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369: Crazy imprint accumulation!

 Seeing that Gu Xing had achieved development far beyond the timeline, Sof was a little anxious.

He knew that in the later stage, VG relied on Qian Jue + Verus' double shooter lineup, and the team battle would be extremely powerful. If the Snake team wants to win the game, they must have an advantage in the early and mid-term!

While Gu Xing was brushing the river crab mark, Sof went on the road and wanted to have a linkage with Brother Holy Gun.

Six minutes into the game, the game screen shifted to the top lane for the second time.

There was really no other way. After Sb sent out the first blood, he kept the Steady Strategy in mind and tried his best to avoid fighting with the crocodile for blood. He would rather lose the minions than reduce his own blood volume!

Holy Spear Brother had no idea. Occasionally E [Rampage] would send forward a mandatory duel invitation. The opponent would block the damage with a golden holy shield, and then turn around and poke himself with the dragon impact.

Over and over again, he only suppressed the prince's 10 last hits, but gained nothing else. Even the director was unwilling to cut the camera to the top lane.

Now that he heard that Sof was coming to help, Brother Holy Spear was eager to hoard troops and enter the tower, preparing to teach Sb a lesson.

"The crocodile activates his ultimate move to build up his anger first, and the pig girl emerges from the grass behind the previous tower, blocking the prince's retreat..." Zeyuan is ready to enter the battle state.

As a result, before the mouth was warmed up, Sb handed over the EQ 2nd Company. The flag fell next to the triangular grass on the upper road separated by a wall!

Seeing the crocodile cross the wall simultaneously, the prince didn't wait for the crocodile to get close to him, and then flashed again. In just one second, he successfully pulled it to a safe area a thousand yards away!

"Running so fast!" Su Xiaoyan admired sincerely.

She thought that only the jungler was better at escaping and protecting KDA. Unexpectedly, there was a top laner who also knew this unique secret! It was beyond the reach of Crocodile and Pig Girl in a physical sense!

"Brother Holy Spear's flash has not improved yet, and he has no way to deal with the escaping prince. He can only let his opponent escape!"

The fans of the Snakes team at the scene let out a long sigh, feeling quite regretful and regretful that the overcooked duck flew away.

Zeyuan always paid attention to the small map and reported Gu Xing's movements to the audience as soon as possible.

"At the same time, Brother Xing has already set his sights on Tulong, planning to seize the chance of Sister Zhu showing up on the road to plunder neutral resources!"

Sof caught him at this moment, so he naturally didn't think about fighting for this little dragon.

After all, the control of the middle and lower lanes has been completely lost, so it is reasonable for the Snake team to lose control of Xiaolong Pit.

What he really wants to control is the Rift Herald in the top half.

On the top lane, Holy Spear Brother has absolute lane power, and Sof takes advantage of the crocodile's strong period to gain as much advantage as possible! Although this wave did not kill Sb, it forced the prince back and used a flash, which can be considered as some gains.

Sof's brain was working rapidly, and he wanted to use this as a breakthrough to continue to expand his advantage.

After Song Jinghao had a thrilling escape, just in case, he deliberately moved Kuro over to cover himself and returned to the tower to clear the line.

But no matter how selfless Li Ruixing is, it is impossible for him to not contribute to the economy for a long time.

What's more, Gu Xing was about to give him the blue BUFF that had just been reset in the lower half of his side.

Kuro helped Song Jinghao clean up the top lane. Feeling that his top laner was temporarily out of danger, he quickly moved to the lower half.

"Pig Girl is still squatting on the road," Su Xiaoyan was extremely surprised. "Her lower half of the wild area has been reset. Is it possible that she doesn't even fight wild monsters?"

Sof didn't even look at the bottom lane, and squatted on the lane, as if he was playing a big game of chess. This move was unexpected by the VG players.

Since Gu Xing had previously learned that Sof, like himself, started in the lower half of the field, when the VG blue BUFF was refreshed, the Snake team's red zone should also be reset.

According to common sense, the blue buff at the beginning of the second group should be given to the mid laner, and the jungler can only get his own red buff.

And by about 20 minutes, even this thing has to be given to the shooter.

After careful calculation, for the jungler, every BUFF is extremely precious!

Gu Xing versus Sof Feng

The judgment of the grid still remains on the previous jungle king, thinking that the opponent must be like me and will develop in the lower half of the area.

If it were last year's Sof, then Gu Xing's guess would have no problem.

Because Sof from S6 is a genius passer-by who only optimizes jungle routes and counter-jungle at stuck time points, Gu Xing and Mingkai once prescribed the right medicine to him, seizing on his idea of ​​​​competing with wild monsters to complete the sanctions.

As Sof enters the second year of his career, his playing style is also quietly changing.

The team's record was not good, the coach did not properly guide and impart professional skills, and the playing styles of his surrounding teammates were also subtly affecting him.

A combination of factors combined to make Sof grow rapidly in an almost barbaric manner!

For example, now, he would rather give up his favorite wild monster last year, but still squat on the road to help Brother Holy Spear open a breakthrough!

Ohq's ice drone pierced the sky and captured Gu Xing and Kuro in the VG blue zone. An uprising broke out among Sof!

"Pig Girl came out of the thread grass, Crocodile E stepped forward and handed over the cooled flash, and forcefully bit the prince!"

Song Jinghao never expected that Pig Girl was still on the road.

He was caught off guard by the attack and was unable to take any countermeasures!

Sof [Winter's Wrath] was hung on the prince, and he and Holy Spear Brother used a basic attack on Sb.

The frost layer is instantly full!

Sb handed over EQ 2nd Company and tried to escape, but Pig Girl used E [Permanent Freeze Field] to intercept him in the air! "The strength of the Snake Team's combination in the jungle was so terrifying that the prince didn't even have the ability to resist, so he was instantly killed by the chain control!"

Ze Yuan said loudly, "Brother Holy Spear got the second head of this game!" The snake babies finally let out a sigh of relief.

Crocodile is fat enough, and Snake has support in the early and mid-term team battles!

Su Xiaoyan frowned, "The bad news for the Snake Team is that Qian Jue's mark has been applied to the lower half again.

After Kindred reaches the 4th level of passive, the wolf spirit's hunting area changes to the enemy's double BUFF as well as stone beetles and shadow wolves.

There are two campsites in the upper and lower half areas, and the odds are 50-50.

But after the first mark was placed on the river crab as Sof wished, his luck turned from good to bad.

Wolf Spirit incorporates the red BUFF abandoned by Sof into the recipe!

"But Brother Xing didn't go to collect his mark immediately, but went to the middle... He wanted to launch an attack on the posture!" Zeyuan made a judgment based on Gu Xing's path.

Su Xiaoyan added, "Clockwork doesn't have a double call, so it should be a very good opportunity!"

He knew that the opponent Qian Jue was in the lower half of the area, so he moved very cautiously and kept his stance close to the top. But it was of no use.

Kuro, who got the blue BUFF, worked very hard. He flashed QR and poured out four magic balls, and then used E [The Weak Retreat] to push the opponent unconscious!

Faced with a clockwork that has no means of displacement, this is the sure-fire stable control!

"Brother Xing came out from the corner of the side shadow, put on the fearful slowdown, AQA small combos and Syndra's telekinesis, and successfully beat the clockwork to residual health!"

The posture also wants to use QR to throw a magic ball to catch the shock wave and pull the VG midfielder to complete the escape.

But before the demon could accumulate energy and tear apart the space, he was triggered by Gu Xing's basic attack and was sent away with fear, an explosion of damage, and joy!

"Brother Xing can get another head, and he can kill all the Snake team's lower jungle area when he goes back. This development is really going to take off!" Ze Yuan sighed with emotion.

"Furthermore, because of his death in battle this time, Sof will not be able to accompany Holy Spear Brother to threaten VG on the first tower. He must rush back to the middle to defend!"

The strategic value of the middle tower was incomparable with that of the previous tower, so Sof had to choose. As he turned to the middle, he had mixed emotions.

Sometimes the gap between professional teams is only a few millimeters, and if one of the countless details is not handled well, it may tip the balance of victory and defeat!

If this wave of posture can survive, the Snake team will have the opportunity to bulldoze VG-Blood Tower in vain and completely break through the top lane.

No matter what happens, Gu Xing can be forced to the top lane to defend!

As a result, Clockwork died suddenly, and the sharp offensive that the Snake Team could have launched was instantly resolved by Gu Xing!

Now it's VG's turn to take the initiative in tempo, using the mid-tower to force the Snakes to defend! The vision and economic gap brought by this first-blood tower are likely to be foreshadowing!

After returning Sof to the middle, Gu Xing felt free to brush the Snake team's camp in the lower jungle, clear the red zone and gain his fifth level of passive!

Fortunately, Lady Luck finally stood on Sof's side. Wolf Spirit's two consecutive hunts both targeted the Ueno area. Gu Xing did not dare to go.

If Brother Holy Spear gets angry and tries to outflank him to make him sick, he can't guarantee that he will be able to use his ultimate move under the control of Crocodile + Pig Girl!

The 5-layer imprint stays on until 10 minutes.

During this period, the canyon was calm and no fighting broke out.

It's just that the Snake team's bottom lane is a bit beaten, and the first tower is already crumbling. However, VG's top lane is not much better.

After Sb died in battle for the second time, no matter how strong his personal ability was, he could not withstand the fierce offensive of the crocodile from the opposite side!

Now that Crocodile E has come forward to force a blood exchange, Song Jinghao can no longer take any advantage.

Q [Dragon Crash] took away Brother Holy Spear's health, but the opponent easily recovered it with Q [Tyrant Strike]!

When Canyon Pioneer was born, Sof couldn't hold back her inner excitement and quickly shook people in her voice to prepare to control resources.

The nearest Holy Gun arrived immediately and blocked the pass leading to the river, forcing Sb to take a long detour.

The director quickly switched the perspective so that the audience could clearly see the alignment situation of the other two teams.

"It seems that the Snakes are bound to win against the Rift Herald... But their situation in the bottom lane is not optimistic. If the VG duo comes to help, they may be able to directly level a tower!"

At the point where Zeyuan expressed his concerns about the bottom lane, Sof at the Canyon Pioneer was ready to start at any time.

A real eye penetrated the big dragon pit through the wall, and saw the state of the Snake team entering the jungle. Sof's expression turned bright.

The prince was exposed just now, and there was clearly no real eye in his backpack! VG Zhongxia is currently online...

He immediately realized that this was where Gu Xing placed his eyes.

"Be careful," Sof hurriedly reminded his teammates, "the jungler on the opposite side might come down and grab it!" Kindred's R [Sheep Breath] can forcibly protect the wild monsters.

The Vanguard's HP at 10 minutes was only a little over 4,000 points. Even if the Sheep Spirit's Breathing increased its HP later, it would still be within the punishment kill line.

Sof made a bet and relied on the vanguard to lead the team's turnaround.

There is no room for error for him, and it is impossible to give the opponent a chance to punish like in the last game!

"Verus and Lulu are walking up," Brother Crystal shouted urgently, "They seem to be fighting for the lead, and we can't stop them!"

The disadvantages of the bottom lane are too great.

The VG duo took the lead in handling the soldier line, pushing a large wave of accumulated soldiers into the Snake team's defense tower, and then rushed to the upper jungle area.

The Snake team's bottom lane was restricted by the situation of the army line, so they could only watch the opponent leave. "You guys also come here," Sof ordered, "This vanguard must be obtained!" The movement of VG's bottom lane was unexpected to him.

I originally thought that the opponent would try to exchange the bottom defense tower for this vanguard. Who would have thought, VG actually wanted to join the battle!

As a result, the situation is instantly not as easy as before.

Even with Sof's ice-breaking percentage damage, Crocodile and I couldn't kill the vanguard in a short time.

Besides, Qian Jue also has a big move!

If the opponent's support is delayed until the opponent's support arrives, the Snake team will be unable to survive! Sof wants to be safe and simply ask his bottom lane teammates to come to help!

"You can come, but the speed will be much slower. We have to take a detour to avoid the opposite duo..." Crystal agreed happily and sent a signal to urge his ADC to leave the bottom lane.

Ohq was very dissatisfied.

You're a support player and don't need to do last-hitting, right?

If he loses a lot of minions again, he will lose a total of five lines in the first ten minutes of the game! What is the concept?

The minion economy alone is worth two heads!

However, although Ohq felt unhappy, he still obeyed the command, abandoned Binxuan under the tower and hurriedly went to the upper half to help fight the Rift Herald.

The chain reaction of the VG duo pushing first and moving first has just begun.

They were the first to reach the middle lane, helping Kuro Syndra push away the troops, and the three of them rushed to the Dalong Pit together. The postures were also forced to take a long way through their own jungle area, and arrived at the battlefield through the pass between the blue zone and the upper river.

Both sides lined up their troops, and the five members of the Snake Team were all forced to the upper area of ​​the upper river channel due to the loss of line rights in the lower half.

VG occupies the lower area.

The situation became increasingly tense and a battle was about to break out. Sof took advantage of the situation.

The snake team currently has an advantage near Dalong Pit. First, they are the first to attack in the vanguard.

At present, the blood volume of the wild monster has dropped to 2200, and the hatred is on Pig Girl. Sof can be dragged out of the dragon pit by the vanguard and fight in a favorable position.

Second, the river crabs are under Snake's control, and the acceleration altar at the Dalongkeng Pass can effectively improve their team battle effectiveness.

However, VG's middle and lower ranks all rushed here after handling the troops' lines. They took their time at this moment and made it clear that they wanted to spend time with the snake team near the Dalong Pit.

Snake can't afford it!

In order to help get the vanguard, Double C didn't even have time to deal with the minions under the tower.

Wait a moment, and pushback lines will inevitably appear on the middle and lower lines. At that time, the Snake soldiers will destroy the VG line with the help of their own turrets!

If we continue to delay, the development of Double C of the Snake Team will become worse and worse!

Seeing that the HP of the Canyon Pioneer was still decreasing, the situation was already desperate and had to be fired! "Where is Kindred?" Sof was so focused that her whole body tensed up, "Help me see where Kindred is!" Ohq shot Eagle Strike into the sky again.

The drone soared in the sky, passing over the VG formation. The prince, Syndra, Verus and Lulu...

The four heroes were arranged in formation, and Eagle Spirit saw their figures one after another. But where did Kindred go?

Sof is nervous. He once made an eye above the dragon pit, but Duan Deliang used his real eye to block it. Now he is not sure where Qian Jue is, and he always feels a little uneasy.

"Pull the vanguard two steps further!"

Sof makes the decision.

He planned to secure the resources safely and keep the Canyon Pioneer away from the Dragon Pit. Even if Qian Jue jumped down from above, it would be impossible for him to fight for the Pioneer immediately!

But pulling out the vanguard also has certain disadvantages - the acceleration array of the River Altar is basically useless.

The entire formation of the Snake team was pulled sideways and upwards. The back row had a longer range and had already left the altar. Only the front row could enjoy the movement speed bonus.

Seeing this, the prince took two steps forward and led everyone in VG to approach the members of the Snake Team. Sof could feel his heart beating violently.

Just as he was paying attention to the Pioneer's health, a roar from Brother Crystal suddenly came from the earphones. "Yale, why did Qian Jue run to the bottom lane?"

Sof does not need to cut the screen.

In the mini-map, Kindred's portrait in the bottom lane is so eye-catching! "What the hell, you're such a loser," his posture is almost breaking his defense, "Where are you playing monkey?"

The nine of them were waiting close to the Dalong Pit, fearing that they would make a mistake and be caught by the opponent. As a result, Qian Jue suddenly ran to the bottom lane to lead the lane?

Sof body relaxes.

Without Qian Jue, Vanguard is destined to be in his pocket! As the punishment thunder falls, Sof successfully captures Pioneer!

The moment Gu Xing appeared in the bottom lane, the four people in front of VG immediately retreated back without any delay. Sof was gnashing his teeth.

He stayed in the Dalong Pit in fear for nearly half a minute, accumulating a lot of anger in his heart. Huh, want to escape?

Picking up the Eye of the Vanguard, Zhu suddenly moved forward, and threw R [Ice Prison] out! The prince at the front of the VG formation was stunned on the spot!

Zeyuan's eyes shined brightly on the commentary table.

After holding it back until now, he finally found room to perform.

"Holy Gun Brother Crocodile activates his ultimate move and prepares to enter the field. The wind-up QR in his posture delivers burst damage, and he cooperates with his teammates to try to kill Sb on the spot!"

Zeyuan's voice was loud, "Lulu gave Pixar's shield and her ultimate move grew wild..." Duan Deliang's ultimate move was very particular.

Increases the size of the prince and knocks away nearby enemy heroes, just in time to knock the approaching crocodile into the air!

Brother Holy Spear hasn't had time to cast [Cold Hunting] yet!

Ohq's Han Bing realized something was wrong and wanted to hand over R [Magic Crystal Arrow] to quickly fix the stun. But it was too late.

There was a gap in the snake team's control chain for just a moment! The sky collapsed!

The bloody prince jumped up and trapped all three enemy melee heroes, Ueno Suke, in the terrain he created!

The hegemonic state can withstand the dizziness of the magic crystal arrow!

Although in the next second he was stunned and stunned in place by the dragon's shock triggered by the Snakes' normal attack, and was killed by Crocodile's Q.

But the moment after handing over the ultimate move, Sb planted the German flag on the spot! All VG members received an attack speed bonus!

"Kuro pushed out with QE, but the magic ball was blocked by Crystal Brother with his shield!" Ze Yuan stared at the dragon pit in the canyon intently, "But Jack's corruption chain hit him, and it is about to spread!"

In narrow terrain, Verus's ultimate move is simply a magical skill.

The key is that the vines will infect and spread to the surrounding enemy troops, causing a large-scale imprisonment effect! The sky-shattering earth-shattering smashed by Sb before his death firmly trapped the three members of the Snake Team.

All three of them suffered until imprisonment was inevitable.

The double Cs of the Snake Team did not dare to step forward to compensate for the damage, fearing that they would be bound in place by the vines.

All of a sudden, chains of corruption were laid all over the upper river!

Although VG Double C has lost the front row tank, its output space is extremely wide!

"Jack's target is Piggy. Since Braum has been imprisoned, he cannot use the security door to protect Sejuani beside him!" Zeyuan shouted, "Verus's output is too high!"

Although the price increase was so bad that Jack didn't get the finished equipment in the Rift Pioneer team battle. But he did have Lulu, the tool man.

[Wonderful idea] The increased attack speed effect causes Verus to shoot arrows wildly, and during this period, he will hit the enemy hero with his skills!

The percentage of magic damage triggered by detonating the withering layer is astonishing. For the front row of the Snake team, which currently has no magic resistance equipment, the lethality is simply full!

"Bron threw it out of the glacier fissure, and wanted to knock Verus away to hinder the opponent's output..." Zeyuan took a deep breath, "Jack moved to avoid it!"

Originally, Braum's ultimate move cast forward and flew at a relatively slow speed.

There is also a certain distance between the two, and with the acceleration effect given by Lulu on Jack's body, it is not unusual for him to deflect Braum's ultimate move.

What's more important is that Jack's nickname is preceded by Q but not R.

The crystal handed over the weakness, and Yu Wenbo immediately handed over the purification to remove the negative state.

"Verus is still doing damage. Holy Spear Brother's crocodile rushes away from the prince's ultimate move area, but he is kited by Jack and can't touch the opponent at all!"

The crocodile stepped on the E [Evil Arrow Rain] cast by Verus, and its movement speed was greatly reduced.

Holy Spear Brother's flash was used in conjunction with Pig Girl to kill Sb at 7 minutes, but now it still takes dozens of seconds to turn around.

It was this short period of less than a minute that made it difficult for him to reach Verus! He had no choice but to aim at Syndra.

The remaining [Cold Prey] bit him, and Red Fury was stunned for a long time, leaving Kuro unable to move! "Pig Girl used the ignition, and combined with the output of [Winter's Fury], she crippled Syndra in an instant!


Li Ruixing's last QR hit was a five-ball ultimate move, pouring all the energy into Pig Girl, instantly killing Pig Girl who was low on health!

"Verus is activated!" Zeyuan shouted.

After receiving an assist, passive

[Desire for Revenge] is triggered, Verus' attack speed is maxed out!

Even though Kuro was taken away by Crocodile's basic attack, nothing could stop Jack from causing damage! Crocodile was weakened by Duan Deliang when he used to strengthen Kuro, and now his movements are extremely slow.

Verus sent him away with a light arrow, and looked at Bronn who had lost all defensive skills, his eyes full of murderous intent!

"The Snake team's Double C equipment is poor and their combat power is low. They were also blocked by Verus and the Prince's ultimate moves. They barely produced any output in the second half of the team!"

Zeyuan shouted loudly, "Bron also fell, Jack scored a double kill!"

Su Xiaoyan couldn't hold back her excitement, "In the absence of Brother Xing, VG actually won the team battle through four-on-five, replacing the three front-rowers of the Snake Team with the lives of the mid-level players!"

"It's incredible!"

Seeing that their team won the team battle, the VC, who was crowded at the scene, was excited and made noise in the seats!

The eyes of the snake babies were filled with disbelief. Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Why can VG win the group with so few people? This is unscientific!

The members of the Snake Team also have the same idea.

His posture was dull for a long time, and he uttered the classic catchphrase of his old rival Big Nose...What's the situation?" "Can we lose this way?"

Ohq blamed himself very much, "Oh my, the prince's ultimate move stuck me behind, and Verus's chain... I didn't dare to go up and do damage."

In the entire team battle, Ohq fired a total of two arrows, fired two volleys of thousands of arrows, and then used a ultimate move and a healing spell.

Besides, there is no contribution!

The Snake Team is like having less people in a team fight!

"No, what does the opponent Qian Jue mean?" Crystal was very puzzled, "He first put his true eye in the dragon pit, and then he didn't fight the vanguard group and ran to the bottom lane to lead the lane?"

If it's a pub game, this kind of jungler can be pinged like crazy by the whole team! But this is a professional arena.

After eliminating the impossible internal strife in the team, the answer is ready to come out. Gu Xing did it on purpose and thought up a strategy in advance.

"Mark!" Sof felt helpless, "Qianjue is controlling the mark!"

He had been making arrangements around the Rift Herald, focusing entirely on killing wild monsters and the subsequent group start, and had no energy to think about Kindred's intentions.

Now that the team battle is over, Sof finally takes some time to figure out Gu Xing's plan. Qian Jue is still passive at level 5.

The mark will still be applied to the double BUFF and the stone beetle and three wolf camps. Among them, the BUFF wild monsters have all been killed and have not been reset.

Before the Rift Pioneer was refreshed, the Three Wolves were dropped by Sof to supplement the economy and return to the city, which was converted into combat effectiveness to improve their frankness in team battles!

Obviously, only the Serpent Stone Beetle meets the hunting conditions of the Wolf Spirit.

The guess is that after Gu Xing's real eye that he had placed in the Dalong Pit saw his clearing numbers, the opponent quickly concluded that the three wolves had been eliminated, and thus modified the plan.

The four people on the front of VG tried their best to hold back, while Qian Jue traveled a long way to the bottom lane to seize the sixth layer of passive. If it was just a layer of mark, Gu Xing would not be allowed to give up joining the team.

More importantly, there is a tower with one remaining health in the bottom lane!

Kindred took the huge bounty of 550 from a tower alone, plus a whole wave of soldiers and stone beetles.

Just this time he left his teammates and acted alone, which brought him more than 800 gold coins! "How disgusting!"

The posture speaks what is in one's heart.

In the VG player booth, Jack was still complaining.

"Lao Gu, you are a bit unreasonable, you want K for a first-blood tower?"

Ten minutes into the game, he contributed a lot to the demolition of the Snake team's next tower. But Gu Xing took the cake!

"What are you talking about, Jie Kuo?" Kuro was very dissatisfied, "It's good to just sell Gu and get the economy to lead us to victory, isn't it?"

"Besides, Jack, didn't you take two heads?" Gu Xing retorted, "There's also a crocodile bounty in it, so it's definitely not a loss, okay?"


f’s guess is correct.

He really wants to control the mark + get a tower.

As long as Gu Xing gains enough money, the Snake Team will not be able to stop him in the future!

At first, he didn't even want to start a team fight head-on, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to leave the vanguard to the opponent.

Anyway, VG occupies an advantageous geographical location below the Dalong Pit, and can take advantage of the situation to move to the center and pull out the first tower of the Snake team. The exchange is definitely profitable.

Unexpectedly, the Snake Team had to bully the smaller ones in a terrain like the Upper River Channel.

In the end, VG successfully counterattacked, and the combination of Prince + Verus became invincible!

Now VG exchanges two for three, and the remaining duo can still take advantage of the situation and continue to execute the instructions that threaten the mid-tower!

It can only be said that there is a huge gap between the two teams in detail processing and various decision-making.

"What are the double Cs on the opposite side doing?" Gu Xing finished pushing the tower and got the mark. Seeing that the snake team Clockwork and Han Bing were still holding on to the first tower, he immediately asked his soul.

"I can't come!" Yu Wenbo couldn't understand the brain circuit of the other side, "I guess he was knocked unconscious?" Gu Xing headed to the middle, got out from the position between the first and second towers in the middle of the Snake team, circled back and connected with his own side

The duo was flanked by two sides, trapping the Snake Team's double C!

There was no suspense. The two enemy heroes didn't even have ultimate moves. Gu Xing's 6-layer passive percentage damage was initially effective. With three strikes, five divided by two, all the ice and clockwork were sent back to the spring to reunite with the rest of the Snake Team!

A long time ago, he had hung the mark of the sheep spirit on Clockwork - after all, he was the best Snake character to kill.

As a result, there was an unexpected gain this time! I got the 7th floor passively!

This chapter has been completed!
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