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Chapter 281 The sister-in-law has a long tail

 1 o'clock in the middle of the night, Qin Ren's bedroom.





The vampire girl in her arms could only hum a few simple words.

In fact, at the beginning of tonight, Su Lili was mentally resistant to the thought that the blood of her first embrace was the result of his "love" with other women.

However, later, after constantly paralyzing and encouraging herself with the words "If you don't drink demon blood, you have to drink porridge", Su Lili took one sip and was completely smitten by the delicious taste of demon blood, and soon she lost her sight.

Jiao, her little body instantly became limp like a deer lying on her mother's belly. The wonderful impact of the demon blood was too much for her to resist.


Obviously knowing that it was something left behind by Chu Yu and other women...

The Vampire Queen was quite unwilling, but her throat still kept moving.



"You really like this." Qin Ren felt a little swollen and painful, but the corner of his mouth still naturally raised a doting smile.

And this smile, even if it is the best comfort for Su Lili at this time, can make her feel that the first embrace is still her first embrace. What other women get is just his body. She, a noble vampire, has a lot of

, I don’t care about this kind of thing, huh...


After a long while, Su Lili, who had eaten and drank enough, stretched out, skillfully pushed a certain Pixiu to the edge of the bed, lay lazily in the arms of her first embrace, and patted his belly with her little hand:

"Good night."

"Well, good night first."


What do you mean? Su Lili opened her eyes and saw Qin Ren getting out of bed.

"You...don't leave..."

Somehow, Vampire Ji became anxious and grabbed his wrist:

"Where are you going?"

"Harm, where else can we go?"

Qin Ren smiled awkwardly:

"Yourong, she...is still waiting for me..."


Su Lili was startled:

"...Are you not done yet?"


Qin Ren smacked his lips and twisted his waist:

"There are 6 hours. Excluding the time to chat with the minister and Chengzi, it has only been 1 hour. There are still 5 hours left... I can only say that I am lucky to have the stigmata, otherwise I would have started at 12..."

Qin Ren recalled the introduction in "Animal World" and couldn't help but tremble a little.

"You go to sleep first."


"If Yaoyao talks in her sleep or touches you randomly at night, just be patient and be gentle to her, okay?"


"Be good and be obedient."

Qin Ren kissed the vampire girl gently on the lips, and then rushed to Gu Qing's bedroom to see the little snake again.

Su Lili silently watched his back as he left, then lay down on the bed, licking her lips lightly with the tip of her tongue. She tasted the obvious taste of another woman from his still warm kiss, and her eyes suddenly felt a little vague.



After covering her little head with a quilt, the Vampire Queen finally fell asleep after a long time.


Fishing is an attitude.

An attitude towards life.

Xu Zhimo said: "Only a person who is responsible for his own life will go to work to fish."

Qiong Yao also said: "If you meet a man who can fish, just marry him, especially girls named Yu."

Qin Ren, who had been fighting until early morning the night before, listened to "Men Want to Fight" the whole time while riding his bike when he came to the company in the morning. He had not slept a wink all night and was not too sleepy because of the stigmata. At least I was very energetic before leaving get off work.

Therefore, Qin Ren only spent 2 hours throughout the morning to communicate the latest progress of the three projects with Party A. The pictures that should be drawn, the news that should be reported, and the forms that should be made are all in my sister-in-law's

After everything was handled in an orderly manner with help, the rest of the time was spent fishing.

The specific fishing activity is to communicate with computer sellers on Taobao about machine details.

[Qin Shihuang, who loves to read maps: Boss, the one we agreed on before has not been shipped yet, right? 】

[Erjin Geeks and Robots: Hmm, not yet. Are there any changes here? 】

[Qin Shihuang who loves to read maps: Yes, the CPU should be replaced by the 13th generation i9 with the previous generation AMD, 5950x, and the graphics card should still be 4090Ti. Anyway, it is more than enough for playing games. I will probably use it for rendering.]

[Erjin Geek Engagement Ape: Okay, if you are not in a hurry, why not wait for the Double Eleven event? 】

Qin Ren thought about it and it seemed to make sense.

But now if you directly ask a merchant how much cheaper it will be during Double Eleven, they will definitely not tell you.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't say anything.

Qin Ren didn't understand the internal business inside, it was just his own shopping experience. He had inquired about the product information of some merchants on Double Eleven around October many times, but basically could not get a true and accurate answer.

[Erjin Geek is a machine ape: Do you have any other requests, dear? 】

[Qin Shihuang, who loves to read maps: Yes, if possible, I try not to use water cooling, and use air cooling if it can hold it down, because I rarely take care of the computer, let alone change the water cooling, clean dust, etc...]

Qin Ren had just sent this sentence, but before the merchant could reply, he suddenly slapped his thigh and changed his mind.

[Qin Shihuang, who loves to read maps: Wait! No need to change, just water-cooling! 】

[Erjin Geek is a machine ape: Are you sure? 】

[Qin Shihuang, who loves to read maps: Sure, I almost forgot that I have a girlfriend now, a very virtuous, wife-like kind, she will help me clean up when I am busy at work]

[Erjin Geek is a machine ape:...]

The computer store Qin Ren was looking for belonged to an up owner of Station B with millions of fans. Judging from the series of ellipses in the store, the store owner would probably include this conversation in the next video.

"Qin Gong."


Who is disturbing me from fishing? Qin Ren turned around dissatisfied, and it turned out to be Xiao Chengzi, so that’s okay.

"Here you go~"

Cheng Siyu, with bulging pink cheeks and a "kicky" mouth, handed Qin Ren a small green bag.

Qin Ren glanced at it and saw that it was a bag of Wangwang small cakes.

“Onion-flavored and chicken-flavored?”

"Well, I always find black pepper smells weird."

"Me too."

Qin Ren rarely eats black pepper cookies. He usually buys them at home because Pixiu has no taboos and can eat whatever he sees.


Qin Ren pinched two pills and chewed them a few times. As soon as he swallowed them, his sister-in-law took out another bag from her bag and handed it over.

"Qin Gong, let me give you this~"


Qin Ren waved his hand:

"I don't like rice cakes."

Qin Ren didn't know why, but he would feel bored if he ate too many Wangwang rice cakes. Sometimes, even if he only ate one, he would feel too much.

But the sister-in-law insisted that Qin Ren try it quickly:

"Break off a small piece and try it. Hurry up."

"What's so delicious about this? It's something from snack to adult..."

Qin Ren opened the bag suspiciously, broke off half a piece and ate it.


"How is it?" Cheng Siyu asked mysteriously, "Did you eat anything?"

"No, just ordinary rice cakes."

"Oh, it means you are eating slowly. You have to compare it with Xiao Xiaosu."



Little Chengzi nodded and began to formally and proudly announce her great discovery of the century:

"Brother-in-law, I discovered that rice cakes and Xiaoxiaosu are the same thing!"


"Squeeze a lot of small pastries together and they become rice cakes! Their taste and texture are actually exactly the same!"


Looking at the sparkling wisdom in his sister-in-law's starry eyes, Qin Ren fell into confusion and contemplation. Finally, he simply broke off a very small piece of rice cake, put it in his mouth and chewed it with a few small crisps, and then suddenly realized:

"It's really the same!"

"Right, right?"

As expected, the brother-in-law understood his sister-in-law, Cheng Siyu proudly waved her finger:

"Rice cakes and Xiaoxiaosu are like hot pot and skewers. They are essentially the same thing, but they are processed in different shapes."

"Congratulations on discovering the truth about the world, but now it's time."

Qin Ren gave a thumbs up and praised, then gave his sister-in-law a wink and walked out of the office. The sister-in-law looked at the time and then touched her belly. Well, it was flat, so she pretended to wait for a while as usual, and then took advantage of the situation.

When everyone around me started ordering takeout or going out to eat, I got up and slipped into the tea room with my high heels.


The tea room is really a nice place. As soon as Little Chengzi entered, he opened his arms and acted like a baby:


"How old?"

Qin Ren smiled at her and unbuttoned his tie and clothes:

"Let's eat first."


Today was the first time Little Chengzi drank magic blood. After the first sip, he could tell that the taste was wrong. Not only was it extra delicious than before, but he also became more and more addicted to it. It didn't take long for him to be full, but his mouth was still a little reluctant.


"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law."

The little orange who was enjoying his meal was very surprised:

"What's going on with the product you shipped today? It's delicious."

"What do you mean by selling? Please don't objectify your brother-in-law, thank you. Anyway, my blood will probably be like this more often in the future. As for ordinary blood, you may not be used to drinking it in the future... Is it really so delicious?


Qin Ren is not a vampire, so naturally he cannot understand the difference between demon blood and ordinary blood.

"Well... let me give you a chestnut."

Cheng Siyu thought for a while:

"The blood used to be like fresh oranges, blended with water, but today's blood is like freshly squeezed orange juice at home, and it's the kind with real sugar to neutralize the sourness. Drink it

It tastes fresh and mellow, and it also provides a lot of nutrients~ Brother-in-law, can you understand this?"

"Well, just average..."

Qin Ren is actually still relatively vague:

"The main thing is that I don't drink orange juice very much, so I don't feel it."


As soon as Qin Ren said these words, Cheng Siyu's little face suddenly turned pink, his black eyes rolled, and he hugged his brother-in-law's waist with a sly expression:

"How about...I'll give you a taste of orange juice now~?"


The digestion activity after a meal always makes people intoxicated, but I don’t know why, maybe it has something to do with drinking the magic blood for the first time. Today at noon, Little Chengzi was extra energetic, enthusiastic, and very happy.

In the end, Qin Ren had even entered the state, but Little Chengzi still didn't stop, and his soft little hands even started intentionally or unintentionally...

However, Qin Ren didn't lose his mind yet. He subconsciously arched his body like a prawn to avoid Xiao Chengzi's small hand. At the same time, his big hand accidentally scratched at Cheng Siyu's back.


As a result, when Qin Ren grabbed it, Qin Ren suddenly caught something familiar and slippery.


Moreover, the moment the thing fell into his palm, the sister-in-law in front of him clearly felt his face heat up, and a layer of misty water suddenly appeared in his eyes.


This kind of reaction that was very familiar to Su Lili, coupled with the very familiar touch in his hand, made Qin Ren feel a little bit in his heart, so he turned his head slightly and gently moved the things in his hand to the front to take a look.

Sure enough, it was a long, black tail about the thickness of a thumb, with a triangular shape at the end.

This chapter has been completed!
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