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392:The results of LPL are not ideal?

Unlike the previous review of his own game, Gu Xing could not get the initial version of the video this time, so he could only interpret G2's new auxiliary tactics through the perspective of the game that had been produced by the director during the live broadcast.

The effect is definitely not as good as the source video playback, but there is no other better way.

He quickly pressed the → key, and the screen continued to flash forward.

During this period, he kept an eye on the bottom lane and paid attention to Beryl's movements.

Because the director's perspective is not always focused on the bottom lane.

Sometimes Gu Xing can only observe through the small map.

Fortunately, as a top professional player, he has an extremely keen sense of smell and can discern the slight differences in Beryl's gameplay from clues.

“Push back the line?”

Gu Xing saw some clues.

This statement was echoed by Duan Deliang, "It looks like it to me. Beryl and Pupu often hoard their troops and wait for the short wave of artillery trucks to arrive before they push the tower and then immediately go to the middle."

Push the line of soldiers deep into the opponent's tower, and you only need to block the time to make a push back line. This is basic common sense.

The principle of the pushback line is to make the enemy's minions overwhelming in terms of quantity and health, rolling the snowball, and operating in a form similar to the Lanchester equation.

It is conceivable that the opponent's minions will accumulate more and more, and they will rarely be cut down and killed, and they will be pushed back little by little.

During the period from when one's own troops break into the enemy's turret to when the enemy's troops push back to the bottom of one's own tower, the auxiliary can roam without damage!

The archer can stay safely under the tower.

Anyway, he won't lose his troops, it's just a coward.

Beryl used this gap to go to the middle.

Gu Xing followed his thoughts and pushed down.

"He is very smart. When he collects lanes in the bottom lane and enters the tower, the short lanes are stuck in front of the artillery cart. In this way, when he rushes to the middle lane, he can just hit the wave of artillery cart lanes!"

Without shoes, it takes about 15 seconds to get from the bottom lane to the middle lane.

As we all know, the mid-lane creeps arrive on the line 10 seconds earlier than the sideline.

The two time differences are superimposed together, which means that Beryl will run to the middle every time after pushing the bottom lane, just in time to catch up with the artillery soldiers in the middle!

"Is Beryl going to follow the mid laner?" Tian Ye came over to watch, and couldn't help but sigh, "What a madman."

The status of support has increased in recent years, and it is no longer the former role of a vision tool with 400 potions above the head.

In the past, there was Zyra, the female gunner who dominated the bottom lane in the S6 World Championship. Later, in the S7 mid-season version, the new salary equipment of the protection assistant was ushered in.

Now, both the overall combat power and the money production efficiency are far better than before.

But if you want to compete with the mid laner, it means that you are overstepping your level.

Why does Beryl dare to rub against Binxuan in the middle?

And it’s also a gun carriage line!

Even if you don't do last-minute hits, you still have to give up a lot of experience, putting the mid laner at a disadvantage in the matchup!

Tian Tian couldn't understand the reason.

"That is to say, if you meet a good-tempered team player," Duan Deliang thought quietly, "If you meet a solo player and see the support dare to come over and rub the line, I will probably unplug the keyboard and give him a slap."

"Who are you implying, you little brat?"

There were bursts of low-pitched laughter in the training room.

Gu Xing frowned and turned to ask Hongmi, "How much is the expected value of ancient coins now?"

Fortunately, Mr. Hou also majored in mathematics. He once did a weird operation of reading Chinese mathematics textbooks live and was able to accurately translate Gu Xing's questions to the head coach.

When Hongmi reminded the team members to take a look at Beryl's strange ideas, she was already looking for relevant information and reported the data to Gu Xing.

"The rules of ancient coins are that gold coins and blue coins are dropped in turn, and each artillery soldier will definitely drop it. The coin drop rate is calculated from 0%. The death of each soldier will increase the chance by 11.11%, and every time it drops

Falling coins will reduce the probability by 33%..."

This data is provided by the Riot official website. The ancient coins in the Chinese server client are not specified, so you have to check them specifically, and then calculate the expected value based on these conditions.

Fortunately, VG has the support of Xie Tunan's data team, so they don't need to do their own statistics.

"The final conclusion is that each wave of soldiers is 20 gold coins. Counting the automatic bonus of 2 gold coins every 10 seconds that comes with the salary equipment, it is 26 yuan."

Hongmi concluded, "If you upgrade to the Nomad Seal, the expected value of gold coins for each wave of soldiers will become 36!"

Gu Xing understood clearly, "Then Beryl's line-hoarding, roaming, and push-back line defense are basically performed every six waves of soldiers. The initial expected value of the salary equipment is 29.3, and it will become 41 after upgrading."

Don’t underestimate the improvement of these few dollars.

When the timeline is extended to 10 minutes, compared with the wandering Beryl and the support who continues to rely on the lane, the economic gap between the first and second level salary equipment will be 66 and 100 gold coins!

For an assistant, this is no small number.

What's more, the economic gap opened up through salary equipment in the early stage is directly linked to the rewards for completing tasks!

The auxiliary who completes the salary equipment task first is destined to lead the opponent in terms of combat effectiveness!

Firefox, who was a data analyst, held his chin and looked thoughtful.

"It seems that there really is something..." He turned to ask a new question, "How long did it take for the currency to be upgraded to the second level salary equipment?"

Everyone present was silent.

Duan Deliang said without thinking, "Under normal circumstances, after clearing the sixth wave of artillery troops, you can go home and spend 500 gold coins to upgrade."

Several VG members cast strange looks at Xiao Duan.

Duan Deliang immediately realized that he had made a mistake.

He shouldn't have spoken.

In the general perception of the outside world, the Holy Shield is the mainstream of the current salary equipment, and even occupies an absolute dominant position. VG has almost never used the ancient coin routine.

Except for one game of Karma, I played short-handed protection assistants like Blountam.

You must know that even in private training matches and ranked games, most players use characters with strong versions to adapt to tactics and improve their hero proficiency.

Logically speaking, one shouldn’t be so familiar with the upgrade nodes of ancient coins!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Duan Deliang’s answer is likely to expose VG’s hidden double-guarantee soft-assist system—because currently only long-handed soft assists will choose the ancient coin route!

But no one noticed.

Everyone was focused on Beryl's new routine and had no time to think about the flaws in Duan Deliang's words.

"If the sixth wave of soldiers returns to the city, the ancient coins have accumulated 156 gold coins, and there are still 494 left to complete the task. The rest will be completed by the second-level salary equipment. It will take 12 waves of soldiers, which is a full 6 minutes..."

Firefox deduced that he was relatively sensitive to data and reacted very quickly, "Isn't this just enough to complete the task before and after the Rift Pioneer is refreshed?"

The sixth wave of minions in the bottom lane was cleared in about four and a half minutes. Adding these six minutes, it was just over 10 minutes before the vanguard was born!

"If you include the variables of dying once in battle, or missing soldiers due to returning to the city early, you can still catch up with the vanguard group in about 11 minutes!"

Now everyone is in the vanguard. If both sides want to fight for it, there will definitely be a fight to determine the winner.

The time consumed is enough for Beryl to complete her salary installation task!

"The current mission reward of Ancient Coin is to give a skill point, which is quite critical for lower-level supports..." Hongmi added, "And I took a look, Beryl's move is outrageous. In the vanguard group

There was enough economy before to make eye stones, which greatly improves the team’s chances of winning!”

In the vanguard team battle around 10 minutes, the three guards of the Eye Stone can fully protect the team's vision.

In the professional arena, the importance of vision is unquestionable.

As long as you can take advantage of the field of view, the enemy is in the light and we are in the dark, and you have absolute initiative!

Moreover, at the 10-minute node, neither party has reached the level 9 promotion scan.

Once the eye position is inserted, it will be difficult for the opponent to eliminate it. It will be like having a bullet in your throat and you will have to let all the movements be seen!

You can imagine how many hidden benefits it can bring to the team!

"If the opposing support uses level 2 salary equipment, there will be no extra money to replenish the eye stone; if it uses eye stone, it cannot upgrade the salary equipment," Gu Xingpan understood the logic clearly, "No matter what, Beryl has the advantage!


The rest room suddenly burst into discussion.

Skill points, economy, vision...

Beryl kills three birds with one stone and is a winner!

"So that's it..." Tian Ye showed a look of sudden realization, "The early support combat effectiveness is sometimes no worse than other positions. Even if Beryl's lane interference suppresses the experience of his own mid laner to a certain extent, the benefits he can earn for the team are far greater than that of the mid laner.


Just the defensive towers and economic benefits brought by Canyon Pioneer are much higher than the artillery line shared by the mid laner!

"Guigui, where did G2 find this genius?" Jack was surprised. "Beryl is still a newbie, right? She started thinking of ideas in just a month?"

The opponent's highly innovative play style is really eye-opening!

Many players present were amazed.

There are three types of wages, and the Spell Stealing Blade needs to consume enemy heroes to trigger. The strength is still too low, and no matter how strong the routine is, it cannot save it.

The Shield of Relics relies on time to accumulate layers. There is not much difference between wandering or not. Both artillery soldiers and melee soldiers can help the hero complete the mission as soon as possible.

There is only one route, Ancient Coins, and you can speed up the mission progress by frequently traveling offline and spending time online!

Beryl just happened to meet the opportunity, and she was stunned to create a new routine tailor-made for ancient coins!

It is enough to show that his high game IQ is unique among professional players!

"Mr. Que is amazing," Shi Senming expressed deep admiration, "I feel like I have a deep understanding!"

He has been a professional player for two years and has a certain understanding of this industry.

Athletes are often used to sticking to the rules.

Because they have seen the power of versions and know that just changing a few data can instantly make a character fall from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley.

As Jax said: The strongest weapon is the patch!

Therefore, everyone firmly believes in the version and has always practiced heroes and tactics according to the designer's instructions.

Over time, it is easy to draw a trap, trap yourself, and gradually lose the ability to innovate.

There are very few players like Beryl who are brave enough to innovate and dare to use it in the first BO5 battle of their career!

"We can learn from this trick," Hongmi suggested. "If a team can successfully imitate it, it can be regarded as a trump card."

Gu Xing nodded in agreement and explained his opinion, "But to be honest, the strength can only be said to be pretty good. It is not realistic to try to squeeze out the dominant position of the Protector of the Holy Artifact Shield."

He and Hongmi looked at each other.

Although the two have only worked together for a year, their tacit understanding is far beyond what ordinary coaches and players can achieve.

With just one look, you can tell that the other person is thinking the same thing as you.

Beryl's line-skimming trick has certain feasibility.

But it can’t be used carelessly.

There are quite a few restrictions.

First of all, you have to find two mid laners and ADC who are willing to sacrifice for the team, and can allow the support to leave the bottom lane and run to the middle lane from time to time.

This alone can dissuade many teams!

Regardless of the theory, Beryl's line-trapping method has high benefits for the team.

But some players just don't want to give up the line.

Just kidding, there are some players who are not willing to win if you let them sit back and win. They have to rely on him to carry the whole team in order to feel comfortable!

If you are not happy with the game, just stop taking the pill, and no one else will win!

There are definitely not a few C-positioners who have similar ideas.

This kind of team naturally can't let the support implement Beryl's unique gameplay. Don't get the vanguard before the time comes, and your teammates' mentality will collapse if they are beaten first, which will be troublesome!

G2 can be used because Imp and Ah P are both professional players who are willing to sacrifice.

Needless to say about the former, it is enough to prove his character that Goo Sung Bin was able to partner with the traveling Mata to be the world's number one orderr.

Perkz is also someone who is willing to do anything to win. If he told Ah P that he could win the championship if he changed positions, he might also obey the team's decision and go to play ADC.

A double world champion, Edici, and a new European French king. With their support, Beryl can perform freely!

Secondly, the prerequisite for playing lane blocking is that the bottom lane must have lane rights.

You have to hoard your troops and push them under the enemy tower to create opportunities for your support to roam without damage.

If you don’t have lane rights and don’t have the brains to go to the middle lane, the extra economy you earn in the middle lane may not be able to make up for the losses in the bottom lane!

At that time, Double C and the support will all collapse due to unreasonable wandering!

G2's ability to use this move is due to the strength of its bottom lane combination.

Beryl is not good at laning, and most of the time relies on Imp to support her.

Goo Shengbin said that he was going to Europe to clock in and get off work, but according to what he said, he could hang European and American ADCs from a tree with 50% of his power!

In this case, Beryl can push and control the line as he pleases, and shape the soldiers into what he wants!

Looking around the world, there are only a handful of teams that can meet both conditions!

Gu Xing looked at Duan Deliang and quietly winked at him.

Xiao Duan made an OK gesture to show that he understood clearly.

The meaning expressed is very simple and clear.

VG can play Beryl's line rubbing method.

When it comes to sacrifice in the middle unit, Kuro considers himself second, but no one dares to say he is the boss!

Jack's gameplay is also flexible and flexible, so being a dog is no problem.

As long as the first condition is met and the second requirement is the right to exit the lane, VG can also play.

The difference is that G2 is a shooter with a small assistant, while VG is an assistant with a big brother and a new shooter.

Since the dominance of the bottom lane in the laning phase is in the hands of the support, VG's lane control ability is even stronger than G2!

Both conditions are met, and Duan Deliang himself likes to play long-handed heroes, so pairing it with ancient coins is a perfect solution!

Thinking of this, Gu Xing couldn't help but want to say "Thank you, Beryl"!

The tactics created by the opponent for G2 can also be used by VG, helping them once again improve their understanding of the double-guarantee, platoon, and soft-assist system!

What a pure surprise!

"Come on, come on, Gu Xing, can you be a sparring partner?" Xiang Guo was eager to try, "Maybe our RNG can also develop new tactics!"

It's late at night, and it's almost time to take a break, even for e-sports players and night owls, so everyone will inevitably feel sleepy.

If we play another round of training matches, the effect will probably not be good.

In this case, it is better to study black technology!

Hongmi readily agreed to let VG and RNG practice with each other, while EDG and WE were at odds with each other.

The result was as expected. VG was very adaptable to the ancient coins' laning routine. They tried five laning games in customization, and only one game was cracked by RNG.

And RNG is very uncomfortable with it.

Xiaohu really likes to give up resources to his teammates.

The bottom lane combination is also very strong. With Uzi's super laning ability, most of the time, as long as you get the advantageous hero, you will definitely be able to control the lane.

But the problem lies with Uzi!

He seems to believe in his bones that when he gets lane control, he should suppress it, and the truth is that the jungler comes over to counter-crouch or jump over the tower.

The support can just follow him honestly, why is he running blindly in the middle?

Just with my laning ability, I can't keep you popular?

Xiao Ming finally got permission and ran to the middle lane to block Xiao Hu's line of artillery.

Uzi, who was staying under the tower, felt a little depressed and his face was almost red.

its not right!

I obviously have an advantage in the bottom lane, so why don’t I just attack the bottom lane? Is there any reason for a shooter with an advantage in the game to take advantage of the connection?

Shi Senming is a newbie in the LPL, and only Uzi follows his lead in the lane.

When he saw that Uzi's face was not very good, he retreated in his heart, and even though he was worried, he didn't dare to go offline easily.

At the end of the laning period, Uzi immediately raised objections.

"It's ridiculous, this routine is really not suitable for me, I can't play it... Shi Senming, don't go roaming, just play with me in the lane. I have such a huge advantage, it's really uncomfortable to keep laning.


Xiao Ming bit his finger and remained silent, without raising any objection.

"No, just let him try it once," Liu Shiyu had a bad temper, and his anger was rising, "What does it mean to stay in the bottom lane all the time?"

"What version are they in? The supports are all weak heroes who lack first movers. Who can you kill by just laning?"

Xiangguo is blunt.

Uzi also straightened his back and planned to argue his case.

This is not the S6.

At that time, Uzi had just come to RNG. The top assistants on the team were Looper and Matagawa, who had stepped on his head to win the S championship. The jungler was the rhythm engine of the team, and the mid laner was the strongest of the new generation of domestic players.

Uzi has no status to speak of. When Mata goes offline to roam, he doesn't dare to do too many BBs, for fear of making the opponent anxious, so he has a set of one-handed Jace support.

It's completely different now.

After Xiaohu finished the S6 World Championship, he felt a bit ruined. He was at the bottom in all statistics, and the proud man fell into the dust.

The top assistants were all replaced by previously unknown players.

Seriously, only Uzi and Xiangguo have the say in the team!

It would be okay if I put him in another team, we can discuss it.

But these two are not players who compromise easily, and their styles are quite tough.

The most important thing is that the two have very different styles in the game, making it difficult to coordinate!

Xiang Guo has been focusing on the top half since his debut. Mata taught him the skills and basic concepts of wild assistant linkage, but he did not teach him any secrets to ensure success.

Because Matagawa himself doesn’t know how to do this!

Uzi is an outstanding figure in the second generation of the country who has four guarantees and one. He has countless famous scenes on the stages of major competitions, proving that he has a lower performance limit when he is the core of the guarantee.

The laning is really strong, but there is also a mental problem. At that time, Tabe had to coax him into playing the game, and Nosuke was prone to accidents if he was left alone.

The two of them were like Mars colliding with the Earth, and they could argue endlessly when they met!

"I don't understand. Let's press the line in the bottom lane, and then you come over to control Xiaolong. Wouldn't it be nice?"

"Oh, just leave the vanguard to the other side, right? You don't need the first tower, right?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Everyone in the training room is used to it.

The youngest player is WE's new assistant Ben, and the other team members all have relatively young professional qualifications.

During competition training, quarrels are commonplace.

Players plus coaches, six or seven people have different ideas and concepts.

Trying to reach agreement on everything just by talking calmly is sheer fantasy!

Even a championship team like VG will have quarrels during the running-in process.

Gu Xing was too lazy to care about these two people and turned to look at the training situation of WE and EDG.

"You guys don't understand this lineup..." He pointed out WE's problem, "The bottom lane is too stable!"

"There's nothing I can do about it," Mystic spread his hands, a look of depression on his handsome face, "It's a bit difficult for me to push the line to put pressure on you."

My brother-in-law always maintains a stable laning attitude and waits until the later team battles before taking over the game.

Pushing the line is not suitable for him.

If the minion can't be pushed out, it's impossible to make room for Ben to roam without damage!

Bai Yueya crossed his arms and couldn't help but sigh, "I think EDG is pretty good, but Meiko is still strong."

At present, Tian Ye can be regarded as one of the best powerful supports in the country. He is a bit like Hirano Aya back in the day, and he can win even if he is tied to the bottom lane!

The little assistant who shrank behind Mr. Dai back then has now grown into a team leader who is responsible for his own role. He is proficient in all types of supports and has top-notch comprehensive abilities.

Although Iboy has no ambition or desire to win, he still has advantages.


Support wants to roam? Go ahead.

Being suppressed in a short period of time is completely acceptable to Iboy!

After all, there is no real loss.

My junior high school student didn't raise any objections and let Meiko, a good friend of the same year, go to the middle lane and mix the lanes casually.

After a lot of fussing, EDG actually perfected Beryl's line-trapping technique!

"Then VG and EDG can be used," Hongmi wrote and drew in his notebook. "There is no need to be rigid in using heroes. Characters like Thresh and Rakan are no problem."

He has a pleasant appearance.

The double-guaranteed and soft-auxiliary system is VG's unique skill in keeping the bottom of the box, and it will never take action until the critical moment.

Now being able to use Beryl's line-passing technique for nothing can greatly enrich the team's tactical options!

After finishing all this, before leaving the training room, Gu Xing didn't forget to turn on the live broadcast and take a look.

Sure enough, G2, whose comprehensive strength is significantly stronger than TSM, relied on Beryl's unique lane-blocking tricks to successfully sweep their opponents 3-0 and help defend the glory of the European Division!

Gu Xing can imagine how lively the Reddit forum will be in the past two days. The result of EU>NA will probably make Europeans ecstatic!

However, he has no time to worry about the grand celebrations after winning the championship in other divisions.

After returning to the hotel room, I washed myself and went to sleep, hoping to be in the best condition to welcome Dragon Ball.

The next afternoon, the second day of the Intercontinental Tournament kicked off.

There was a slight upset at the beginning.

LPL runner-up WE lost to the red Pegasus AHQ!

As mentioned before, the only team in the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan divisions that can take action at the moment, excluding Flash Wolves, is AHQ.

These two teams barely have the qualifications to compete with strong teams from other divisions.

But everyone's assessment of their strength is just that.

S5's best result was double the top eight, and then the LMS division went downhill, and its strength may not be as good as North America!

Logically speaking, WE, as the strongest team in the LPL division second only to VG, should have no trouble defeating AHQ.

But Ximen Ye said that Ziv Laoshan’s midfield and upper jungle combination was so strong that he was stunned to create a hole in the top half of WE in the early stage!

Even if WE played two good waves in the middle and late stages, the hole dug in the early stage was too big and it couldn't be filled with all its strength!

In the final 39 minutes of fierce fighting, AHQ bulldozed the WE base!

Condi was extremely upset when he stepped down.

"How could we play like that in the early stage?" He shouted at Xiye, "I even said that the opponent's jungler might hit the level 3 wave, but you still want to press the line?"

"I can't even defend the wild area without giving you first blood!"

In League of Legends, victory or defeat is accumulated bit by bit.

The chain reaction caused by countless small details can ultimately affect the result!

Because of that wave of jungle invasion, Kandi's movements in the following few minutes were exposed to AHQ's vision, resulting in a complete loss of rhythm, and he could only be mercilessly slaughtered by his opponents!

Xiye was scolded for a while and felt very unhappy.

But I couldn't find any reason to refute it.

This game was indeed lost because he sent too hard.

Bai Yueya bit her lower lip tightly and looked at the other three team members in the lounge with a very ugly look on her face.

"We, WE, did not do well in the group stage this time. BP preparation and member status are quite poor..." he blamed himself and confessed.

As the LPL runner-up, the audience has high hopes.

Everyone believes that WE can help VG relieve pressure, assume its own responsibilities, and contribute to the LPL region.

However, now he has lost both games and was beaten all over by the opponent!

White Crescent feels deeply guilty.

The huge lounge was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

EDG, who had a feud with each other, didn't even come up to ridicule.

"As I said before, in the group stage, everyone should not be too tense," Gu Xing broke the silence and joked with a smile, "Losing two games first will give you some luck, and then you can explode in the knockout rounds."

"I'm still waiting for you WE to help me win!"

No matter how good the comforting words are, they are no match for the bloody facts.

LPL has 2 wins and 3 losses, and the battle for the top spot is constantly tilting towards LCK!

The hope of a comeback is extremely slim!

At the critical moment, Flash Wolf stepped forward.

Only one minute into the game, FW relied on the first-level team to successfully arrest Little Peanut in the jungle!

Peanut had no idea that there was a group of people hiding in the wild area, and after being caught, he dealt a dodge and even gave out first blood!

Heavenly collapse begins!

"Okay!" Uzi raised his hands, his posture resembled a small fist stone, and his tone was very excited, "Flash Wolf, go for it!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "FW can help!" Mingkai shouted sincerely, "It depends on you!"

Gu Xing also joined a group of players to support Flash Wolf.

He never thought that after finishing a FW show yesterday with a clown tulle, he would still have to rely on others to win the first place in the group for him today.

"Lao Gu was too harsh yesterday," Jack shouted loudly, "FW, don't mind me, don't forget your original intention to fight against Korea!"

The members of Flash Wolves seem to have some special bond, and they get excited whenever they touch the LCK.

The rhythm is smooth and flowing, one move follows the other, knocking the dragon ball to the ground and beating him!

"It's him again, Casa!"

Gu Xing was overjoyed.

On the TV screen, Kasa hit the eye with R and flashed a roundhouse kick, kicking BDD out of the tower, and combined with Fengtang's set of combos to send the enemy back to the spring!

The Flash Wolves had a numerical advantage, easily controlled the vanguard, and began to advance crazily.

Relying on the ability to kill the old master with random punches, he hit the opponent hard and killed Longzhu!

Use facts to prove that the title of the BO1 King of Anti-Korea is by no means in vain!

"Nice!" Hongmi clenched her fists in high spirits.

LCK tasted its first defeat in the intercontinental competition, while leaving LPL with a chance to catch up!

Then EDG went on the field and defeated JT, scoring a valuable point for the LPL and approaching the LCK in the standings!

"It's our turn," Gu Xing encouraged his teammates, "Longzhu will probably be in chaos. If we win this set, we have a chance to become the first in the group!"

Jack nodded fiercely, "We must work harder, the Flash Wolf has even torn off a bite of flesh for us, and everyone will tear open the wound!"

Everyone folded their hands together.

"Come on VG!"

After shouting in unison, all the team members picked up their peripherals, their morale was high and they were ready to rush to the stage!

This chapter has been completed!
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