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029: The Raptors swing their tails!

 Huya platform live broadcast room.

Dopa was sitting in the black boss chair as always. He was wearing black and white panda pajamas and his expression was calm.

He knocked down a minion with a basic attack, and then pressed the Q key.

Dopa, who doesn't like to use smart casting, has to adjust the angle when casting Q [Universal Card].

After successfully clearing away all the soldiers, he turned around and walked down.

In addition to his going out clothes, he now wears a negative cape - a small piece of equipment used to synthesize the [Abyss Scepter].

The current Scepter of the Abyss is cheap, costing only 2,350 gold coins. It can also reduce the magic resistance of units near the hero by 20 points and increase the damage of the wearer in disguise. The price/performance ratio is ridiculously high. Most mage heroes are the first to buy it, which can enhance the push.

Line speed.

It’s just a cloak, and the equipment is a bit poor at seven and a half points. The main reason is that dopa has not been replenished for a long time. The last time it was the city that Jin Canyi returned to when he came to kill the little fish man.

Originally Dopa wanted to push back after pushing this wave of lanes, but the conflict that broke out in the bottom lane disrupted his plan to return to the city.

The battle between the duo is coming to an end.

Perhaps the opponent reminded the card that he had a big move in his hand. JackeyLove and Meimenglan relied on the top laner's captain's big move [Cannon Barrage] to cripple their opponent, but they did not dare to pursue them deeply, but instead retreated back.

But in Dopa's view, there is no difference between them and corpses with the same low blood volume.

Just turn on R [Destiny] and fly down, and you will get two heads!

Stepping into the grass below the middle lane, Dopa quickly used his ultimate move, preparing to go to the bottom lane to harvest the endgame.

But just when the special effects of destiny appeared above the heads of all the enemies, he discovered that there was actually a blind monk hiding in the corner of the screen separated by a wall from him!

And the moment he saw the other party, a sky sound wave had already passed through the wall and flew towards his head!

Dopa subconsciously wanted to move out of position, but he had no room to move after being sneak-attacked, and was eventually hit by the skill.

"??(What)?" Dopa did not expect that someone was squatting on him. His whole body trembled violently, and he was obviously frightened.

Gu Xing relied on Li Qing's basic movement speed of 350 points to successfully come here and crouch at the moment when the opponent's cards cleared the line of troops, and even went to the grass to make a false eye in advance.

He waited and waited, knowing that if Dopa wanted to get kills in the bottom lane after pushing the lane, he would definitely pass by here!

After using Tianyin Wave, Gu Xing did not connect any skills.

The initiative is now in his hands.

The opponent forces the second stage of R [Destiny] to move, and you can choose to trigger the second stage of Q Echo Strike while stuck in time, and follow the card master to the bottom lane, or you can choose to interrupt it with R [Raptor's Tail].

Dopa made a quick decision. Known for his steady play in qualifying, he decided to retreat and gave up his plan to go to the bottom lane. At the same time, he received a yellow card.

Gu Xing noticed that he was moving towards the defense tower to make sure that Dopa would not go to the bottom lane. He did not relax at all and instead stared at the screen intently.

Now it's my turn!

"Still want to escape?" Gu Xing knew that the opponent's jungler Jin Canyi would definitely not squat nearby. After all, the little murloc had been beaten home once before, and there was theoretically no danger in the middle.

So there were only two people around, myself and Dopa!

Card Master has been in the middle for such a long time. Even though the line is long-handed and short-handed, the fishman still tried his best to consume part of his health.

In Gu Xing's opinion, this is a rare opportunity for a solo kill!

Triggering the second Q echo, he flew up. After entering the card's basic attack range, the opponent threw out the yellow card in his hand.

Due to the trajectory of the yellow card, Gu Xing was finally pinned down when the two were 300 yards apart.

But this did not ruin his plan.

Generally speaking, the cards are all main Q, so the level 7 Dopa only has level 1 W [Card Selection], and the drawn yellow card stuns for only 1 second.

Even with the movement speed rune, Card Master Drizzt can't run very far.

Gu Xing moved his eyes forward, and the thunder struck the floor, using the range damage and the slowing effect of the second stage E to stick to the opponent.

"Are you going to kill alone?!" Ding Ran, who was watching the battle next to him, was even more excited than him.

Without hesitation, Gu Xing flashed behind Dopa, blocking the opponent's return to the tower, and punched him, applying the burning and slowing effects of the red BUFF!

He knew that Dopa was still holding Flash in his hand to avoid skills, so he didn't do any fancy operations.

If you have the ability, you can even dodge basic attacks?

"Axi..." Dopa didn't even have straw sandals now, and was still wearing a speed bumper, and Gu Xing was still stuck behind him, preventing him from returning to the tower.

He flashed and ran in the opposite direction? It was someone else's house, and he would die sooner or later.

Bite the bullet and go back to his tower? The blind monk followed and RQ himself still couldn't survive.

The only way to survive is to pray that the opponent misses the RQ.

But who's blind monk can still Q empty after kicking the opponent away with his ultimate move?

Dopa definitely doesn't believe it.

He simply gave up resisting, not even flashing, and muttered, "This blind monk actually came to catch me, it's really..."

Seeing that the opponent did not dodge, Gu Xing simply attacked all the way and killed him with the help of thunder's burst damage!

"Brother Xing is awesome!" Ding Ran was excited beyond words.

"This is nothing, not worth mentioning." Gu Xing quickly waved his hand and said.

The operation of killing Dopa alone is unremarkable, mainly the idea of ​​intercepting the opponent halfway is more critical.

This was also unanimously recognized by teammates.

JackeyLove immediately praised him, [Lao Gu, you are the number one jungler in Denyi!]

Even ‘Tears of Bright Memory and Wushuang’ also sent a bright yellow question mark to express their praise.

In the live broadcast room opened by Ding Ran, you can still hear the voice of Ani Cake Shop, still speaking in a slow and unhurried tone, "Brothers, this blind monk is not low-level, he has the same style as I did back then."

The barrage laughed wantonly.

【The style of the year? Flash R fake monkey?】

[The blind monk’s operation is indeed similar to that of a cake, simple and unpretentious, but the thinking is completely different!]

[What Cake said is indeed true. The two blind monks are both anti-Korean pioneers. The difference is...the anchor was a Dopa teammate at the time]

After Gu Xing had finished praising his teammates, he was still summarizing the benefits of this operation.

I lost a flash, but saved the lives of the bottom duo, and successfully killed Dopa. The gap was only 3 heads every time.

Not only that, Dopa's ultimate move was also wasted. For some time in the future, he will not be able to quickly move around to support the battlefield.

That’s a lot of money.

Gu Xing went back and continued to farm his own wild monsters, preparing to give Dopa another set meal.

After all, the ultimate move he saved hasn't been used yet.

Not long after, a message appeared at the top of the screen, saying that the opponent had killed the first dragon!

Gu Xing reacted quickly, Dopa was killed, Shi Senming and Ning returned to the city with residual health, and Jin Canyi was the only one who could kill the dragon.

The opponent's jungler was in the lower half, so he immediately took countermeasures.

After eating the wild monsters, Gu Xing sneaked around in a large circle and came to the sharp-beaked bird camp in the upper half of the opponent's area.

The opponent's F4 has not been refreshed yet, so Jin Canyi must have controlled the dragon after finishing the wild monsters.

After scanning to make sure there was no enemy sight nearby, Gu Xing crouched here.

I have the last prosthetic eye left in my hand.

That's enough for him.

Dopa has just returned to the middle lane and is moving very carefully, not giving the murloc QR a chance to hit him.

Gu Xing signaled that he was on his way, and motioned for his mid laner to follow him. He caught the pause when Card Master's blue card was released, and threw out a Sky Sound Wave!

Dopa couldn't even move. After being hit by the Tianyin Wave, he saw the elusive blind monk Mo Yan appearing in front of him again!

Raptors tail swing!

He quickly flashed and adjusted his position, but the result of being knocked away did not change.

The little murloc took the opportunity to throw his ultimate move, and the shark bit the card master!

The middle and jungle duo used hard damage to successfully kill Dopa!

Killed for the second time in a row!

The mid lane card is 0/2/1 in 8 minutes, with no dodge or ultimate move, it can definitely be called a collapse development!

"I knew I would ban the blind man..." Dopa looked a little annoyed.

The original team rhythm engine card stalled, instantly overturning the battle situation.

Before TheShy's Sword Lady could get on the road, she saw the enemy captain calling for friends and began to target her frequently.

No matter how strong he is, he can't fight three or four of them at once, and he is being chased around.

JackeyLove gets the advantage and starts riding on his face without making any sense at all.

However, the lineup selected by Dopa's side was weak in starting a team, and could only rely on card yellow cards and ice ultimate moves. The shortcomings of this lineup were fully exposed in the disadvantageous game. Meimenglan used a hook to draw prizes outside the tower, and whoever hit the hook would win.

Have to die.

In the last wave of team battles, after the murloc's ultimate move is fed, Captain Cake activates R [Cannon Barrage] and cooperates with JackeyLove's Baptism of the Holy Spear. Gu Xing doesn't even have to enter the field to protect his own back row and prevent TheShy from cutting in.


At 26 minutes, the opponent's base turned into fireworks and exploded!

This chapter has been completed!
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