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Chapter 322 322: You like copying, right?

 "Brother Xing's signature hero!" Miller was excited, "I haven't used it since the Spring Festival this year, and I finally have to perform a game today!"

Wawa is also looking forward to it, "Brother Xing's Qianjue doesn't need me to tell you, there must be something to say!"

In the event live broadcast room, barrages filled the screen densely. A group of late-nighters stayed here at four o'clock in the morning, waiting to watch the vg game.

The moment they saw Qian Jue appear, they on the other side of the ocean were extremely excited.

[Okay, okay, I really like this mouthful of Qianjue! 】

[Is it okay to choose a champion skin? Go ahead! 】

[Doesn’t this beat the race knight to death? He likes to copy vg’s BP, right? 】

[Qianjue, my Qianjue, so cute (drooling)]

t*** Coach Parth’s face changed.

He didn't ban Qian Jue because Gu Xingdu hadn't chosen it all spring, and the hero himself wasn't that strong.

Who would have thought that my opponent could really use it today! It’s broken.

Parth's heart skipped a beat, feeling that something was not good.

But he still patted his jungler on the shoulder with a generous hand, "It's okay, Qian Jue's version is very useless, you must be confident!"

Svenskeren looked bitter.

Qian Jue is not very strong, but she has a powerful weapon against men!

Graves was afraid that he would have no room for such a flexible and long-handed character!

And the opposite person is Virtue, the world's top Kindred user!

"I should be fine on the road and laning, and I can help you look at the jungle when the time comes." Top laner Hauntzer reassured his teammates. The race knight pursed his lips and nodded.

As of now, there is no better solution, and he can't let both parties BP again and ban Qian Jue.

Players from the two teams exchanged heroes and the lineup was officially determined.

Blue square t***: top laner, small murloc, jungler, mid laner, Lulu, bottom lane, ez+Zyra.

Red square vg: top laner Galio, jungler Kindred, mid laner Karma, bottom laner Verus + Braum.

The doll on the commentary table saw the complete lineup and smiled when he spoke.

"This lineup of t***, I can only say that it's neither fish nor fowl. You don't have a real front row with this lineup. The burden of injuries is all on the little fish man. How can the back row output?" He could see the problem clearly.

The skill mechanism of the murloc is not meant to be used as a tank. The Titan, which is famous for being puffy and fat, still has a shield. To block damage, it can only rely on the passive [Smart Fighter] to provide sporadic reductions.

The key point is that the fishman's passive is the magic power bonus, which is almost useless if you want to make a meaty outfit!

The stability of a body is entirely supported by equipment, so the effect must be very average.

Miller even beamed, "Besides, where is the means to start a group? You can't just rely on the little murloc's big move to get the prize, right?"

"If it's too late, their depth won't be as good as vg's!"

vg Kindred Verus's dual shooters are obviously much stronger than the T*** male gun Ezreal at first glance.

In the front row are Galio and Braum. Together, they can form a solid barrier to protect the teammates behind!

"This BP is absolutely crushing in all directions," Miller concluded directly, "VG's lineup is very neat, and the coaching staff has pushed their level to the extreme!"

The lineup gap has reached the point where anyone with a discerning eye can tell which side has better BP at a glance.

There were many Brazilian spectators at the scene waving various support objects, waving flags and cheering for their beloved team.

When the loading interface ended and ten heroes were born in the spring water, the noise in the venue increased by another octave!…

Galio, who stood upright in the shape of a wind dragon, and Kindred, who had a fair complexion and was holding a gorgeous long bow, appeared in front of everyone.

vg champion skin!

"SB and Brother Xing are all using their own skins," Wawa yelled. "This is also the first time that members of the VG team have used them in the professional arena!"

When the champion skin was released, the spring split had already been played. VG members had only used it during various live broadcasts. Now it is the first time that it has appeared on the professional stage!

"I have to say, this set of vg skins is really good," Miller said without forgetting to promote it. "The quality? It's quite reliable. It's also a sincere product from Riot Games in recent years."

Riot has a very clear understanding of who pays the bills. Players in the LPL region are the main consumer force, so the first championship skin naturally has to be carefully crafted.

"Especially Galio and Kindred. Players who play these two heroes in the Chinese server now have a very high usage rate of this skin, and it often appears even in professional competitions."

Kindred's popularity in this mid-season tournament is average, but they can't stand Galio.

As a new upstart top laner, the BP rate is rising steadily. Basically all professional players are choosing vg skins in this msi!

The director also specially cut the screen to show it to the VG fans in the stands. Someone held up a hand-drawn cartoon version of the champion skin that he had drawn. The hero's head circumference was bigger than Jack's and the proportions were even more exaggerated. In it, Kindred highlighted a cute, sheep spirit.

He was still patting the wolf spirit on the head with a small round hand similar to Doraemon, looking very affectionate.

This scene caused bursts of laughter in the venue.

Gu Xing pressed his knuckles, and while he was still unable to leave the spring water, he deliberately pressed the b key to observe the special effects of a wave of return to the city.

The atmosphere in the voice is quite relaxed and cheerful.

"Look at the nest," sb clicked the mouse on the floor, "Gario can fly!"

Due to the effect of Home Guard, Galio's movement speed is increased and he gains new movement effects.

Now its wings are fully extended and its feet are off the ground, hovering in the air. It looks very cool.

"Mai Bo, why don't you use Galio to submit the application form to the Marquis?" Jack suppressed a bad smile.

"Ah?" sb didn't understand, "Does the application form mean something like gods and demons?"

Gu Xingsheng was afraid that Yu Wenbo would try to teach Song Jinghao a bad lesson again. The Lucian jungle incident during the previous live broadcast was still vivid in his mind, so he quickly gave instructions to let his teammates focus.

"Let's invade the lower half first, and Shanfu will go to the front, and just grind forward as hard as we can!"

VG not only has Braum, a level 1 team player in the traditional sense.

And there’s Galio, who can solve missions without dodging!

In addition, Karma, who comes out with the R skill, and Verus, who can increase his attack speed by assisting teammates in completing kills, are both extremely powerful level 1 characters.

vg relied on their lineup advantage to squeeze into the opponent's lower jungle area when they left the house.

t*** was on guard, imitating the trick that vg had used before, asking Zyra to passively lay seeds in her jungle area, and then use skills to trigger them after the opponent arrived.

It’s just that the consumption effect this time is quite average.

After the two plants were activated, they were quickly cleaned up by three long-handed heroes of vg!

The whole process is estimated to only reduce Galio's health by a few dozen points, and it will not even affect SB's subsequent laning.

Brother Yegui's ez threw a Q from a long distance through the wall, but was blocked by Xiao Duan, who has quick eyes and quick hands...

t*** had no choice but to retreat angrily, and svenskeren used the male gun to run to the vg upper jungle area to exchange buff resources.

"Do you want to grab your first river crab mark?" Kuro asked.

After the rules for capturing Kindred's mark have been modified, the first layer must now be applied to the river crab.

Now that vg has successfully invaded the lower jungle area of ​​t***, it can be said that the lower river crab is already in Gu Xing's bag.

The difficulty lies in Shanghe Crab.

Since the top lane is Galio versus the Murloc, it is a disadvantageous matchup under normal circumstances.

If Gu Xing wants to grab the swift crabs in the first half, SB will most likely not be able to help!

After careful consideration, Gu Xing made a decision, "...I want to grab it."

He wants to develop into shape as soon as possible, and the two and a half minutes of the first layer mark will be in his pocket!

Before the bottom duo returned to the lane, they also specially helped Gu Xing hit T***'s red buff twice so that he could take down the wild monsters as quickly as possible.

After reaching level 2, Gu Xing went straight to the middle road!

The two commentators noticed this scene immediately.

"Brother Xing wants to take action against Pilsen, but there may not be a chance this time."

The game has only reached 2 minutes.

Kuro's Karma is currently only level 1 and has no retention skills.

Lulu was also very careful about her positioning, knowing that Gu Xing was in the lower half, so she moved very high up.

It looked like there was really no way to catch him. Bilson thought so too.

In order to cope with Karma's continuous strong push, he specially learned Q [Sparkling Spear], and at this time he also handed over the sword for tail repair.

But this is the moment Gu Xing has been waiting for!

Kindred walked through the narrow path between the t*** Sharpbill camp and the grass below the middle road.

The moment he broke into Lulu's field of vision, a golden light flashed by!

In an instant, it caused waves of waves in the stands! "Ah this." Wawa opened his mouth in surprise, "Brother Xing, is this really the wrong button? He just flashes when he meets you?"

Kindred flashed forward again.

The total displacement of the front and rear sections is more than 700 yards!

Miller realized Gu Xing's intention and immediately raised his voice, "Brother Xing has blocked Bilson's retreat to the tower!"

This displacement distance of more than 700 yards brought Gu Xing to the center of the middle road.

If Bilson, who is on top, wants to return to the tower, he must withstand Kindred's damage.

You know, the red buff that Level 2 Gu Xing carries!

With Lulu's fragile body, if she was chased by Gu Xing and Kuro all the way to the tower, she would probably be killed on the spot!

If Bilson wanted to escape, he could only continue to move up the river.

But even so, Kuro didn't want to let him go.

Take a step forward and throw q [Soul Flame] in advance, hoping to block Lulu's escape path to the river.

If Bilson wants to avoid Karma's skills, he must turn around and turn around.

But Qian Jue is watching from behind!

He gritted his teeth and moved backwards with a sense of luck. While avoiding the flames of the soul, Gu Xing also brought it within his range!

The wolf spirit followed and bit Lulu with a howl.

"Brother Xing aqa has repeatedly used layers of war fervor, and the damage is quite high. Lulu is a bit overwhelmed!"

Coupled with Kuro's basic attack output, Bilson's health dropped to half!

"Svenskeren came from vg's f6 camp to the battlefield, wanting to help his teammates as soon as possible!"

Seeing that the jungler was about to arrive, Bilson stood firm and didn't want to dodge...

When the Q skill cooled down, he threw out the shining spear and successfully slowed down to Gu Xing.

However, he was also attacked by Karma for the third time. After triggering the thunder, he had very little health left!

When Gu Xing saw that the opponent's center and field were converging, he finally stopped pursuing and returned to the center to help deal with the troops.

"Bilson has no way to return to the line. He has to go around in a circle and take a safe position behind the tower to the middle, which will take a long time..."

Miller suddenly realized, "Brother Xing's move is really powerful.

Deliberately lowering Lulu’s blood volume and successfully controlling the middle route!”

Now the game time has reached 2 minutes and 10 seconds. The second wave of troops has arrived in the middle.

The vg midfielder who controls the line can easily push the soldiers into the t*** tower!

In the next two and a half minutes, the river crab mark will be refreshed and it will become Gu Xing's property!

"Brother Keke has spent a flash for this," Wawa frowned and worried, "Is this exchange really profitable?"

Miller thought about it for a moment, "It must still be profitable. Brother Xing's flash belt should be prepared for team play. It is used to increase the fault tolerance rate. It is not needed at all in the early stage!"

"Look at t***'s lineup, no one can threaten Qian Jue's life in the early stage!"

This is also the reason why Gu Xing is so unscrupulous.

He was confident and bullied because he had little control over the t*** lineup.

Even if he doesn't flash, relying on Qian Jue's own agility, DN can still run unimpeded!

"Brother Xing is stuck in the middle lane. He has to slowly accumulate troops and wait until the river crab is about to spawn before pushing the soldiers into the opponent's tower. This way, the t*** will not have any possibility of snatching Qian Jue's mark!"

Wawa felt that Gu Xing's approach was too outrageous, and even pretended to complain to T***, "How can any jungler play the game like this? Starting at level 2, the troops in the middle will be divided!"

The noise at the scene was non-stop.

Some Brazilian viewers know that Gu Xing likes dirty soldiers recently. But even if this is the case, many people are surprised - after all, no matter how they are combined with the mid laner, they have never seen a player who starts to live in the middle lane in two minutes.


Not to mention that there are still many viewers who are limited by the fact that lpl only has Chinese and English streams and do not understand Gu Xing’s recent style changes!

Their impression of Virtue is still the supernova who ganked fiercely and cleanly in last year's World Championship.

At that time, Gu Xing was not a dirty soldier of his teammates. He wished he could

Give all the money to the double C, allowing teammates to develop as quickly as possible and take over the game.

As a result, when I looked at it today, I found that the new FMVP playing style seemed to be a different person!

Qian Jue now seems to regard the middle road as a spring, and he comes here to take a stroll when he has nothing to do!

Kuro enjoys it.

He felt that Gu Xing had used his flash to help him successfully lower Lulu's blood volume. Isn't it reasonable to use the wave of soldiers?

"Two and a half minutes, the mark is brushed on the upper river channel!" Miller watched Qian Jue finish pushing the army line, and moved forward to brush the swift crabs above. "Svenskeren knew that the middle lane could not continue to help without finishing the army line, so he simply

Head to the lower half!”

Gu Xing only countered a group of red buffs from t***, and the rest of the camp is currently safe and sound.

Moreover, a group of wild monsters in the lower jungle area of ​​VG were not cleared.

Race knights can also gain development by running over, but Gu Xing disagrees.

"Brother Xing finished swiping river crabs and got the first layer of marks, then passed by the middle road again and went down!"…

The baby was so excited that he yelled, "Svenskeren is brushing his f6, the two of them want to meet each other!"

The difference in the status of the mid laner lies here.

Bilson's blood volume is insufficient, and the small-scale team battle collision between the two sides in the middle and jungle is not at the same level.

He waited for the third wave of artillery soldiers to return to the city to replenish the amplification book before teleporting it out.

Now seeing that there may be a collision in the jungle, I declared to svenskeren in advance that I could only provide all support except help to my teammates.

The race knight knew that he could not defeat him with two fists, so he had no choice but to swallow his anger and give up the precious sharp-beaked bird.

"Brother Xing successfully upgraded to level three after slaying the Sharp Beak Bird," Miller smiled, "Kuro gave up a lot of soldiers, and now they come in handy!"

Thanks to the experience of a whole wave of lanes in the middle, Gu Xing successfully reached level 3 by only clearing two sets of camps and one river crab.

"The matchup in the jungle has widened the level gap, and svenskeren is having a hard time at the moment!"

The racial knights don't dare to use any experience at all - Bilson is at his peak. As a French king, even if he chooses to be exposed, he is not a pure tool. It is impossible to give way to the jungle in the early stage!

Svenskeren, who has only farmed one camp since the start, has to go back to the upper jungle if he wants to avoid Kindred's pursuit and reach level three smoothly.

It's just that you have to take a long detour and waste a lot of time.

He has no choice. Level 3 Qian Jue has reached a strong stage, and the chance of defeating the opponent with a level 2 male gun is infinitely close to zero!

It is obviously unrealistic to fight head-on. You must avoid the edge for a while, rest and recuperate for a while, and make up for your growth.

Gu Xing watched the opponent leave the lower jungle area, and placed the trinket eye in the grass next to the Sharpbill Camp to guard against the male gunman's carbine, and then ran to the t*** Stone Beetle Camp to continue the fight.

"Pilsen returned to the city to resupply and then teleported back to the line. Due to its certain experience advantage, it is now gradually taking back the initiative in the middle."

The time came to 3 minutes and 30 seconds. The wolf spirit started hunting again. The target was the river crab!

"Svenskeren is in the upper wild area. Brother Xing can easily accept his second level mark!" Wawa said with great interest, "Qianjue's development is quite smooth. He is not in a hurry to clean up his lower wilderness camp, but goes down. Road moves!”

The director took advantage of the opportunity to show the two teams a pair of shots.

"Prince Duan held up the security door to block all the damage from the t*** bottom lane combination, preventing the opponent from consuming troops!"

What the t*** duo originally thought at the beginning was that since vg invaded their lower jungle area and Kindred was nearby, they would be more cowardly.

As a result, Gu Xing caught it at level 2 and ran up the river to collect the mark of the swift crab.

They mistakenly thought that Gu Xing would stay in the upper half for a while, and not wanting to waste the laning suppression power of ez+Zyra, they decided to push the laning.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xing went back to the lower jungle area again!

But the army line had already been pushed out by the two of them!

The t*** duo gritted their teeth and took advantage of Gu Xing's opportunity to counterattack the beaked bird, and quickly pushed all the soldiers into the lower tower of vg.


Now they are facing a wave of pushback.

After a large amount of output was blocked by Duan Deliang with the security door, the troops rushed towards the t*** defense tower with an unstoppable momentum!

"Brother Xing wants to use this wave of troops to escape the tower!" Miller's voice became sonorous and powerful as he realized that the battle was about to begin.

Qian Jue emerged from the grass behind the enemy's next tower, and the mark of the sheep spirit hung openly on Zyra's head...

The next moment, the eye position fell to the foot. The scarlet teleportation light skyrocketed!

The screen is split in half to cut to vg spring water.

"Kuro returns to the city to buy a killing ring and a real eye, and wants to teleport to join the battlefield!" Watou shouted loudly, "less than 4 minutes into the game, vg will start a four-pack of two!"

Gu Xing's timing for this wave of crossing the tower was just right.

In the middle, Kuro had just endured Lulu's consumption, sacrificing his health and accelerating to finish the fifth wave of short-term attacks, just in time to return to the spring for supplies before the arrival of the sixth wave of artillery troops.

However, Pilsen's teleport was cooling down, and the jungler ran to the upper jungle area to develop, and the top laner Murloc did not dare to teleport in front of Galio to come to support.

The t*** duo are now isolated and helpless, just like two lambs at the mercy of others!

"Brother Yegui also wants to use arcane jump and flash escape. But Brother Xing still has a red buff on him!"

Relying on [Fu Neng Affinity], Gu Xing can extend the buff duration.

He slows down the opponent with basic attacks, and then follows up with e [Fear].

The wolf spirit beside him raised his body and stared at the enemy locked by him with his ferocious eyes.

Gu Xing jumped forward, and the silver light attached to the arrows in the dance of arrows splashed out lotus flowers on Ezreal!

"Skilled aqa, dodged Zyra's entangling roots and stuck to ez at the same time. Even after Brother Yegui handed over the treatment, he was still unable to move!"

Another basic attack triggered fear, and the wolf spirit was ready to bite Xiao Huangmao, taking away a lot of health!

"Kuro landed and provided a shield to help assist, Brother Xing successfully obtained first blood!

The doll put himself into the arena, looked at the lonely Zierra in the tower, and let out two evil laughs, "You are left alone, where do you want to run?"

t*** Assistant Xiao Wang is a Chinese, with a handsome face and harmless appearance.

Now seeing the VG players all around, they looked helpless and took their hands off the keyboard to prepare for the Dharma *** salute.

Gu Xing did not kill him immediately.

The first is to maximize the income, let teammates share the economy, and get assists.

The second is to wait for the sheep spirit mark to officially take effect.

"Zyra is so pitiful, isn't she?" Miller couldn't bear it when he saw the four people surrounding the t*** auxiliary under the tower, giving up resistance and waiting for death. "He is destined to provide Brother Xing with the third layer of marks.


When the silver mark appeared above Qian Jue's head again, Gu Xing started to cooperate with his teammates to lower Zyra's health.

"Jack, take this head!" Seeing this, the doll shook his head repeatedly, "t*** sent out a double kill in the bottom lane, and also lost a large wave of troops under the tower. To be honest, ez was basically disconnected in the early stage."

Brother Yegui has brushed 4 waves of minions in total, and even with the automatic money jump salary issued by the system, he still has a shortfall of more than 30 yuan before he can buy 750 worth of Goddess Tears.

His expression was extremely aggrieved, so he had to buy two long swords to increase his fighting power.

This means that it will take 7 minutes at the earliest to make the Tears of the Goddess, which will greatly delay the subsequent rhythm of the magic cutting!

"T*** didn't make much profit in the first half, and svenskeren's counter-field only made up for his previous losses in the jungle. He couldn't pose a threat to SB!"

When a pre-level 6 murloc and a male spear face Galio, they can at most lose a little of their HP. It is a fantasy to keep the opponent.

"The key is how to deal with Qian Jue's three-level seal in Brother Xing's 4 minutes?" Miller didn't manage his emotions very well, so he laughed out loud, "It's like a crazy start!"...

Gu Xing returned to his own jungle area and began to clean the lower half of the camp.

"Brother Xing is marking his blue zone." Wawa was stunned for a moment before he realized, "He wants to give up the blue buff to Kuro?"

"The style of play suddenly became a good team!"

Miller explained beside him, "I feel like Brother Xing is making investments."

"The blue buff he gives to the mid laner is to allow Kuro to control the lane in the next two minutes, so that he can use the advantage of the mid lane to do things later!"

Gu Xing returned to the city after slaying the three wolves.

Five groups of wild monsters + Twin River Crabs, a wave of soldiers in the middle as well as first blood and assists. Return to the city to make a green jungle knife and a recurve bow, and go straight to the lower jungle area!

As Miller said, he provided the blue buff to kuro in order to get more valuable benefits than wild monsters in the future!

The first is passive imprinting.

When Kindred has three levels of marks, the revised Wolf Spirit will hunt river crabs, the opponent's f6, and marsh frogs.

Among them, the race knight has already wiped out the frog concubine, and the remaining river crabs will have a reset time of 3 minutes. The earliest river crab to be refreshed will not be born until 5 minutes and 40 seconds.

As for the Sharp Beak in the t*** wild area, the last time Gu Xing countered it was at 2 minutes and 53 seconds.

In other words, 5 minutes and 23 seconds will be reset! This is the object marked by the wolf spirit!

Gu Xing asked Kuro to rely on the cooldown reduction and mana recovery effects of the blue buff to use skills to clear the line frantically, and then run to support him.

People in Pilsen were dumbfounded.

He never imagined that the opponent's mid laner Karma, who had been fouled by the jungle at level 2, could actually get the first blue buff!

I don't even get this treatment!

Kuro happily pushed Binxuan to lean down, putting pressure on his opponent to ensure that Gu Xing cleared f6 again.

"Is my work okay?" He tried to claim credit, "The opposite Lulu is an earth-bound spirit, and she will never wander around!"

Gu Xing got his fourth-level mark and continued deep into the lower jungle area of ​​t***, using the eye position provided by the green jungle knife to insert it at the key pass.

"If there is no cat cake, keep up the good work and we will swim the t*** to death!" He offered encouragement, and then began to direct his teammates, "Maibo, get ready!"

SB had already learned about the plan that Gu Xing was planning to implement. He agreed and started to sell out the flaws. He pretended to exchange blood and was consumed by the opponent's little murlocs, and then returned to the city justifiably.

After mending a pair of cloth-armored shoes, he stayed in the spring water to wait for the men to wear them.

Gu Xing and Kuro, who had once again cleared the middle line of troops, relied on the exploding cones next to the t*** red zone to bounce over the wall, and once again came to the grass behind the grass on the side of the enemy's next tower.

On the way, I didn't forget to hang the sheep spirit mark on ez's head, planning to get another layer of mark.

"ttt!" He glanced at the middle of the first and second towers on the lower road of t***, urging sb to hand over the teleport quickly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the teleportation swirling light shone freely on his eyes!

"Two for five?!" Miller was stunned, "vg is crazy about targeting the bottom lane!"

He even felt like he was killing a chicken with a big knife. The audience at the scene thought so too.


"The t*** duo's summoner skills haven't improved yet, so they will die under the tower. The top laner, the murloc, teleported!"

Seeing that Galio teleported to the bottom lane to join the team, t*** top laner Hauntzer thought it was necessary to protect the duo.

But the transfer and boot time is a full 4.5 seconds.

Before the top laners of both sides landed, the battle had already begun. "Prince Duan took the lead in resisting the tower, and Q flashed his hand and hit Zyra!"

Xiao Wang originally wanted to activate plants to help him block his skills, but Duan Deliang flashed directly into his face, completely foiling his plan!…

"Jack drew his bow and started to use the wither passive. He charged up an arrow in seconds to detonate the layer. Brother Xing used the shield given by Kuro and killed Zyra with two arrows!"

When he completed the kill, Gu Xing also relied on the acceleration effect to twist and move in detail.

The small and exquisite sheep spirit has a graceful figure, but it was stunned to avoid Zyra's e!

The operation continued for a moment, then he turned around and threw the e [Fear] at Ezreal.

"Karma's spirit chain has caught up with the wild turtle brother svenskeren and is here!"

The character of the racial knight is not very good, but his strength is not bad.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t have won consecutive league championships after joining t***.

When he saw Kuro leaning towards the lower half, he thought that vg might attack his duo again.

Simply don't even brush the campsite in the upper jungle area, and rush to the bottom lane quickly and slowly.

Just to avoid alerting others, the race knights did not dare to go directly through their jungle area, for fear of being discovered by vg's vision in advance.

He made a large circle and rushed down the lane along the army line.

The speed was much slower, so when the racial knight arrived on the battlefield, Xiao Wang was already dead.

"Brother Xing is not afraid at all. He points the finger directly at the male gun and plans to take Svenskeren's life first!"

The reason why Gu Xing changed the focus of the fire is simple.

The sheep spirit mark he hung on Brother Yegui's head has not yet officially taken effect.

Now I can't earn enough money by killing ez.

"The health of the male gunner dropped quickly, and the top laners of both sides have also participated in the team battle!" Miller's voice became more and more urgent, "Both characters are both level 5, but they play completely different roles on the battlefield!"

The murloc is currently far from being the first formed equipment, Ice Fist. It is not painful to attack a person with a basic attack, and it is not much different from the AP route.

The difference is that without Thunder, his burst output is limited. He turns around and hits Qian Jue with a set of damage, leaving more than half of Gu Xing's health left.

"Prince Duan [steps forward] moves to Brother Xing's side, leaves the range of the defense tower at the same time, and uses his passive on the opponent!"

After Song Jinghao landed, an e [Justice Blow] rushed forward into the opposite formation.

Charge [Dulang Shield] and prepare to activate range taunt!

"The male gunman wanted to retreat and distance himself, but SB flashed!"

The dragon scales on the surface of Galio's body stood up, and the chaotic air flow accompanied by golden light enveloped the enemy hero heavily!

Brother Yegui had just been tied to the spot by Kuro's spiritual chain. Without the ability to escape, he could only watch as he endured the taunting control again!

Racial Knights are no exception.

The strength of Galio's flash combo is simply too outrageous.

The investment in a single small skill when charging Durang's shield is low cost, but it will make the opponent very afraid, and the intensity after the flash is even more frightening!

The enemy doesn’t even have effective means of countermeasures and prevention!

Only the top laner, the murloc, used e [ancient spirit/spirit] to jump into the air and avoid the taunt by being unable to select.

"Brother Xing's fourth-level passive power has begun to show up. The arrow hitting the man's gun body hurts like hell!" The doll's voice was impassioned, "5% of the current health value is not enough to cover the physical damage!"

If calculated based on 600 blood.

Gu Xing's arrow will cause an additional 30 points of output.

You know, the passive of Recurve Bow is only 15 points of physical damage.

Kindred’s passive stacks directly bring double benefits!…

The racial knight is only level 4, and his body cannot support the output of everyone in vg!

The moment he recovered from the taunting state, Gu Xing sent him back to the spring with one arrow!

"Ez has no way to escape, even if Lulu comes to support, there is nothing we can do!"

Pilsen is a long time coming.

vg has entered the stage of cleaning the battlefield.

He could only scroll down the keyboard and press all the small skills to show that he had tried his best.

"Gario killed ez with a heavy punch, Brother Xing got the fifth level mark!"

The remaining little fishmen still want to run away.

However, the cooldown reduction did not stack up, and the CDs of both displacement skills were very long.

After being weakened by Xiao Duan, Gu Xing chased him all the way with basic attacks to clear his health bar!

"You like copying, don't you?!"

The baby howled loudly, and the voice was extremely loud, "Male gun, Zyra, Lulu, choose the same lineup of midfielder and jungler as vg, but can you understand t***?"

"You know you don't have the ability?"

"Zero for four" Mi Le was about to come to a conclusion when he suddenly discovered that Verus's profile picture had been blacked out in the vg hero status bar on the right side of the screen from a God's perspective. He asked in surprise, "Why is Jack dead?"

Wawa just gave up the main stage of team battle commentary to his partner, and he was responsible for supporting it. He watched the six directions and noticed other details of the battlefield.

"Resist the tower." He didn't know what to say. "After Prince Duan escaped from the defense tower, Jack continued to resist until death."

The director specially showed the footage of Verus resisting the tower.

Jack resisted two shellings and was still retreating, but unfortunately he couldn't control the distance properly. He turned around and went back to join the group, only to be hit by two more shells from the tower, and his health bar was directly drained!

Domestic live broadcast rooms were flooded with barrages.

[I'm going to be laughed to death by Jack, the adc is forced to be a tank in the front row, right? 】

[There is a saying, isn't the shooter just a gun truck in the early stage? It will definitely attract the hatred of the defense tower. If people don't attack the soldiers, they will beat him]

[To be honest, it’s quite outrageous. Logically speaking, Verus’ position is clearly out of the range of the defense tower. Why would he still be bombarded by the tower when he turned around? 】

[It can be said that because Jack’s head is too big, even the hero model is one size larger than others, so he rushes in first to fight the tower]

"It's okay, it's zero for four," Miller said optimistically, "Verus is a tower kill, so it won't be a problem."

"The t*** has basically collapsed. It sent Qian Jue to the fifth level mark, and the first blood tower in the bottom lane will be bulldozed!"

The vg player bench was also a scene of laughter.

"Can you die?" After Gu Xing learned about the outrageous cause of Yu Wenbo's death, he felt it was extremely outrageous, "Jack, are you a magnet?"

Yu Wenbo scratched his head, looking very troubled, "I can't come! I'm obviously free from hatred, why is the tower still hitting me when I turn around?"

He couldn't understand.

Is there something wrong?

"It's crazy, just think of it as a free return to the city," Yu Wenbo couldn't figure out the reason and simply stopped thinking about it, "Anyway, I didn't give the other party a head."

Kuro couldn't be happier.

"Well done, Jie Kuo, now no one can compete with Gu Gu for the economy of a blood tower!"

If Verus is still alive, he will definitely get a share of this advance.

Now kuro doesn't have to worry about this problem.

He ordered his superiors to pull away, and he also moved to the next tower away from the enemy, so that Gu Xingdan could take it.

Yu Wenbo was silent for a while, and then he said, "Brother, are you too filial?"...

Gu Xing let out a few muffled laughs. After pushing the enemy's bottom lane HP tower, the time came to 6 minutes and 20 seconds.

The wolf spirit starts hunting again.

At level 5, it is currently only interested in the enemy's red and blue buffs, stone beetles or three wolves.

t***Both buffs were not reset. Between the other two groups of wild monsters, it chose the stone beetle.

Right next to the next tower!

Gu Xing effortlessly obtained the 6th level mark before returning to the city!

"Brother Xing's proficiency in this unique skill is really worthy of saying something so terrifying...

"Miller exclaimed, "I have never seen such a smooth Qianjue!"

"Quie is exaggerating," Watana nodded in agreement, "After all, he is the owner of the champion skin!"

With the returning blood blade jungle knife and the attack speed boots, Gu Xing is already invincible!

Go out and continue running to the lower jungle area, pointing directly at the red buff that t*** is about to refresh!

svenskeren can only give way.

He can't even hold a warrior jungle knife, and he doesn't have the ability to compete with Gu Xing in a 1v1 fight.

The only solution at present is to avoid fighting and develop.

Try to narrow the gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides.

But there was no chance.

At the 8-minute mark of the game, Gu Xing took advantage of the lane control controlled by his duo who switched lanes to the top lane and sneaked into the t*** upper and jungle area.

The racial knight who successfully crouched here and prepared to give the mid laner a blue buff.

Turning on Wolf Walk Frenzy, Gu Xing controlled Qian Jue to rush out of the bushes. With two simple basic attacks, the male gun's health instantly dropped a lot!

"Brother Xing is filled with fear, svenskeren is slowed down, and there is no way to escape!"

Graves handed over r [Ultimate Explosive Bomb] and wanted to escape.

But Gu Xing has attack speed boots and the pursuit ability of Dance of Arrows, so he can climb over mountains and ridges in the wild area and arrest the male gunner!

"Bilson was still on his way to the jungle, but he was held back by kuro!" Miller beamed with joy, "No one can help svenskeren!"

The t*** duo that switched lanes to the top lane is still Ezreal + Zyra. Neither of them emphasize roaming roles, and basically rely on lane.

The racial knight stands alone.

There was a deep look of helplessness in his eyes, and he could only watch Gu Xing use Dance of Arrows again.

A pure white lotus blooms at the man's gunshot wound!

The next second Qianjue's head lit up with the vg icon, and at the same time he pressed b to return to the city, Virtue's floral signature appeared on the ground!

In an instant, the scene was filled with people!

This chapter has been completed!
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