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Chapter 289 289: Within the spider web, only spiders can stay safe


Amidst the unbelievable commentary, EDG decisively locked on the blind monk!

The doll was so excited that she immediately started shouting loudly.

"The factory director wants to prove his strength today and avenge his shame!"

This move caused thousands of waves.

There were bursts of exclamations in the audience, and the rhythm in the online live broadcast room exploded instantly!

[Ming Kai is crazy, right? Playing blind monk in front of Brother Xing? 】

【Prove strength? Food capacity!】

[Guess how Guijiaoqi will make a fool of himself in this game, brother Meng, I have a hunch that Ming Kai is going to make a big splash]

[It makes me laugh so hard that a blind monk who doesn’t even know RQQ dares to select him and use it. I forgot how the All-Stars are treated as footballs, right?]

The director promptly cut the camera to the EDG player bench.

Mingkai pinched his knuckles hard and looked at the monitor with deep and determined eyes.

He wanted to take a breath today, not to prove how great he is, but to tell others that I must get back what I lost!

In this game, he must surprise everyone who looks down on him!

Gu Xing didn't expect that Mingkai would dare to choose the blind monk, and he was surprised and turned his head to look at the factory director's facial expression.

"I'm a good boy..." Smeb sighed in the dialect he learned from Jin Wenhe, "If I had known, I would have played with Kenan."

When he said these words, the team's voice echoed with a rustling chuckle.

Everyone has watched the quarterfinals of last year's World Championship.

In the match where Ming Kai lost his reputation, Smeb was using Kenan. He moved to deflect Gui Jiao Qi's slow RQQ and turned the opponent into a backdrop.

"That's almost it," Gu Xing suppressed a smile and waved his hands, "Everyone, take it seriously and don't relax too much. Let's get a good start first!"

Now even Jack, who usually had a playful smile, turned serious.

After a brief exchange of heroes to check the talent runes, Yu Wenbo caught a glimpse of Yu Wenbo's tense mouth and quickly expressed relief.

"Jack, don't be too nervous, otherwise the strings will be too tight and the game operation will be very stiff."

Yu Wenbo sighed briefly.

"Old Duan, you don't understand, we are different..."

All four teammates hold league titles.

Although Jack played in the second half of the regular season last summer, he did not participate in the crucial playoffs.

Many netizens thought that he was lying in bed.

Yu Wenbo himself felt the same way.

The first step for him to prove his strength is to follow everyone's footsteps and win the spring championship!

With nothing, the burden on his shoulders is naturally completely different from that of his teammates!

The two commentators didn't know what Jack was thinking.

They are still observing and analyzing the lineups of both sides.

Blue side VG: top laner Rambo, jungler Spider, mid laner Rockbird, bottom lane Lucian + Braum.

Red side EDG: top laner Murloc, jungler Blind Sin, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane Ice + female spear.

"To be honest, the Braum that VG grabbed first is a bit crucial." Even the doll could tell that something was wrong. "Many of EDG's ultimate moves were restrained by him!"

"Even the most classic bottom lane combination in last year's World Championship, the Ice Maiden, had a hard time beating Braum with their double ultimates!"

Security doors can block ballistic skills.

As long as Braum pushes forward, the female gun's ultimate move cannot penetrate into the back row even if she washes her face.

The same goes for Syndra R [Energy Pour]!

Remember to frown and offer your own opinions.

"It seems that Braum has a strong defensive ability in team battles, but VG actually sacrificed three lanes. Only the jungle spiders can be said to have a small lead over the current version of the blind monk..."

The Spider Queen hasn't been stabbed this year.

In the 7.1 version of R [Raptor's Tail Swing], the output of the blind monk was severely slashed, and the burst damage was far less than before.

When it comes to collisions in the wild area alone, it is true that Spiders have the advantage.

"This lineup will test the laning ability of VG's three lanes," I remember saying. "If the factory director seizes the opportunity to complete the breakthrough in the early stage, EDG is likely to snowball quickly!"

Another problem with the VG lineup is too much spell damage.

Even the upper, middle and jungle areas are all AP attributes.

But this is also related to version trends.

The rise of the top lane murloc and the weakening of assassins and male guns in the jungle are destined to make spell damage heroes popular!

The doll pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"Speaking of which, do you feel that... the combination of EDG's midfielder and jungler looks a bit familiar?"

Remember to follow what your partner says and look at the screen.

Syndra + blind monk.

Memories came to mind instantly.

"VG's midfield partner in the first game against SKT in the S6 group stage!" I remember blurting out.

The voice is transmitted to every inch of the scene through the speakers.

In the blink of an eye, the discussion was buzzing!

After VG won the LPL's first world championship, its popularity and popularity expanded exponentially. It is no exaggeration to say that it has skyrocketed!

As a result, the number of video plays of each game they played in the S6 season unexpectedly increased dramatically!

The first battle against SKT in the group stage of the World Championship was praised by countless netizens as the beginning of transformation on the road to winning the championship.

Although it was only a group match, it was full of intensity, and the offense and defense of both sides were undoubtedly at the level of the world's top teams!

Gu Xing's perfect early rhythm, Faker's clockwork wall hiding the ball, Bang Ezreal's elegant and agile figure and terrifying output...

And, the final cooperation between Easyhoon and Gu Xing.

The blind monk first used Sky Sound Wave, and used the wild monster captured by Syndra's W [Driving Psychic Power] to perform a second-stage echo attack displacement. This successfully broke into the formation, caught SKT off guard, and kicked Bang in front of his own formation with a roundhouse kick.

Kill it instantly!

Netizens jokingly called the combination of "knowledge and action" a wonderful collaboration, and audiences still talk about it to this day.

"Would the factory director and the junior boy have to reproduce this game?" Watanabe teased with a smile.

Some EDG fans in the audience were so excited that they waved flags and shouted.

It has been less than two months since the Blitz Poland incident broke out, and the EDG fans who still come to support the incident can be called absolute fans.

They extremely hope that the team they support can enter the finals on VG.

The noise did not disturb the ten contestants on the stage too much.

Before Hongmi left, she was still warning her earnestly.

"The opponent's lineup can split push and play solo, so Gu Qian should pay attention to protecting the wing line."

Gu Xing understood in his heart.

EDG has a bastard character called the Murloc, who is equipped as a semi-tank and has extremely high damage in the face.

Our own Rambo and Rock Bird are both afraid of being in the face. They have average frankness and do not have the ability to recover blood-sucking. They are destined to be at a disadvantage when facing small fishmen.

In the mid-term, he must use the spider's mobility and combat strength to protect the sidelines.

"Let's just fight normally," Hongmi cheered them up, "Hard power has the advantage, so you don't have to worry..."

Homme also found that Gu Xing and the other four were indeed relatively calm, with only Jack being slightly nervous.

Amid the referee's urging, he reached out and patted Yu Wenbo on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, the opponent's ADC is also a newcomer. If you use 100% of your strength, you will win surely!"

After Mr. Hou translated the coach's words, he quickly took off his headphones before the violation time.

Jack's expression relaxed visibly.

His ability to withstand pressure is really strong.

But the playoffs are already the biggest stage that Jack can step onto.

Coupled with the pursuit of performance, it is certainly unrealistic to say there is no pressure.

After listening to Hongmi's words, Yu Wenbo remembered that the shooter on the opposite side was Iboy.

In terms of professional arena experience, it is not as good as mine!

Jack immediately relaxed and adjusted himself to prepare for his first playoff game seriously!

The director's camera cut to the auditorium, and after feeling the surge of cheers from supporters of both teams, the scene turned back to the canyon!

The ten heroes were ready in the spring. The doll's fake drinking had not ended yet, and his spirit was still in a state of excitement.

"EDG's first-level teamwork ability of the two teams is slightly stronger. They have excellent pulling ability with the bottom lane combination of Hanbing and Female Spear, but their strength is limited. If they really want to fight against each other, VG is not weak..."

If you encounter a corner encounter and start the battle directly at close range, Braum's role will be maximized.

However, there are narrow roads everywhere in the wilderness.

If EDG had to forcefully invade as a group, death would be imminent if they encountered Braum!

Mingkai planned to stabilize his position first.

In fact, he was itching for a fight and wanted to use the blind monk to get back the fight.

But his remaining sense told him that now was indeed not the time.

"EDG did not form a team. They split into two groups. The duo in the bottom lane crossed the lower river and entered the VG jungle area." I remember staring at the screen and telling the audience all the information I noticed. "The two met Prince Duan.


VG was positioned in a long snake formation, obviously guessing that the opponent would not invade as a group.

But EDG took advantage of this and was sure that VG would not gather together, so Iboy and Meiko dared to barge in.

The moment they saw Duan Deliang, the EDG upper, middle and jungle team crossed the upper half of the area hand in hand and headed to the VG upper jungle area. Kou Rou set up the eye position in the blue area - the little murloc he operated was not afraid of being caught, so he did not need to use it in the early stage.

Focus on your position to protect yourself.

At the same time, the EDG duo retreated backwards, preventing the heroes in the lower half of VG from gathering together to catch them.

The linkage between the upper and lower halves is very disciplined.

Standard Korean operating style, don’t give the other party the slightest chance!

This is an important reason why EDG can always maintain a good level in the league no matter how they change their players.

The C position is the thug, and as long as the system still exists, it can drive the entire team.

But Gu Xing did not sit still and wait for death.

He had just received the information provided by Smeb and knew that the opponent's group in the middle and jungle came from the upper half of the home area, so he had a high probability of having a good vision.

The EDG duo came in and walked around without any action.

This is very scientific.

EDG's dual shooter combination of Ice + Female Gun in the bottom lane has a range advantage at level 1, is strong enough, and has the slowing ability to pull.

Therefore, they must try to grab 2 and reduce the opponent's health before the VG duo has mature combat capabilities.

You must keep an eye out to light up the grass on the route.

As a result, three minutes ago, EDG only had one ward left in the bottom lane, which was used to prevent Gu Xingsu's triple gank.

They have no wards to invade, and naturally no wards to use for defense!

"Jack, you and Brother Duan should go to the blue area on the opposite side and do some voyaging to see the blind monk's trail!" Gu Xing made up his mind.

Duan Deliang does not need to grab 2, and as Braum, he is not afraid of EDG's jungle combination overshooting the tower in the early stage.

Therefore, do not be stingy with the ward position in your hand, and before the opponent rushes to the middle and jungle to return to the lower half, place your vision at the enemy's blue BUFF camp.

"Prince Duan's eyes..." I remember hesitating for a moment and expressing my inner speculation, "Can't I see the EDG duo?"

Xiao Duan was afraid that he would be discovered if he walked straight into the EDG blue zone. The opponent's double shooters relied on their slowing skills to pursue him and lower his health.

The time is now close to a minute and a half, and there is less than 20 seconds left before the troops reach the online handover.

If the blood volume is depleted, regardless of whether Duan Deliang returns to the city or not, it will affect the bottom lane!

So he chose a safer approach.

He passed through the river grass, followed the narrow road connecting the middle lane and the lower jungle area, broke into the enemy jungle area, and poked an eye into the blue area through the wall.

This kind of eye position can certainly ensure that Duan Deliang avoids the enemy duo.

But the shortcomings are also obvious.

I didn't go deep enough and could only see a group of blue BUFF camps.

After all, the vision range of the eye position is only 900 yards, which is not enough to bring the opposite Demon Swamp Frog into the control range!

Remember to see clearly from God’s perspective.

The EDG duo is clearly hiding next to the Demon Swamp Frog camp!

The hero's field of vision range is as high as 1350 yards, which is much further than the eye position.

The director's professionalism is good and he quickly switches to the EDG perspective.

The thick fog of war shrouded the surroundings.

But at the end of Meiko's field of vision, she could still clearly see an eye coming from the wall on the other side of the blue zone!

"It's true!" Wawa was startled, "Isn't there an information gap?"

As a top assistant, Tian Ye naturally realizes the problem.

He knew that VG came in and took a look, but VG didn’t know that he knew.

You can make a fuss about this!

Meiko immediately reported the information to his jungler.

Ming Kai frowned.

He hasn't yet thought of what he can do with the information gap.

But since the opponent has already set an eye in the blue zone, Mingkai will continue as usual.

Don't alert the snake, pretend to be unaware of it, and then lurk in the shadow corner waiting for the opportunity.

It is said that professional junglers have more shady tricks per capita. Their thinking speed is too fast, and they can use all kinds of shady tricks at their fingertips.

That factory director can be called the Lao Yin Bi among Lao Yin Bis!

He relied on his cunning ideas to kill countless players.

During the process of opening the jungle from the lower half of his blue zone, Mingkai cut the screen from time to time to observe the VG upper jungle area.

Unlike Xiao Duan, the visual field information obtained by the eye position is too limited in order to save blood.

The eye position placed by Koro1 is right between the VG blue zone and the Demon Swamp Frog, so you can see the situation of these two camps at the same time.

Ming Kai did not see Gu Xing.

From this, he concluded that the spider must be brushing from bottom to top.

But is it really that simple?

Clearlove thought for a long time, killed the blue buff and upgraded it to level 2, then turned to look for the Demon Swamp Frog.

He even threw the Tianyin Wave at Frog Concubine in front of VG's vision.

Don’t forget to hand over punishment to speed up the jungle clearing.

When the ward placed in the blue area of ​​VG was about to disappear, I caught a glimpse of the Spider Queen with a red BUFF.

For a time, the warning signal in EDG’s voice sounded endlessly!

Ming Kai finally raised his lips.

It's just that the smile on his darkened face doesn't make people feel sunny. Instead, it seems like a conspiracy has succeeded.

It’s you who’s waiting!

Wa Wa doesn't know what Ming Kai is planning in his heart.

He just explained the situation truthfully.

"Brother Xing brushes from bottom to top, red and blue double BUFFs plus the Demon Swamp Frog. It's a quick three-speed start that is a spider standard..." Halfway through the baby's words, he realized something was wrong, "Brother Xing, what are you going to do?"

The director focused the camera on Gu Xing.

The spider successfully upgraded to level 3 in 2 minutes and 35 seconds.

But Elise did not continue to move upward.

Instead, he turned his head and rushed downward!

The initial duration of the current version of the jewelry eye is only 1 minute, and the eye position assigned by Koro1 has long since disappeared.

EDG was unable to capture any trace of Gu Xing!

"A familiar trick!" I remember reacting very quickly, "Brother Xing wants to confuse his opponent and make them think he is still in the top half!"

On the road, Rambo faced off against the little murlocs, and it was really difficult for Gu Xing to catch him and kill him.

However, with the mid laner Kuro's Yanjai, it will be much easier.

The two have a control chain to cooperate, and the burst damage is extremely good. If they cooperate more tacitly, it will be no problem to kill the junior!

Gu Xing deliberately deceived EDG's judgment, making the opponent think that he would launch a surprise attack from above towards the middle.

In fact, I choose to go all the way down.

In spider form, he moves very fast.

It’s just that the director is not focusing on Gu Xing now, but is observing Clearlove7’s movements!

"The factory director brushed to the upper half of the area, got his red BUFF, and then turned back downwards after reaching level three!" The doll's mind was in confusion.

He couldn't figure out what planes the two junglers were doing.

No one plays their cards according to the routine?

How about running back and forth around the canyon here?

Remember to have your own understanding, "Is it possible that the factory director is also playing a deception?"

He knew that Mingkai had poor visual field information.

Maybe the factory director will take advantage of this to make some small moves.

The fact is that I remember guessing correctly.

When Ming Kai saw Gu Xing appearing in the VG blue zone, he had some suspicions in his mind.

He spent a lot of time studying the other party's videos.

It is very clear how effective Gu Xing's signature blindness method is.

Mingkai also knew that Gu Xing knew that EDG had arranged vision in the VG blue zone.

The spider exposed his position nakedly, which made the factory director feel a little strange.

He felt that Gu Xing would not come from above and catch him.

They won’t even restrict the younger students!

Because Mingkai's jungle clearing route has also been exposed, moving from bottom to top.

After the factory director completes the speed three, he will probably perform an anti-crouch near the middle lane!

The mid-field combination of VG Rock Bird + Spider cannot get any advantage in front of Syndra + Blind Sin!

Gu Xing came to catch him, but once he was counterattacked, the price he paid was simply not something he could afford!

Mingkai put himself into Gu Xing's perspective.

He thinks the opponent will go to the bottom lane.

With Bronn around, spiders would almost certainly catch people in the past!

The factory director thought about the logic and immediately set off for the middle road.

Minka also deliberately made a circle, planning to launch a sneak attack in the middle from below, catching Kuro off guard!

The movements of the two people were in full view of the audience, and they immediately discussed endlessly in the audience.

The doll now finally understood their true intentions.

"Brother Xing plans to go to the bottom lane, and the factory manager is keeping an eye on the middle lane... The gank success rate of both sides seems to be very good!"

But the doll is not a contestant on the stage.

He didn't know that Ming Kai had seen through Gu Xing's movements.

The information currently available to both junglers is completely unequal!

Mingkai planned to have his duo retreat in time when he was about to freeze his hands.

In this way, he can successfully catch Kuro in a sneak attack and earn first-blood economy for free!

"Brother Xing seemed to have learned from his teammates that there was an EDG ward near the triangular grass in the bottom lane, so he did not break into the grass, but waited in the Xiaolong Pit area..." I remember his voice was rapid.

Gu Xing knew the approximate time when the eye position disappeared.

He planned to get stuck in the gap between the EDG duo before they replenished their eyes, get into the triangular grass, wait for Meiko to come to replenish their eyes, and then take the opportunity to arrest her.

However, after the opponent pushed the third wave of artillery troops into the VG defense tower, they did not come to fill their eyes, but retreated directly!

Gu Xing was stunned for a moment by the sudden turn of events.

The next moment, he was quickly thinking about the reason.

Logically speaking, there is no reason for EDG's bottom lane to give up a great opportunity to suppress.

The opponent can obviously take advantage of the troop line to enter the tower, and use the advantage of long hands to continuously consume the health of the VG duo outside the range of the defense tower.

As a result, I directly chose to turn back and run away.

This is obviously a guess that I want to catch him!

Gu Xing couldn't think about which part of the problem was wrong.

But he knew the matter was serious.

Ming Kai has guessed his movements and will definitely use this to cause trouble!

Gu Xing quickly cut the screen.

On the top road, Smeb controls the line of troops in front of the tower, maintains sufficient blood, and does not have the conditions to jump over the tower.

Then the answer is ready to come out!

"Rui Xing, please retreat quickly!" Gu Xing urged urgently, and set off for the middle road, warning signals constantly being sent out on the road.

Kuro listened to every word he said.

However, it was still a step too late.

The moment Kuro turned the rock bird back, the junior boy flashed forward, grabbed a magic ball on the ground and threw it!

At the same time, a blind monk emerged from the grass below!

Li Ruixing immediately dodged to avoid Syndra's W [Driving Telekinesis] to avoid being slowed down by the opponent.

But Scout is very tricky, and QE pushed the ball and successfully stunned him at the extreme distance!

The dizziness lasted for 1.5 seconds, and Kuro felt a chill in his heart.

In the mini map, Gu Xing is obviously still some way away from the middle lane, and there is no time to help him counter-crouch.

If he doesn't dodge, he will die!

Mingkai hit the Sky Sound Wave, triggering the Echo Kick to come over, and then added E [Heavenly Thunder Breaker] to trigger the Thunder.

Cooperating with Syndra's explosion, the rock bird was successfully reduced to residual health!

Gu Xing knew in his heart that the middle laner would die in this wave.

He is already studying how to reverse his disadvantage.

"Rui Xing, fight the blind monk!"

Without thinking, Kuro immediately cast Q [Stone Penetration] and laid out the stone formation.

The blind monk standing in front of him suffered a lot of damage, and his blood volume also dropped significantly.

But Mingkai didn't care at all.

He knew that Gu Xing would not be able to arrive in time and that Kuro would not be able to escape from his grasp!

When Yanque used W [Rock Burst], Mingkai adjusted his position by touching his eyes to avoid being carried into the tower by the opponent.

But he didn't pay any price.

During the process of moving his eyes, Mingkai stepped on the stone array the whole time.

Accompanied by a crisp crackling sound, it had the same effect as an acupressure board, instantly lowering the blind monk's health value!

After adding a basic attack, the junior's Q [Dark Sphere] successfully took down the head!

The piggies in the audience burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Gu Xing has always been known for his extremely high first blood rate, and his early jungle design is said to be unmatched.

However, Mingkai was still able to break the game from his hands!

"EDG got the first blood first!" I remember exclaiming in admiration, "The director's idea is really scary..."

Mingkai is not used to the carnivorous version.

But now he feels like he's back to the top.

Just talking about consciousness and thinking, Peak Mingkai is the world's top jungler!

I remember that after the praise, I began to measure the gains and losses of the two teams.

"Kuro brings a teleporter, but he can replenish the line..."

Li Ruixing originally didn't want to bring teleport, mainly because it wouldn't be of much use against Syndra in the lane.

However, the top laner Xiaoyuren selected by EDG will put too much pressure on the team's sidelines in the mid-term.

In line with the concept of putting the interests of the team first, Kuro finally decided to bring a teleporter after careful consideration. In the mid-term, he can protect his teammates on the wing and give him a little deterrence.

Unexpectedly, he would use it before the mid-term.

Relying on teleportation, Kuro will lose at most two bins!

"The factory director helped the junior to push the middle line of troops into the tower, and he chose to go back and farm F6..."

I remember that I felt something was wrong as soon as I saw Ming Kai's movements, and my eyes stopped on the gorgeous Spider Queen, "Brother Xing made a circle, crossed the middle road from the second tower of his house, and returned to the upper half!"

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Gu Xing ran all the way, then crossed the upper river and entered the EDG Ueno area!

"Brother Xing plans to arrest the factory director!"

Remember to tell the truth in one word.

Gu Xing did not go directly to F6 to find Ming Kai.

That's the factory director's home field, and it's hard to seize opportunities with the blessing of metaphysics BUFF.

He chose to squat in the grass next to the EDG red zone.

This is connected to the opposing Sharpbill and Stone Beetle camps.

Gu Xing was sure that Ming Kai would go up and kill the stone beetles before returning to the city.

In this way, the efficiency of the blind monk's jungle clearing in the second round will not be affected.

Previously, he asked Kuro to consume Mingkai before he died, just for this moment!

The blind monk's blood volume is not healthy.

This will give Gu Xing an opportunity!

"The factory director still has half of his health after hitting F6, and he is still moving upwards..." Wawa couldn't help lowering his voice for fear of disturbing anyone, "He doesn't seem to know that he is getting closer to the trap!"

Piggy, who was in high spirits just now, felt something was wrong, and he couldn't help but yell loudly in the audience, trying to warn Mingkai that there was danger ahead.

But Mingkai didn't take any precautions.

He really had no idea.

I just thought that after being deceived, Gu Xing would choose to stay in the lower half of the area and continue to clean up wild monsters and replenish their development.

Who would have thought that the opponent would dare to go deep into their own jungle alone when the top and middle lanes have no line rights!

When he traveled near the red buff camp.

A golden light flashed.

The spider emerges from the grass and shoots a cocoon!

The milky white viscous liquid spread all over my face.

Ming Kai's left hand resting on the keyboard shook subconsciously.

My fingertips are all on the eye button.

But his reaction was still a beat slow.

As mentioned before, many veterans’ reactions rely on experience.

They anticipate possible emergencies in advance and prepare themselves so they can respond quickly.

That's what Mingkai is like.

When he can predict the opponent's actions, he can occasionally perform world-class operations.

But once he is tricked, Ming Kai will transform into an old man.

You can't do it simply by reacting on the spot!

Now an unexpected situation has made his disadvantages of slow hand speed infinitely magnified!

Before I could touch my eyes and leave, I was knocked unconscious by a spider cocoon!

"Brother Xing, give me all QW in human form, and then switch to spider form..."

Gu Xing's combos were extremely fast.

He also deliberately transformed into a spider during his normal attack in human form to trigger the long-range flat A special effect.

Then use the spider form Q to bite the face!

W [Plundering Fury] resets the basic attack, and then adds the last shot to draw A!

When the damage is full, the thunder triggers.

The half-blood blind monk couldn't even hand over W [Golden Bell] and Flash, and died suddenly on the spot!

There will be a draw tomorrow morning!

7K words, 6.83W

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