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047 Police car

 “It’s so hot!!!”

August seemed endless. Qin Ren was riding on the way to work, wishing he could carry Luo Yao to the company every day.

From the bottom of his heart, he envied the two girls at home who were not afraid of the heat.

One is a cold-blooded animal.

One is a cultivator.

When it comes to communicating with people who are practicing immortality, her answers are always as unworldly as her own temperament.

"Yourong, why aren't you afraid of the heat?"

"The simplicity of the road makes your mind calm and naturally cool."


Okay, what else can I say?

Qin Ren is neither fat nor weak, but he is the kind of person who would die if he left the air conditioner in summer.

Qin Ren thinks it should be related to global warming.

Some people say that global warming is the natural law of earth's climate change.

But it is true that the ozone hole over Antarctica is twice as big as last year this year.

Anyway, in my impression, summers in the past were not like this.

At least after they left the orphanage and moved to a large courtyard, Qin Ren and Gu Qing only needed one mat every summer.

The reason why the old squeaky fan is turned on at night is purely because the sister wants her brother to hold her to sleep, so it will slightly increase her body temperature.

Under normal circumstances, a piece of watermelon, a green tongue, and a pack of colorful ice cubes from Seven Dwarfs will make a summer pass refreshingly.

But it's different now.

Once the weather gets hot now, no matter how many popsicles he eats, Qin Ren will start to sweat as soon as he leaves the air conditioner or human body air conditioner.

Especially Qianhe Construction, a Sino-Japanese joint venture, always requires formal attire to be worn at work.

So when it's hot in the summer, Qin Ren sweats while riding a bike, sweats while walking, and even sits motionless at his workstation.

Of course, this specifically refers to when the air conditioner in the office is broken.

Such as today.


At 9 o'clock in the morning, Qin Ren was slumped in his office chair, like a half-dead fish washed up on the beach:

"Lend me your fan to blow for a while..."

"Where are you talking about your mother?"

Zhou Chi, who was on the opposite side, moved the small USB fan closer to him, and then pushed a pot of green radish on his side towards Qin Ren:

"Here, nature cools down."

"Get lost."

Qin Ren put the pothos aside and felt that the fabric backrest of the office chair was burning against his body, so he went to the conference room to change to a chair with a hollow metal backrest.

"Hey, Brother Chi, let me ask you a question."


"They say women are made of water, so why don't they like to sweat in summer?"

Zhou Chi, who was drawing a large-scale drawing, was stunned when he heard this and fell into deep thought.


It seems a little strange.

You often see men on the street with their T-shirts wet on the front and back, but this is rarely the case with women, especially when they even wear underwear under their T-shirts.

"I read online that women's sweat glands are more developed than men's."

"It's developed, but there's something you don't understand."

Zhou Chi's thinking became clear:

"I think it's not that they don't like to sweat, but it's that they don't get hot easily! If they get hot, they will definitely sweat more than men. The reason why you think they don't like to sweat is because they don't feel hot enough."

I see……

Qin Ren felt that what Zhou Chi said made sense, which is why soon after Yun Wanhe came, Qin Ren saw that she was still strolling around, and the flowing hair on her forehead showed no signs of being stuck.


"Hey, Sister Yun, aren't you hot?"


Yun Wanhe put down her bag and raised her hand to fan her face, but that was all.

Unlike Qin Ren and many other male colleagues in the company, who rolled up their sleeves and opened their collars, they were still sweating.

If it weren't for his frequent bathing and the long-term use of cologne-scented shower gel, Qin Ren estimated that he would be like Lei Laowu who dug the sewers in "Wulin Gaiden", and people would avoid him wherever he went.


"You're so hot..." Yun Wanhe turned on the computer and glanced at the fine beads of sweat in Qin Ren's open lapel.

"It's hot! It's so hot! Oh, I really want to take off my clothes..."


Yun Wanhe's throat moved, and her eyes were dazed for a moment, as if she was imagining something. When she came back to her senses, she knocked on the back of Qin Ren's chair:

"There seems to be some small fans left in the May Day lottery in Mr. Huang's office. Do you want them?"

"Yes, yes! Thank you, Sister Yun!"

Qin Ren's eyes lit up and he smiled:

"Hey, Sister Yun is still nice to me. The master-disciple relationship is so touching."

"Okay, small things can't be so exaggerated..."

Yun Wanhe stood up from the office chair, stroking her buttocks, muttering lightly, and walked towards the office with a brisk pace, her heels clicking, just like Cheng Siyu yesterday.

It is indeed a small matter, but women's hearts are also small, delicate and sensitive.

Just because of such a trivial matter, Yun Wanhe's mood suddenly became brighter than when Cheng Siyu first arrived yesterday. It felt like a boy at the same table borrowed his eraser when he was studying.

It's a little bit of interaction, knowing that he will forget about it after using the eraser, but he can still have a happy day.

Hmm...but speaking of it, Yun Wanhe has never sat at the same table with a boy since she was a child, and I don't know if this metaphor is accurate...

But that's not important. What's important is that Yun Wanhe is very lucky. The air conditioner broke today. Many people have secretly gone to Mr. Huang's office to take away the small fans, and there is just the last fan left.

Mr. Huang often doesn't come to the company, and it was the same today. Yun Wanhe picked up the small fan. Since it was the last one, he carefully checked whether there was anything broken. After checking, he walked back, but his brisk pace was approaching.

It gradually became heavier while working.

The newcomer who came yesterday, Cheng Siyu, arrived at the company at an unknown time and was standing next to Qin Ren holding an exquisite Doraemon fan.

Yun Wanhe's heart sank slightly.

It felt like the boy at the same table asked me to borrow an eraser, but he couldn't find it after turning it over for a long time, so he asked another girl to borrow it.

"Qin Gong~ Are you surprised?" A lively and playful smile bloomed on Cheng Siyu's face, just like Yun Wanhe's expression when she was a few years younger.

"Okay, where did you get it?" Qin Ren couldn't wait to plug the fan into the computer and turn it to the highest setting. It felt comfortable.

"I bought them, but I didn't know that the air conditioner was broken today, so I just bought two for a rainy day."

Cheng Siyu shook another small fan in the shape of Doraemon in his hand:

"Here, I'll use this."

Qin Ren is a person who knows how to live a good life, smacking his lips:

"There's no need to buy two for a rainy day, right?"

"Oh, don't use it then, I'll return one."

As Cheng Siyu said that, she went to pull out the wire, but Qin Ren immediately stopped her:

"No, no, no, no, Cheng Gong bought it well, bought it well..."

"not good."


"not good."

Yun Wanhe stood not far behind the two of them, looking at the small fan in her hand, her red lips pursed and loosened little by little.

On my second day here, I started arguing with the old employees...

Just pull and pull, my hands still touch each other from time to time...

Why are young girls today so... so lacking in self-love?


Yun Wanhe felt the same irritability as yesterday in her heart again. Her high chest rose and fell sharply. She walked over with a cold face, put the small fan on her desk, pulled up a chair and sat down.


When the minister arrived, Cheng Siyu, a new employee, immediately restrained his movements and sat back down at his desk next to Qin Ren.

"Sister Yun is back?"

Qin Ren didn't need to care about this anymore. He turned around and came to Yun Wanhe's side:

"Where's the fan? Hey, engineer just gave me one, and I'm going to get another one that shoots left and right. It's so cool."


He also shoots his bow from left to right...

Yun Wanhe sneered in her heart and didn't want to pay attention to him at all. She plugged a small fan into her computer and started blowing it.

"Uh... Sister Yun, aren't you feeling hot?"

"It's suddenly hot."

Sister Yun said casually, and then called Cheng Siyu over:

"Xiao Cheng, let me tell you the process of getting the land. You may have to get off work overtime today."

"Oh, alright."

Cheng Siyu began to look for notebooks and pens from his bag. Qin Ren felt strange and quietly leaned into Yun Wanhe's ear:

"Sister Yun, the newcomer will work overtime the next day...?"

Yun Wanhe's ears were a little hot from the hot breath from his lips, and her face was also a little hot, but she felt even more irritated because of his words:

"I want you to take care of it?"

"I don't care, I'm just asking..."

"The new guy works overtime, why are you so concerned?"

"No...I don't care, I just asked..."

"You are the minister and I am the minister?"

"…Who are you…"

"Then go back! Draw your picture!"


Qin Renxin said that Sister Yun seemed to be in a very unstable mood recently. She suddenly became serious again, and her style kept switching back and forth between a domineering president and an approachable one.

Could it be that like Luo Yao, a good friend is here?

With this possibility, Qin Ren didn't dare to talk nonsense. When he was about to get off work, he saw his sister-in-law poring over the pile of tables and drawings she had just learned with a sad face. He felt soft and was about to go over to help her explain or simply

Helping her with some of the work, Yun Wanhe's voice suddenly came from behind:

"What are you doing if you don't leave after get off work?"

"Oh, nothing."

Qin Ren turned around and laughed dryly:

"It's just to see Chenggong's first contact, and I want to help her see..."

"Need not."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Qin Ren seemed to see the minister frown slightly, and his mouth pursed slightly, but he was not very happy anyway.

"You go back and I will look at it for her."


Although his sister-in-law quietly showed a pitiful look towards him, Qin Ren could only silently express that he was helpless and that today's minister was not something he could handle, so he went straight home.


When going home, Qin Ren brought a cup of pearl milk tea.

"Thank you brother!"

This was the second day in a row that Qin Ren had brought her milk tea. Classmate Yu Yourong was so happy that as usual, he took Qin Ren's coat, hung it up, patted it, handed her his slippers, and then started to help him untie his tie.

"Where's Luo Yao?"

"Next door, play with Tang Bobo."

The only "refrigeration appliance" in the house was not there. Qin Ren was very annoyed and almost overheated. After simply changing into shorts and a T-shirt, he went next door to pick up Luo Yao.

"Ah, Yaoyao's brother."

"Hello, Sister Su. Sister Su is too polite. Just call me Qin Ren."

After knocking on the door, the person who opened the door was Tang Bobo's mother Su Yu. She was not wearing a black skirt today. She was wearing a pink T-shirt on the upper body and a pair of white slim-fitting cropped pants on the lower body.

This kind of pants is actually very demanding on a person's figure. If the legs are not straight or if they are fat or thin, they will look twisted when they are taken back, but Su Yu doesn't have it. The shape of her plump and slender legs is well outlined, revealing her small legs.

Half of her white and tender legs, and the gray lace shallow boat socks on her feet make her look like a married woman.

"Yao Yao, your brother is here."

She turned around and shouted, and then there was the sound of the door opening, and a certain Pixiu ran over with his bare feet pattering.

"Qin Ren Qin Ren~"

"Why don't you wear shoes?"


Anyway, his feet wouldn't be dirty, so Qin Ren wouldn't mind it if he wanted to sneak around, so Luo Yao didn't care about this kind of thing.

"What are you having for dinner~?"

“Braised Pixiu.”

She just knew how to eat. Qin Ren spanked her little butt gently. Although he knew it was impossible, he was still afraid of bleeding, and then he couldn't wait to pick her up.


Qin Ren's spine trembled and his whole body trembled. The human body air conditioner lived up to its reputation...

And compared with the strange smell blown out by the air conditioner, the sweet scent of Luo Yao's body is also refreshing.

"Sorry, Sister Su."

"No no."

Su Yu smiled softly, smoothed her ears and hair, revealing the metal earrings on her soft earlobes:

"It's not troublesome. Yaoyao often comes to stay with us, so we should welcome her more."

Although Su Yu is a single mother, she has a modest job in a state-owned enterprise, so she spends more time with her children than Qin Ren.

"Qin Ren, you haven't said anything yet, what should we have for dinner?"

Luo Yao was eighteen years old and was not a child. She would not believe that Qin Ren could really eat braised brave fish, so she started to ask questions again when she got home.

Qin Ren looked at the stock in the refrigerator at home and found that they were all vegetarian. Since he had something to eat today, he thought that he might as well go out to buy some meat before it got dark, but he found that there was a stop at the entrance of the community.

A car with flashing red and blue lights.

police car?

This chapter has been completed!
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