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301 The most daring trick

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301 The most daring trick

"Hahaha! Facehugger? Hahaha..."

"Laugh at your sister! Do you want to listen or not?"

"Listen, Brother Ren, please continue..."

Leisure time is always short, and as time goes by, the workers start moving bricks again. After a full weekend of rest, Qin Ren comes to the company in high spirits. As soon as he presses the power button on the computer at the workstation, he turns around and immediately shares it with Zhou Chi

I remembered the weird dream I had yesterday.

"Damn, the nine-colored deer have come out, Ye Qing is back."

"It's really outrageous. I haven't had such a weird dream for a long time."

"That's it?"

Zhou Chi put down the Paper Man game in his hand, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips:

"My evaluation is that it is not as incredible as the dream I had last week."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"I feel a little ashamed to say that my dream was related to the story of the nun and the fish, but... well... the person in the dream was not the person who confessed to the nun, but the fish who was defiled by the penitent..."

"What nonsense?"

Qin Ren had not heard the story about the nun and the fish, but instinctively felt that what Zhou Chi had was not a serious dream, so he lost interest and returned to his work station.

"Good morning, Sister Dong~"

"Sister Juan is here too~"

"Good morning, Sister Huang~"

Qin Rengang stretched out at the workstation, and Little Chengzi also jumped to the company. As usual, he greeted the senior sisters who had already arrived, then sat down at the workstation and started to look through his bag.


After rummaging through it twice, I seemed to be looking for something but couldn't find it, so I took everything out of the bag one by one.

First take out a lipstick, then a lipstick, a button, a few receipts, a pair of disposable kilos, two mints, a pack of heart-to-heart tissues, two batteries, one No. 7 and one No. 5, and a few

A cotton swab, a small jewelry box, two pairs of unopened spare stockings, a few colorful cards, a pack of hairpins...


There were gradually more and more things on the table that Qin Ren could think of, and things he couldn't imagine. It was like setting up street stalls. Qin Ren's eyelids twitched when he saw them.

Girls' bags are like this. They don't look big, but they are actually as bottomless as a fourth-dimensional pocket. They contain all kinds of gadgets, and there are always one or two things you can't expect.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo Reading recently to catch up on books, change sources, and read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple.]

Finally, when a minion-shaped salt shaker was placed on the table, Qin Ren couldn't help but grab his sister-in-law's wrist:

"Engineer, what are you looking for? Can you please stop for a moment?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Just...can you explain why there is a bottle of salt in your bag."


It seemed that the answer should have been blurted out, but the sister-in-law was a sister-in-law after all. As soon as she opened her mouth, her eyes rolled back, her lips pursed back, and she raised a naughty smile:

"Qin Gong, can you guess?"

Qin Ren could never have guessed that a woman's bag is as deep in her mind as a woman's, especially when a bottle of salt appeared in the bag, it was like a needle appearing in the sea. Qin Ren touched his chin twice and could only follow the evidence.

With his own knowledge reserve, he guessed:

"It's not... exorcism, right?"


The sister-in-law laughed angrily at her brother-in-law, spat at him and lightly kicked him:

"Would you please listen to what you said for yourself?"

Qin Ren thought about it for a while and found out that salt was indeed said to exorcise evil spirits, but it was from an island country. People there believed in ghosts and gods, so carrying salt in your bag was considered common sense to a certain extent.

"Qin Gong, if others think of the customs of the island country, forget it..."

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