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Chapter 8 Towards the Abyss

 After the water element lord got the magic he wanted, he no longer cared about it. Hill didn't dare to listen to his gossip and left happily.

There has always been a feud between the abyss and the elemental world, and the water elemental lord did not want to make this rare trip and let the undead take away all the heads.

Hill silently concentrated on it, telling himself in his heart that he had not become a legend yet, so he must not be so gossipy.

Time flies so fast, and in a short time, most of the players have already gathered.

Maybe it was because most people had already jumped off, so they started to replenish the ice cap above their heads.

Hill communicated with Beech and was gently transported to a big tree with the best view, stopping in a small space surrounded by branches at the top.

Xueyunfeng suddenly ran over sneakily: "Mr. Hill, where are you? Can no one hear us?"

Hill saw him looking around, commanded a branch to roll him up and put him on a nearby tree, took out an isolation circle and released it, and then asked him: "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Adrian once sold an ice explosive bomb in the territory. Do you have any here?"

Hill knew that this thing was a waste product made by Adrian who re-researched various elemental crystals after learning about elemental decomposition with Hill.

After this thing explodes, it can only form an extremely cold and frozen environment of about 1,000 square meters. Water mages can use this bomb to create an advantageous environment.

But this thing is actually not very practical. How can a mage dare to use other people's elemental bombs? Don't blow up yourself first before the advantageous environment comes out.

Neither Adrian nor Fran liked water magic very much, so after Adrian became familiar with the various development of water crystals, he never did it again.

Hill asked strangely: "Uncle Adrian said that someone bought all the bombs. Is it you?"

"Yes, the various series of elemental bombs made by Mr. Adrian were sold in that month, and we bought them all.

I've been keeping it for more than a month! It was sold out as soon as it was put on the shelves. Many people didn't know that this thing was sold.

Mr. Hill, can you do it too?"

"Yes, I really have some." Hill touched the ring, "I knew I might have to face the devil, so I brought it with me." Adrian gave Hill a copy of the water and earth bomb formulas.

"Can you sell it to us?"

"There is no need to pay for dealing with demons." Hill took out a large box made of water crystal powder and floated it in front of Xueyun Peak. "There are only so many, and it's too late to do it now."

"That's enough, that's enough. We don't think we can get very far. Thank you, Mr. Hill!" Xueyunfeng happily put the box away, jumped down from the tree and ran away.

Hill had a question mark in his head: How far will it go? Are you planning to enter the abyss?

Hill couldn't help but look up at the sky. Although he could only see through the ice cover, he really wanted to know what the God of Time and Space was feeling now. Could his divine power be able to penetrate into the abyss?

This really puts him in good spirits.

He contacted the earth element lord: "Colendern, where are you?"

"We're almost at the gate of the abyss!" Colendern's voice kept getting louder, "It smells bad!"

"Where is the opening on our side?"

"After crossing the river for 100 meters, they asked me to open a small straight opening." Colendern said with a smile, "These undead are so smart! I will use this trick in the future!"

I can make a smaller one without the help of water.

As long as the distance between the two walls is narrow and the walls are strong enough, the momentum of the water will be really great!

I'll show it to the old guy from the fire department next time."

The water element lord asked quietly: "Is there water under the fire element?

If you give him a lava bath, it's not impossible."

"Aren't you going to have a meeting?" Colendern said, "I can find a good place to hold the meeting."

"You haven't held the meeting yet?" Hill asked almost uncontrollably. It's been more than a year, right?

"Ah, each ethnic group has been notified, and they have to hold a meeting to decide whether to come or not." Colendern said, "When they all decide to come, we will discuss the issue of where."

This is how the Ten Thousand Years Meeting started! Hill sighed sincerely: So you contacted the commander in my territory and asked him if he wanted to hold a meeting?

He decided not to live with these people for too long. He enjoyed everything he did and discussed meeting issues in a serious and meticulous manner. When the three small families in the territory held meetings, Hill would retreat to avoid being dragged into the audience: two lifetimes.

Altogether, I have never heard so much about the wheel, and I kept myself awake by poking my legs with ice needles.

"Ah! Let's see, it's right under the Gate of the Abyss. It doesn't matter if it's a little off. It's best to be able to get in with just one sprint." The Lord of Earth Element muttered to himself, and finally said to Hill: "Tell them,

I'm going up now and I'll be at the door soon. It's already very smelly!"

"Okay." Hill replied briskly: He also wanted to know how the players planned to get down to the tunnel.

He stood up and looked around. The players were lining up.

Look what he saw? Xueyunfeng stood on the open carriage.

He is using it as a command vehicle!

Hill found it useless and once wondered why players would buy it.

As a result, the person who bought it may have already thought of a use for it on the first day.

Hill shook his head. Does he no longer understand the thinking of players?

He summoned a leaf, carved "The soil is in place" on it, and let it float directly in front of Xueyun Peak and dance gently.

Xueyunfeng reacted quickly and grabbed the leaf, read the words on it, and jumped on the car twice with joy.

Hill watched him click on the tablet, but no one among the players left in groups.

But the mages made a move: they raised another earth wall inside the ice wall.

The demons looked on with disdain, taking advantage of the player's distraction to build an earth wall and smashing the ice wall desperately.

Hill figured it out: he was afraid that they would all leave. It was so hot here, what if the ice melted and poured into the territory!

Hill was in a daze. If this city was maintained well, it might still be very popular! What a fountain exterior!

Hill quickly directed several earth elements to go over and help: their crooked and ugly earth walls made his eyes hurt just by looking at them.

"Perfect bald head! Where are you!" Xueyunfeng shouted: "Take Hill's earth element to find some supporting points! Don't tell me that you studied in college for nothing!

Everyone else, wait a moment, don’t let the demon hit you first by smashing it to death!"

Hill looked at the little figure running out, smiled and told the earth element to follow his command.

"Luo Sanquan! Romance! Sui Chen!" the bald man shouted, "How can I study alone in such a short time? Come over and help me!"

Is this like attracting like? In one gang, there are three civil construction workers at the captain level alone!

However, you all made this decision temporarily!

Hill felt like he was complaining all the time, but it was a pity that there was no one around him to share with. He looked at the innocent Beech, thought about the chatty Elemental Lord, and finally could only hold the pendant to communicate with Sri.

"Sir," Sri said helplessly, "Do you want to follow the player into the tunnel? Absolutely not! You only have one life!"

"I didn't say that." Hill denied righteously.

"Every time you make excuses like this, you just want to go out." Sri said firmly, "If you really do this, I will try my best to contact Liszt. Mr. Adrian is still waiting there!"

"No, absolutely not." Hill denied Sanlian, "Really not! I will stay here honestly."

"You yourself have said that there are many undercover players." Sri finally said, "It's better to hide, isn't it?"

Hill felt aggrieved. He really hadn't thought about it! How could he not believe in himself so much?

He put down the pendant angrily and picked up the branches to watch the players build the wall.

It’s good to have more people! The thousand-meter-high wall was repaired so quickly. If you don’t look at the appearance.

Several of Hill's earth elements have been afraid to bubble in Hill's spiritual sea since the arrival of the earth element lord, but now they can't control it and complain again and again: Such an ugly wall has absolutely nothing to do with them!

Hill could only comfort them, saying that after the players leave, they can slowly repair it according to their own wishes.

After all, after the players finished building this ugly wall with three doors, they had already started setting fire to the wall: it was such a suffocating operation that the devil was really scared this time.

Unable to bear it, he threw another leaf and hit it on top of Xueyunfeng: The water mage can turn ice into water!

Water to ice and ice to water are talents, not skills. Players at the wizard level, as long as they can freeze, will definitely light up this talent.

Hill once thought that they only used ice because they disliked the slow speed of water melting into ice, but it seemed that they had no idea at all.

Otherwise, why do people have to use defensive formations? Whether it is an earth wall or an ice wall, they can both be built and demolished!

Xueyunfeng grabbed the leaf, looked at it, looked back, smiled and called a water mage over and asked a few questions.

Finally, he picked up the loudspeaker and said, "I'm not the water type, so I don't know the skills. Why did you switch to the water type to learn? Are you unbearably lonely?"

Can't you melt ice into water? Ah? Find the talent page and click on it! Take it out and use it quickly!"

Hill watched as a bunch of mages put their hands on the city gate and began to use their skills, and then were very happy to be killed by the demon who smashed through the wall in an instant.

"Where's the knight? Stop it quickly!" Xueyunfeng shouted angrily: "Are you blind? Can't you see that the wall is about to break? Your death will be in vain!"

No, they just think it's fun to melt ice into water. Hill helped these players answer: He has seen the resurrected water mages, smiling and holding water balls, tossing back and forth to melt ice and water. A group of people are comparing whose

Whose water polo is bigger if you are faster?

Xueyunfeng was roaring: "Who the hell melted all the ice underneath! Knight of the Sky! Jump over and hold on!

Earth type, hurry up and build the bridge while there is still some ice down there! Do you still want me to teach you step by step?

If you need me so much, pass your hand over! I don’t care how many times you touch it!”

In the midst of chaos and chaos, hundreds of lives were lost. Finally, the bridge was repaired, the knights withstood it, and Xueyunfeng's chariot rushed out of the city gate.

Hill stood up and stared closely. The players were about to reach the entrance.

The sky knights walked to that place step by step with their big shields on their backs. They behaved very normally. They just held their big shields up and waited for the mages to clear away the flying demons in the sky.

Hill noticed that Xueyunfeng's carriage was parked on the right side of that position. Unless he was staring at it from a high place like Hill, he would never notice that the swordsmen following Xueyunfeng's carriage began to

After a while, someone disappears.

After all, there were many swordsmen who rushed behind the knight and jumped up to draw their swords. Of course, there was no return of the sword, leaving a lot of demons scratched to death and burned to death.

They were stuck there for half an hour, killing all the flying demons in the air before they continued to move forward.

A thousand meters further, after exiting this hall, there is a wide tunnel. However, no matter how wide the road is, it is like a winding path against the backdrop of hundreds of thousands of troops. The long queue of the player army is enough

It took more than an hour to disappear from Hill's eyes.

Silently watching the water element lord follow Xueyunfeng's car, Hill could only sit down quietly. Just now Xueyunfeng dropped off about 3,000 swordsmen, 500 mages, and 100 priests.

Priests are always mixed in with mages, so do swordsmen have any skills that can prevent them from falling to death?

But it only works for a short time or it's very troublesome, otherwise they won't fall to their death.

Hill touched the tip of his nose. He had to read the introduction of the swordsman when he got back.

Fen Mo Wu Xin did not follow, she stayed in the territory to take charge of defense.

After all, this is still the territory of Black and White Road, and the Lord's Mansion still needs someone to take charge.

Hill watched the girl loudly ordering people to seal the city gate first, and then tried hard to communicate with the earth element. There were probably some places that needed to be engraved with defensive formations. She hoped that the earth element could convert those places first.

Although the earth element wanted to repair the entire city wall more smoothly, Hill still asked them in the spiritual sea to listen to Fen Mo Wuxin's command first.

The girl saw that the reluctant earth element had changed its attitude so quickly. She quickly responded and faced the direction of Hill's woods, smiled broadly, and bowed gently.

Although there are many earth mages following her, the innate skill of turning mud into earth, which is the earth element, is incomparable to human mages, let alone players whose skill effects are almost fixed.

Fen Mo Wuxin probably also understood why the earth element was dissatisfied with the wall, and quickly made arrangements. The earth mages stood separately, trying to repair the wall to a smooth point, and then waited for the earth element to accept it.

Hill didn't care about these things. After all, many of the large number of scattered people who were stranded in the territory had already come to take a stroll in his grove.

Although Xueyunfeng also arranged for people to guard the outside of the woods before leaving, the number of people was still a little smaller. There were not many players who were willing to give up the battle and stay here.

Their defensive circle leaked many people.

For players, there is definitely no problem when there are many people, but when there are few people, it is completely dependent on consciousness, and it is impossible to listen to six directions and see in all directions all the time.

Hill concentrated on communicating with Beech and separated the trees into several areas. These players could be killed with at most 2 tree leaves.

It cannot be wasted and precise attacks are required.

From machine gun shooting to AK point killing, it still requires some skills, and Hill was very excited.

Looking at the player who was slowly groping under the tree, trying to find Hill's whereabouts, Hill closed his eyes and said: "The second tree on the left, let go!"

This chapter has been completed!
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