptied his own camp and came to help relieve the pressure on his teammates in the bottom lane.

The time has come to 7 minutes and 20 seconds.

There happens to be a wave of artillery soldiers in the bottom lane.

Gu Xing pulled Xiao Duan, and the two of them pressed their bodies in front of the military line.

The RNG duo's wave-clearing methods, except for basic attacks, all had ballistics, and were all eaten up by Braum's security door.

"Jack has pushed all the bottom lane troops. It seems that VG wants to push back the lane!" He remembered clearly and said loudly after seeing the situation of the troops.

Then the director pointed the camera at the center.

"When the incense pot reaches level six, choose to attack Kuro directly!"

The experience catch-up mechanism is here, and Liu Shiyu's promotion speed is comparable to Gu Xing's.

When he saw Rek'Sai running to the bottom lane to clear the lane, he immediately chose to activate R [Hunting Rhythm].

The clear heartbeat sound is like a restless drumbeat, which is transmitted to the ears of all viewers through the sound.

Accelerate forward and pounce on the enemy Lulu!

"Kuro reacted very quickly and launched his ultimate move the moment the poodle jumped over!" Wawa's eyes lit up.

Lulu waved her wand, enlarging her body and knocking Rengar into the air.

It's a pity that Rengar's skill mechanism is here.

As long as you enter the take-off process, you will accumulate a layer of brutality value.

Even interrupting and shooting down in the air is useless!

"Lulu put the poodle on the sheep and quickly retreated!"

A pair of short legs soared very fast.

But RNG’s midfielder is determined to kill!

"Xiangguo recovered from the control of Sheep Transformation, and handed over the three QWE skills at once!"

The poodle's Q [Cruelty and Merciless] has a small thrust forward, which helps the incense pot to close the distance, and the WE double skills stack up to the full brutality value.

When he shot the enhanced lasso, Kuro quickly dodged and dodged.

However, Xiaohu flashed forward and followed up, throwing the demon puppet and causing it to gather space power!

Command: Shockwave!

The energy of distorted space draws Lulu back!

Kuro was helpless and had no choice but to put the E [Fantasy] shield on his body.

"The lion dog's basic attack followed by the improved Q skill, knocked out Lulu's health, and finally gave up the head to Xiaohu!"

Clockwork Demon spirit took down the head with one basic attack.

Xiangguo's smile is particularly wild.

VG doesn’t think that my hunger strike style is just to focus on the jungle and play tail, right?

Gank is his specialty!

Gu Xing felt relieved.

RNG's double ultimate move actually increased the success rate of the plan!

"The three men from VG went back to the city to supply supplies after pushing the army line. Brother Xing has not yet made a warrior jungle knife..."

Gu Xing had no dirty soldiers in this game of Rek'Sai.

There is only one assist so far, and the economy gained is not much.

Moreover, the incense pot came to cause trouble from time to time, which interfered with Gu Xing's jungle clearing efficiency to a certain extent, and he didn't have much money.

Not only did he not panic, he actually laughed out loud.

Gu Xing knew very well that Xiangguo must have guessed that he couldn't make a jungle knife.

There is no essential difference in combat effectiveness between the two junglers.

In this case, there is a high probability that the incense pot will come to harass you!

This is exactly what Gu Xing wants!

At this time, the eagle spirit cut through the sky and lit up Gu Xing's figure.

When he saw Rek'Sai moving upwards, Liu Shiyu immediately gave up on the wild monsters that had been refreshed, decided to crouch in the enemy's Demon Swamp Frog camp, and continued his disgusting journey!

"The incense pot is here again!"

Looking at the poodle's arrogant pace, Wawa said in a very anxious tone, "He's going to follow Brother Xing again!"

"I have to say that if Xiangguo is allowed to delay its success, it will be very difficult for VG in the later stage!"

The strength of the lineup is here.

VG plays in the early and mid-game.

The only output cores in the later period are Rambo and Lu Xian.

They can't learn from SKT and keep Lu Xian in the late team fights, right?

The hero Lu Xian has too short hands and a low error tolerance rate, so he can easily be restricted by the opponent!

The dual core of RNG Clockwork + Ice has a long range and its growth attributes are exaggerated.

Coupled with Titan's front-row capabilities, the overall lineup is obviously stronger than VG.

Xiangguo's hunger strike strategy is to lock Gu Xing in the wild area without being able to move!

Once the balance of power reaches the mid-to-late stage, Rek'Sai is a pure toy!

"This time the incense pot even shook Letme, I must restrain Brother Xing!"

The pilot screen suddenly switched to the bottom lane.

The military line that Gu Xing pushed past just now is now pushing back towards the VG defense tower.

Remember to hiss slightly and realize the problem.

But before he could say anything more, the camera returned to the Ueno area again.

"Brother Xing inserted an eye into the wall of the lower river, turned around and started killing monsters... the incense pot has arrived!"

The poodle is as fierce as ever.

Although Xiangguo has dealt with the big move.

But Gu Xing’s R doesn’t have combat effectiveness either!

After Xiangguo received the assist, the two sides are currently only separated by a pair of straw sandals in terms of economy, and there is no obvious gap in combat effectiveness.

After all, both sides are on the same starting line!

Gu Xing first took two steps to the side to ensure that he was standing at the center point of the area connecting the blue buff and the Demon Swamp Frog camp.

It is relatively spacious here with connections in all directions.

It's better to avoid the Titan's hook.

On the way, he was still calling people, "Come and help!"

The two teammates in the middle and top have been waiting for Gu Xing's instructions.

Now, without even thinking about it, I immediately headed towards the jungle area.

I remember seeing the two sides getting closer and closer, and the tone of voice gradually getting higher.

"Xiang Guo also wants to use Q to show off...but this time there is someone behind Brother Xing!"

The uncle holding the security door rushed forward.

W【Stand up】!

Bronn stuck to Gu Xing's side and hit the poodle with Q [Winter's Bite]!

Xiangguo was completely shocked!

Why is there an extra support in the top half?

In his expectation, this wave was a 3v3 in the middle and jungle.

As long as RNG wants to run, it will definitely be able to retreat safely!

But a short paragraph that appeared out of thin air changed the situation of the battle drastically!

Liu Shiyu was dumbfounded.

Because according to common sense, Xiaodan should never come to Ueno District!

Not to mention Duan Deliang's poor wandering ability.

Binxuan is like that in the bottom lane, why do you dare to come to the top half?

Under normal circumstances, when the push lane enters the tower, the support must accompany the ADC to eat troops in the bottom lane.

This can not only ensure the safety of the shooter, but also gain experience.

As a result, Xiao Duan was so stunned that when the bottom lane troops were pushed into the VG tower, he ran all the way to the top lane to support him!

The two mid laners have already started fighting at the entrance to the upper river.

Although Lulu died in a wave, the hero itself is too strong. The basic attack is connected with Q [Sparkling Spear], which does not lag behind in the exchange of blood!

"Break down and sell out!" When Letme saw the mid laner being held back, his first reaction was that he couldn't fight. He held the anchor and planned to retreat, and put an E [Undercurrent] to help slow down the opponent.

But what rained down from the sky was a row of hot rockets!

R【Constant temperature burning】!

"Smeb's ultimate move is amazing!" The doll began to scream in a familiar voice, "The narrow passage in the wild area was completely blocked by him!"

Song Jinghao's signature Rambo is a masterpiece, and his proficiency in truth theory is probably just a little worse than Marin's.

The factor that measures the proficiency of Gundam Wavebi, apart from temperature control, is the casting of the ultimate move.

There is no doubt that Smeb is at the top level in the world!

The constant-temperature burning flame spreads on RNG Ueno, and combined with Braum's ice cubes, it can be called the two heavens of ice and fire!

"Titan had to hook the wall and leave, and the incense pot could only dodge and pull sideways!"

Liu Shiyu didn't have time to fill up the four bars of brutality, so the cross-dodge was a helpless move.

"But VG doesn't seem to be ready to let them go," I remember shouting over the crowd of exclamations, "Brother Xing and his teammates are chasing after them!"

The effect of Gu Xing's extra pair of shoes is revealed.

Put on the straw sandals and feel like flying!

Coupled with the increased movement speed effect of diving underground, Gu Xing's pursuit speed is very fast!

"Letme's Titan uses its ultimate move to try to knock away the farthest Braum!"

In the process, Gu Xing was lifted into the air.

But it's of no use.

"Smeb flashed into the river, and the electronic harpoon cooperated with Q [Arson Feast] to directly capture the two people on the opposite side!"

Remember to look at the summoner skill bar on the side of the screen.

"VG Nosuke's flash will improve soon!"

Gu Xing and Xiao Duan's flashes were exchanged when they captured Uzi before. The [Insight] talent carried by the two of them has reduced its CD, so that now it is still a few seconds away from cooling down!

The fragrant pot complained endlessly.

He didn't expect Bronn to come.

Therefore, even though he knew that the other party would be fine if he flashed soon, he didn't feel any vigilance.

Now, these two flashes are going to bury him here!

"Brother Duan, cross-dodge, I'll save some skills!" Gu Xing still wanted to take advantage of it.

Xiao Duan didn't understand what he wanted to do.

But Braum's Flash is indeed not as valuable as Rek'Sai.

He didn't think much, just handed over Flash, and Q [Winter's Bite] hit the incense pot again.

Smeb took his life away with a harpoon!

"The remaining Letme dodged and escaped in time..." I remember just breathing a sigh of relief, I saw Rek'Sai let out a sharp roar and his body escaped into the void!

R [Void Rush]!

"What do you want to do again, Brother Xing?!"

The director's camera cut very quickly, and the teleportation point of Gu Xing's ultimate move was immediately revealed.

Xiahe Road Xiaolongkeng!

"Are you trying to fight the dragon?" The doll was talking nonsense, and as soon as he said it, he realized something was wrong, "Catch him, Brother Xing wants to catch him!"

The screen is zoomed to include the bottom lane.

Uzi and Shi Senming saw that VG had assembled four generals in the upper half, and decided to rely on their troops to push a wave of bottom defense towers.

By the way, Jack was forced to the rear without even giving him any soldiers to eat.

After they learned about Rek'Sai's expansion, they decided to retreat.

But in the end it was a step too slow.

"Jack is back online. First, take down the two bins under the tower to raise them to level 6. Hit the enemy with Zealous Bullet with W, and then follow up with Holy Spear!"

Lucian, who learned his ultimate move in seconds, fired a series of bullets, hitting the RNG duo repeatedly.

"Xiao Ming's Karma uses RE to give himself and his teammates accelerating effects, and he wants to distance himself... Brother Xing rushes over!"

Rek'Sai went through the tunnel to get closer, then flashed and pushed Karma into the air!

"Ming's flash has not improved, he is going to suffer badly this time!" The doll couldn't help shouting loudly.

Gu Xing's Q [Queen's Wrath] turned three times and then followed up with Manu's E's real damage, instantly knocking Karma down to residual health.

As usual, he gave people heads.

I am a Rek'Sai, and my purpose is to accumulate advantages for my teammates in the early and mid-term.

Gu Xing had the head but refused to K, and gave it all to his teammates.

Jack glided forward and killed his former good brother with two shots.

"Nice!" Yu Wenbo laughed heartily, even his mouth was crooked.

The number of comments in the event live broadcast room has skyrocketed.

[Rek'Sai of a good team! Really zero kills? 】

[Brother Xing suddenly started to get money without K-head again? Yes, it’s abnormal.]

[Schrödinger’s brother, you never know whether he is a K-head monster or a team map control tool today]

[Xiang Guo likes to be a follower, right? Why is Kandi so confused? 】

[It’s so funny that I thought I could invade without hesitation with just a flash, and it’ll be over if Brother Xing doesn’t beat you up!]

"In this wave, zero is exchanged for two, RNG is simply losing blood!" I remember feeling sad, "Xiang Guo really got himself involved in this last move!"

"Not only that, Smeb cleared the top lane, and also handed over the teleport directly to the bottom lane. It seems that he and his teammates are going to get the first blood tower!" Watana shook his head and sighed, "Now VG can really control the rhythm in an instant.


VG's changing rhythm was so fierce that it caught RNG off guard!

They don't have enough vision and personnel arrangements in the lower half, so they can only watch the Rambo teleportation land and start demolition, and the skills will enter the red temperature state after two rounds of skills!

Warning warning!

Uzi felt like he was almost at red temperature.

Why doesn't VG play according to the routine?

He held Jack down for a long time.

As a result, Gu Xing grabbed the bottom lane twice and directly got two heads from Yu Wenbo.

In the end, Lucian was actually much fatter than himself!

How to play this?

Gundam Bobby used the drill in his hand to stab the defense tower crazily. With the help of Rek'Sai and Lucian, it was extremely easy for the three of them to demolish the undefended turret!

Liu Shiyu felt like falling into an ice cave.

Previously, he laughed at Kandi's reckless behavior, but VG took the opportunity to snowball.

Now that it was his turn, Xiangguo found it hard to accept it!

The defense that they worked so hard to build around the jungle was completely torn apart by VG in an instant!

The next RNG tower is currently being bulldozed.

Xiangguo didn't dare to think about what would happen next.

EDG is always thinking about Junjia, so it will bring Jiejie up honestly. We will be able to code 3,000 more words today.

It's all the fault of the EDG coaching staff!

The familiar enchantress Sivir in the decisive game feels like it has its own destiny.


There are bubbling matches these two days, so there will be fewer games.

However, there is no competition in the middle and late part of this month, so 27W should be guaranteed.

This chapter has been completed!
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