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099: 'Explosion output'!

 There was a wave of cheers at the scene!

Hallucination was even more excited, "This Reksai is playing too hard. IM's defensive arrangement is quite good, but Virtue still caught the slightest loophole!"

"His control of Ti Ming is extremely exquisite!" I remember being equally impassioned, "He grabbed the weakest point in IM's protection of the middle lane and came to gank, making the yellow chicken defenseless!"

Athena rubbed her brows, a trace of bitterness appearing on her originally plain face.

Rek'Sai's decisiveness was unexpected.

The opponent obviously knew that Shen, the top laner AJ, would not be promoted to level 6 in a short period of time because he was sharing experience, so he hurriedly came to the middle to surround him!

After this wave of deaths, Athena used all her double summons.

The cooldown time of purification is 210 seconds. Before the skill improves, it will be very uncomfortable for him to face the Marquis. He even needs to be more careful about his positioning when replenishing troops.

Otherwise, if he is controlled by the Ice Girl again, he will have to give up his life!

On the other hand, the VG player seats on the other side were filled with laughter and laughter.

Jack was still on the line and found out that his jungler had succeeded first. He was overjoyed and praised loudly, "You're so strong, Lao Gu!"

"You Rek'Sai are so fierce!"

Yu Wenbo's voice was really loud, even the audience sitting in the front row could hear what he was shouting.

Xiao Duan laughed heartily, and did not forget to remind him, "Jack, please be steady, don't..."

Just as he was about to say not to answer Q, he saw a hook sticking out of the grass in front of him!

Thresh's hook passed through the VG minion at a weird angle, and unexpectedly hit Jack!

Gu Xing saw that the portraits of the two duos on the mini-map were about to kiss, so he quickly cut the screen to take a look.

Witnessing the whole process of Jack's hookup, he didn't know what to say, "Ah, this..."

Yu Wenbo didn't understand how he was eating Q for a while, but he made a decisive decision and said, "If you can fight, just look at me!"

Although the combination of Big Mouth + Braum is relatively weak in its ability to strike first, its counterattack is really good.

"Road triggers Thresh's second stage Q to step forward, and then uses the Pendulum of Doom to brush the big mouth back!" Remember to speak faster, "Little Duan lifts the security door and pushes it against Jin Jiao's face!"

Bronn's shield was in front to protect Jack from wind and rain, and Ice's arrows couldn't break through the security door and hit Big Mouth!

"A small section of Winter's Bite gives Thresh passive and igniting, and JackeyLove is rocking!"

Kog'Maw activated the biochemical barrage, his attack speed suddenly doubled, and he poured slime at Thresh!

The passive of Concussive Slam was fully stacked in an instant, knocking Road unconscious on the spot.

The moment before he was knocked unconscious, Road threw a lantern backwards, and the one who clicked on the lantern and flew towards him was the Beer Man!

When Athena died just now, Avoidless was swiping the stone beetles closest to the bottom. When he saw a battle in the bottom lane, he immediately came to support.

"Golden Horn handed over the healing skills to raise the auxiliary blood volume, and the output poured down!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the VG duo quickly retreated.

Jack handed over Flash, and Xiao Duan used W [Stand Up] to come to Jack's side.

They had just been continuously pressed, so they were in the area in front of the tower. They moved two steps back and easily returned to the protection range of the defense tower.

Avoidless saw that his bottom lane had no skills, so even if he flashed forward with E, he couldn't kill the opponent, so he simply left the flash behind and just used his skills to help push the lane.

"The battle between the two sides in the bottom lane did not produce any substantial gains, but the VG duo is not in very good condition. Without any means of recovery, they can only return to the city to replenish supplies!"

When Gu Xing saw this scene, he immediately canceled his return to the city, and the signal was directly marked at the Demon Marsh Frog camp in the upper half of IM.

Since Avoidless appears in the bottom half, the upper and jungle areas are bound to be empty!

He was very good at timing. He knew that the opponent's Demon Swamp Frog camp was about to be refreshed, so he planned to fight a group of wild monsters first.

As a result, halfway through, Jinjiao Hanbing's E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] shot over, and he understood his intentions with incomparable accuracy!

“The Golden Horned Eagle Spirit’s performance was very good,” I remember sighing, “So far, the Eagle Spirit has seen Virtue’s movements twice!”

Since helping the team achieve a winning streak, Gu Xingneng has felt a growing sense of restraint on himself.

Every enemy has studied him to some extent.

During the regular season, VG will only conduct targeted analysis of strong teams like RNG and EDG.

In the eyes of other teams, VG's current status is no weaker than the spring split champions and runners-up, and is even better!

Everyone knows that there may be a collision with VG in the playoffs, so we might as well study Gu Xing in advance to avoid getting into trouble in Wave 5.

For example, IM, the opponent in this round.

In the professional arena, in addition to the laning suppression power in the early stage, the most important thing is E [Eagle Strikes the Sky].

Jinjiao deliberately didn't learn E at the second level at the start and tricked Gu Xing into making a regular start. In the subsequent two times, Ying Ling firmly controlled his position!

IM, from the coaching staff to the players, must have watched many games and qualifying videos of Gu Xing, and have been prepared for his regular counter-field play!

If it weren't for Gu Xing's quick thinking on the spot, his excellent grasp of details, and his success in catching Athena to death once, VG might really have been dragged down by IM in this game.

When Gu Xing saw the eagle spirit flying over the sky, he knew that he had to pay the price, "The water dragon may be gone. If you let it go, you won't be able to fight it."

He was in the upper half of the area, and his team's duo was about to return to the city after their HP was lowered.

Avoidless must replace resources and take IM down the lane to attack Xiaolong!

Gu Xing turned back down at this time, and Athena, who had been killed earlier, also returned to the middle.

Moreover, the view near Xiaolong River Channel has been blocked by IM.

By then, the Marquis without his ultimate move would not be able to defend the water dragon with him!

"Virtue still chooses to go to the top half to counter the Avoidless's Demon Marsh Frog and Three Wolves," Qi Huan said worriedly, "Together with the first-blood economy, now all the team's advantages are concentrated on him, Rek'Sai!"

From his experience, this is not good news.

Rek'Sai is responsible for driving the rhythm and controlling the map vision in the early stage. No matter how much economy you get, it will be useless in the middle and late stages.

"Now we can only see if Virtue can bring another wave of rhythm!"

Gu Xing finished swiping the upper half of the opponent's area and did not choose to take advantage of the situation.

Although AJ was alone on the top lane, Athena did not teleport, and Avoidless, who was fighting dragons in the lower river, had no time to care about his teammates.

However, AJ's caution blood volume is still very healthy, and with the existence of taunt and sword formation, it is difficult for VG to jump over the tower.

After all, Gu Xing himself didn't flash, so the risk of being replaced by forcefully jumping over the tower was very high.

Gu Xing naturally also knew what the two commentators could see.

He knows that the entire team's advantage lies with him. If he is replaced while jumping over the tower, the rhythm will be interrupted!

Besides, there are still wild monsters in my jungle area that I haven’t farmed yet.

So Gu Xing studied it carefully and decided to go back to eat wild food and grow.

Along the way, he cleared out the stone beetles and razorbills in the upper half of his area, and he successfully reached level six.

At this moment, the two camps below were about to be refreshed. Gu Xing glanced at the alignment situation in the bottom lane.

Jack and Xiao Duan came to the line, and just took advantage of the gap when IM went out to brush water dragons to push the line of troops deep into the enemy's defense tower.

At this moment, it is only 7 seconds before the next wave of minions reaches the bottom lane.

Without even thinking about it, the next wave of soldiers will gather in the IM tower, and then use the defense tower to bombard, which will definitely push the handover position of the soldiers back towards the VG direction.

Gu Xing thought about the time and stopped clearing the two groups of camps in the lower half of his area.

Instead, he chose to return to the city to resupply.

"Brother Duan, put your real eye in our lower jungle area. The opponent should have an eye in it," Gu Xing said, "clear your field of vision first."

Although Xiao Duan is the commander of VG, he is not a vocal member of the team, not to mention that Gu Xing's decision-making skills previously demonstrated are also very good.

It just so happened that he and Jack had just pushed the bottom line of troops in. Now they had nothing to do, so they simply returned to their own jungle area and inserted the real eye they bought last time back into the city into the grass of the blue buff camp.

Sure enough, I found IM's eye position next to it!

Judging from the remaining time, IM should have run over to insert the water tap after finishing the operation.

After a short period of time to empty the prosthetic eye, Gu Xing has returned to the base.

He cleared 14 groups of camps successively, coupled with the first-blood economy and automatic money jump, he spent all the gold coins and took out the Slag Giant jungle knife!

At this moment, Rek'Sai has reached the peak of his combat power!

"Virtue is running down again, and it looks like he is going to attack in the bottom lane..." I remember frowning, "It's very strange that the situation is stuck at this time!"

Watching the game from a God's perspective, he could clearly see the positions of the junglers on both sides.

Avoidless had nothing to do after defeating the dragon, so he was forced to return to the spring to replenish his equipment.

It is known that all the wild monsters in the upper jungle area of ​​our home have been countered, and the wild monsters that will be reset in the IM jungle area are all in the lower half.

Avoidless deserves to be in the lower half.

There was a wave of VG pushing back the line in the bottom lane. This position was a bit dangerous for the IM duo - after all, VG still had the double teleport in the middle and top. If you were not careful when pushing the line, you might be teleported by the opponent.

Back around!

He wanted to protect his duo and seize the opportunity to push the line of troops through.

"In this way, the two junglers can just meet each other!" The hallucinogenic tone was high and loud, "But Virtue's equipment is too far ahead!"

Returning to the city for the first time, both parties purchased level two jungle knives.

But just after returning to the city for the second time, the economic gap between the two junglers has completely widened.

Gu Xing used two rounds of stone beetles and sharp-beaked birds, plus one round each of his own and IM's frog concubine + three wolves, for a total of eight groups of wild monsters and first-blood bounties.

And Avoidless only has four groups of wild monsters!

He successively helped the bottom lane to clear the line, and then went to Xiaolong Pit to kill the water dragon. Although he gained a lot of benefits for the team, he sacrificed a lot of development time.

Nowadays, in addition to the green jungle knife, Avoidless only has amplification books and straw sandals.

Compared with Gu Xing's combat effectiveness, there is a huge gap!

"Virtue is still crouching in the grass behind the next tower. IM is going to suffer a big blow this time!" Remember to be cautious, "Ashe's E [Eagle Strike] has not improved yet, and he cannot explore the opponent's field of vision."


The cooldown of the first level of Eagle Strike is as long as 90 seconds. She used it to catch Gu Xing's counterattack before, but now there are still 7 seconds left before the cooldown is completed.

Jinjiao seemed unaware and was still advancing his troops.

When IM went down to the field and came to the position in front of the VG tower, Xiao Duan suddenly launched an offensive!

"Bron Q dodges through the minions and hits the golden horn!"

Jack had already communicated with his teammates and immediately activated W [Biochemical Barrage] to accelerate and spray wildly!

Avoidless saw that the other duo was so aggressive, and felt that they were ambushing them, so instead of casually handing them over, they planned to pull them together first to see what the situation was.

Throw out Q [Rolling Barrel] to try to slow down Jack.

At this time, Gu Xing used E [Dig Tunnel] to successfully pass through the wall and reach the lower route!

only one?

Avoidless found out that VG Zhongshang on the mini-map had no intention of finding a teleportation location, and he was relieved at first.

It's 3v3 on the surface, but they have the help of soldiers, and Golden Horn's Ice has gained a lot more minion experience than Jack, and has now reached level 6 to learn the ultimate move!

If we really have to fight, IM has a great chance of winning!

But when he habitually pressed the Tab key to look at the equipment panel and found the Slag Giant jungle knife in Gu Xing's equipment column, his whole body trembled!

"Retreat first, you can't beat me!" Avoidless shouted loudly.

The odds he originally considered for both sides to win were based on the premise that they had similar equipment.

At this moment, Gu Xing is carrying a slag jungle knife, his frankness is extremely exaggerated, and combined with challenges and punishments, he can completely dominate the battle situation!

Avoidless initially thought that Gu Xing did not return to the city to resupply, but instead brushed all the way down, eating up all three VG wolves and the Demon Swamp Frog, and took advantage of the situation to reach the bottom lane.

After reading the data panel, he realized that Gu Xing did not choose to eat up all the wild monsters, but went back to the city to buy equipment and came online!

Avoidless remembered what happened when he ran back to the jungle for a short period of time and inserted his real eye to clear his vision.

The other party obviously didn't want him to see Gu Xing's movements on purpose!

VG’s intentions are clear.

Just want to fight!

"Don't be afraid, I can do my best!" AmazingJ is from Hong Kong and has a strong Mandarin accent. In desperation, he simply spoke Cantonese.

Anyway, Avoidless and he are from the same country, so they can understand what AJ is expressing without any problem.

"Big Mouth's attack speed is very fast, and it has already knocked out the passiveness of Jinjiao Hanbing!"

When the last basic attack was about to hit him, Jin Jiaojiao flashed back and pulled the distance away. Otherwise, he would be in an awkward position where he would be stunned, and it would be easy for him to be knocked out instantly by Gu Xing.

However, Thresh, who assists Road, becomes VG’s target.

"Golden Horn's R [Magic Crystal Arrow] was blocked by Braum's security door, and Gundam's Rek'Sai was galloping around the formation to do whatever he wanted!"

The damage done to Gu Xing by the three IMs was no better than scraping!

Seeing that he had no choice but to do so, AJ returned to the previous tower, found a good position and handed over R [Secret Art! Mercy Saves Souls]!

A white shield covers Road!

"Shen's support means that Thresh is not in danger for the moment. Will VG continue to fight..."

Remember to shout loudly from the commentary desk.

"Let's go, let's not fight!" Gu Xing reminded his teammates to stop when they are ready.

He knew that AJ's Shenliu had a big move, so he didn't want to get kills when he got to the bottom lane this time!

Jack felt so good about ordering people, and when he heard his teammates' words, he reluctantly stepped back.

"Avoidless's wine barrel meat, egg, onion chicken, knocked Xiao Duan unconscious!"

However, it was of no use. Xiao Duan held up the security door and his frankness was quite impressive. The three men in the field could not defeat him!

Seeing VG calmly retreating from the jungle, AJ couldn't cancel his ultimate move.

You can only wait for the 3 seconds of guidance time to end and fall to the bottom lane, and then retreat into the grass to prepare to return to the city.

"Virtue went to the bottom lane this time to force out AJ's ultimate move, and returned to his own jungle to develop quickly!"

With the burning effect of the slag, coupled with punishment and the passive attack speed bonus of R [Void Rush], Gu Xing took 20 seconds to eat both groups of wild monsters in the lower half of his home.

Then she controlled the Earth-Escape Beast Queen to let out a sharp roar!

The entire audience could hear the harsh sound coming from the speakers!

Void rushes!

Rek'Sai escaped into the void and moved at high speed, reaching the upper half of IM in the blink of an eye!

"When Virtue went against the jungle last time, he left a tunnel in the IM jungle. Now he can use his ultimate to travel through it instantly!"

I remember looking at the mini map and finally realizing the seriousness of the problem, "Avoidless can't catch up now. Is it possible that he has to let go of the wild monsters in the upper half again?!"

"This time there are more than two groups of wild monsters. The blue BUFF has been refreshed. If IM does not keep it, Athena will be in a dilemma with no blue to refresh!"

Avoidless heartache.

He wanted to keep it.

But at present, he is lagging behind in level. Whether it is equipment or combat power, he is no match for Gu Xing!

AJ's Shen returned to the city to supply a wave of supplies, during which Brother Long had already pushed a large wave of troops deep into the city.

If AJ comes to the jungle to help, AJ will definitely lose a lot of minions.

And mid laner Athena's yellow chicken hasn't flashed yet. No matter how you look at it, IM's combat effectiveness in the top half is not as good as VG!

After careful consideration, Avoidless could only give up.

But he let go of the wild monsters, but couldn't find any resources to make up for his growth!

The lower half of VG has just been eaten up by Gu Xing, and the upper half has not yet been refreshed.

Now that there is no Xiaolong, what can he, a beer man, do?

"Avoidless is just shopping in the jungle. Virtue is almost level 7. He still has a little experience before level 6!"

Gu Xing finally gave IM's blue buff to Mr. Hou.

In total, we have defeated four groups of wild monsters from the opponent.

After going back and forth, the junglers on the two sides were actually 8 groups behind in the development of the camp, and the experience gap was completely widened!

"VG relied on its advantage in the jungle to create a certain economic lead. However, after the BP ended, we took this into consideration when evaluating the lineups of both sides. VG got a late-stage single-core lineup and must speed up..."

"Their lineup has a certain amount of offensive pressure, and the current advantage is not enough to completely tear apart IM's defense!" I remember knowing that my partner Qi Huan was optimistic about VG, so he could only speak from IM's perspective, otherwise it would be too unfair.

"If we can continue to delay and IM wait for the development of Huangji and Hanbing, the probability of a comeback is really not low!"

Naturally, Gu Xing would not give the other party a chance to breathe.

He finished brushing the opponent's upper jungle area, leaving an artificial eye to detect movements, and then leisurely crossed the upper river channel and returned to his own half.

After eating all three groups of wild monsters including the red BUFF, Gu Xing returned to the city to replenish supplies.

This time I just took out the eye stone, sold the potion, collected a pair of straw sandals, and ran down the road!

Avoidless had no trace of exposure during this period, and Gu Xing's ward inserted in the upper half of IM did not detect him.

I think I was shopping in the lower half of the area.

Gu Xing thought about it carefully, and controlled all the eye positions, calculating the time in his mind.

When Dandy taught him the anti-crouch technique before, he once taught him a method to accurately calculate the opponent's jungle clearing time with one move.

Gu Xing has been practicing recently, using customization to test the jungle clearing speed of a strong jungler with various equipment during the laning phase.

Simply memorizing data is not difficult.

The key is how to apply it in the tight-paced and over-intensity professional arena!

Gu Xing is also slowly exploring this technique.

But this moment is an exception.

Gu Xing had nothing to do.

His brain was spinning rapidly, combining various time nodes with the efficiency of clearing the field, simulating Avoidless's movement trajectory in his mind.

Although he did not go to the lower half of IM to lay out in-depth vision, Gu Xing was able to deduce the opponent's jungle route through various clues.

After the previous 3v3 in the jungle, Avoidless's barrel returned to the IM jungle area, facing the situation where Stone Beetles and Sharp-Beaked Birds all existed.

There is a high probability that the beer man will brush upward from the stone beetle at the bottom.

Otherwise, if you go around F4 and then slowly move downwards, the path will be really bad, and the jungle planning is completely rotten.

Unless Avoidless is deliberately pulling a stunt or has some shocking conspiracy, he won't do this.

With the path information, Gu Xing knew that the beer man on the opposite side had nothing to do for the time being. If he couldn't catch anyone, he could only wait for the wild monsters to refresh.

Naturally, it will be eaten as soon as the camp in the lower half of IM is reset.

Mental calculations continued. In Gu Xing's simulation, Avoidless had already reached the F4 camp. He immediately sent out a signal, "I'm resisting the tower, let's kill him directly!"

"Virtue's spearhead was aimed directly at the opponent's duo!" I remember the voice was urgent, "He drilled a tunnel to bypass IM's ward in the triangular grass on the bottom lane, and came to the back of the next tower without anyone noticing!"

"Wine Barrel has just started playing F4 at the moment, and there is no time to support the bottom lane!"

The hallucinogenic tone was exaggerated, "Virtue guessed the location of the wine barrel again and came to the bottom lane to tear open the IM defense line!"

Although he has not yet scored a kill, Gu Xing's exquisite judgment on the position of Avoidless made the training department employees in the VG backstage lounge cheer for joy!

"Beautiful!" Manager Lu Wenjun's originally gentle face showed ecstasy.

This move also surprised Hongmi. He just heard Gu Xing and ran to Dandy for advice. Who would have expected to apply what he learned so quickly!

The battle in the canyon is about to begin.

When Gu Xing showed up from behind, the IM duo came back to their senses.

"Teammates, teammates, please save me!" Jin Jiao has a strong desire to survive, and he doesn't want to die yet.

AJ did not expect that not long after he returned to the top lane, another accident occurred on the bottom lane.

But he couldn't let Gu Xing jump over the tower like this, so he planned to turn around and find a place to teleport.

However, under Gu Xing’s urging, VG acted very decisively!

They didn't even wait for the troops to completely enter the tower before launching an attack on the Ice and Thresh in the lower tower of IM!

"Virtue unreasonably flashed W [Breaking Out of the Ground], directly pushing up the ice of Golden Horn!"

Or [insight] talent makes great achievements.

Reduce the cooldown time of the summoner's skills by 15%, allowing Gu Xing's flash to improve in advance!

In the next short period of operation, Bloom comes over to give the Bite of Winter.

Golden Horn's flash was used in the 3v3 in the jungle just now, but it still has a long way to go before it gets better.

As soon as Ice, which did not flash, landed from the air, Jack was filled with Braum passive and fell into dizziness again!

"Road also threw the lantern and tried to retreat with the golden horn..." I remember his tone was filled with disappointment, "but he couldn't pick it up at all!"

Gu Xing's Challenge, Punishment and Burning Damage knocked Jinjiao to a low level of health, and finally his head was taken away by Jack's R [Living Cannon]!

The VG supporters in the audience were satisfied and their cheers became even louder!

"It's hard for IM to escape even with only one Thresh left," said the hallucinogenic voice, loud and clear, "AJ's teleportation is completely impossible!"

The 4.5 second teleportation boot time of the current version is really fatal.

VG has finished dealing the damage, but AJ hasn't landed yet!

"JackeyLove will take another head. Angel De is too tough. It won't hurt to hit him with the defense tower!"

Gu Xing's Eye Stone + Slag Jungle Knife, in a small team battle of about 10 minutes, is simply invincible!

After resisting 7 defensive towers and taking the healing spell given to him by Jack, Gu Xing successfully escaped with remaining health!

Seeing that all his teammates were killed, AJ had no intention of teleporting it and quickly canceled it.

The live broadcast room was full of barrage, and the screen was quickly completed!

[How did Virtue guess the location of the wine barrel?]

[This is not fluoroscopy, let me say whatever you want]

[Xiaotou is not considered to be a loser]

[Rexai has almost penetrated the IM defense line! 】

[Can anyone tell me what the use of Avoidless is? Just choose a wine barrel and you’ll know how to use it]

[Fortunately, it’s not IM’s advantage. Watching this team win the game is really torturing for the audience]

"This is so comfortable!" Jack grinned, "With two heads in hand, let's kill!"

"Thank you, Lao Gu. I'll show you the power of my big mouth later!"

Gu Xing agreed twice and marked the IM defense tower, "Hurry up and push the tower down, let's start switching lines!"

He doesn't intend to drag on with IM anymore.

The opponent has got a water dragon with extremely strong lane-reliance ability. If it is allowed to continue to line up, it will be difficult for VG to find a flaw.

Gu Xing felt that by switching routes as early as possible, he could minimize the other party's profit from this water dragon.

It is now 10 minutes, and the resurrection time is quite long. VG can successfully bulldoze the opponent's tower with a wave of accumulated artillery troops!

Gu Xing didn't care about his lower jungle area. After returning to the city, he followed the duo to the upper lane and began to expand his advantage.

"Athena can't stand it any longer. He can't keep up with the Marquis!"

The side effects of Gu Xing's previous counter-killing of IM's blue BUFF became apparent.

In order to save mana, Athena did not dare to hand in Q [Sand Attack] casually, and the speed of pushing the line was much slower than that of Marquis.

Easyhoon knows that the opponent's double call has improved and does not seek to kill in the lane.

After he pushed the lane, he ran away and continued to surround and suppress the IM duo who switched lanes to the top lane!

"This time, Road based on the line of sight Athena made in the middle, noticed VG's intention in advance, and quickly retreated to the grass in front of the second tower!"

Hallucination seemed a little satisfied, "I did save my life, but what should I do with the development of the golden horn?"

Ice can't even smell the experience now!

Gu Xing once again reversed IM's upper and jungle areas and continued to expand his matchup advantage.

At 13 minutes into the game, the previous IM tower was broken!

"The kill ratio between the two sides is 3:0. It seems that the gap is not big, but the economic difference is already nearly 4K!"

Gu Xing alone was ahead by 1,500 gold coins.

His current equipment has completed the crushing. If he encounters someone in the jungle, he can kill him alone, be double-teamed by two people, and run away after taking damage!

The snowball in the wild area is getting bigger and bigger, and IM's vision is completely black!

"After Virtue reaches level 9, use the upgraded [Oracle Lens] to constantly clear the enemy's eyes... This is also a huge economic gain!"

In addition, there is also the true seeing effect obtained by punishing the sharp beak. With the combination of the two, IM's eye position cannot be adjusted at all.

"VG is not in a hurry to expand its advantage. They are working steadily and slowly encroaching on IM's jungle area!"

The income from wild monsters alone is enough to widen the gap between the two sides.

You must know that the current refresh time of the camp is only 100 seconds. The too fast reset speed means that the number of wild monsters that VG can obtain is also very large!

But before I finished speaking, I saw the director suddenly cut the screen to the middle!

Jack grabbed the gap between Jin Jiao's QW skills and decisively activated the healing technique, accelerated forward and relied on W [Biochemical Barrage] to increase the attack distance, and kept spitting at the ice!

Puff puff……

Kog'Maw's saliva flew towards the ice in a parabola.

The percentage damage of Blade of the Ruined King is completely overwhelming to Golden Horn!

"Golden Horn was exerted the slowing effect of E [Void Sludge], and was slow to move and was forced to hand over treatment. He also threw R [Magic Crystal Arrow] backward to save his life!"

A normal ADC will wait until the opponent has completed his treatment and ultimate move, and will stop chasing after him.

But Jack never plays like that.

Brilliant golden light flashes!

"Shuttle flash!" Qi Huan shouted, "JackeyLove dodged the crystal arrow at the critical moment!"

Flashing past, Jack immediately activated the active effect of ruin, took a sip of blood and continued to apply slowdown!

Jin Jiao was also shocked by this young boy named VG.

He didn't expect that the other party would follow him, so he quickly flashed his hand and tried to distance himself.

When W [Thousands of Arrows] turns around, I want to turn around and slow down the opponent.

But the blood bar disappeared so quickly that he didn't expect it!

The moment thousands of arrows were fired, Golden Horn's health bar had been emptied!

The assistants from both sides who had just gone offline to do field vision arrived belatedly, and then they rushed online, only to find that they were not needed at all!

This sudden kill caused the audience to be silent for a moment.

Then the celebrations and cheers soared into the sky, instantly filling the entire venue!

Although Jin Jiao's popularity is not particularly high, everyone knows that he is quite capable.

There is nothing wrong with being a first-tier LPL ADC goalie!

Now, he was killed by Jack who had just debuted!

"Is he really so cruel?!" I remember being in disbelief.

Hallucinating light speed face changing, "What's the matter of steady and steady, if you dare to look at JackeyLove, he will eat people!"

Jin Jiao looked confused.

He, who has always played steadily, couldn't understand why the ADC was playing like this?

If you have a double call, you will rush it in your face...

How about you play with self-destructing trucks?

"How's it going?" Jack's voice became louder as he hit a single kill on the opponent, "Should I hang on?"

Gu Xing was surprised at first, but he was busy praising him, "Niu Niu Niu, you really dare to do it!"

"Brother said, I'll show you what explosive output is this time..." Jack was delighted and smiled crookedly.

"Hanbing has no double summons, hurry up and catch it again!"

After receiving the news, Mr. Hou and Brother Long naturally would not miss the opportunity.

The two of them ran over as a team and cooperated with Gu Xing and five others to kill Jin Jiao by force!

Buy one get one free, and by the way, Road will also be sent back to the spring water!

“A tower in IM was bulldozed, and the economic gap between the two sides is close to 5.5k!”

At 20 minutes, this is already a big advantage.

"VG rushed to the Dalong Pit non-stop. They didn't give IM any breathing room!" Qihuan admired VG's ability to change speed. "They have Dazui, an attack-speed shooter who carries percentage damage. The speed at which they farm Baron Nash will be great."

very fast!"

Golden Horn sent an eagle striking the sky from a distance.

They found out that VG was beating the baron, but they didn't dare to stop them.

The wild area is completely dark, and you may be sent away if you go in.

They might as well let it go and wait for development on the high ground.

If they encounter a normal ADC, they may really be allowed to continue to farm money - VG's entire lineup only has one long-handed hero, and the mid laner Ice Girl cannot threaten the defense tower at all.

The burden falls on the ADC, and most shooters will be relatively stable.

However, JackeyLove's style is the same as Delevingne.

A rush of energy rushed towards the opposite face!

IM's blind concession will only make Jack more arrogant!

"Big Mouth activates W [Biochemical Barrage] and rushes forward on the face, causing damage to pour down!"

Kog'Maw, who had already purchased Hurricane, was now dealing considerable damage. IM's wine barrel and Thresh were spat out several times, and his health was instantly reduced to half!

Although VG's frontal formation is a bit disjointed - Jack's Big Mouth rushes to the front alone, followed by other teammates behind him.

But IM was stunned and hesitant to fight back!

There were endless exclamations at the scene!

The audience never thought that ADC could play like this!

"My old swan!" The remembered mouth habit appeared again, "This big mouth is so brave!"

The short section was unspeakably painful.

"Jack, hurry up, I can't keep up with you!"

He staggered forward holding his shield, and finally managed to cover his big mouth.

"Go, go, go!" Jack howled and ran out like a runaway Shiba Inu!

"Jinjiao handed over R [Magic Crystal Arrow] and wanted to restrict it, but Virtue stepped forward to block the skill without hesitation!"

Gu Xing knew that his role as Reksai in team battles was just to be a tank, just to protect his teammates from wind and rain.

This time, the team battle is forced to begin!

Brother Long originally planned to play split push and slowly torture IM.

It turned out that Jack in the middle had already physically started the group!

what's going on?

He was stunned for a moment, and he quickly handed over the teleportation protection in a daze.

Hongmi's lips twitched in the background, not knowing what to say.

He didn't expect that replacing Jack would have such a miraculous effect.

What kind of iron turtle operation was completely defeated in the face of the mad dog-style suicide charge from the dominant side!

"The ice was directly sprayed to death, leaving Athena's yellow chicken helpless!"

The tank-cutting ability of the special-effects-loving Big Mouth is one of the best. Destruction, biochemical barrage... all are percentage damage. Although it is not as intuitive as real damage, it is still very effective!

Before Shen and Keg could get close to Jack, their health was already half full!

IM finally tried his best to kill this extremely arrogant big mouth.

But Jack then explained the literal meaning of the explosion output.

The corpse of Big Mouth jumped forward and exploded among the remaining IM characters!

Akasia's surprise!

"Big mouth with four kills!" The hallucinatory voice was rarely full of passion, "VG inexplicably started a team fight, and then inexplicably destroyed the IM team!"

"Now they can follow the high ground in the middle and end the game in one wave!"

In just 23 minutes and 17 seconds, the IM main crystal exploded into fireworks!

This chapter has been completed!
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