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484: There is no such thing as the Soul of Kuchi!

Witnessing the moment Rambo was killed, the stands on all sides of Wukesong Stadium were filled with people!

VG supporters, who have been silent since the beginning, are now shouting to vent their inner emotions.

They remembered Piggy's triumphant look after EDG gained first blood, and they were waiting for this moment to settle the matter!

"Brother Xing found a perfect opportunity and caught the factory director leaving the top half of the area to attack Rambo!" Wawa looked excited, "This wave of pig girls who don't top the tower and Q over the wall are really amazing!"

He was full of praise for Gu Xing's performance, "If the pigskin was broken by the shelling from the defense tower just now, and Rambo had just used the electronic harpoon to slow down Sejuani and then used the flash to distance himself, there is a high probability that he would have escaped smoothly.


Mouse looked extremely troubled.

Earlier when Mingkai was farming in the Ueno area, he kindly asked him if he needed help clearing the lane.

Things that are commonplace in other teams are extremely rare when it comes to EDG.

At that time, Mouse weighed the pros and cons and said he didn't need it.

The first is that after Rambo reaches level four, the damage of Q [Arson Feast] is much higher than before. With the help of pushing the soldier line forward, the combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of Shen. Logically speaking, he can easily kill the minions.

Push them all in.

You can completely rely on yourself, there is no need to seek help from Mingkai.

Moreover, in his opinion, Pig Girl started from the lower half of the wild area, and the wild monsters were refreshed in the second round around four and a half minutes, so Gu Xing should naturally clear the wild monsters in the lower half of the camp.

Of course, in order to avoid being seized by Gu Xing just in case, Mouse went offline and inserted an ornament eye in the grass at the junction of the river and the upper road to guard against surprise attacks.

Who would have thought that Gu Xing would not follow the routine at all!

Not only did they abandon the refreshed and reset monsters in the lower jungle area of ​​VG, they even chose a very weird gank route. Instead of walking through the river to get on the road, they took the upper jungle area of ​​EDG, crossing the wall from the side of the previous tower and going around the back!

It really caught Mouse off guard!

Facing the black and white screen, the memory of being trained by Gu Xingjun to the point of being autistic in the last game came to mind again.

Mouse felt his heart beating more violently in his chest, and the resulting panic lingered for a long time.

Mingkai didn't know the mental activities of his top laner. While he was playing wild, he shook his head and expressed his admiration for Gu Xing's resourcefulness.

After he arrived at the upper half of the area and saw the three wolves safe and sound, he thought that Gu Xing had not invaded his own jungle area.

After all, with Gu Xing's style of play, how could he be indifferent to the Shadow Wolf if they came to invade?

Based on Mingkai's understanding of the enemy, Virtue has always been a locust. As long as he can counterattack, he will never give up any opportunity!

As a result, Gu Xing changed gender this time!

I just didn’t use Shadow Wolf, and I deliberately created an illusion for Ming Kai that he didn’t come in but went wild.

In fact, inserting an eye in the jungle can accurately capture Mingkai's jungle clearing movements.

Seeing Gui Jia Qi leaving Ueno District, he immediately planned an encirclement and suppression of Mouse!

From a review perspective, the entire plan seems unremarkable.

But you must know that in an exciting battlefield where the situation is changing rapidly, being able to come up with such a decision can be regarded as logical and rigorous!

Tian Ye now has no pressure on the lane. After getting Lulu's first blood, the strength of the two sides' bottom lane has reversed. After he has the advantage, he can still give Mingkai some advice.

"Why don't you go to the opposite jungle area," he pinged several signals at the VG Demon Swamp Frog and Shadow Wolf camps, "These two groups of wild monsters have just been refreshed. As long as you go there and counter-jungle, Lucian and I will definitely be able to get there.


Currently, both the middle and lower lanes of EDG are under pressure, which can fully ensure the safety of jungle invasion.

Mingkai thought so too at first.

By countering the opponent's two groups of wild monsters, one positive and one negative equals the gap between four groups of camps, which can almost make up for all the team's economy!

But when he cut the screen and glanced at the road, his brows furrowed tightly.

Since both VG's upper and jungle players have no range damage skills, they did not cause a lot of damage to the soldier line during the gank.

The wave of forward troops belonging to Mouse has not yet entered the VG tower!

"No," Mingkai rejected Tianye's suggestion, "I have to go back and help on the road. Mouse, be careful and wait until I get there before going out to push the line..."

Just the position of the troop line. If Mingkai lets it go, Mouse will have to cross the center line as long as he dares to take troops, and Gu Xing will dare to do it again two, two, three, four, and he must train Rambo until he is autistic!

Of course Gui Jiao Qi doesn’t like to help the top laner.

But I don’t want my teammates to support me either!

If the enemy is fattened up in the jungle, how will the team fight in a team battle later?

After listening to Mingkai's instructions, Mouse quickly agreed. After teleporting to the top lane, he stayed in front of the tower and waited for his teammates to come to support him.

On the way up, Mingkai turned around and roughly weighed the combat effectiveness of both sides, thinking that even if he added Rambo, he would not be a match for the enemy in the field.

You must know that he has no flash. If he is connected to VG Ueno's control link, he will basically die!

To be on the safe side, Gui Jiao Qi decided to call his junior disciple.

Scout, who was frantically suppressing the situation in the middle, felt very unhappy, but had no reason to refute.

Although this game has not yet received the sacrifice from Ming Kai, in order to relieve his teammates, the junior boy still pushed out the middle lane troops and set off for the top lane.

"Hu Xianzhao, hurry up and clear the troop line," Tian Ye reminded his teammates loudly in his voice, "Hurry up and don't waste time!"

Since all the midfielders and junglers are going to the top lane, according to the half zone principle, EDG had better not push the lane in the bottom lane.

Tianye planned to let his teammates push the line of troops forward and then retreat to a safe position to wait for the soldiers to push back.

However, the move to push the line was met with strong resistance from the VG duo.

Verus and Lulu's wave-clearing abilities are not bad either. The two tried their best to prevent the EDG duo from having the slightest advantage!

When there were five EDG soldiers left, iboy finally cleared the VG soldier line.

But the number of remaining soldiers of Guodian is too few.

Five won't do.

VG can completely block the line!

Lulu pushed her body forward, put a shield on herself, and then used her body to firmly block the soldiers outside the tower!

It is clear that we need to wait for the next wave of soldiers to arrive and control the handover point of the soldiers in front of the VG tower.

If EDG doesn't deal with it, this wave of troops can be stuck in front of the VG tower for two or three minutes!

At that time, the shooter will lose a lot of troops' economy, and the support will no longer be able to pick up the gold coins dropped from the corpses of enemy soldiers!

"Give me the shield!" iboy motioned to Tianye to come help quickly.

After Feng Nu gave her E [Eye of the Storm], the attack power of the small cannon was greatly improved. When she mounted explosive sparks on Lulu, who was also a yordle, it was a cannonade!

Hu Xianzhao wanted to use high damage to force the Purple Garlic back into the tower, so that the soldiers could advance into the tower smoothly.

But Duan Deliang didn't give up at all, he turned around and put W [Fantasy] on the head of the cannon, turning it into a beautiful sheep.

iboy was so anxious that he directly handed over Purification to remove the Sheep Transformation Technique, and turned on Q [Rapid Fire] to continue outputting towards Lulu!

Meiko first added damage to her W skill, and then used her hurricane roar to blow up the opponent.

Duan Deliang moved at a right angle and successfully avoided Feng Nu's control skills.

But then Xiao Pao used a rocket jump to sit down, stack the layers of explosive sparks above Duan Deliang's head, and clear a large bar of Lulu's health bar!

If Duan Deliang doesn't leave, he will most likely be killed by EDG!

You must know that his double summons are all on cooldown. Even if the intensity of the bottom lane battle in the current version is low, it is not something that a crispy Lulu can withstand!

However, just as the cannon used the refreshed W [Rocket Jump] to jump up again, a pig suddenly appeared in the shadow corner behind the next tower of VG!

It's Sejuani!

"Run, run, run!" Tian Ye shouted.

iboy's reaction was extremely fast. He handed over the flash before the rocket jumped and landed. In a daze, Poppy in the cannon form turned into a magic cannon.

But Meiko only reminded her teammates and didn't consider her own situation.

Most normal people cannot multitask, and he is no exception.

His reaction was a little slow for a moment, but before he could use the Summoner Skill to get further away, Gu Xing took the lead in dodge!

Steel Mane pushed Feng Nu into the air!

Immediately afterwards, Pig Girl waved the flail and cast W [Winter's Wrath], and the VG duo began to assemble the Fire and Wind Girl!

Janna's blood volume dropped significantly in an instant!

After Tianye landed, he quickly handed over the treatment, and then used Flash to pull back.

However, Jack was very decisive when chasing. In this ability, he said that he was the second in the world, but no one dared to claim the first!

Yu Wenbo flashed forward, E [Evil Spirit Arrow Rain] slowed down the wind girl, fired two basic attacks and then connected with the piercing arrow to directly take away the field!

The entire operation was smooth and smooth!

"Ah..." Meiko bit her lip and apologized to her teammates, "It's my fault. I didn't calculate the time correctly. I should have left long ago."

With a sense of luck, he always thought that he could deal with the army line in time, but in the end, he gave Gu Xing a chance to gank.

His reaction was a step too slow, as he didn't hand over the flash immediately.

Tian Ye was extremely upset.

Mingkai knew full well that he had been fooled.

VG didn’t even think about military training on the road.

They blocked the line of troops in front of the upper tower just to trick him and his juniors into going up to relieve the line, while Gu Xing's pig girl went straight to the lower jungle area to find trouble for the EDG duo!

It takes about 25 seconds to run from the top lane to the bottom lane, using the Q Pig's sudden advance and exploding cones to pass through the wall.

Lulu's use of her body to block the line of soldiers was obviously deliberate, just to lure iboy into a duel.

Leave the EDG duo for a period of time before VG goes down to the tower. Waiting for the pig girl to get in position will be a trap!

When Gui Jiao Qi thought of this, his expression finally became a little irritable.

Gu Xing's decision-making skills were so outrageous that he felt like he would make mistakes no matter what he chose.

If I had followed Tian Ye's previous suggestion and went to the lower half of VG to fight against the jungle, it seems that I could have avoided the disaster of Feng Nu being ganked to death by Pig Girl.

But how did he know that Gu Xing would go to the bottom lane!

What if Gu Xing had tried his best to break through Mouse directly?

Rambo died twice in a row in the early stage, so EDG didn't need to fight anymore and just sent it!

This confused feeling of powerlessness made Gui Jiao Qi upset.

No matter which attack method the opponent chooses, Guodian will suffer serious losses.

He is almost like opening a blind box, playing a game of ideas with Schrödinger's Gu Xing, unable to guess the enemy's next move!

Gui Jiao Qi doesn't dare to rely too much on Gu Xing's subconscious habits that he studied based on the videos before the game.

Various performances in the first game of the final have proven that Gu Xing made complete countermeasures to his own shortcomings one step ahead!

If Mingkai relied on habitual thinking to judge Gu Xing's movements, sooner or later he would fall into the trap carefully crafted by the other party!

The doll at the commentary table was beaming with joy, "Brother Xing ran from top to bottom in just one minute and succeeded in both attacks!"

"And the ganking methods are exactly the same. It's no exaggeration to say that they are tried and true!"

As an old pig, Miller now looks solemn, "I can only say that there is a reason for EDG's consecutive losses in this finals. They can gain an advantage in the early stage, but VG will always find loopholes in operational defense!"

The director previously gave a hint that EDG's first blood rate is as high as 100%.

But there is another hidden message.

EDG lost the first two games, and their first-blood winning rate was as low as 0%!

Gu Xing is perfect at defensive counterattack, and every time he can use the flaws exposed by Gui Jiao Qi to attack first to launch a counterattack!

Nofe saw this scene in the lounge and couldn't help but cover his face with his hands.

After he came to Guodian, he overturned the operating system of his former head coach Rapid Star and tried to replicate the Tigers and transform EDG into a mid-term offensive team.

The result is that Guodian is now good at finding opportunities in the early stages, but the defensive system that could withstand the crazy attack of the Peak Optimistic Team back then has been completely defeated.

Now it was smashed to pieces by Gu Xing!

"The good news is that top laner Mouse's army line has been taken care of," Miller tried his best to use his words to make up for it and make the piggies more mentally balanced. "Rambo will have an easier time in the future."

At present, the piggies have no choice but to soothe their wounded hearts by saying, "The team has not collapsed and we can still fight in the future."

As long as EDG can establish its advantage before VG's team battle lineup of dual front row and dual shooters is fully developed.

But Scout thinks he can't accept it!

He left the lane and ran to support his teammates, sacrificing precious suppression time just to help the top laner clear the siege.

However, Gu Xing actually attacked in the east and attacked in the west, aiming at the bottom lane!

Now that I think about it, even if I don't go on the road, EDG can handle the army line just by relying on the two brothers in the jungle!

Am I wasting my time in vain?

I went shopping for half a minute and did nothing!

The elementary school boy was feeling annoyed.

After he returned to the middle, he wanted to make up for all the previous suppression effects.

Therefore, Scout, who returned to the line, played extremely aggressively.

Facts have proved that the junior brother Que's current laning level is pretty good, and Lucian is also quite proficient.

Q [Transparent Holy Light] repeatedly passes through the minions and hits the aircraft to achieve the purpose of consuming the opponent's blood.

And as long as Kuro dares to step forward to hit the target, the young boy will definitely slide into his face and apply a set of skills!

In the now slightly quiet canyon, the gunpowder-smelling mid lane matchup can be regarded as the focus. With the help of delay, the director would cut the screen in advance to take a look every time the mid laners on both sides switched.

The piggies at the scene were so excited that every time Lucian's insidious piercing Q hit the plane, there was a burst of noise!

Shen Guanshan in the stands muttered, "As for it, you don't have to shout for a kill or a wave of blood?"

Gu Pan teased, "Why do you have such double standards? I see Gu Yiyu doing something casually and you are so excited!"

Shen Guanshan fell silent and his ears were a little red.

The venue echoed with high-spirited and powerful commentary.

"The suppressive power of this junior has been fully demonstrated!" Miller exclaimed, "His laning strength after getting Lucian today is truly unparalleled!"

However, since Scout ran to the top lane and roamed to provide support, giving Kuro enough room to develop, there was actually not much difference in the number of last hits between the two sides.

For the sake of safety, Ming Kai did not dare to invade Gu Xing's wild area casually.

It seems that Lucian won the scene with the exchange of blood, but he didn't get any real advantage at all!

"Oh, Kuro, in order to make up for this gun truck, Lucian was riding in his face to deal damage." The doll had a strong sense of immersion, as if he could experience the feeling of the airplane immersively, and he couldn't help but said with a sad face, "His health is now disabled.

We have to go back to the city to replenish our supplies, otherwise we are likely to be overrun by our junior disciples!"

Miller gushed, "After banning Syndra, who is extremely explosive, Lucian showed off his laning suppression power. The plane was no match for him..."

The voice stopped suddenly.

Wawa was baffled by her partner's reaction, "What happened?"

say something!

But he soon discovered the reason.

"What happened?! A small anti-armor actually came out of the plane!" Wawa suddenly raised his voice, his tone full of surprise.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted the attention of all the viewers at the scene and in the live broadcast room.

All eyes are on the data panel.

The stomach prop in Kuchi's backpack caused the audience to scream in surprise!

The chat channel was quickly flooded.

[Is Kuro sending beta? The plane has a small anti-armor?]

[I was really amused by Kuro, he was thinking about something]

[What do you mean, simply wrong equipment or treating yourself like a big tree? 】

[You are so cowardly, why don’t you just use an ice fist! 】

[The brat is hinting again, right? Wait, I won’t have any juice for you!]

Hongmi couldn't laugh or cry.

"What on earth is this guy Rui Xing thinking? He wants to use a small anti-armor to play with airplanes?"

Ding Jun was dumbfounded, "Kuro, don't do it. Don't worry about scientific research first. Winning the competition here is important!"

Even if he doesn't know much about League of Legends, he still knows that the traditional aircraft configuration plan is three-phase + artillery/electric knife + endless.

How is it possible to get protective gear?

Mr. Hou is also full of questions.

Thanks to his personality and educational experience, what he is best at is making formulas and routines.

Of course, this is a statement of high emotional intelligence.

Low emotional intelligence is called rigidity.

Not only is the style of play mainly based on traditional magic core, but also treating itself as a second defensive tower, which has never changed.

After transforming into a coach, asking him to be the BP for occasional training matches was very formulaic and he didn't know how to be flexible.

Not to mention pretending!

Now that Li Zhixun saw Kuro’s equipment plan, his eyes suddenly darkened!

Dai Zhichun has a different view, "I think it's better to use small anti-armor. There are two AD shooters on the opposite side. This equipment is very effective against them..."

After the aircraft has replenished its health in the spring, choose to teleport back to the first tower to replenish the line.

When Kuchi appeared within EDG's field of vision, all members of Guodian discovered the aircraft's outrageous configuration.

The elementary school student's face was full of disbelief, and he repeatedly clicked on the small anti-armor in the opponent's backpack.

As a normally high-quality man, he rarely spouted out hidden words, "This plane is fucking kidding me?"

Scout's eyes widened, "Why can't I understand... Is this person an oil cake?"

"It's probably some newly developed black technology," Gui Jiao Qi asked with concern, "Can Li handle it?"

The junior high school student suddenly felt heroic and agreed categorically, "No problem with the designation, all the flashy outfits are useless in front of me!"

Any little anti-armor, I will attack it and destroy it!

Scout continues to suppress the lane, his Q skill with a fiery touch is still accurate, and the insidious soldier-piercing Q is at his fingertips.

But he soon realized something was wrong.

Why can’t I consume the other side?

I spent a long time changing blood, but the health value of the plane on the other side was actually almost the same as my own!

In this river?

Scout panicked.

He read the attribute description of the small anti-armor again and finally understood it.

It is worth mentioning that in version 7.14, the small anti-armor received a rework.

Now the price is only 900 gold coins, which can provide the hero with 35 points of armor, and there is also the [Thorns] BUFF - every time he is hit by a basic attack, 20 points of magic damage will be returned, and a serious injury lasting for one second will be added.


As we all know, this version of Lucian's damage mainly relies on passive basic attacks.

And one passive [Holy Light Silver Bullet] is equivalent to two normal attacks!

Just follow Lucian's exchange of moves in an ideal state, and use all passive basic attacks except the ultimate move, for a total of 6 shots.

Then the little anti-armor will retaliate and give Lucian up to 120 points of magic damage!

Excluding Lu Xian's own magic resistance attribute, the actual output is close to 100 points!

It can be said that the small anti-armor item that outputs retaliation according to each basic attack is Tenkel Lucian!

Moreover, the aircraft will resist when being ridden in the face, and coupled with the small anti-armor output, it will basically not be a loss to exchange blood with Lucian!

The elementary school boy gritted his teeth.

This was the first time he saw how disgusting the little anti-armor was.

This is also very good for Sister Li. He usually plays mid lane and has never encountered an opponent who plays small counter-armor.

Kuro is the only one who is a scorpion!

A guy who doesn't have any Soul of Kuchi, just wants to buy a small anti-armor to play with a plane...

The younger brother hates him to death, but there is nothing he can do against him.

More importantly, he is almost running out of mana.

Due to the relatively low exchange efficiency, Scout had to increase the frequency of battles to ensure line rights.

Once the skill can be released too many times, the blue bar will be drained.

The junior student urged Ming Kai to quickly help him get a blue.

When the mid laner spoke, Gui Jia Qi naturally did not dare to neglect.

As he went to the upper jungle area, he was still communicating with his teammates in the bottom lane, "You two, be careful. The opposite jungler should be in the bottom lane, and he will probably come to find you!"

The jungle route of both junglers at the beginning is reversed. Currently, Ming Kai is running to the upper jungle area, and Gu Xing should be in the lower half of the map.

Nowadays, none of the EDG duo has shown up, and it is really easy to provoke Gu Xing.

Although Iboy agreed, he felt relatively good about himself.

The transfer point of the army lines is in front of my lower tower. It is impossible for the opponent to jump over the tower and kill me, right?

However, he soon realized that his thinking was a bit too simple.

The moment the troops entered the tower, a pig emerged from the grass closest to the EDG lower tower!

It's her again, Sejuani!

Thanks to two successful ganks and the experience gained in the army line, Gu Xing has successfully reached level six at this moment.

Now throw the big move directly at Meiko!

R【Extreme Ice Prison】!

"I'll block it for you!" iboy was very loyal. He operated the cannon and walked in small steps before arriving in front of Feng Nu.

When the Ice Lasso thrown by Pig Girl was about to hit him, he handed over W [Rocket Jump].

Xiaopao's W skill also has a small overlord effect when guiding the bar, which can be used to offset the control.

Hu Xianzhao took advantage of this and helped Ye Ye block Zhu Mei's ultimate move, but he was not controlled and still jumped behind the tower!

However, even so, it could not stop VG from taking action.

R [Extreme Ice Prison] did not stun Feng Nu, but the deceleration radius was quite large, successfully delaying the escape of Zhu Tianye!

Duan Deliang rushed forward decisively.

The last time he handed over Flash was at 3 minutes. He had the cooldown reduction of Insight talent, and it just improved at 7 minutes and 15 seconds!

Now flash forward, close the distance between yourself and the field, and give W [Fantasy] to turn the wind girl into a beautiful sheep!

Meiko's reaction was not slow either. As soon as he realized that the opponent wanted to jump over the tower to kill him, he had already charged up the hurricane force, hoping to blow up Lulu who was resisting the tower.

But a thick white shield suddenly appeared above Duan Deliang's head!

R from Yu Shen [Compassion Saves the Soul]!

"I can't interrupt him," Mouse shouted, "you two run away!"

Rambo's disadvantage when facing Shen is revealed.

None of the four skills in his body are hard to control. Mouse watched Song Jinghao face to face with his ultimate move and guided him to the bottom lane, but there was nothing he could do!

The only thing he could do was to fire up the flamethrower and barbecue like crazy, trying to lower Shen's health before he hit the ground.

But no matter how hot Rambo’s flame is on the top lane, it can’t warm Meiko’s heart on the bottom lane.

He has no way to get out of the coverage area of ​​the Extreme Ice Prison. He will explode next and the deceleration intensity will be increased to 80%!

Seeing that Shen was about to land, Tian Ye gritted his teeth and put on the healing spell on himself, then put on the shield of E [Eye of the Storm], trying to make a final struggle.

"The little cannon kept firing A's at Lulu," Wawa increased his speaking speed appropriately, "But Prince Duan has E and healing skills. iboy's damage is not enough to kill the opponent instantly, so he doesn't dare to fight to the end for fear of being detained by Shen who lands on the ground.


iboy just hates that the damage is not high enough.

If the output is enough to kill Lulu instantly before Shen hits the ground, he doesn't have to rush to distance himself!

When the time comes, reset W [Rocket Jump] after killing people, and you won't be careful if you have the purification in your hand.

But before the small cannon reaches level 6, its burst output is just a little bit behind!

After Smeb landed, his E skill taunted and controlled Feng Nu, and Jack's safe output successfully took Meiko away!

"Shen's first ultimate move in this game was effective!" Watou smiled broadly, "VG was able to harvest a fire dragon after forcing Iboy back!"

Ming Kai pursed his lips unconsciously.

The opponent's attack was so fierce that EDG couldn't resist it!

Just based on the information that junior Lucian went offline to get the blue BUFF, VG fired at the weak point of Guodian's defense!

Shen's ultimate move guidance was so unscrupulous, he was obviously sure that the wine barrel was not near the top lane!

Gui Jiao Qi didn't want to sit still and wait for death.

The lineup selected by EDG must gain early and mid-term advantages, otherwise they will have no chance of winning until the aircraft equipment is formed!

The game time came to 9 minutes and 20 seconds, and the endless sirens sounded in the canyon.

After the plane returns to the city with residual health, pick up the first explosive pack in this game and prepare to take off!

Mingkai chose to crouch quietly in the VG Beak Bird camp, planning to repeat the idea of ​​winning in the previous game and launch another offensive against Li Ruixing.

It's a pity that Kuro's alertness was full this time. Before going online, he poked an eye in the F6 camp and directly inserted Mingkai out!

Seeing that the beer man handed over the meat, eggs, onions and chicken and still wanted to control himself, he no longer hesitated and immediately used the explosive pack he had just picked up!

With its ultra-long flight distance, Kuro retreated directly to the second tower!

The landing point of Mingkai's Meat, Egg, Onion and Chicken is exactly within the flame zone of the aircraft's enhanced version of Valkyrie's dive.

In just a short moment, the health bar above his head was reduced by a large bar!

Gui Jia Qi had no choice but to be himself in the fire, drank a sip of beer to numb his nerves with alcohol, and walked out.

He didn't feel that he was losing money, but rather that he was making quite a profit.

If the explosive packs from the plane are not forced out, the enemy is likely to use them in the vanguard team battle!

"Let's set up the vanguard's vision," Mingkai reminded his teammates, "If the opponent wants to come over and fight, let's start a team fight directly!"

After the plane's explosive package was forced out, its combat capabilities instantly dropped by several levels.

Now Guijiaoqi is not afraid of this anti-armor Kuchi at all.

It's great to withstand pressure, but it's of no use in fighting a team!

Even if Smeb Shen's ultimate skill is about to get better, Mingkai is convinced that Rift Herald is his own!

Gu Xing judged that EDG had a strong desire to control this Canyon Pioneer through the vision information of the wine barrel wandering in the upper river for a long time.

He simply chose to give up.


Gu Xing can also see that his own lineup currently lacks output.

The duo is still hanging out in the bottom lane to use the economy as an incense burner. If they want to play the vanguard, they have to rely on VG to go to the middle and jungle.

But now, in terms of combat effectiveness in the top half, they are no match for Guodian!

If a fight really breaks out, VG will definitely be in trouble!

Gu Xing simply gave up his resources to avoid the battle and headed to the lower jungle area to once again pose an invisible threat to the EDG duo.

He didn't show his head either, but Guodian was still scared to death in the bottom lane, worried that Gu Xing would knock Shen down again for a four-for-two.

As a last resort, the two had to retreat to the rear to farm their own stone beetles to supplement their economy.

Gu Xing was satisfied and used this method to block a wave of troops from the EDG duo. Then he saw the news that the Canyon Pioneer had been captured by Guodian was broadcast to the audience, and then he set out to return to the middle lane. Beware of Guijiaoqi, who would directly release the Pioneer and push the middle tower.


Mingkai was also very cautious. He guessed that Gu Xing would return to the middle to defend, so after taking the vanguard, he did not rush to summon him, but ran to the top to put pressure on Shen first.

"You push the troops in, and then come with me to the middle!" Gui Jiao Qi made the arrangement.

Naturally, he would not go on the road in vain.

Mouse obeyed.

Shen has just made Tiamat not long ago, and his frankness is not outstanding.

Now seeing EDG coming to the jungle to cause trouble for him, he immediately chose to defend the tower and let Rambo push the lane.

After Mouse pushed the upper lane, he followed the barrel to the middle lane.

"Spread out your ultimate move, and let's lower the plane's status first!"

Mingkai stated the action plan.

The junior student threw W [Holy Bullet], and then immediately swept out Baptism of the Holy Spear!

Holy silver bullets poured out, constantly lowering the aircraft's health!

Kuro handed over Valkyrie horizontally and dived, Mouse saw the opportunity and threw R [Constant Temperature Burn]!

The aircraft's magic resistance is not high, and its small health volume has been reduced to waste after being roasted by Rambo's high temperature for one second!

Mingkai used R [Exploding Barrel] to try to complete the kill.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Li Ruixing dodged at the extreme distance to avoid the damage from the barrel's ultimate move.

"Push in, push in!" Gui Jiao Qi said with joy.

Three ultimate moves forced the plane to flash and cripple the opponent. Now EDG has an extremely rare opportunity to demolish the tower!

Even if Kuro teleports, it will take at least 20 seconds to adjust his position and return to the city to wait for the spring water to heal before TP comes out!

By the time the plane returns to the frontal battlefield, I'm afraid the day lilies will be cold!

Mingkai stepped back, operated the barrel and began to twitch and dance. After 3.5 seconds of guidance, the Canyon Pioneer jumped out of the void!

EDG's intention to push the middle and jungle together as a team is clearly revealed!

Gu Xingben was hovering near the middle, guarding against the opponent's possible push.

Now that he saw the Canyon Pioneer appearing, he immediately called on his friends to set up a defense line.

But the plane returned to the city, top laner Shen was still cleaning up the troops in the tower, and the bottom lane duo was still developing steadily with the opponent...

Currently, the only participant in VG’s middle defense is Gu Xing himself!

Fortunately, the health of the first tower has been maintained well, and now there is still 3/4 left.

Even if the vanguard hits one, it will not be destroyed immediately.

"Brother Xing wants to kill the ward behind the vanguard, but the EDG players don't agree!" Miller raised his voice, "The wine barrel moves forward with eager eyes, threatening the pig sister to retreat!"

Gu Xing was not timid at all.

He is not from Xiamen University.

He is covered in pigskin and is not afraid of being burned. What can the other party do to him?

The level 8 full-blooded pig girl came to the canyon pioneer with a pig skin that can increase 60 points of extra double resistance.

Just in front of EDG's midfielder, he knocked down the back of the Vanguard, and then punished him. In the blink of an eye, he lowered the HP of the Canyon Pioneer!

Ming Kai's eyes were about to burst.

The pioneer I worked so hard to get, the opportunity I worked so hard to find, are about to be destroyed in front of my eyes...

Can't bear it!

He first used the rolling wine barrel to break the opponent's layer of pig skin, and then bumped into the pig girl with his belly.

It's just that the pig skin will remain for 2 seconds after it is broken. Gu Xing relied on his super smoothness to hand over W [Winter's Wrath] without dodging when the wine barrel hit him with meat, eggs, onions and chickens.

] to stack frost layers.

Tower hatred has been transferred from Rift Herald to Gragas.

"The factory director doesn't have a big move, so the three of them can't kill the pig girl under the tower, but this is the best result for EDG. At least the vanguard is saved, and Lucian is still engaged in demolition!"

The elementary school boy ignored the fight between the lumps of meat and just focused on clicking the tower.

As long as this middle tower is destroyed, EDG can instantly reverse the situation and take the initiative in its hands!

Gu Xing used his basic attack to pile up layers of frost on the wine barrel.

But he didn't rush to trigger E [Eternal Frozen Realm], but turned around to output Canyon Herald.

Ming Kai raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Gui Jiaoqi, who has a keen sense of smell, realized something was wrong immediately.

The defense tower has been warmed up and the damage is getting more and more exaggerated.

Even a pure-meat beer man would be a bit overwhelmed by being hit by a cannonball.

If Gu Xing waits until his health is further reduced before handing over the Permanent Frozen Realm to receive R [Extreme Ice Prison], wouldn't he have nowhere to escape?

The steady Mingkai decided to take two steps back first, at least to get out of the range of the defense tower.

But at this moment, a teleportation swirling light suddenly lit up in the grass above the middle road!

The EDG team was in panic.

The teleportation point is located at the side and rear of the demolition site, invisibly blocking a retreat route for the Guodian team!

And the timing of VG handing over the teleportation tower is outrageous.

Shen, the top laner, has just cleared his army line now, and the only one who can hand over teleportation is the aircraft!

But just now, Kuchi was clearly bombarded by three big moves from EDG and had less than 100 health left!

It's only been a little over 10 seconds since the plane disappeared from EDG's field of vision.

Excluding the 8 seconds of returning to the city to read...

Why don't you return to the spring water to replenish your blood?

Even if it takes 4.5 seconds to send the reading bar, your blood volume will not be very healthy!

It’s just half a pipe!

In the middle of the teleportation guide, Shen on the road started to pinch the forbearance seal and handed over the ultimate move [Compassion to save the soul].

The supporting friendly forces are obviously aircraft!

After a brief thought, Mingkai decided to focus his fire to kill Kuro instantly.

Even with Shen's ultimate move and shield, the aircraft's HP is still not much.

As long as the EDG output is fed in, it will definitely be enough!

However, before Gui Jiao Qi could make a move, Gu Xing threw out E [Permanent Freeze Field] to freeze him in place!

Now only the top two of EDG can move freely.

Gu Xing adjusted his position, and Q Zhu suddenly advanced towards Rambo and killed him!

Mouse's psychological quality is relatively average. When he saw the pig girl rushing over, he was afraid that the other party would throw R [Icy Prison] to stun him at the next moment, so he quickly flashed and pulled downwards.

But after he handed over the flash, Zhumei used his ultimate move!

The Ice Lasso held Rambo in place, unable to move!

"Shen also successfully arrived at the battlefield after the plane teleported to the ground. Smeb taunted forward and then followed, controlling Rambo and connecting to the control chain!"

Ming Kai recovered from his dizziness and saw Shen + Zhu Mei beating up their top laner.

He certainly couldn't bear it.

If Rambo dies, EDG's output in this small-scale team battle will be greatly reduced!

Just as E [Meat Bomb Impact] had finished cooling down, Ming Kai flashed past the pig girl in front of him and hit Shen Shen hard!

But just when Smeb was about to be hit in the belly, a pig flashed in front of him, snorting and snorting into the barrel!


Ming Kai's heart skipped a beat.

"Brother Xing is really outrageous!" Wawa blurted out, "He handed over Flash in time to act as a human shield to help Smeb withstand the impact of the barrel!"

No one can hinder Shen's output.

The basic attack is Clash, followed by Tiamat and then Q Soul Blade.

Three knives struck Rambo, and combined with Gu Xing's ice-breaking basic attack, Rambo was sent directly back to the spring!

"VG's small-scale team battles are so tacit. They took the lead in reducing the enemy's personnel through linkage control!" Watanabe took a deep breath, "Now only EDG's midfielder and jungler are left. They are not willing to give in and try to inject damage into the aircraft...


The primary school boy's development has not been affected from the beginning to the end, but now it is also ruined.

Slide towards the plane's face, activate the active effect of the equipment, take a sip, and then connect with the basic attack.

After two shots, follow up with the Holy Light.

A set of skills highlights a smoothness.

But the damage is not high.

The aircraft is now a combination of small anti-armor + small ice hammer + glare equipment. It has armor and health. In terms of tankiness, it is even more exaggerated than Rambo!

Lucian's bunch of fancy output is worthy of providing Shen to the aircraft.

Shield shattered!

"The foreshadowing of this little anti-armor show is really hot!" Miller shouted hoarsely, "Kuro is exaggeratedly fleshy!"

Lucian waits for W [Holy Bullet] to get better, then keeps up with W a little bit.

But the plane still had a small amount of blood left!

Use phosphorescent bombs in conjunction with basic attacks after the flare to lower Lucian's health, and then hand over the cooled-down Valkyrie to dive towards his teammates.

Mingkai could only hand over the remaining Q [Rolling Barrel] to try to reduce the aircraft's status and slow it down.

Now Kutcher is finally disabled.

The elementary school boy gritted his teeth.

As long as the plane can be dropped in seconds, this wave is not a loss!

He dodged and rushed forward, raised his hand and fired another shot at Kuchi!

Source Project Lucian feels light and crisp, and every bullet has a wonderful feedback experience when it is fired.

But this shooting was an exception.

Just when Lucian was about to hit the plane with his basic attack, the old friends of the Tigers finally completed their two-way run.

Form the seal carefully to cast the sword formation!

W [Second Truth! Soul Blessing]!

The soul blade unfolds to form a barrier, and the edge just protects the plane!

The bullet hit Kutcher without causing any damage!

The elementary school student felt that the blood all over his body was frozen instantly.

The effect of Shen's sword array lasts for a full 1.75 seconds, and any form of basic attack cannot harm the VG members within it!

For Lucian, who has all his skills on cooldown, it is undoubtedly a dead end!

"EDG's estimate of the damage was wrong. They couldn't kill the plane at all!" Miller could not wait to beat his chest. "The flash of the little boy actually put himself in danger!"

Gu Xing waved his flail and cast W, covering Lucian with two layers of frost.

Shen turned his head and slashed twice at Lucian, successfully stacking up the frost layers before the barrier sword array disappeared!

E【Permanently frozen field】!

Lucian was frozen in place.

The plane turned around and fired a super missile coupled with a basic attack. The dazzling light caused pleasant damage and sent the Holy Lancer away!

The remaining Mingkai still wanted to escape when he saw that the situation was over.

Gu Xing wouldn't give him a chance to evacuate at all. He chased him all the way and waited for his next Q to turn well. The pig suddenly advanced and pushed him up. AWA was full of frost layers. He stunned the opponent and added ice-breaking damage!

The wine barrel, which had resisted the damage from defense towers several times, had low health, and now it fell to the ground with regret!

VG wins big!

This chapter has been completed!
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