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080: The sheep spirit is alive!

 "Rek'Sai's position is very difficult to move. Now the Snakes team has no teammates to support him!"

Sofm initially thought that his mid laner, Tank, was holding back Hou Ye, allowing him to steal jungle safely.

But now it seems that Easyhoon has clearly locked Tank!

If Malzahar cannot arrive, Sofm will die!

On the opposite side, Thresh still kept E [Pendulum of Doom], obviously to prevent him from using tunnels to retreat.

Sofm could only watch as Gu Xing kept outputting himself with the help of his double attack speed daggers. With two layers of marks in hand, Qian Jue's output efficiency seemed to be quite high!

"Virtue still holds Flash in his hand. Even if Sofm cross-blades, he can't distance himself..."

And Rek'Sai is definitely better at flashing than Kindred. If he and Gu Xing trade skills, Sofm feels that he will still be at a disadvantage.

After thinking about it, I decided not to run away. I turned around and forced a set of output onto the small Thresh!

He knew that the VG auxiliary came by swimming after returning to the city. If his health volume was reduced, returning to the city for a short period without any ability to restore blood would waste time. If he did not return to the city and go directly to the bottom lane to face the lane, his combat effectiveness would also be reduced.

"Kindred stacked up enough to detonate E [Fear], successfully killing Rek'Sai!"

Sofm looked solemn after his death.

He has outstanding talent in the jungle, and he can figure out the opponent's tactics in just a few seconds.

I used this group of F4 to lure me into fishing, and also asked the support to crouch nearby in advance...

It was too dirty to play!

The chat channel in the live broadcast room was very lively.

[A small section of Thresh operation, Xiaoshuai!]

[It’s bad, Virtue not only counter-jumpers, but also learned how to restrain counter-jumpers]

[Does this count as teaching the disciples to starve the master to death? 】

[Virtue: No one knows how to counter jungle better than me! 】

The pilot camera switches to the top road.

"Jiezou's Bard was not idle just now. After fighting in the bottom lane and returning to the city, he went straight to the upper half of the area and used E [Magical Journey] to cross the wall to catch Brother Long!"

However, the output of the Snake team in the jungle is not very sufficient, and the control skills are also unstable. Brother Long uses the flash carefully and takes damage all the way, and finally returns to the tower with residual health.

Seeing this scene, all VG supporters cheered!

Backstage in the Snakes lounge, coach Zhu Kai stroked his forehead with his palm, feeling uneasy in his heart.

Jiezou had no choice but to help Holy Lancer on the top lane. Logically speaking, it would be better to help the middle lane. After all, Tank's Malzahar has R [Grip of Hades] and the control is more stable.

But Long Ge, the top laner on VG, has the ultimate skill carefully.

If Jiezou goes to capture the Marquis in the middle, Shen can easily use R [Secret Mystery! Mercy to Save the Soul] to support him!

Shen's ultimate move guidance and Ekko's W [Time Stagger] both take effect for 3 seconds.

In other words, as long as Brother Long fires his ultimate move first, Brother Holy Spear will never be able to interrupt!

When Shen lands on the ground and cooperates with Ice Girl, the top two of VG can even complete the counterattack.

That's why Jiezou focused on the top road.

Unfortunately, the damage was not enough and he failed to kill Brother Long.

Zhu Kai stands from God's perspective and has a wider perspective on the game, and can think about problems from an overall perspective.

The current situation is not optimistic for the Snakes.

They chose an early and mid-term lineup, but were beaten by VG. The engine of Sofm was not running. Although Holy Spear had certain advantages, as a top laner, it was really difficult to drive the team's rhythm in this version.

If we continue like this, we will lose the game sooner or later.

What's more important is that Sofm, which was always unbeatable before, is now in deep trouble!

Gu Xing and Xiao Duan's wait-and-see attitude just now made Zhu Kai aware of the crisis.

VG seems to have found a way to deal with Sofm's bandit-style counter jungle!

If this is the case, wouldn't the coaching staff of other teams also be able to learn countermeasures from the video of this game?

Thinking of this, Zhu Kai's heart was filled with a haze.

"Virtue just killed Sofm and successfully captured his third level mark..."

Gu Xing did not initiate a gank in the first 7 minutes of the game, so Yangling marked the opponent Reksai. This kill not only got 300 gold coins, but also captured a layer of passive!


I remember looking at Gu Xing and recalling the ten-level Qianjue that wreaked havoc on the entire field when the opponent faced WE, "When the team battle breaks out, how on earth are the Snakes going to deal with this almost invincible Virtue?!"

After Gu Xing killed Rek'Sai, he crossed the lower river without stopping and headed for the snake team's wild area.

When it has three layers of marks, the current version of Wolf Spirit will only mark the other four groups of camps of the opponent except the double BUFF.

It is worth mentioning that in order to lure Sofm to rebel against his Beak Bird, Gu Xing deliberately exposed his position and wiped out the F4 and Stone Beetle in the first half of the Snake team.

The two groups of wild monsters have not been reset yet.

Then the wolf spirit will only mark the three wolves or frog concubines in the opponent's lower half!

Unsurprisingly, as soon as Gu Xing crossed the river, he saw the head of the wolf spirit appearing above the Demon Swamp Frog Camp on the mini map!

He immediately took over the wild monsters and successfully accumulated the fourth level mark.

The Frog Princess camp is close to the bottom lane, and the director cut to the line to give the audience a look.

"Martin is not having an easy life now. While assisting Jiezou from wandering around and not returning, he had to huddle under the tower and use Q [Secret Shooting] to replenish his tail blade...Imp even deliberately got stuck in front of a minion with low health to block Q!


Gu Shengbin can always be disgusting. Anyway, he has [Vampire Scepter] and Dolan Sword to restore blood. Blocking two Qs is harmless, but it can prevent the opponent from developing as expected.

Martin saw that the gap between himself and Imp was getting wider and wider, and he almost fainted.

Fortunately, his support is about to run back to the bottom lane. With Bader's help, he can feel much more comfortable in the lane.

However, Jiezou frowned and said, "You should step back first. Qian Jue should be nearby."

Since he had gone to the top road before, Martin was alone under the tower to resist the pressure, so naturally he could not get out of the ward position. Currently, the lower half of the Snakes team was completely dark, completely shrouded in the fog of war.

Qian Jue's Mark was applied at the Demon Swamp Frog Camp next door. Jiezou always felt that Gu Xing would grab the wave after finishing the Mark.

When Martin heard what the assistant said, although he felt very unhappy, he also knew that he was in a dangerous position.

I was about to walk back against the wall at the bottom of the map to avoid being discovered by the other party, when I heard Sofm talking.

"You can drag Nimeng down the road for a while, I can get there!"

At this time, Sofm's Chinese was not very fluent, the accent was relatively strong, and some words had to be expressed in simple English.

He sensed that Gu Xing might attack the bottom lane, so he quickly ran down after resurrecting.

Anyway, Sofm's own wild monsters in the upper half of the area haven't been refreshed yet, so if you have nothing to do, you might as well help your teammates counter-crouch.

"Xuanjun, you can come too. If they want to jump over the tower, we can counterattack!" Jiezou also wanted to move more people to ensure the winning rate of this counter-crouching wave.

Brother Holy Spear agreed, eager for the battle that was about to break out.

"I can also roam," Tank, the Korean aid in the middle, slowed down his speech and expressed his meaning as clearly as possible, "Ice Girl's teleportation hasn't turned around yet... Damn it!"

This curse word is well-spoken and contains surprise and horror!

He suddenly discovered that a Kindred emerged from the junction between one of his towers and the Three Wolf Camp!

Seeing where Gu Xing appeared, everyone in the Snake Team realized that they had been fooled.

"Virtue's real target is Malzahar in the middle!"

Miller was very doubtful about this, "But Tank still has a big move in his hand. Can the VG midfielder kill over the tower?"

Qian Jue is currently only at level 5, and he doesn't look like he can succeed!

The audience was also in an uproar.

Gu Xing has already taken action, and the area of ​​W [Wolf Spirit Frenzy] has expanded. Wolf Spirit breaks Malzahar's passive, and the basic attack point is on the opponent, and then connects Q [Dance of Arrows] and follows up with a basic attack.

AQA's small combos are extremely smooth. The four layers of marks combined with the damage of the wolf spirit's bite instantly reduced Malzahar's health by a certain amount!

Attracting the hatred of the defense tower, the moment Qian Jue was hit by the bombardment, Brother Long decisively handed over R [Compassion Saves the Soul], and put a layer of white shield on Gu Xing!

"Brother Holy Spear handed over the teleportation almost at the same time, while Tank was still hesitant and did not use his ultimate move..."

Tank initially wanted to use R [Grip of Hades] on Gu Xing who was resisting the tower.

But the Marquis’ Ice Girl still holds R [Ice Tomb] to interrupt!

If the ultimate move is given to the Ice Girl, the Hou Ye without the anti-turret will not be in any danger at all, and Gu Xing from the rear can still do crazy damage when he uses the Grasp of the Underworld!

It seems impossible for Malzahar, who has a big move in hand, to be killed by jumping over the tower, but if you think about it for a moment, you will know how embarrassing his current situation is!

I remember not forgetting to glance at the mini map when the battle broke out, "Sofm still has a long way to go from here, and there is no way to provide immediate support. Tank can only rely on itself!"

Tank started sprinting and wanted to move downwards, using Flash to escape across the wall.

However, the Marquis decisively flashed +W [Ring of Frost] and successfully controlled him!

"Qian Jue uses E [Fear], and Tank can only quickly throw out small skills, and then surrender to the clutches of Hades!"

If he continues to use his ultimate move, a set of burst damage from VG's midfielder can kill him instantly.

Malzahar suppressed the Ice Girl, reducing the opponent's output as much as possible, allowing himself to survive until the moment when Holy Spear Brother and Sofm arrived.

Gu Xing was unable to break the Grip of Hades, so he dealt a terrifying burst of damage, easily knocking Tank down to his remaining health.

"Brother Long finished his ultimate move and guided him to the ground. Virtue fired a crossbow arrow to send Malzahar back to the spring, and then used the dance of arrows to stay away from the range of the defense tower!"

After resisting four rounds of shelling from defense towers, Gu Xing's health was still in danger even if he was shielded by Shen's ultimate move.

Brother Holy Spear originally wanted to secure a head.

But after killing Malzahar, a blue swirling light appeared on Qian Jue's body!

"Virtue has reached level six!"

Brother Holy Spear doesn't want to give up, he knows that the team urgently needs to kill Qian Jue to cut off the opponent's unsolvable development!

After the teleportation lands, immediately activate W [Time Stagger] to seal Gu Xing's retreat, then step forward and try to hit three rings to lower Gu Xing's health.

"Brother Long's Shen taunted Ike, and Lord Marquis also used the Ice Tomb to freeze him in place!"

The director quickly switched the scene. Ezreal, who was on the bottom lane, had eaten a Demon Swamp Frog at the beginning, and had also gained a lot of experience by himself when roaming as an assistant in the middle. Now he has reached level six. He leaned over and drew his bow to shoot R [Accurate Bullet].


There was nothing wrong with Martin's preview, and the golden crescent moon cut through the sky and headed straight for the blood-stained Kindred!

At the critical moment, Gu Xing activated R [Sheep Spirit Rebirth] to bless the earth under his feet!

I remember the voice was loud and urgent, "Sofm rushed to the battlefield from the lower half of the area, dug a tunnel and hit Qian Jue with Q [Prey Search], but did not make any further moves..."

Gu Xing's blood volume has now dropped below 10%, and he will be protected by the Sheep Spirit's Breathing and protected from all damage.

Sofm felt that he might as well save his skills and wait until the sheep spirit's rebirth was over.

"While pulling, Virtue hit Sofm with a basic attack, lowering the opponent's health... Ikko's time staggered appearance, but he dodged it with a flash!"

Gu Xing stepped on the edge of the sheep spirit's life, and planned to get the healing effect of the blood recovery that was about to fall.

"Sofm followed up with the flash, and at the moment when the sheep spirit ended its life, it broke out of the ground and knocked Virtue into the air. Q [Queen's Wrath] bit Kind Jue!"

Just when he was about to kill Gu Xing instantly, a golden light flashed at the edge of his vision!

Thresh's figure appeared in front of Sofm!

"Shortly flash to the battlefield, throw out W [Soul Lamp] and then Q [Death Sentence]!"

Sofm still wanted to turn around and hide, but the jungle pass was too narrow, and Gu Xing next to him blocked his position.

The hook hit accurately!

"Thresh's hook interrupted Rek'Sai's output rhythm. Kindred picked up the lantern and retreated to his teammates!"

When the battle broke out in the middle, I remember that I kept explaining like a barrage. Now my voice was a little hoarse, and it sounded like I was hoarse, "Isn't Virtue dead?!"

Sofm was hooked, Holy Spear Brother was stopped by VG Zhongshang, and Jiezou just arrived on the battlefield.

No one around could threaten Gu Xing, and the Snake Team players could only watch as Qianjue, who was still alive, escaped!

The stadium was filled with loud shouts and cheers from VG supporters, intertwined with the muffled sound generated by the knocking of support sticks, echoing endlessly in the confined space!

"It's too extreme!" Shen Guanshan's fair cheeks were also stained with a touch of rose due to excitement, "Gu Pan, have you seen it?"

"Hmm..." Gu Pan responded perfunctorily, with no emotion on his face. He just relaxed his grip on the support stick slightly, and his tight body under his clothes also relaxed.

"Xiao Duan brought Virtue to his side, then triggered the effect of death sentence, moved to Rek'Sai, and the pendulum of doom brushed him back!"

Imp, who had just finished pushing the bottom lane and joined the battle with his support, jumped forward and stabbed Sofm with his spear.

Jiezou came over to help open a tunnel and wanted his teammates to retreat quickly.

"Calista just flashed over the wall and chased after her...Imp fought so hard!"

During this period, he also used the jumping effect of the passive [Martial Arts Stance] to avoid Bard's Q [Astral Binding]. Imp regards Kalista as his signature character, so he naturally has two brushes, and his proficiency is quite high, and his operation is very good.


Sofm had no E [Tunnel] and no flash, so he was stuck like a hedgehog. Finally, Imp used E [Tear] to draw out the spear to cause huge damage, and successfully killed Rek'Sai!

"0 for 2, VG ​​is making money!" Miller's excited voice was transmitted to every corner of the scene through the sound effects!

I remember coming to my senses, "Virtue was just one step away from death, but in the end he was still not killed... By the time he entered the seventh set, his career death count was still 0!"

This data is really exaggerated.

Many viewers still don't know when Gu Xing's first death will occur.

But it didn't take long for Tank to find an opportunity.

Taking advantage of the gap when the Marquis returned to the city to replenish supplies, he went to VG's Sharpbill camp in advance to set up eye positions.

Not long after, I saw Kindred, who had synthesized the Blood Blade jungle knife, coming to clear the jungle.

Without saying a word, he flashed over the wall, and R [Grip of Hades] suppressed Gu Xing!

"Jiezou's Bard is giving R [Reconciling Fate] not far away..."

An arc of magical energy flew in and landed just after the suppression of the Grip of Hades ended, turning Kindred into a little golden man!

Bard's ultimate move is a mandatory golden body effect that lasts up to 2.5 seconds.

Gu Xing was helpless. The moment he saw Sofm Reksai digging a tunnel close to him, he decisively gave up resisting and picked up the paper cup to take a sip of his drink.

"The excavator's underground Q [prey search] broke out of the ground and lifted up Kind Jue who had not flashed. Then a set of skills smashed him down, and finally Malzahar killed Virtue!"

Miller was almost stunned. "Virtue just finished eating Hades' Grip and then Bard's ultimate move. Finally, he was knocked away by Rek'Sai... It took six or seven seconds from start to finish. He probably had all the skill keys."

It’s dark!”

"We can happily announce that Virtue's immortality record has ended at the hands of the Snake Team!" I remember joking with a smile.

"What a scumbag," Gu Pan couldn't help but complain in a low voice, "You can't even move. How can you have such a skill?"

She had just started to play games during this period, and the Tietong network at home was still working stably. Gu Pan only occasionally went to Shen Guanshan to play a few games in the evening, and now she couldn't even recognize all the character skills.

"What did you say?" The venue was too noisy, and Shen Guanshan couldn't hear his friend's words clearly.

"Ah? I didn't say anything..." Gu Pan waved his hand to indicate to his best friend that he heard wrong.

The death of Gu Xing caused the number of barrages in the live broadcast room to increase several times, and everyone was talking about it in the chat channel.

[Snake: I heard that you like operations? If you have the ability, continue! 】

[This serial control is too ruthless and doesn’t give any chance]

[As for how exciting it is to kill Virtue once? Just go back and print out the screenshots of the kill and post them in the team base. Review them before training every day]

[There is a saying, killing once is useless. Virtue’s KDA is still the highest in the league. You have to kill it again to cut the battle damage in half]

Gu Xing didn't know what the barrage was discussing.

He was killed by the Snake Team's unexplained combos and his immortal golden body was destroyed. Anyway, he was quite depressed.

"It's normal," Mr. Hou said in a gentle tone, "How is it possible to never die in a game?"

As steady as he is, sometimes he cannot escape the fate of being surrounded, suppressed and hunted.

Brother Long also expressed relief, "It is a good thing to die once in battle now. Otherwise, if you are always nervous and don't want to die, it will affect your judgment of the situation."

Sometimes when you encounter a team fight that you can fight, you choose to avoid it because you want to ensure your survival. This is undoubtedly a psychological burden for professional players.

Gu Xing breathed a sigh of relief and responded, "I understand...I'll replenish the mercury after I get out of the hurricane."

As Kindred, facing the enemy's multi-control lineup, mercury is almost a necessity. Otherwise, if you are stuck in the same place and can't even use your ultimate move, you will be doomed.

It just so happened that the suppression effect of Malzahar's R [Grasp of Hades] could only be lifted by mercury, so Gu Xing killed two birds with one stone.

There's no rush yet.

Malzahar of the Snakes has already used his flash and ultimate moves, and it is impossible to threaten him in the next few minutes.

Gu Xing is not the kind of person who swallows his anger.

Knowing that Tank had flashed over, he crouched in the middle, waited for Malzahar to leave the protection of the defense tower, and immediately jumped out to take action!

The Marquis used E [Glacier Path] to move forward, break Malzahar's passive with basic attack, and use R Frozen Tomb to freeze the opponent!

"Virtue killed Tank easily..." As soon as Miller finished speaking, he saw the director cut to the bottom lane and immediately shouted, "Martin is going to suffer badly too!"

After being stable for 10 minutes, Imp blocked his Q and blocked seven or eight minions. Finally, Martin couldn't hold back. He stepped forward and tried to use basic attacks to cover up the cannon truck.

Just a tentative move forward, and Xiao Duan and Imp seized the opportunity.

"Calista opened up and Xiao Duan threw herself out. Although Martin used E [Arcane Leap] to dodge, the distance between the two was very close and he was forced to stay!"

I remember sighing in my heart, "Bard's ultimate move hasn't improved yet, and Jiezou can't save his teammates!"

Imp jumped forward continuously, used a mouthful of healing to accelerate and continued to get closer, and then two spears went down to complete the line-up kill!

Snakes supporters kept wailing.

Compared with Crystal at his peak, Martin's strength is much inferior, and fans are very worried about him.

What happened next was even worse.

Sofm ran to the VG jungle area to seize the time to counterattack, but was killed again by Gu Xing and his teammates who arrived early!

Li Guangwei, whose real name is Li Guangwei, rarely feels irritable.

I have been playing in LPL for two weeks, and until today, I can only describe it as smooth sailing.

Who would have thought that Virtue would punish them in this way!

Sofm suffered losses in the early stage and knew that VG had a plan to deal with their counter-jungling play.

But he still felt lucky and wanted to die again.

Besides, if he didn't go against the jungle, he wouldn't know what to do to supplement his growth.

At this time, Sofm was dominating the league with his unique anti-jungle skills, and his other skills had not yet been activated.

He was attacked twice by Gu Xing, and counting the death in the team battle in the middle, Sofm's record came to 0 kills, 3 deaths and 1 assist!

"Qianjue went to the opposite jungle after getting the kill, and before he knew it, six layers of marks were developed in advance," Miller marveled. "On the other hand, the Snake team's power period has been delayed a lot!"

The main reason is that Martin's development is too poor, and the time to perform Magic Cut + Ice Fist is a little late.

If we were to engage in a head-to-head battle at this time, the chances of winning would undoubtedly be low.

But if this drags on and everyone in VG is fully equipped, the Snake Team will have no chance of winning.

After thinking about it, they decided to take the initiative to activate Baron and use Baron Nash to force VG to fight to the death.

"The Snake Team took advantage of the time when VG finished laying out their vision and returned to the city to purchase equipment, and used Bard's tunnel to move in from above the Dalong Pit. However, the movement was captured by the opponent's previously arranged eye position..."

Miller realized that this might be a team battle that would determine the outcome, and looked a little nervous, "VG felt that the economic advantage was big enough, so they rushed to the Dalong Pit as a team!"

Jiezou used R [Reconciliation of Fate] to hit the center of the VG formation, hoping to separate them in this way.

But the VG team members ignored it and allowed Ice Girl and Thresh to be hit by Harmony Destiny without any thought of changing their formation!

"Martin's Ezreal stood up and launched his ultimate move, and the precise barrage swept to the VG midfielder. Holy Spear Brother's W [Time Interlace] also took effect immediately!"

Ekko moves forward, steps into the time field, and triggers a range-wide stun effect!

It has to be said that the damage and control chain shown by the Snake Team are very well coordinated.

If faced with other lineups, it is really possible for Snake to use the strong tail to reverse the situation.

But Gu Xing used Qian Jue in this round!

He had always paid attention to his position before and was at the back of the team, so he was not affected by the snake team's massive control.

The sheep spirit lives!

Bless the earth and let a few teammates survive!

A duration of 4 seconds is completely enough for VG!

"The Marquis used E [Glacier Path] to enter the Great Dragon Pit. Before he could use the skill, he was suppressed by Tank's Grip of Hades!"

But his mission is accomplished.

Brother Long's Shen used his ultimate move on him, and with the help of Ice Girl, he completed his entrance!

E [Mysterious! Shadow Binding] cooperated with the flash, and successfully taunted the three members of the Snake Team!

"The small piece of Thresh hit the crowd with the help of Kalista's R [Call of Destiny], and R [Netherworld Prison] was activated to restrain everyone in the Snake Team!"

The front row of VG is responsible for rushing forward to create output space for the double shooters in the back row.

"Snake's wave of explosions has ended, and now it has entered a skill vacuum period. Virtue and Imp are shooting wildly from behind!"

Kindred and Kalista, the two archers took advantage of their excellent flexibility and jumped left and right in the river, piercing each other's hearts with arrows and spears!

Brother Holy Spear resisted for a while, but couldn't withstand Gu Xing's percentage damage, so he was forced to use his ultimate move and return to his original position.

Jiezou also wants to use Bader to open another tunnel and take his teammates away.

But VG used the slowing skills of Thresh and Ice Girl to keep them in place, and the subsequent explosion of skills threw them all in the face of the Snake team!

"Only Martin's EZ escaped!"

In the remembered shouts, VG played 2 for 4, sacrificing Marquis and Xiao Duan, and the three surviving people turned around to take over Baron Nash!

Brother Long took the damage from the front, and when Gu Xing and Imp were at 1,500 health, they used Punishment + Spear Draw to take down the big dragon!

"The last peak of the Snake team's strength was taken care of by VG, and there is little hope of a comeback!"

At 30 minutes, Hou Ye once again flashed into the field with Brother Long's ultimate move, using the Frozen Tomb to deal huge damage and slow control. Shen's taunt gave Brother Holy Spear, Gu Xing and Imp received triple kills and double kills respectively.


The team successfully eliminated the opponent, and then flattened the Snake team's main crystal in one wave!

This chapter has been completed!
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