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Chapter 364 The Price of Immortality

Anyone who can become an exorcist must have abilities that are different from ordinary people, that is, superpowers.

For exorcists, superpowers are a trump card and a trump card. Generally speaking, they will not be used easily until the critical moment, let alone exposed to outsiders casually.

Although there is no iron-clad rule such as explicit regulations, it is recognized in the industry that the more powerful the power, the more severe side effects it is likely to have on exorcists, and the less likely it is to be used frequently.

Qin Ren, as an exorcist who used to be in the Chengdu area, naturally has a lot of skills.

After all, his "humane and worldly" exorcism philosophy was not established from the beginning, and not all monsters follow this approach from the beginning.

In the process of gradually becoming one with the monsters in terms of relationship, Qin Ren also inevitably became one with them physically.

The one time during this period that was truly life-threatening was also the first time Qin Ren used his powers.

After that experience, Qin Ren made a wish to God in his heart, hoping that he would never use his powers again in this life. In fact, this was indeed the case. From now on, Qin Ren would try his best to rely on him even when dealing with the most dangerous monsters.

Deal with it by means other than superpowers until you retire safely.

Qin Ren originally thought that he would never be able to use his powers again.

However, what he didn't expect was that after retiring, he actually wanted to use his powers twice, one more time than when he was an exorcist.

The first time was when Yu Ling'er's master and apprentice fought, and Su Lili risked her life to save someone in danger.

Of course, after using the miraculous [porridge therapy], it was over.

The second time is tonight.

But this time, Qin Ren inevitably used his superpower for the first time in a long time.

"You've already...died once, right..."


The vampire girl suddenly asked softly, which made Qin Ren stunned for a moment, and then he twitched the corner of his mouth and grabbed his hair:

"How well you know me...sometimes it's really unexpected..."

"You didn't answer me."

He was her first lover, and she was supposed to be the one who knew him best, the one who knew him better than Gu Qing. What was so unexpected?

At least that's what Su Lili thinks.

Therefore, the more he pretended to be careless, the more Su Lili felt a dull pain in her heart.

"Tell me...have you died once before...No, it probably isn't the first time, but at least it counts as tonight..."


Qin Ren hesitated to speak and opened his mouth. After a moment of silence, he gently hugged her over:

"When...did you..."

"I've noticed it a long time ago."

Su Lili interrupted him, her clear eyes still looking at him motionless, and her hands tightly wrapped around his waist:

"That time when the two snakes fought, even if I didn't take action, you would have been fine, right?"


"After I take action, if there is no way to eat porridge, you are going to use your life to save me like tonight, right..."

"Actually, that one is quite complicated, involving blood transfusion and so on..."

"Yes or no!"

The Vampire Queen's voice once again had a hint of crying. Qin Ren's heart softened and he nodded slowly:



Others didn't know, but Su Lili had already noticed it.

What was his first love thinking, what was in his first love's eyes, what stupid things would his first love do for himself and the women around him who were obviously superfluous?

Already noticed.

It was precisely because of this that he said those words to the two snakes at that time.

[...If one day, any of you are in danger of life or death, Qin Ren will probably pay a terrible price to save you...]

Now, this can be regarded as a prophecy, but the character has become Yun Wanhe.

"So, what's the price..."

"Hmm? What price?"

While he was still pretending to be stupid, Su Lili raised a hand and gently pressed it on his chest:

"Does it hurt..."


Qin Ren was stunned for a moment, and finally restrained his pretense of laxity. He nodded slightly and smiled bitterly:

"As I said before, your understanding of me is really unexpected... Could it be that in the blood world, you have something similar to say about my superpower?"


Su Lili nodded slightly, really:

"A long time ago in the blood world, there was a legend about a male celestial being who once existed."


Qin Ren was stunned. As far as he knew, the Blood Realm should be all female. Life was first born from the stone fetus on the Blood Essence Mother Stone, and then the Celestial Clan was responsible for gestating it. This was the first time he heard about the male Celestial Clan...


"That male Celestial Clan cannot give birth to stone fetuses and reproduce descendants of the blood realm like the female Celestial Clan. Only his body is extremely powerful and can be resurrected no matter how destructive it is."

When Su Lili said this, she quietly glanced at Chu Huan's face. It could be seen from his micro-expression that this description seemed to hit him hard.

"...All living beings have desires, and the people of the Blood Realm are no exception. Therefore, when the male Celestial Clan realized that he was immortal, during the Celestial Clan's already long life, he developed the desire to control the entire Blood Realm.

His huge evil thoughts, for this reason, a war broke out between all the creatures in the blood world against him alone..."

"But he can't be killed..."

Qin Ren took a deep breath:

"...Is there any point in war or something like that?"

"Yes. In fact, the war ended so quickly that everyone in the Blood Realm exceeded their expectations. In terms of earth's time concept, it only took about three days."

Su Lili raised three slender white fingers:

"In just three days, after the male Celestial Clan killed dozens of high-level people in the Blood Realm in a surprise attack, and three days after he declared war on the entire Blood Realm, he completely died under the magic of a Blood Clan elder."

"Wait? Die?"

Qin Ren frowned slightly:

"Isn't he... immortal? Who is the blood elder you mentioned?"

"That elder just has a noble status, and his level of magic is not even as good as that of a child."

"Then...then why..."

"He committed suicide."

Su Lili paused and said thoughtfully:

"The elder only used a minimalist ice pick technique and pierced his stomach with more than a dozen ice picks. At first, he successfully healed his fatal injuries and successfully resurrected, but gradually, after five ice picks, his mind began to become confused.

Chaos, by the tenth one, there was only fear and despair in his eyes... When the last ice pick pierced him, the eyes of that almost only male Celestial in the history of the blood world were completely empty and no life could be seen.

, he voluntarily gave up his resurrection and chose to die."


Qin Ren opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't ask why.

"At that time, no one knew why a powerful and evil madman suddenly made such a choice. It wasn't until the two patriarchs of the Blood Realm visited part of his memory that they found out that the price for his resurrection from the dead was


Su Lili's eyes were shining with clear water, and she stared into Qin Ren's eyes:

"It was the most extreme pain, the purest pain... In the words of the blood clan leader at that time, in that memory, the pain I felt when I died for the first time far exceeded the death itself. If I have to describe it,

, as if you were pouring hot mercury from your scalp into your entire body while you were very awake throughout the process..."


Qin Ren grinned after hearing this:

"Li, let's not use such a scary description, okay? It makes my skin crawl when I hear it..."

"There is something even more terrifying. The pain you endure every time you die and resurrect is twice as much as the last time you died and resurrected. At the end of the visit to the memory, another Celestial Clan leader accidentally felt the male Celestial Clan's pain.

The moment before her death, even if it was only for an instant, she lost all consciousness on the spot and became a living dead... Only then did everyone know that the reason why the male heavenly clan committed suicide in the end was entirely because he could no longer mentally

Unable to bear the pain of resurrection... Since then, the Blood Realm has officially banned all methods of gestating life except mother stones, in order to avoid the birth of unstable and overly powerful male individuals again...


It's said to be a legend, but if you listen to it all, it's equivalent to half of the real history of the Blood Realm.

"No wonder..."

Qin Ren gave a wry smile thoughtfully. It's no wonder that the vampire queen has such a sensitive intuition about the specific situation of her superpower, and even directly asked "does it hurt?"

It seems that any ability that is more heaven-defying, no matter which world it is in, will have the same heaven-defying side effects to balance it.

"It's just that, Lily, if you are worried about me and feel sorry for me because of this, then there is no need."

Qin Ren patted his chest:

"Although resurrection and other things... are indeed quite uncomfortable, but it is different from your legend. If I die once, it may be as painful as accidentally hitting the corner with my big toe. After all, I am a human being."

"Asshole! Idiot! You..."

Su Lili suddenly became anxious and wanted to speak, but stopped.



Su Lili lowered her head. Some of the things she wanted to say were obviously not suitable to be said in this situation because they were quite impactful.

"So this time...is this your first time..."

"the second time."


"Damn it, don't look like that. You look like you want to cry or not. I didn't feel much pain when I died, but now I feel more sad."

Qin Ren laughed and lowered his head to kiss the vampire girl on the forehead, but she pushed him away and then hit him on the chest with several pink fists:

"You're... you're already like this! You still have the mood to say all these things!"

"As you said, what happened to me? Isn't this all good..."

"What a great guy you are!"

The vampire girl burst into tears, and the tears she had held back for a long time finally overflowed from her eyes, and started to fall down like Yun Wanhe:

"Qin Ren, you are annoying! The most annoying!"

"not me…"

"You work so hard for other women...you don't even care about death, you don't even care about things more terrifying than death, just for other women! Qin Ren! You are simply the most hateful and annoying first hug of the vampire clan.


"It's really not true, Lily, I swear, apart from other women, for you, I will also..."

"You still said that!"

Su Lili hugged him tightly:

"You can't say that kind of thing, and I won't listen to it!..."


"I don't want...you to do such a thing for me again..."


"So... don't do this kind of thing again... don't die for anyone anymore..."


"Promise me, bastard..."

"Well, I promise you..."

Qin Ren raised his hand and gently wiped the corners of the vampire girl's eyes, as a guarantee of his promise to her, and kissed her cool red lips deeply.

Sincere and warm.

And calmly.

After all, this is not the first time he has deceived the girl he likes.

This chapter has been completed!
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