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213 Difficult Robot Sweeper

"Qin Ren, I'm afraid..."

"Tsk, this is a sweeping robot, a household appliance. Are you afraid of household appliances?"

"I don't care, I'm just afraid..."


A certain spiritual beast was like a caterpillar, crawling into Qin Ren's arms with its arms folded and grunting. Although he knew that this guy was most likely to be fussy and wanted to get tired of him, Qin Ren didn't bother to reveal the point.

He tickled the soles of her feet with soft white cotton socks and made her giggle, then threw her on the sofa and stood up to continue observing the status of the sweeping robot.

The robot has now started and is slowly wandering around the living room, near the TV cabinet.

Unlike ordinary sweeping robots, this robot does not have a voice prompt such as "start cleaning", and its performance after turning on is not as "intelligent" as Qin Ren expected.

how to say…

Anyway, the first step for an ordinary sweeping robot is to move around the house and use its lasers, cameras, and other sensors to plan maps and routes.

But Qin Ren didn't seem to have such an intention with this one.

Of course, she is moving too.

The way it moves seems a bit unsmart, and it always stops and goes, as if some parts are not very flexible.

Or... from another perspective, rather than sensing obstacles and planning a map, she is more like a new pet, like cats and dogs like Tuantuan Lily, carefully looking at and

Be familiar with your surroundings.

"You don't look very smart..."

Seeing this, Qin Ren scratched his hair with some disappointment, squatted down, and tried to find a switch to turn her off. However, facing the mechanical casing that was so complete that he couldn't even find a screw nut, he searched for a long time and couldn't find the switch.

Lifting it up and looking at the base, Qin Ren was even more shocked to find that there was no switch, not even a battery compartment or even a wheel axle!

It’s just that you can’t see the battery compartment. What if it has a non-detachable design?

But it is simply unscientific to be able to run on the ground without wheels...

"Huh? Could this be a wheel..."

Suddenly, Qin Ren discovered a slight bulge along the base. This bulge was also integrated with the main unit, without any gaps, but the material was obviously another kind of silicone or something. It felt...

It's very skin-friendly, elastic, and fun, and when you lift it up and look at it, the ring of bulges is still vibrating, but Qin Ren can't touch it anymore.

If you touch it a little more, it will start to vibrate again.


So maybe these are the "feet" that replace the wheels...

With such an inexplicable magical component, Qin Ren could only make this guess.

There is a saying that the jiojio of the sweeping robot is quite comfortable to hold, but Qin Ren found that there was no trace of stains on the jiojio just after running twice on the ground, which made Qin Ren deeply puzzled.

A sweeping robot is still a machine no matter what. She can't have the same mysterious physique as a certain spiritual beast with "slender feet that are not stained by dust", right?

Qin Ren didn't quite understand this point anyway. He could only attribute it to the fact that Yu Yourong did a good job at housework and the floor was too clean.

"The key is where the switch is..."

Qin Ren struggled with this problem for a long time and still couldn't figure it out. After all, turning her on was unintentional. It was only after he messed around with the charging port...



Try the charging port again?

This is just like when the TV was broken when he was a child, and he couldn't find the reason and took a picture. Qin Ren tried to rub it with his hands near the charging port again.

"Brother, what is this?"

At this time, Yu Yourong walked out of the kitchen after washing the dishes. She had heard her brother tinkering outside for a long time, but she didn't expect that when she came out, she saw a strange thing she had never seen before.

"This seems to be called a sweeping robot."

Yu Ling'er, who was in front of the computer, interjected while the game was loading. She had already completed the game of Old Touhou. She was playing "Red Dead Redemption 2" recently and had just finished the first chapter. Her hobby was riding a horse and looking around.


"Sweeping robot…"

Yu Yourong must have heard this name somewhere, but this was the first time he saw it with his own eyes. He bent down and looked at it curiously, but he couldn't understand why Qin Ren kept touching the charging port.

"Hey, you can just wait." Qin Ren was still very optimistic, "When I finish training this thing, you can have some fun."

"For me?"

"Well, that's right. Anyway, with her, you can feel much more relaxed."

That's what I say, but the premise is that Qin Ren can really train this weird sweeping robot.

At present, this seems to be very difficult.

Qin Ren held the concept of "returning the same way" and fumbled around at the charging port of the robot for about half a minute. The pink light strip on her body was still on. Obviously, after accidentally hitting it once, it would be difficult to accidentally hit it again.

Hit by mistake for the second time.

"What a piece of shit!"

Qin Ren finally got annoyed, and with the last bit of patience, he moved around the charging port, and his movements were of course much rougher. The result was that more and more cleaning fluid leaked out, and not only was it sticky, but it was still warm.

It was warm and hot, and I don’t know if it was because it was close to the battery, but it flowed all over Qin Ren’s hands and even dripped into a large puddle on the floor.

Although the cleaning fluid smelled fragrant and was translucent and colorless, it still had to be cleaned. This made Qin Ren very annoyed and couldn't help but pat the broken machine.



Not to mention, after this shot, the robot seemed to react a little, and the pink halo on its body flashed.

Qin Ren was thinking, is it really just like an old TV? So he patted it again, and after a "pop" sound, he grabbed the charging port and "ravaged" it again.

"Trash! Useless stuff!"

Just like this, I was picking at the charging port while taking pictures. I don't know if I opened the original crack. After more than ten seconds, a large stream of cleaning fluid, like a child peeing, came out of the charging port.

The position shot out, and the floor instantly became wet as if a giant snail crawled across it. The body of the sweeping robot also trembled obviously, and then the surrounding pink light strips slowly turned off.

Apparently, the sweeping robot finally shut down.

"It might be broken..."

Qin Ren frowned, looking at the sweeping robot paralyzed on the ground and the mess she had made, and reasonably began to doubt whether this thing could really still be used.

After all, after experiencing an unconventional startup and an unconventional shutdown, it was difficult for Qin Ren to be sure about the status of this robot, so he could only plan to leave it there for now and continue studying it tomorrow.

"Hey, let's mop the ground first."

Qin Ren looked at the large puddle of mucus on the ground and reluctantly went to get a mop. Then he was surprised to find a translucent light blue jelly-like thing squirming on the floor. Wherever it passed, it was just right.

Dispose of all the cleaning fluid flowing out of the robot.

"Honey juice!?"

Qin Ren was surprised and happy. He looked at the fish tank. As expected, about half of the slimes in the tank were missing. When Qin Ren called her name, the remaining half of the tank immediately blinked with eyes like two small beans floating in the tank.

Blinked and chirped twice happily.


"Okay, Honey, do you still have this hand?"

Qin Ren slowly stretched his palm along the wall of the tank and shook it, which was equivalent to soothing her. The honey juice turned from light blue to light pink on the spot, but the other half who ran out of the fish tank was still doing his best on the floor.

Doing cleaning work.

According to Qin Ren's observation and communication with Mi Zhi, it was found that the reason why slime suddenly did housework was purely because this guy seemed to have a very strong interest in the robot's cleaning fluid. In other words, Mi Zhi was really

I like to "eat" these cleaning fluids, so much so that I rarely run out of the fish tank.

A cleaning solution that monsters like...

At this point, Qin Ren not only guessed that this sweeping robot was also some kind of monster?

He opened his collar and took a look at the cross-shaped stigmata on his collarbone. He rejected this conjecture, but he still felt that this sweeping robot might be unusual and that it might have come into contact with some kind of monster, such as

The previous owner was a monster, that's why her cleaning fluid made Honey so interested.

Of course, this is just a guess, and Qin Ren can't think of a more reasonable explanation for the time being.

It can't be that this sweeping robot is also a "devil ancestor"-level creature from other worlds like Snake and Pixiu at home, right?

When this ridiculous idea appeared in Qin Ren's mind, it reminded him of the scenes in the "Transformers" series of movies where the older generation of King Kong came to the earth and turned into classic cars, so he became interested temporarily and prepared

On the eve of the holiday, I watched a movie at home for a long time and had some fun.

"Yourong, let's watch a movie together?"

"Ah, I...you look first, I'm trying on clothes, wait a minute."

Yu Yourong's voice came from Gu Qing's room. Little Snake wouldn't lie. Qin Ren actually didn't believe that she was trying on clothes at night. She must still be busy with her "little secret". Qin Ren was a very gentle person.

The man commonly known as "Asasi" naturally would not expose her, so he turned around and called Pixiu loudly:


"Come on, come on~"

After the clatter, a pair of small caterpillar slippers soon appeared at the entrance of the walkway.

"Why are you looking for me... hiccup..."

Qin Ren was on holiday, and Luo Yao was second only to Qin Ren in her joy. She stood there with her small body holding a big bottle of Coke, looking at Qin Ren expectantly, hoping to find something fun.

“Watching a movie tonight, a ‘Transformers’ marathon.”


You can drink unlimited coke while watching movies. Luo Yao leaned over, kicked off her slippers, and just rushed towards Qin Ren, when Qin Ren stretched out two strong arms, caught her armpits, and intercepted her in mid-air.

"Don't be busy now. Go next door and ask Bobo to come with you."

"Qin Ren, what do you mean? You're such a bigot...it hurts, it hurts!"

In the end, Luo Yao went away without a trace, and when she came back, besides Tang Bobo, she also brought a box containing mooncakes sent by Su Yu.

Gee, what a kind and gentle wife, so nice...

"Bobo, remember to thank your mother for me when you go back."

"It's okay, just thank me."

Tang Bobo patted his chest, Qin Ren smiled and said nothing, turned on his mobile phone and looked at the order on the Ele.me app.

"Tomorrow at 8 o'clock..."

Nowadays, you can make reservations at many stores on Ele.me. Qin Ren has customized a batch of freshly made mooncakes in one store, and they will be delivered tomorrow. You can eat a little the day after tomorrow, and eat them for the festival the day after tomorrow.

And this Mid-Autumn Festival is probably the most lively one Qin Ren has ever had in his life.

In the past, it was always just him and his sister during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Now looking at Master Luo Yao and Yu Ling'er at home, and even Tang Bobo and Su Yu next door, Qin Ren couldn't help but feel a fulfilling sense of happiness in his heart.

I was in such a happy mood during the movie that I didn't notice for a long time that the big snake behind me had actually fallen asleep in front of the computer.

I feel sleepy so early...

Qin Ren turned down the volume of the TV and saw that the two girls, one large and one small, were still watching it with gusto. He didn't want to turn it off immediately. He just silently brought a blanket and put it on Yu Ling'er before taking it off.

headphones on head.


Her small nose twitched slightly. Looking closer, Qin Ren noticed that her hair was a little messy. At least it was not as carefully combed as before going to work. The hem of her clothes was also a little wrinkled. There was even an unknown mark on her snow-white neck.

A drop of ink rubbed on.

It’s your first time working part-time, so this period of time shouldn’t be easy...

Seeing her sleeping soundly, Qin Ren felt slightly weak in his heart. He slowly lowered his head and kissed Yu Ling'er's forehead, raised the corner of his mouth, murmured "Thank you for your hard work" and then went to wash up.

Of course, thanks to Qin Ren's quick movements, the beautiful ears that quickly turned red like fire were not noticed by him. It was a pity that the tiredness accumulated by a certain snake these days was disturbed by his own pounding heartbeat.

After going there for most of the time, I had to lie down on the computer table for more than half an hour before I finally fell asleep...


This chapter has been completed!
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